
VØⱠɄ₥Ɇ 4, ₱₳Ɽ₮ 1 - Respite: What do those eyes see?

~12,017 words

The unsettling wave of nausea, triggered by the disorienting act of teleportation, gradually receded in perfect synchronization with the fading brilliance of the blinding light that had enveloped me.

The rhythmic hum of static---electric whispers, fizzled away into an eerie silence as I materialised on the outskirts of the illustrious [Capital City of Rapan]----a metropolis located inside the carcass of a [Behemoth] amidst the formidable expanse of [The Begaritt Continent], widely acclaimed as the second most perilous landmass on our planet.

My mind shifted to the sudden act of teleportation. The experience of being instantaneously transported through the fabric of space itself, while profoundly disconcerting, eventually subsided like the retreating tides of a turbulent sea.

Looking at the sight in front of me I took in the panorama of the outskirts that gradually unfolded like the pages of a meticulously illustrated manuscript.

In the lexicon of this intricately woven world, it bore the appellation of the [Six Faced World], a nomenclature suggestive of its multidimensional intricacy. My conjectural insights into the phenomenon of teleportation are that it requires an intricate traversal through the hitherto inaccessible middle stratum of this spatial conundrum.

This is evident from the fact that every time during this teleportation process, a fleeting juncture presents itself – an ephemeral interlude in which one becomes enveloped within a static expanse of white.

From what I can guess, initiating teleportation necessitates a preliminary entry into this "middle region," acting as a prerequisite for successful translocation. Come to think of it, the "void race," beings are endowed with the remarkable capability to inhabit and subsist within any locale, defying conventional boundaries.

I wonder if I can employ [Gravity Magic] as a potential conduit for manipulating spatial orientation or spatial coordinates, thus inducing the necessary disorientation of space that might enable teleportation. A matter for contemplation, indeed, but I have a few other things to attend to.

Maybe, I will try it once Nanahoshi is back.

Hmmm. "Perguis, huh?" I mumbled under my breath as I looked back into the sky. There were a few sour feelings between us since I killed his familiar----Almanfi the Bright, but after meeting Nanahoshi he decided to not dwell on it.

I mean, after all, even if his familiars die, they materialise back to life in his floating fortress----[Chaos Breaker.]

A name as edgy as it could get but who am I to comment on the [Armoured Dragon King]'s naming sense. Well, at least, none of his familiar are following me now. I can finally do what I want. I have nothing much personal to do, but at times, one needs some privacy.

After all, I am a growing boy. I need some separate time as well. Taking my mask off, I let the breeze touch my face and dishevel my hair. I took in a deep breath through my nose and took in some more after brimming my lungs with air.

I really was back in Begaritt Continent. It stinks of dead remains of monsters.


Now, I guess, I should go to the [Teleportation Labyrinth].

3rd person

*****Lower Jaw of Red Wyrn Mountains*****

In the tranquil aftermath of a storm, a moment of profound vulnerability enveloped Rudeus as he lay on Eris' lap, his chest gradually rising and falling with each steady breath. The world around him seemed distant, almost ethereal, as if the veil between life and death had momentarily lifted.

He had returned from that abyssal precipice with a newfound reverence for the fragile thread that bound his existence.

Eris, his beloved, hovered above him, her gaze a tempest of emotions. Her eyes, once luminous with the vivacity of happiness, were now red and swollen, her lashes heavy with tears.

The sight of him, so recently lost to her, had ignited a torrential downpour of emotion that she could scarcely contain.

As he opened his eyes, slowly, Eris' eyes locked with his. "Why did you leave suddenly like that?" her voice trembled, a mix of relief and reproach. Her hand reached out to punch his forehead, the force of her blow delicate, as if she feared that it would shatter him.

Her punch mirrored the fragility of her heart. After all, she wasn't a grownup.

Rudeus looked back at her. He was lying in her lap with her chesticles hovering right above him. Normally, he wouldn't have spared a thought to attack them, but his hand hovered above his own chest as he saw that there was no hole there.

Rudeus' lips curled into a faint, bitter smile, his fingers inching up to his chest as if to confirm the reality of his return.

"Eris. I'm sorry but I am not leaving," his voice was a gentle murmur, a whisper of devotion that settled like a delicate petal upon the tumultuous winds of Eris' emotions. His fingers, trembling with a mix of exhaustion and longing, extended backward to brush against her silky hair----a stark contrast to his calloused hands.

