
I'm actually a hero...

Time passed slowly, with each day proceeding as the first. After a few attempts at communication, I soon gave up trying to learn anything from the other slaves. Even if Kaitlyn weren't there, most would hush me the instant I opened my mouth, casting fearful glances at the door.

But it was the ones who didn't that quickly taught me to keep to myself. They were clearly insane, driven to the edge by the dark, and almost always promised me some horrible end. Occasionally, if they were feeling bored enough, they'd spend the next few minutes explaining in excruciating detail how exactly they predicted I might meet my end.

But it was Kaitlyn herself that finally convinced me that talking was a mistake. She was rather attentive and appeared frequently to reprimand and beat those who were too loud. After watching a few slaves end up at death's door, I decided it would be safer to remain quiet.

Trapped in that horrible solitude, the days blended into weeks. Occasionally, the drudgery was broken by the creak of the warehouse door, and Kaitlyn appeared to escort new slaves into the cages. It had seemed packed when I arrived, but after several weeks, perhaps even months, not a single cage was empty. Even when a slave died and their corpse was dragged out, the cage was quickly filled the next trip. 

More than once, I was envious of those who slipped away like that, half wishing the next time I fell asleep, I wouldn't wake up. But the small hope kindled by my rebirth kept the despair away. Perhaps, one day, this would end, and I could find that the life Fate promised was waiting for me.

On one fateful day, the door to Kaityln's chambers opened. I didn't react at first; I rarely did to anything anymore. That changed when I noticed the absence of the food cart. Instead, she was moving from cage to cage, taking notes in a leather-bound notebook. When she stood outside my cage, I shrank back, tail curling anxiously around my feet, not daring to meet her eyes. Fortunately, all I got was a muttered curse and a barely a sentence. 

Nothing seemed to change after her inspection, and I soon forgot about it. The daily pain and loneliness grew tiring, and sometimes, I lacked the motivation to even open my eyes after waking up, spending entire days just lying on the floor. Other times, I let my mind wander, dreaming of the adventures the other heroes must be having. Just what were they finding in this strange, new world? Did they have kings and dragons? Could magic do more than just light up little crystals?

The council of the gods felt like a distant dream, but I knew that if I had come to a new world, they must have as well. Perhaps they were even looking for me, trying to assemble the full team of heroes the gods sent to save the world.

Sometime, perhaps a week after the inspection, the warehouse doors opened, and Kaitlyn walked in accompanied by a blonde-haired woman. The guest was dressed in fine clothing, with a long skirt and embroidered blouse. She wore a silver rose pinned onto her lapel and carried herself like the high-class women of my previous world. Could the long months of waiting be over? Might this finally be a buyer?

Kaitlyn acted as the guide, showing her around the cramped aisles and, referring to her notebook, sharing tidbits about any of the slaves she took an interest in. They spoke more like they were discussing cattle at the market than human, er, humanoid beings. Neither of the women had the faintest spark of pity when they gazed at us in our squalor.

Soon, they made their way down the alley toward me. I shifted anxiously, my tail finding the strength to twitch back and forth as I watched them approach. After months of this hell, I finally had a chance. Who knew when another opportunity would present itself.

Months of silence had left my voice hoarse from disuse, but I didn't hesitate as I pressed up against the bars, slipping my hand out to wave for her attention. As they both noticed me, her with a raised eyebrow and Kaitlyn with a deep frown, my heart felt strangely calm. It was now or never.

"E-excuse me," I stammered, "I...I need help. I'm actually a hero, and-"

That was as far as I got before Kaitlyn seemed to materialize in front of my cage, eyes smoldering with fury. She shouted something at me in the language I didn't understand, kicking the cage and sending me sprawling back.

"Please, listen to me, I'm not a-"

Seeing her kick didn't shut me up; Kaitlyn snatched a key from her belt and jammed it into the lock. The noblewoman stepped back in surprise as the slaver ripped the door open, covering her mouth with a delicate, gloved hand.

"W-wait! I'm a hero!" I cried, fighting as she reached in and grabbed me by the collar.

Kaitlyn screeched something else at me and dragged me out, sending me rolling across the floor. Before I could scream, much less recover, she stalked over and planted a kick in my stomach, driving the breath from my lungs. I gaped, gasping for air, and doubled over. More kicks followed, slamming into my side, back, and stomach with the fury of a storm.

I curled into a ball and sheltered my face, finally managing to scream as my breath returned. Bruises sprouted across my body like flowers, turning my skin a blotchy purple. A particularly sharp kick slammed into my ribs, and sharp pain tore through my side as a rib snapped, breaking through my flesh. A spurt of scarlet blood arced through the air, splattering across the ground, just missing the lady.

