

"How dare an insect like you who came from some random street comment on my race?!" Hakith shouted.

"Let us calm down, everyone. We are becoming the center of attraction here. I am assuming that the L. Dux Empire does not want to sully its reputation," Lea mediated.

The veins on Hakith's forehead were twitching as he tried his best to control his anger. After a while, he finally calmed himself down, but just as he did so, Z spoke once again.

"Good boy," he said with a mocking smile. Lea looked at Z with wide eyes as if she had already predicted what was about to happen.

"You peasant!!" Hakith shouted as he leaped toward Z with his sword in hand. He stabbed the unarmed Z, but all it hit was a dense shield made of black feathers.

Lea could only sigh and turn her head while looking at Z. She was well aware that Z was deliberately mocking Hakith to ignite the latter's fury, although she did not know why.

The crowd around them immediately took out rectangular crystals that captured the events happening around them. Seeing this, Hakith immediately halted his attacks and sheathed his weapon before saying, "It was a nice spar." As he went back to the line, he could not help but curse Z in all the languages he knew.

"Why did you do that?" Lea whispered to Z with a soft smile, as if they were already familiar with each other.

"I just wanted to know how individuals deal with situations here. It seems like all of you have images you want to protect," Z said.

"Of course, we have. If you offend someone who has a far greater status than you do, it can cause a war in the real world. There were numerous forces that fell due to the events here at The Celestial Academy. You must be careful," Lea sternly reminded.

'All of them are very tense and are waiting for each other to mess up. They are a bunch of walking hypocrites, how loathsome,' Z thought. After a while, the number of individuals at the back of the academy increased as well; albeit, to a small degree.

Among them were the five who were previously at the ship of the Global Naval Association. They followed the line before the Blue Rune while looking around for people they know. Z was observing the path before the Black Rune and White Rune, waiting for someone to go there, but no one came.

"Those are just for formalities. Individuals who are privileged enough to be on that level are directly admitted into the academy. We would not see them in the trials," Lea explained after noticing Z.

"I see, thank you."

"By any chance, do you happen to not know what the trials for Blue and Violet Class Examinees are?" Lea asked as if she had a realization.

"Should I?" Z asked in confusion.

Lea smiled before answering, "There will be ten slots which will be occupied by all of us in the Violet Lane, then everyone from the Blue Lane would have a chance to challenge us and take our place if they win. Each half-decade, only ten Violet Admission Tokens are given which signifies each slot in the Violet Class, and those who will remain in those ten spots will get admitted to the Violet Class."

"I see," Z replied. 'My token came from two decades ago. What will happen now?' he thought.

Just then, another person came to Violet Lane which totaled them to 11. Everyone had strange looks on their faces, but Hakith had a devious one.

"It seems like there is a lost peasant here," he said while subtly looking at Z.

"Apparently, the prince here is brilliant enough to question the security of The Celestial Academy," Z said with a mocking tone.

Everyone turned silent after hearing Z's argument. All of them know just how powerful the academy is, and they realized that there is no way that their security is lackluster. Hakith could only sneer in embarrassment before staying silent once again.

Lea laughed a little before saying, "It seems like Sir Z is quite proficient in his words."

'I wonder if I can win an argument against Teacher Tzan now,' he thought before smiling at Lea.

After a short while, the door before them finally opened, leading them to a beautiful arena that has a large stage made of ivory. There, they saw three professors wearing violet uniforms. The 11 applicants from Violet Lane were lined up at the right and the 100 applicants from Blue Lane were at the left of the professors.

"Oh? This is peculiar. We were not briefed about the Violet Lane having 11 applicants this time," a man with shaggy long black hair said. He was wearing a loose robe with a gourd on his waist and a blade on his back and was observing the 11 with his keen brown eyes.

"Twenty years ago, there were only nine applicants from the Violet Lane. One of those tokens must be from that era. Is it not?" A male elf with long silver hair and eyes said while looking at Z. He was standing there with an authoritative posture while holding a white cane that paired well with his white robe, waiting for Z to respond.

'How did he know it was me?' Z thought before answering, "Yes, sir."

"Shall we just let that boy challenge one of those with Violet Admission Tokens issued this half-decade, and proceed as usual?" a female dwarf with a muscular physique and long brown hair and beard proposed.

After coming to a consensus, the elf asked Z, "What is your name?"

"Z, sir."

"Z, do you have any complaints?" the elf asked while giving him a death glare.

'Why bother to ask if you are going to threaten me anyway?' Z thought before answering, "None."

"Good. Then, we shall begin this trial with Z challenging one of the holders of the latest Violet Token. As a courtesy, you can challenge all ten of them once. If you manage to defeat one, you can occupy one spot," the elf said. "Begin!"

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