Eris' sobs persisted, each tear a crystalline manifestation of her emotions, her love for him. Rudeus continued to stroke her hair, offering a wordless solace. Time seemed to blur as she cried and cried, for what seemed like hours.

Eris suddenly leaned down, her lips trembling as they sought his in a kiss that was at once hesitant and fierce. It was faster than what he could process, and he almost felt as if his teeth have broken from how hard Eris had pushed her lips on his.

It felt....salty?

It was then that he realised how much she had cried. He gently placed a hand on the back of her head and kissed her back.

When their lips finally parted, Eris rested her forehead against his, her eyes closed as if committing the sensation to memory. Her voice, soft as a whisper, trembled with a mixture of vulnerability. "Never leave me alone like that again."

A flush of warmth spread across Rudeus' cheeks, his heart thrumming with a mixture of emotions. Guilt gnawed at him internally.

"I won't," Rudeus replied and turned around in her lap, hugging her hips.

After all, no matter what happens, he was a scum, through and through.

He almost felt like he would have a second coming of death, but instead of a [Boreas Styled Punch], Eris gently played with his hair. "I'm so glad....." she spoke.

Rudeus receded his hand quietly. The wolf did not come out. He was sane.

'Let's save it for the night.' He thought to himself.

Or maybe not.


The city of Rapan was as lively as always. Located within the carcass of a behemoth, this city was the destination for almost every visitor who comes to the Begaritt Continent.

Under the soft caress of a modest sun, the city's main bazaar thrived with activity. A gentle zephyr played through the thoroughfares, coaxing both locals and visitors to partake in the sensory feast of shopping.

The bazaar was a realm of enchantment where echoes of vendors' cries danced on the breeze, each call a siren's song beckoning passersby to indulge in the treasures on display-----well, targeting primarily women.

Women are gullible. And from a natural point of view, they are more attracted towards anything that has a bit of glamour and colour to it. Hence most of the advertising is done in a way that it attracts them. Naturally, it can work on men as well, but it is not as effective.

I took in a deep breath and slowly, gingerly reached out for the mask on my face. In a quick, swift motion, I removed it and took in another deep breath. Somehow, it felt fresher than before. When I act like my past self, after experiencing this life, my former methods feel suffocating.

Almost as if I was putting up an act, even though it was originally how I was.

"Haaaah...." I let out a deep sigh, my breaths overlapping over one another. My vision seemed distorted for a while as I lifted the Neutral Barrier from myself. I felt a subtle strain on my brain and mana reserves as it flickered out of life.

Shaking my head, I tucked the mask away and started walking towards the bazaar.

The kaleidoscope of offerings sprawled across stalls spoke of distant lands. Rich tapestries of silk and velvet, adorned with intricate patterns that whispered stories of artisans' dedication, draped elegantly from their hooks.

Delicate trinkets and jewels, winking with the captured glint of the sun.

Exotic spices, bundled in intoxicating pyramids, emitted fragrances that wove a tapestry of their own, intertwining with the heady aroma of street food.

Walking with an empty mind, I let go of any thoughts that had been bothering me until a while ago. However, I still somehow couldn't help with this fuzzy feeling. Rudeus was alive. Alive and..... healthy. Although, it seems like he has been slacking off with his magic skills, it was still good to see him in high spirits.

He almost bypassed my barrier. The barrier is the only thing that gives me a fighting chance against people like Rudeus or Orsted. While it comes with its own set of flaws, I still cannot deny how important it is. However, this gives rise to a query.

Am I relying on it too heavily? The answer is simple---Yes.

I do not have abnormal amounts of mana. Its barely average.

Well, ok, maybe not average. But there are a lot of people with above average mana levels. I need to make something else, so I can have a fighting chance.

My progress over the past few years ever since I started to spar with Orsted has been impressive if I have to say so. I recently reached [Emperor Rank] in [North-God Style] and [King Ranked] in both [Sword-God Style] and [Water-God Style]

Although Orsted said making an [Esoteric Art] would certainly boost the rank but... eh, who cares about titles.

I arrived before a grand edifice that had amassed the largest congregation of people. The air was filled with a symphony of sounds, spanning from the euphoric trills of women and adolescent girls to tabards adorned in embroidered tunics---brandishing an array of musical apparatus to the elderly, their murmurs laden with irritation as they lamented and complained about the long waiting line.

I looked up at the colossal metallic double doors. Towering before me, they stood as unparalleled marvels not only within this locale but across the vast expanse of the [Begaritt Continent] itself.

