
the golden trio

Few days later, ravenclaw dorm


Terry burst out of nowhere while I was sitting in the common contemplating the meaning of existence. I was startled out of it and chuckled:"someone's excited."

Terry was jumping up and down like a child on sugar rush(which I guess he WAS! ) and replied:"of COURSE I'm excited! Hogwarts Halloweens are supposed to be LEGENDARY! I know they have let me down before. But NO one can ruin Halloween!"

I smiled back forcibly while my mind went towards a certain troll in the dungeon. But hey, a boy can hope.

"this is your first Halloween, huh! " Padma said looking at me curiously.

I shrugged:"well not exactly! Muggles also celebrate Halloween, but they are much more.... Capitalistic!"

Terry suddenly asked with wonder:"is it true that muggles actually send their children to steal candies from neighbours on Halloween!"

"NO!" I replied horrified.:"Muggle parents just send their children to go around asking house to house for... Actually that's worse."

While I was contemplating the horrors of Halloween that I hadn't noticed before Flitwick suddenly came into the common room catching everyone's attention. He suddenly cast a sonorous charm on his throat and announced:"ALL CHILDREN, MOVE TOWARDS THE GREAT HALL! LET THE HALLOWEEN CELEBRATIONS, BEGIN!!"


soon we were all in the great Hall munching down on the Halloween feast. The table was drowning with delicious food, being delivered, as instantly as they were being eaten, by the house elves. Thousands of apparational pops resounded as elves came and go instantly delivering the food items with speeds hardly traceable by human eyes.

But my mind was hardly in the feast. For days an issue had been stewing in my mind. The conversation I had overheard that fateful day. The golden duo, not only did not become friends with Hermione, but also hated her. This was a nightmare.

I had done everything in my power to push forth the formation of the golden trio. But it was no closer to happening than the beginning of this year.

The golden trio was a necessity. No matter how powerful Neville is he could only do so much without a researcher. They needed each other.

But all hope wasn't lost. From the beginning of this year I had been noticing time forcing certain events to transpire, such that cannon stays true. In cannon the child of prophecy and Ron hated Hermione til they saved her from the troll. So if that was true then today was the day the golden trio will be formed.

But the feast was almost over and yet there was no sign of the troll. I kept looking at the entrance of the great Hall warily waiting for quirellmort to come. Slowly one by one the plates were disappearing. The feast was coming to an end.

I looked over to the gryffindor table. Hermione was missing. Neville and Ron was eating the feast laughing with joy. The clock was ticking. I started to grow wary.

Suddenly a sound I had been waiting to hear resounded the great Hall.


My head snapped to the source of the voice a smile splitting on my face. Quirellmort ran through great Hall gasping for air, screaming at the top of his lungs.


While the great Hall fell into panic I saw the golden duo looking alarmed. Dumbledore announced to evacuate into the dorms, causing the great Hall to rush out of the great Hall. I saw in the corner of my eyes two boys escaping through the chaos to elsewhere. I smiled at that and followed the crowds to go towards my dorm.

Suddenly I slowed in my steps, my smile dimming.

'she will be fine' I assured myself 'the golden trio is with her. '

I forced myself to walk but the weight of the world seemed to weigh me down.

'she is fine in the original timeline. She will be fine now!'

Hermione's face came into my mind. I clenched my fists in anger. My innards screamed in agony fighting a battle with myself.

Finally I sighed. My eyes sharpened as I looked around. I quickly slipped right into the chaos disappearing into the crowd.


Soon I was following the golden duo keeping a safe distance from them using the marauders' map. I made zero contact with them whatsoever. I had no intention to help them unless it was absolutely necessary. But I had to make sure that Hermione was safe. So I decided to follow them.

Neville rushed forth Ron trailing not far behind. They crossed floors quickly and soon a horrendous stench hit me. It was disgusting on a level that was almost impossible. The Troll was near.

Suddenly I heard a shrill shriek causing my heart to sink. Immediately Ron and Neville rushed forth towards the shriek reaching the girls restroom.

Suddenly I saw it.

A towering magical monstrosity. It's body was filled with filth causing the God forbidden stench. It's muscles were as big as barrels and it held a club nearly as big as me. This monster was in many ways the anti aragog. Strong in place of fast. Dumb in place of smart. Physical strength in place of magical abilities. The worst monster to fight in close quarters like this bathroom stall.

I immediately hid behind a pillar to not let Ron and Neville know of my presence.

Neville saw this magical monstrosity and did not falter. He said to ron:"stand back!"

Ron nodded and backed off.

The Troll seemed unaware of all of this it's eyes solely focused on Hermione's stall. Neville slowly drew his wand. He took a deep breath taking a stance. The Troll began to raise it's club readying to attack Hermione's stall.

Immediately a green flash burst out reaching the club. The troll slammed down the club with all its strength. But it didn't budge. It dumbly looked up seeing a green vine wrapped around it's club, originating from the Neville's wand tip. It tried to pull back it's club groaning, but it was useless.

Neville flicked his wrist. Immediately the club started smoking at the places where the vine was wrapped. The club fell into ground with a thud, in three pieces smoking at its edges.

The Troll's eyes went wide. Suddenly it realized happened. Instantly it turned enraged its face scrunching up. It turned to face Neville roaring running towards him like a juggernaut.

Though it was slow the very floor cracked from its sheer power. Neville saw this and took up a stance. Immediately he extended his wand tip. Another green blur and a whip like sound resounded. The Troll wailed in agony and stumbled back.

Again, it's anger furthered, as it roared, rushing towards the child wizard blindly. I felt immense magic mobilising as it rushed forth with unbelievable power generated from its growing anger. The very air started crackling from the energy release causing the bathroom to shake. This time Neville didn't immediately attack. Heclosed his eyes and focused. Magic rushed to his wand tip, lighting it up brighter than any lumos could. Just when the troll was right above him he flicked his hand.

Three eardrum shattering pops resounded creating a sound wave blast. Every window in a fifty meter radius was shattered into powder, causing me to clutch my ears in pain. The Troll was thrown back three meters, where it sat clutching it's bleeding eardrums, painfully groaning.

I watched in wonder as Neville closed the distance in a singular magic burst reaching the troll. He instantly stabbed his wand at the troll, who was staring at all of this dumbly.

Immediately green vines sprouted from his wandtip encasing the troll in a green prison. The Troll tried to pry it off, but it was of no use as it spread rapidly covering every part of the troll. The Troll wailed trying to escape, but all attempts were futile in front of green prison.

Soon the cries stopped. In place of the troll stood a cocoon of green vines. Neville took his wand out, gasping and sweating. He then sat on the ground smiling victoriously.

From the corner of my eye I saw Hermione looking at this scene with stars in her eyes. I inwardly booyahed. Finally the golden trio had formed.

I vaguely saw Ron running towards Neville in concern. But I paid it no heed. I looked at the map and saw Mcgonall approaching the scene now. Time to let history take it's course. I immediately ran from the scene, undetected, towards my dorm, with a smile.

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