

Nick shuddered as the dense mana rolled over him on the island but quickly adjusted. It was hard to describe the sort of hellish craving that came from going from rich mana to poor mana on a magical being. There weren't any withdrawals symptoms or anything like that but there was this sense of weakness that was very bothersome to deal with. It actually made Nick wonder how the hell the gods even allowed to world to deplete to this point without stopping it. After all he assumed that this feeling got so much worse when you were a higher tiered being as it was likely tied to your very life.-

Wizards naturally lived longer the higher tier they were on average compared to muggles so in theory it was quite easy for a tier seven or eight being to live for a stupid long time just based on this power. Nick doubted that the gods or titans were actually immortal by birth but very long lived was definitely doable. Anyway he walked into the manor after arriving on the island and went to find Lucas. The reason for this was because as Nicks assistant the vampire needed to see the sort of things he would be learning in the future.-

Nick had thought about having Helena as his assistant but as a ghost she simply couldn't grow in the way that would allow her to improve in the styles he had. Celebrimbor style directly grows the soul while twilight style was all about mana control. Helena simply couldn't improve either of these facets past the point she was at when she was alive which was an immediate disqualifier for an assistant. Lucas may not be all that talented but he was both unaging and capable of growing alongside the styles.-

Nick was honestly glad that he got the twilight style instead of something else as while Lucas was learning it it would help him get the level of mana control needed to feel his own spirit. That was the first step of the Celebrimbor style and was nearly impossible to teach without a stupid high amount of self awareness. Nick learned the style from the system which allowed him to jump over this barrier immediately but Lucas has no such aid and thus needed to learn it the hard way. Once Lucas gained ample mana control Nick was going to stick him in a sensory depravation chamber so he could focus on himself without distractions.-

The vampire in question was currently studying the guide to metals Nick had left him while looking over the metals that Dotty bought with it's salary. There weren't any super rare materials in the mix but the house elf clearly found a good supplier as there was things like tungsten. "Ignore that stuff for now and follow me." Nick said and Lucas looked confused but obeyed. "Whats up boss?" he asked curiously. "It's time for you to get a taste of the sort of work you will be doing in time." Nick said without actually explaining anything.-

Lucas perked up at this however as he was wondering what sort of stuff he would be taught eventually but understood that he needed to start from the basics first. He had traveled around for a few years so he had picked up a thing or two and even regretted not trying harder while in Hogwarts because much of that fundamental knowledge needed to be relearnt in order to pick up these new skills. It was also why he wasn't complaining about getting stuck with this tedious learning that Nick had him doing.-

That said though Lucas had gotten the house elf to bring him the old papers that covered Nick so that he could get an understanding the sort of person he was working for. He found out quickly that Nick was not exaggerating when he said he was well known for his skill in crafting. This wasn't to say that he doubted Nick all that much to begin with as after receiving the flask and ring from him he was a believer. After reading these news articles however he couldn't help but think that he lucked out hard to land this job coincidentally like that.-

Nick didn't care about these thoughts of Lucas's and led the way to the room that held the atronach forge installation. "What in merlin's sweaty robes is that!?" Lucas exclaimed after seeing the many ringed device spinning and humming in mid air for the first time. "This wonderful construction of mine is called the atronach forge and it's purpose is to create things based on the materials I give it. In this case it will be creating a new life form." Nick explained with a proud smile.

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