These doors were solitary in their grandeur, unaccompanied by any doppelgängers or facsimiles. The very blueprint that defined them was a testament to late night whimsical artistic ingenuity, rendering any attempt at replication a futile endeavor.

A round, golden insignia was plastered on the marbled wall above it. Its base was a round plate made of gold while a sword remained planted in the middle of it. There was a cresent behind it. However, on closer inspection, you could observe 7 stars aligning together to form a thin curved line which seemed like a crescent, when observed from afar.

"Oh, I can't wait to get inside! My cousin came here last month and said she felt like crying from how good the food was!" One of the girls in the massive group commented, clasping her hands together.

"Is it really that good?" The other one questioned, shuffling near to her friend awkwardly, probably because of pot-bellied man behind her who was incessantly trying to get closer to her. From the look on his face, it seemed like he was trying to get a feel of the girl----in simple words, gain the advantage in this crowd and use it to grope her.

It wasn't a new experience for me though. Japan had excessive cases like these. Elderly men harassing young girls, especially schoolgirls inside crowdy places like trains, malls and such.

Well, Japan does have a common fetish of having a thing for family and young girls, so that isn't all that surprising.

"Yeah!" She said with a vigour and pumped up her fists in excitement. "You know, she isn't impressed easily. That is why, I am sure, this is all worth the wait."

I almost felt myself smile. Her energy resembled that of Zenith. Whenever we were about to go somewhere or do something new, she'd throw her fists in the air or hop around like bunny that is high on serotonin.

The girl looked in my direction and I averted my gaze, looking away from her. She was standing right behind me, so the act of looking back and listening to them felt wrong. However, hearing her talk was refreshing and interesting to hear.

Why would I be interested in the talks of a restaurant? Well, I do not know myself. I just felt like hearing to it.

"Ah well..... that's good. I suppose." Her friend replied, her voice subtly wavering. The family in the frontmost region moved in and all of us started moving a few steps forward. It was a long line and it seemed like I wouldn't be able to get inside before an hour.

Well, it is not like I would mind. The act of teleportation induced a kind of nauseous sensation, so I wasn't in a mood to eat a lot anyways. I can wait an hour....or two.

Sigh. I am tired.

"H-Hey.... can you s-stop." I heard the voice. I turned around and saw the two girls glaring at the fat man who had a nasty grin over his face. From the clothes to ornaments he was wearing, on the surface level it made him look like a noble, but on closer inspection you could spot subtle blemishes and dents, cracks in his jewelry. Not to mention, they were all fakes.

He bought all of this from the scrape market to look good.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't looking down on him. I couldn't care less about a man like him. Neither was I against buying cheap things to fit well in a fancy society. Although, the man was trying to use his appearance to make the girls think he's a noble and then coerce them into silence.

"Haaah!? What are you girls saying? Are you trying to blame a noble like me for such travesty?" As expected, the man overdid it in his manner of speech. Ordinarily, another noble could discern from one look that he was faking, but Begaritt continent hosted mostly adventurers. For a noble to appear here was next to impossible.

Of course, I wasn't a noble myself. But I had learnt a few things from Paul out of curiosity.

"But you were......" The girl silenced herself, biting her lip as she looked away from him. Her eyes locked with mine and suddenly she frowned, "What do you want?" She asked in a highly irritated and aggressive tone.

"Uhm, nothing. Sorry, I didn't mean to pry." I apologised as soon as I could and looked in the front. I was tired. I do not want to induldge into a conversation I cannot win. However, the man had an unsettling grin over his face before I had looked back.

"Hn....." The girl grunted. I wanted to look back, but it would've made me end up in a bad situation. Hence, I didn't look back. I had no legal, moral or any sort of obligation to step in and protect her. There was no law, and I lacked the morality to jump in to save a damsel in distress.

"Oh.... Sir!" A man suddenly bowed in front of me, "Why are you waiting in line, Master Julian?! Please come this way." He dipped his head even deeper and had a frightened look on his face.

Hm? I am not scary though.

"Wait, he's the owner? He looks like a kid though."

"Why is the owner standing in a line?"

"If he's the owner, then he's quite humble. Not misusing his authority. I like him already."

"Oh my god! He's so handsome. I wonder if I can get him to sleep with me."

There was a plethora of comments suddenly being shot from every direction.


I shouldn't be sighing this much but.....

Well, the cover's blown anyways. I stepped outside the line. "This way, Master Julian." He dipped his head again, "Sorry for not being able to receive you properly."

