
Whispers of Dread

"Xiviyah, what is it? Please, wake up!" 

I came out of the vision slowly, groggily opening my eyes to find Korra peering anxiously down at me. She held me tight in her arms, holding me close enough I could feel her rapidly palpating heart beating against my breast.

"I'm…alright," I groaned, rubbing a horn. 

Visions were never easy, especially when I didn't have a few hours of sleep to come out of it. This time especially though felt rough, perhaps because of the forced nature. The Oracle of Eternity proved yet again its differences from the Eyes of Fate. Instead of just warning me of incoming ripples in fate, it allowed me the chance to see them. With all of my practice controlling my visions, I could have stopped it had I really wanted to. Now, after witnessing the coming conflicts, I was grateful I hadn't.

Korra smoothed a strand of crimson hair away from my face. "What happened? You just collapsed, and I…um, didn't know what to do."

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