
Chapter 137

Hogwarts: Start Fusion Phoenix Bloodline Chapter 137

Especially with Dumbledore's permission, Newt brings his suitcase into the classroom and lets the students go to the world inside the box and visit the various magical animals inside, so that everyone will linger!

Even Professor Kettleburn, the fantastic animal teacher, laughed and complained that Newt had robbed him of the limelight, and now the students were complaining about his class, which was not as interesting as Defence Against the Dark Arts.

For the purpose of friendship, Peter actively asked the reclusive Professor Scamander for advice. He also contributed his phoenix to attract the attention of this fantastic animal lover, and finally successfully made friends with Scamander.

The days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the end of the term.

The students were caught up in a busy revision phase, and the professors seemed to be trying to cram all their knowledge into the empty heads of these students in a short period of time, and assigned a lot of homework.

Only Peter is still very idle to go to the library to read extracurricular books, which is in stark contrast to the classmates around him.

"Ah, I'm going crazy!" George scratched his hair frantically, looking nowhere to maneuver against the deformation.

"Quiet point, this is the library! Mrs. Pince has seen it! Watch out for him throwing you out! Alan quickly reminded.

At this time the five of them were sitting together, doing thick homework.

Peter's small group was very distinctive in the school, with members including Slytherin, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff!

Personalities also vary: the twins are lively, Ellen is somewhat arrogant and cunning, Cedric is shy, and Peter is calm. But they all took Peter as the intersection and gathered together to form a group.

There used to be Gryffindor students who were not used to the twins playing well with Slytherin students, and they were undercover in the academy who were Slytherin. As a result, when I went to the toilet the next day, I was covered with a cloth bag and beaten.

Then the student ran to Professor McGonagall with a blue nose and a swollen face, saying that the Weasley twins had done it!

But in fact, the twins were in confinement in Professor McGonagall's office at this time, and there was no time to commit crimes, so the matter was not resolved.

But in fact, it was Done by Allen, who admitted it afterwards, saying that he was not used to such rumor-mongers.

Since this incident, the twins and Ellen have not been as polite as before, and gradually become true friends.

And the shy little badger Cedric, also easily integrated into the group, became a member of it.

For their group, the professors expressed their approval after initial surprise.

Professor McGonagall, in particular, initially feared that the group would bully others like the former Four of the Robbers (the James Potter Four). But under Peter's leadership, the group was completely relieved to show its friendliness to the outside world.

Only Professor Flitwick was a little dissatisfied, thinking that Peter and his group should have at least one Ravenclaw friend, so that they could put together four colleges!

"Why can't you be so idle, Peter?" Fred saw Peter leisurely looking at the extracurricular books and couldn't help but envy him.

"If you can master all the knowledge of the first grade, and then after each class, finish the homework in time, you can be as easy as me!" 」 Peter said without looking up.

"I can guarantee that by the time of the final exams, Peter's grades will definitely be the first!" Those Ravenclaw nerds must be no better than him! George said affirmatively.

"I still use you, but the Ravenclaw students seem to be quite dissatisfied." I've heard others say that Ravenclaw's seniors have been helping with their first-grade revision homework these days! Want to hold Peter down in the final exam! Alan said with a gossipy face.

"Then they are doing useless work!" Peter was able to recite all these books backwards! Cedric said with a smile, obviously confident in Peter.

The time soon came for the final exams.

The first test is the theoretical knowledge of each subject, and in order to prevent students from cheating, professors issue special quill pens for them to take the test.

The first section is the Transfiguration Theory Exam, which is selected from the textbook, so Peter easily fills in all the answers. In less than half an hour, Peter, who was done, reached for the roll!

In the astonished eyes around him, Peter handed the scroll in his hand to Professor McGonagall.

"No more check checks?" Professor McGonagall asked, looking unsurprisingly. After all, Peter is a school bully, and he is already known to everyone!

"I've checked it twice and found no problems, so I turned in my papers!" Peter replied calmly.

"Okay, then you should leave first!" Don't forget the afternoon practical exams! Professor McGonagall smiled at Peter, a good student that every teacher liked.

Peter nodded, and walked out of the examination room in the eyes of many students who were broken and envious.

"Ah, is this guy hitting me? I couldn't even remember the Gamp's Law of Transfiguration, but he did it in half an hour! To die for! One student looked frantically at the rolls on the table.

"Quiet! If you're done like Peter York, you can hand it over!" Professor McGonagall said, but looking at some students who couldn't do it and wanted to hand in their papers, their expressions became serious, and said, "But if you don't achieve e grades in advance, then you can follow the next grade students next semester and take another grade Transfiguration class together!" "

The students below suddenly stopped and obediently sat in their seats and pondered, trying to squeeze a little knowledge out of their empty heads.

In the afternoon transfiguration practice exam, students lined up outside the classroom, waiting for the professor to call in and take the exam.

When it was Peter's turn to enter, Professor McGonagall smiled and said to him, "I know that the first-year content is not difficult for you, so now you show me your most successful Transfiguration." If it amazes me, on top of a perfect score, I'm considering giving you extra points! "

Peter thought for a moment, then aimed his wand at a cup on the table, and nodded, and the cup instantly turned into a very beautiful yellow oriole bird, and with a cheerful chirp, it flew around and landed on the table!

Professor McGonagall was very surprised to pick up the table, the yellow oriole that came alive, after a closer look. Very happy to say: "Very good! I didn't expect that you had already practiced transfiguration to the point where a dead thing became a living thing! "

"I can only do this, and something that gets bigger will fail!" Peter said dissatisfied.

Professor McGonagall twitched at the sound of his mouth, and the student did not know whether he was really modest or at Versailles. Such transfiguration was far superior to that of his students in the same grade!

Professor McGonagall then gave Peter a perfect score, then smiled and said to him, "I would like to invite you to join my Transfiguration Club and start working on more advanced Transfiguration with the other members next semester!" I don't know if you want to? "

"Transfiguration Club?" Peter looked at Professor McGonagall in amazement, then nodded happily, "Of course I do, Professor McGonagall!" "


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