"That isn't your fault. I came unannounced. Do not blame yourself. I am the one at fault here." I replied and waved my hand dismissively. As we were about to walk away, I looked over my shoulder. The two girls seemed to be stupefied and the man was sweating, wet patches appearing all over his cotton shirt.

"Woah, the owner is looking at the guy who was teasing the girls. I guess he's done for good."

"I don't think he will do anything to his customers. I think...."

"I heard he is a Sword King. He can get away with anything he does..."

"But won't that lower his credibility?"

I felt like I was in a movie with all people reacting to me.

I looked back at the butler who was responsible for letting people in and out once tables were empty. "You think you can squeeze those two inside as well?" I asked.

"Oh yes. We certainly can." The butler----Noll, bobbed his head aggressively.

"Well then. Take them inside first. I'll be inside in a while." I spoke as he nodded and moved towards the girls. They shot me a worried glance, but I looked away from them. Looking back at them or doing something else would make them have the impression I have something to do with them...which I do not.

'Do good for others, Julian. Unconditionally. It will come back to pay you tenfolds the price!' Were the words of my mother a few days before I departed for Paul's task in Milbots region after I mentioned about protecting people of another region as unreasonable.

It's not like me. But I somehow ended up feeling love for Zenith. I cannot really explain it right now, but this is the conclusion I had ended up with. Not an intentional love, but a rather unintentional one.

Uncertainty scared me. Not knowing what was happening to me scared me. But it was good for a change.

I wasn't really against it.

I didn't know but the man was still sweating profusely. He smelled horribly. The stench was abhorrent. "Are you aware of the code of the restaurant?" I asked, raising my voice.

"Uh-huh? Me? Yes, I am. I am a noble after all." The man replied, tucking a patch of his hair behind with his fingers. The only patch of hair he had.

"Then you must understand that your body odour is something included in our rules and is against the decorum. Please leave and return when you meet the criteria." I spoke as respectfully as I could.

"Haah!? I am from a noble lineage. How dare yo--"

"Rules are rules. I'd advise not making a commotion. This is a family place. You might disrupt the sleeping babies." I cut him off and looked up in his eyes. Honestly, I was tired.

Each word I said felt heavy. My tongue was heavy.

My mana was almost depleted.

"Tch....." The man clicked his tongue and stepped away from the line, trotting away from the queue.

With that settled, I finally heaved in a sigh of relief and walked through the door and inside the restaurant.

As I stepped inside, the air was thick with the tantalizing aromas of freshly cooked fare, mingling with the soft scent of candles that hung like stars from the intricately adorned ceiling with chandeliers.

My eyes are drawn to the spectacle all around me – the walls, adorned with canvases that house flickering candles, casting a warm and golden glow over the entire room. The light danced upon the beautifully embellished walls, where intricate paintings come to life, telling tales of heroes long past.

There were two halls of this restaurant. A [General Hall] and a [Family Hall]

As I walked further into the restaurant, I found myself in the heart of a grand hall. The walls were a canvas of their own, adorned with breathtaking frescoes that depict the legendary progenitors of the three distinct sword styles.

Each stroke of the artist's brush brought to life the valor and grace of these ancient warriors.

The paintings were made by one of the best painters in this world. Their eyes seem to follow me, their stories whispered through the art, filling the room with an almost tangible sense of history.

Magic flames were encased in delicate jars, placed on every table like precious jewels. The flames dance with an otherworldly brilliance, casting a soft and intimate glow upon the faces of the patrons.

There was a hushed reverence in the air, a feeling that this place is not just a restaurant, but a haven of romance and nostalgia. The soft flickering light reflects off the polished wooden surfaces, creating quite an intimate ambiance.

This was the [General Hall].

This place was made with the intent to house couples and create some different environment as compared to other conventional restaurants. This place was mostly dark with the only source of light being the magic flames encased in the containers with wide openings on each table.

The other hall was called the [Family Hall].

In contrast to the other hall, the family section was bathed in a bright and welcoming light, a stark contrast to the dimly lit general hall. The restaurant catered to all, ensuring that parents could keep a watchful eye on their children while still enjoying the magic that filled the air.

The space felt inclusive, inviting both quiet conversations and lively laughter.

The waitstaff, dressed in elegant maid outfits, moved about the [Halls] with an air of grace and efficiency. They are a testament to their commitment to the establishment to provide a seamless and delightful dining experience.

