
sexy neighbor 2

Yawning I turned to the next page of my textbook. My eyes glanced over the page looking at the massive walls of text.

"Calculus permits us to take this limit, and indeed uses just this limit as the

definition of the derivative. We thus define the instantaneous velocity vector as

the time-derivative of the position vector"

I glance over at my clock and see that its already well past midnight. Sighing I shut the textbook and yawn. Exam week is in less than month and I'm still weeks behind on my study.

Standing up and stretching I look out my window at the sheets of rain that are hammering down on the rooftops of houses. I walk out of my bedroom and into the kitchen. Opening the fridge I grab a bottle of milk and open it up before taking a swig from it. I smirk thinking of how my mum would usually yell at me if she weren't at a conference for work.

Sitting down at the bench I open up my phone and begin scrolling through Facebook. Seeing posts from all of my friends showing them out drinking and partying. I see photos of girls from my school down at the beach in skimpy outfits trying to look sexy for the camera. But all I can think of is Emily and her body.

I think back to last week. The sounds of her moans as she pleasured herself. The sweet scent of her panties. Most of all her incredible body dripping wet in the shower.

Taking another drink from the bottle I stand up and am about to put it away when I hear a knock at the front door

Cautious as to who would be knocking on my door in the middle of the night I peek out of the window before going to the door.

To my surprise I see Emily standing in the rain wearing a deep red cocktail Dress. The rain has soaked her head to toe and her wet hair hangs off her face. I quickly run to the door and open it

"Emily are you alright?" I ask.

"What are you doing out in the rain?"

She steps inside and I realise that she's crying.

"Emily what's wrong?" I say softly.

She turn around and faces me.

"I… M-my… Is Nancy here?"

"No" I reply, shutting the door. "She's at a conference and won't be back for a few days"

"Oh." She says looking down to the ground.

"I just, I really need to talk to her."

"Well, how about I make you a hot drink and then we can have a talk instead" I respond.

"Oh, I don't know. Are you sure?" She asks, looking almost nervous.

"Of course, don't be silly"

Smiling at her I reach out and give her shoulder a quick squeeze.

"Whatever it is you can talk to me about it"

She looks up from the floor to meet my gaze and gives me a faint smile.

"Thank you"

Walking into the kitchen I grab the kettle and start to fill it up.

"Do you want tea?" I ask putting the kettle back on the stand and turning it on.

"Yes thanks, an I have a Black tea with…"

"…Extra milk and a pinch of cinnamon, as well as a spoon of honey?" I interrupt.

She laughs "You know me too well. Also maybe a dash of Bourbon?"

I nod my head in approval and open my mum's liquor cabinet.

"We have Jameson whiskey or Jim bean" I say as I dig around.

"Jameson thanks" She says sniffling.

Getting the bottle out of the cupboard I place it on the bench before walking to the pantry and grabbing teabags, cinnamon and honey.

I go over to the fridge and begin searching inside for the milk.

"I could of sworn we had milk." I mutter.

Emily snorts behind me. "On the bench nimwit"

"Ah, right" I chuckle as I walk past her into the hallway.

I return a minute later with a blanket and towel. I put the towel down on the bench in front of her and wrap the towel around her shoulders. She shivers as I walk around to the other side of the bench and start making her tea. After putting the teabag and water in I sprinkle cinnamon on top and spoon in some honey. I put in a small splash of whiskey and go to put the cap back on.

"Maybe… maybe just a little more?" She asks timidly.

I raise my eyebrows as I unscrew the cap and pour another splash in.

"Thanks." She murmurs, as I pass it to her.

She wraps her hands around the steaming mug for a few seconds before picking up the towel and beginning to dry her hair. As she lifts her arms up over her head the towel covers her eyes and gives me an unobstructed view of her firm breasts. I couldn't see any evidence of a bra under the soaked fabric of her dress. I can very faintly make out the outline of her nipples through the wet fabric.

She pulls the towel off her head, making my eyes snap back to hers.

"I'm really sorry to bother you at this time of night."

Emily says quietly as she stares at the steam rising off her mug.

"I' just, I didn't know where else to…g…"

She breaks down into tears and her shoulders begin to shake.

"Hey" I say firmly

"You know you're always welcome here, now why don't you tell me what happened"

Wiping her nose she nods her head and takes a couple of seconds and a sip from her drink.

"It's Peter, He was supposed to take me out tonight, It's our 15th anniversary"

He didn't forget did he? I ask.

"Oh he didn't just forget" She replies with a hint of malice in her voice.

"He's also been having an affair with one of his co-workers and I found out tonight."

"He confessed to cheating on your anniversary?" I ask incredulously.

"Oh no, that dirty fucker didn't confess. I only found out when I found her fucking PANTIES in the backseat of my FUCKING CAR!"

Her sudden outburst turns into a quiet sob as she lowers her head into her hands. Her chest heaves as she tries to calm her breathing down.

"That's awful Emily. I…I'm so sorry."

Lifting her head up she takes another sip from her mug. She pushes her hair back over her shoulder. I frown as I notice a dark black bruise forming on her left cheek.

"Emily, Did he hit you?

"She looks down at the bench, avoiding my gaze. Well, yes but It's my fault though, I pushed him to do it"

I feel anger boiling up inside of me but I push it back down for now.

"Emily, listen to me. You have done nothing to deserve that. You deserve an man who is faithful to you and treats you right."

"No it's my fault, I don't do enough around the house anymore and I never look pretty for him and I never cook for him and I…"

"Emily" I cut her off mid sentence.

"That is no excuse to treat you like he does. He is so lucky to have you, and if he's too stupid to realise that. Well then you're better off without him."

"Oh and for what it's worth, I think you are a beautiful woman."

"Ha, sure." She says waving her hand and blushing slightly.

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