
Summoning - Part 2

After Orsted had left, everyone else in the house was able to calm down considerably. I tried my best to explain how his curse worked to them, but they still didn't trust him. That curse sure is powerful.

For my second attempt at summoning a guardian beast I decided to wait until everyone was home and explain what I was doing before the summoning. I conjured a small stone platform in our back yard and placed the scroll in its center. Everyone watched as I walked to the center of the platform and reached down to pour mana into the scroll.

'Hmm... Orsted had called this a Guardian Beast. Perhaps I should have imagined some sort of animal, something that would mesh well with my family, like a family pet. But what kind of animal? If it's meant to be a pet then a dog or cat would be the best. I can't imagine a cat would make for a very good guard though. Yes, a good and strong guard dog is what I need.'

As I began pouring mana into the circle I focused an image of the strongest and noblest guard dog in this world.

The magic circle emitted the same dazzling light as before, only this time I didn't feel the same resistance to the spell as when I summoned Arumanfi. What emerged from the fading light this time was a huge canine creature with soft, beautiful, silver fur.

"It's adorable!", Aisha exclaimed.

"This thing is supposed to protect us?", Paul asked skeptically.

"It definitely looks confident", Zenith admitted.

"At the very least, it definitely looks more intelligent than your average beast", Lilia said. It was hard to tell how Lilia felt about it. Her face showed no emotion neither good nor bad.

"He's perfect!", Sylphy yelled out. "I can't imagine a better guardian for our house."

"I've got to admit that I'm partial to him as well. Although... I can't help feeling like I've seen this pup somewhere before..."

"Woof!", the dog barked before licking my face.

'Ugh, gross! What does this dog take me for a piece of meat?'

"Wait! I remember now!"

I turned towards the huge pup and spoke to it in Beast-God tongue.

"Are you perhaps the Sacred Beast that I met in Dedoldia Village?"

"Woof!", he barked once again as the Sacred Beast bobbed its head up and down.

'Crap. If they find out I stole away their Sacred Beast they will be livid. It's such a shame though. The pup and I really got along well. Maybe I should just keep him anyway? What are the Dedoldia going to do about it? They're on the other side of the world.'

I spoke in Beast God tongue once again.

"Sacred Beast, do you possess the power to protect my family from any calamity that may befall them?"


The Sacred Beast barked proudly and puffed its chest out. It was as though he were saying "Leave everything to me!" It leapt off the summoning platform and pressed its body up against mine lovingly.

'Ahh, he's so soft, and loving too. That settles it. We're keeping him! If the Dedoldia ever find out I'll just blame it on Linia and Pursena.'

"Are you talking to it? Can you speak to animals?", Norn asked curiously.

"Um, not exactly", I answered. "I met this pup once before in the Great Forest. He's very intelligent and can understand the language they speak there."

"That's amazing!", Norn exclaimed. "What a smart dog! We're going to keep him, right?"

"Of course!", I agreed. "He's our precious guard dog. He'll keep our family safe from any harm."

"Are you sure you're ready for a pet?", Zenith questioned. "It's a lot of work. You have to feed and brush them every day. I'm not having Lilia clean up after him!"

"I do not mind", Lilia said with a smile.

"Yeah! Let's keep him", Aisha yelled out.

"Is he potty trained?", Paul questioned skeptically.

"Woof!", the Sacred Beast barked out. It seemed like he was saying "Of course I am!"

I looked seriously towards the Sacred Beast and he responded in kind.

"From this day forth, your name is Leo!"

Leo licked my finger that I had pointed towards him and rubbed his head against my hand.

"Leo, now that I have summoned you here, you are now my servant", I said in Beast God Tongue. "Your only duty is to protect my family. Understood?"

"Woof!", he barked back cheerfully.

"Leo, allow me to explain in more detail about what your employment here entails. You're going to have to wear a tagged collar and live in a dog house like any other canine. If anyone suspicious appears, you are to bark loudly to get our attention and bite them if you deem necessary."

I appreciated that Leo was far more intelligent than your average guard dog. It gave me the confidence that he would only attack those who actually held malicious intent. It also helped that this world didn't have the same concept of lawsuits and as long as I healed anyone who was injured I was confident everything would work itself out.

"If any attackers are too strong for you to safely incapacitate you have my permission to kill them, but your first priority should always be to alert all of us here by barking loudly. You will have three meals a day and permission to take naps whenever you want as long as you remain vigilant at all times. If you so desire, we will also take you for walks around the city when you like. If you find these conditions for employment acceptable, please bark twice."

"Woof! Woof!"

Leo barked twice and bobbed his head in agreement.

"One more thing. It goes without saying, but if you ever do anything to harm my family..."


His throat rumbled as though he were offended by the mere idea.

"Great! Then our contract is sealed. Now let's shake on it to make it official."

I reached out my hand and he promptly offered up his paw.

"That is sooo cool! You really need to teach me how to speak dog", Aisha said as she watched the spectacle in awe.

I had Leo's name engraved on a leather collar that I had a craftsman make specifically fitted for him. I also had a large doghouse built for him.

Lilia and Aisha took him for daily walks through the town and Norn volunteered to take responsibility for feeding him each day. Leo was incredibly intelligent and heeded whatever my family asked of him to the utmost of his ability.

Luna, who made a point of stopping by our house to say hello on her way home from school each day, absolutely adored Leo. She and Therese were making more and more frequent visits to our house so that they could play with him. Leo seemed to understand our relationship and acknowledged the two of them as family as well.

Make no mistake though, Leo was not some mere pet. He took his security job seriously. He could often be found guarding our front gate. Occasionally, he would make rounds throughout our house just to make sure everything was alright. He would even walk Sylphy to school on days when she didn't leave together with me.

Leo's presence in our house offered me a surprising amount of comfort. Orsted himself did say that the guardian beast should be enough to protect my family after all. I think everyone agrees; Leo is a welcome addition to our family.

I want to do something unique for the 100th chapter. Maybe a side story or flashback? I'm not sure.

Let me know if you guys have any ideas!

Coolexcreators' thoughts
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