Their attentive nature was immediately apparent as they respond swiftly to every call and request, their presence enhancing the sense of being attended to in a truly royal manner.

In both the family and general halls, a dedicated space was reserved for a group of musicians.

The melodies they weaved through the air transported me to another world altogether.


Cause they were from another world...literally.

The pure music from Earth felt perfectly at home in this medieval setting. The gentle strumming of a lute, the haunting melody of a flute, and the rhythmic beats of a drum come together in harmony, enhancing the enchantment that permeated every corner of the restaurant.

My gaze swept over the occupied seats as I felt a pull on my robe. Looking back, I saw the two girls, their features dimly illuminated by the candlelight. The one that was being harassed came up to me. She had long silver hair and bright red eyes---almost like crystallised blood gems. 

She was wearing a black dress that covered everything except her cleavage. 

and her hair had two braids that travelled back and made a knot at the back of her head. From the corner, the supple skin of her bare neck shone in the candlelight. 

"Errmmm..." The girl stammered over words as her friend excitedly pushed her and fell into the shadows herself.

What could this be about?

"Uhmmm, Uh...." That was all she could say before falling completely silent.

"Nice to meet you. I am Kiyotaka." I introduced myself, trying to ease the lingering tension.

"Ah, eh, I am Eva. Nice to meet you too..." her voice trailed off as she dipped her head awkwardly, "...uhmm, Mr. Kiyotaka. Thanks for your help earlier. I am really, really grateful. How can I repay you?" She scratched the back of her neck awkwardly.

"You don't have to." I replied as I looked down at her. She was around as tall as Nanahoshi. No, a bit taller. Or was it the heel?

Uhhh....... I am too tired to think.

"That would be rude of me." She replied. Her voice suddenly got much sterner than before. She clearly was a confident girl but lost her cool due to the incident a while ago.

"You can eat here and pay in full. That would be enough to repay the favour." I replied, trying to dismiss her.

"We were going to do that anyways." She replied. Her feet were planted on the ground. A psychological action caused by when you're trying to not budge from your argument.

I heaved out a sigh but didn't let it show. "Do you have something in mind?" I asked.

She titled her head slightly but suddenly her expressions brightened as if she had landed on a brilliant idea. "Uhm, so uh......"

She eyed me suspiciously.

Wait what?

"Go on." I spoke.

"Do you mind I do something for you? I mean, obviously you can cook better than me but uhm....." her voice trailed off again, "....I can cook pretty well too. Would you like to ever stop by my home and eat my food? Maybe you can point out some discrepancies."

"Hmm. Alright. Sure." I agreed and replied in small sentences. She smiled and took my hand. Sandwiching my hand between both of hers she handed me a piece of paper.

"Please be there 2 days from now. I will wait for you." She said and smiled seductively. Or rather tried to.

It was quite obvious she didn't know how to act like that.

Did she mistake me for some perverted noble who would fall for a seductive grin?

I mean, I was a growing boy and this body seemed to be more perceptive than my last one. I guess the pervertedness of the Greyrat household is too strong for me to totally suppress. Then again, it wasn't something I was going to ignore completely.

After all, doing "this" and "that" are also a part of a normal life. Trial and error don't matter. It's an integral part. Maybe along the way I'll be able to fall in love with someone---romantically.

Oh well.... that seems like a faraway dream.

For now.

Once the girls were seated on their respectable seats, I bid them farewell and made the way the staff area. The door had the same insignia as the one that was outside. Basically, the whole restaurant idea was Nanahoshi's. Although, I had it planned quite a few years ago but she was the one who brought my attention to this.

The insignia was something that I made just because I didn't like the "lion" symbol or utensils as the representation of it. Since Nanahoshi was into it as well, I just ended up with my sword's design and seven stars behind it in the shape of a crescent.

Why seven stars?

Her name literally translated to "Seven Stars."

She had some argument about integrating her name into it and she somehow seemed embarrassed about it but ended up agreeing anyways.

"Ahhh, boss. How good is it to see you again!" A gruff voice bellowed as I looked up.

It was the man who I had procured vegetables from. He was a middle-aged man with slightly dark skin and jet-black beard and hair. Since I procured almost all materials about soy sauce and other sauces from him, it was about time someone would catch up to how I was making these.

HIs name was Ian.

So, I entered a contract with this man where I would buy everything from him, and in return he would ensure the secrecy of our dealings. Of course, the possibility of being ratted out existed, but I could deal with that.

The solution was simple.