The pain was overwhelming, but as my vision began to fade, the blonde woman placed a hand on Kaitlyn's arm, halting the assault. My spirit rose at her intervention, but one look at her face crushed my hope. There was no pity or righteous indignation to be found there, only disgust.

"This is a new blouse," she said, frowning as she fingered the costly silks of her sleeve, "I imagine it's worth more than this slave's life, and I'd hate to see her blood stain it."

Kaitlyn froze, her heel still planted on my chest. After a second, she quickly regained her composure and stepped away, bowing her head. "Forgive me, I acted rashly."

The noblewoman sniffed. 'Fortunately, I managed to step back in time, so no compensation will be required."

Kaitlyn sighed, losing some of her tension. "Thank the gods. In that case, why don't we continue? For your convenience, I'll wait to finish disciplining this slave."

Nodding imperiously, the blonde moved on to the next cage, stepping over me with disgust. I lost all hope entirely as she began inspecting the next inhabitant without another look back.

I yelped as rough hands grabbed my arms and dragged me up, sending a wave of fire through my side. Blood dripped from the protruding bone, leaving a trail behind us as she dragged me back to my cage. Darkness speckled my vision, waves of excruciating pain nearly stealing my consciousness.

Kaitlyn cursed again, shaking me violently as blood splattered over her hands. She was surprisingly strong and handled my emaciated body with ease, stuffing me back into my cage and locking it. She glanced at her bloody hands and let out an irritated huff.

"I'll return in a moment, Arriane," she said, heading toward the stairwell. "Continue on without me."

"Aren't I already?" the blonde woman replied snidely.

I touched my side, nearly blacking out again as I rubbed the inch-long fragment of bone breaking through the skin. I ran through everything I'd heard about injuries like this, but nothing came to mind. I tried to press on the wound and at least stop the bleeding, but that only aggravated the pain and sent another spurt of blood running down my side.

"Your dress," a voice whispered behind me.

The words came muddled through my panic, and I stared down blankly at my dress, unable to understand what the voice referred to.

Tear your dress," it hissed again. "Use it like a bandage."

They sounded masculine, and their deep voice had a calming effect. Without hesitating further, I grabbed the frayed cloth of my skirt and tore it along a seam. Wrapping it around my ribs, I tried to tie the knot, but the constriction tore another scream from my lips. I tried again, but my trembling fingers couldn't muster the required strength.

"Let me do it," the voice said.

I pushed myself up against the wall nearest the voice and presented the ends of the makeshift bandage. Strong hands took them from me, and I winced as he adjusted the bandage.

"Quiet," he hissed. "Or do you want her to come back?"

The slave pulled tight, synching the bandage down. I bit my lip to keep my voice down, gagging as blood filled my mouth. As he adjusted the knot, I collapsed against the wall, finding my vision going dim. My mind felt hazy, and I was filled with a strange sensation I'd experienced several months ago. It seemed this really was the end.

Something inside me broke, and a subtle warmth blossomed in my heart, gradually radiating outward until it kissed the tip of my horns and tail. Strength flowed into my limbs, and my find cleared, bringing me back from the brink. I desperately clung to the feeling, wrapped up in its soothing embrace until the worst of the pain faded.

After a moment, the male slave gently pushed me away. "Don't move. The bone isn't set yet, but that should stop the bleeding."

"Thank you," I whispered, still trying to contain my sobs.

"You got lucky the bone fractured outward. If it went in, your organs would have been ripped to shreds. The gods only know what went through your head there. A hero? Really?"

My lower lip trembled. "I-I just thought-"

"There's your problem," the slave hissed. "We're slaves. We don't think. We only do. The sooner you learn that, the more likely you are to survive. Little chance of that happening now, though."

He went on a little longer, giving me something of a lecture, but as I rested my head against the bars, my mind wandered out of the conversation. It was all I could do to keep conscious. Every breath hurt, especially the deep ones, but I forced my chest to keep moving anyway.

By the time the nobles were finished, I'd regained some semblance of calm, my heart beating at a manageable rate. With some effort, I raised my head, tail rigid with pain, and looked to see where the two had gone.

They stood talking outside of a luxurious coach, driven by a well-dressed servant and pulled by a few horses. The animals' were brushed to a sheen and had their harnesses covered in ribbons. The entire ride screamed of wealth, but my eyes moved past the gaudy coach to the large dust cloud rising behind them. Had someone else come to witness my misery?

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