"Hm, yeah, good to be back." I replied as he rubbed his hands and took my robe away from my shoulders.

"So, err, boss. Where's Mrs. N--?" He asked as he looked over my shoulder.

"It's Miss. Not Mrs. Also, she's away due to her research work." I replied as twisted my body, trying to shrug of the building fatigue inside my body.

"Aww. Boss, you know you def---, ah scratch that. I know you're shy so ya won't admit. Gotcha." He rambled on and on before suddenly he smacked his fist into his palm, "Oh yea, boss."


"Erm, well I am shy to say this but uhhhh...." He stopped and ribbed his index and thiumb together----a sign common in my old world for cash.

"Oh, yeah. Take this." I took out a bag of coins and thrusted it in his direction. He quickly took it and opened it. His eyes were wide and when he looked up at me, his eyes almost brimmed with tears.

"Oh boss.... Let me kiss your feet."

"Uh, no. Stay as far away as you can from me." I replied, receding my feet to which Ian had almost reached.

"Oh boss.....oh boss~ You're so merci---"

"Cut it out." I spoke sternly as he got on his feet with a sheepish grin, scratching the inside of his beard.

"Just kidding boss. Anyways, thanks for dough. I'll come along really quick again."

"Only if I need something."

"Don't be so harsh on me, dear boss." He cackled and left the staff area.

I leaned back in the chair and placed my sword on the side. I was really tired. My mana was already recovering and so was my body in tandem with it but the fatigue was still there. As I was thinking about it, a girl dressed in the same maid outfit as the others came towards me.

"The preparations are made." She informed as I nodded and stood up. Picking up my sword I went towards the door that had a "no entry" sign over it. Entering the door, there were stairs that led upstairs. The first floor was empty with nothing but open space. I had left this place in case if I ever needed to make an extension.

However, the second floor was where I needed to go. It was a sort of a small house. It had one room, attached bath, a small kitchen and another little room filled with books. We made it in case if we ever wanted to some private time. Just like how I couldn't go back to the house I was staying for the last 2 years with Orsted.

As I walked in, I was greeted with a very familiar sight. Brown curtains, brown carpets, brown paint on the walls, brown furniture-----entirely monochromatic. Seemed like something only Nanahoshi would do. Although she did put in some effort to details like the portraits of sea and other things.

After taking off my shoes, I went straight for the bath and filled the tub with some hot water and a lot of bubbles.

I like bubbles. Very much. Yes. 

After it brimmed, I dipped myself inside it. For a while, I played with bubbles. Seeing how bubbled would burst if I touched them with bare hands and won't burst if I touch them when I have soap over it. 

It was soothing and I felt every inch of my body relax. The fatigue seemed to be melting away. My eyelids grew heavy as I let the darkness overlap me.

I wonder if my sisters are alive. If they are, how would they be doing........

Definitely better than Rudeus.

The thoughts felt like soothing melodies as I lost consciousness and all I was left with was a tranquilising, reposeful darkness.


I was currently standing in front of the [Teleport Labyrinth]

After I dipped into the bathtub, I slept for a few hours before I woke up. After that, I hurriedly changed clothes and made a run for here. Well, not entirely changed my clothes.

I was still wearing all black. Just a new pair of black.

Alright, never mind the small details.

On to the labyrinth.

If anyone gazes upon it, it unveils itself as more than just a mere cave—a hidden portal carved into the rugged face of a cliff.

At first glance it is rather mundane and might not evoke any immediate wonder.

The reason?

Because it appears to be a simple crevice in the rock, devoid of any overt grandeur. Yet, upon closer inspection, the cave's true nature begins to emerge.

The entrance was framed by an ancient, weathered stone as it beckoned everyone with an air of mystery. The interplay of light and shadow danced upon the rough-hewn walls, casting an ever-shifting tapestry of patterns that spoke of the eons of geological transformation.

It seemed to border on the threshold of both mundane and mystical.

Around this entrance there was an intricate ecosystem as well—a delicate balance between predator and prey---monstrous spiders, each adorned with glistening, multi-faceted eyes, lurked in the vicinity, their complex and intriguing yet sinister biology weaving intricate webs that crisscrossed the air.

These silken traps capture a host of creatures, suspended like macabre trophies. The strands shimmered like spun silver.

The atmosphere was pregnant with an uncanny weight, a sensation that brushed against the skin like an ethereal whisper. The cool, damp air mingled in with the earthy scent of moss.

Maybe it was intuition, but I felt enthralled by it. Like an endless curiosity to dive right in.

Within the cavern's depths, obscurity reigned, yet it did not fully envelop me in absolute blindness. Instead, the interior of the cave radiated a subdued luminance—an uncanny interplay between faint light and clinging shadows.

However, it was eerie. I could feel it in my bones. The Begaritt Continent wasn't called the second most dangerous continent for no reason.

I extended my hand forward and directed my palm towards the floor.


A small circle formed beneath my feet as something that seemed holographic at first, slowly emerged from it. It was a small wisp made of blue flames. I had barely spent any mana on it so I was sure that the flames would be weak. Well, it can serve as a torch at least.

The wisp lowered down to my eye level. Suddenly its eyes opened.

Yes, it had eyes.

Almost scared me... I guess.

I extended my finger and it perched itself on it. Like a small bird.

"Lead the way." I spoke as its eyes creased, almost as if it was smiling and it floated up. It got caught on blue flames in an instant. The cave was suddenly lit up. It hovered above my head and stopped. As I moved, it moved as well----in tandem. Just a step ahead of me.

Well, I can make it work.

With a low-level fire spirit beside me, it was finally time I dived into the first floor.


First floor.

I start walking through the cave that was like an ant's nest.

The walls and ceiling had white threads stretched all around them and even further inside there was bluish-white teleport magic circles shining. There I sent the light spirit, and it gave off an almost fluorescent light.

The Teleport Labyrinth was a maze that involved teleportation circles. I can learn something from it.

The monsters that appeared on the first floor were the [Tarantula Deathlord].

[Tarantula Deathlord] are B-Ranked monsters. They are a type of huge poisonous spiders. Even though they are tarantulas, they spit out webs. Their poison can be cured using elementary detoxification magic though.

However, on the floor, there were different spiders that the Tarantula Deathlord probably use as their staple food. It's a spectacle that would probably cause someone who hates spiders to faint.

Inside of that group of spiders there are clearly outlined voids. They're void places that are either circular or square in shape. They were teleport traps.

If someone doesn't like to step foot on the spiders, then, in no time at all, they'll be teleported somewhere, is what it means. As a result, I continued walking while stepping on the spiders with a [Crunch].

Well then, the countless B rank Tarantula Deathlords haven't come out into the pathway.

I occasionally came across a few but using [Fire Magic] to ignite their vital parts was a quick kill. It didn't really bother much. My body had regained all of the previous muscle and a lot more as well.

One of them made its way quickly from behind me. Raising its jagged surfaced, sharp legs in the air, it brought it down on me. Narrowly avoiding it, I held its leg and kicked it with my left foot. It cracked in half and fell on the floor. Using the other legs, it tried to stablise itself, but I conjured an earthen spike right beneath it.

The spike tore through the earth and impaled the it until it was a few feet above the ground. Its blood gushed out and an abhorrent smell spread everywhere, a bile-inducing stench.

Grimacing, I moved away from it.

The next floor would be an enclosed space. That means I cannot use fire magic. Using fire magic in enclosed space can result in carbon monoxide poisoning.

Guess I have to use my sword after all.

I don't have a good feeling about this labyrinth. It isn't hard per se, but my intuition is screaming at me.

What could it be?


Second floor. From here on, there were giant steel caterpillars [Iron Crawlers] crawling around.

The small spiders on the ground had disappeared, and there was a decrease in the number of spider nests. The ground floor had become quite smooth.

The [Iron Crawlers] with a height of about one meter and a width of about two meters, gave off a plump impression. They're close in image to the worms that come out in Nausicaa.

Just as they appear, they're solid and tough. And, unlike their appearance, they're fast. Rather than a slow caterpillar, they have speed more like a centipede. It seems like they're allies with the tarantulas----while the iron crawlers tank the hits, the spiders shoot off sticky threads from behind.

General description of Iron Crawlers is as follows;

"Iron Crawler---B ranked---Iron Crawlers are caterpillar monsters with tough carapace and significant weight, resembling heavy tanks. They are about one meter tall and two meters long. Contrary to their appearance, they are rather fast."

Back to reality. If I got caught in the sticky thread then the crawlers, with a body weight of about one ton, will trample me in an instant. The iron crawlers were tough. My magic was restrained since I couldn't use fire, water or earth. Wind was almost as ineffective.

I can use gravity but that would likely collapse the whole place on me. I can use ice but I am not very proficient in Water Magic. Roxy could've been good help in this scenario.

Hmmmm. Roxy, huh.

Well, her presence in this cave is necessary one day. Well, whatever it was, it's in the past.

"Kwhaiufhaahivh" One of the iron crawlers let out a loud screech as I was brought out of my reverie. Unsheathing the new sword that Orsted gave me out of its scabbard, I raised it to my chest level and placed my left hand under its hilt.

"It really came to using the sword in the end, doesn't it?" With that one thought, I got into stance.

[Long Sword of Light]

(A/n) ignore the pastry and the golden hair. Don't have any personal AI art for this moment, so picked up someone else's work. Source is Reddit. I do not own it. 


Long story short, I cleared the second floor. I left a few monsters because they were too afraid to approach. If they won't attack, I have no reason to attack as well. Although it was better to steer clear of any hiccups later on, so I ended up killing them anyways.......

Never mind.

Third floor seems to be much harder than before. The main monster on this floor was called [Mad Skull]. According to a book I once read, [Mad Skulls] are A ranked monsters.

If I had to say the most significant thing about them, it would be their size. They were around 80 cms taller than me.

[Mad Skulls] are monsters resembling headless giants made of mud, about 2.5 meters/8'2'' in height, with a girth that spoke to their durable nature. These creatures have a human skull buried in its chest area, which also happens to be their weak point.

From the first look, it's evident that they move really slowly, but they could shrug off any blows dealt to the mud-covered parts of their body and could hide the skull inside their body when they sense danger.

Their method of attack is to sling mud or use a spell similar to Stone Cannon.

Although I doubt its [Stone Canon] would be as strong as Rudy's. His spell was fast enough to bypass the time needed to for me to activate my barrier.

Though Mad Skulls look like simple golems, they are quite intelligent, capable of issuing commands to lesser monsters like [Tarantula Deathlords] and [Iron Crawlers]. They would attack in formation with [Iron Crawlers] in the vanguard, Death Road Tarantulas in the middle, and themselves at the rear.

All in all, it was a perfect strategy. For monsters with limited intelligence, this could be taken as rather genius. A combination of B-Ranked monsters with an A-Ranked monster leading it with other of its kin providing backup with battalions of their own. Safe to say the can eradicate an experienced A-Rank party.

S-Ranked parties could vanquish them. I was an S Rank myself, but I am a mere individual. I'll just try to slip by them unnoticed and move on to the next floor. Yes, that is the general plan. Let's do that.

As I was about to sneak up behind them, the small tablet artefact in my pocket rang. It was a device I made so Orsted can talk to me if there was something necessary. However, no matter how necessary it was, I have been found. Every eye filled with carnal desire for violence was now directed at me. I almost seemed like a plate full of food to them.

Sighing, I faced them.

With a second thought, they charged at me.

The battlefield stretched before me, a grim tableau of impending confrontation. The relentless advance of the monstrous horde, led by the Mad Skulls, painted a vivid portrait of my impending doom.

Towering headless giants, encased in mud-drenched armor, their slow but deliberate strides oozing a sense of impending menace. With my heart beating excitedly in my ears, I tightened my grip on the hilt of my sword, each breath an anchor in the tempest of anticipation.

I had felt this feeling before. Maybe it was this body or my lack of interest in controlling how I feel, this body's adrenaline was something else. In battle, it always made me feel euphoric. It was one of the best feelings I have ever experienced. And I don't plan on letting go of it anytime soon.

As the monsters closed the distance, I felt a current of electricity coursing through my veins, heightening my senses to an almost otherworldly level. I held my sword to the side, my grip iron-clad but letting it dangle lazily. With a surge of adrenaline, I lunged forward, my blade seeking purchase on the mud-clad armor of the nearest Iron Crawler.

The sound of my crimson blade clashing with its tough hide reverberated throughout the cave. Maybe it was the girth, even with me applying force, I couldn't really slash it completely. Kicking its body, I backflipped back into my starting point. I looked down at the sword.

Orsted said it had the "potential" to become the sharpest blade there is. However, even from initial look, it seemed almost blunt. A kitchen knife would be hundred times sharper than it. Well, let's see what this is all about.

This time, I blasted a small gust of wind underneath my feet and jumped into the back ranks, attacking the Mad Skull leading the first battalion.

The clash was a symphony of steel meeting stone, an eruption of sparks illuminating the chaos. My initial strike was a mere whisper against their robust defenses, the impact resonating through my arms. These creatures were no mindless brutes; they were calculated opponents, and their movements were deliberate as they responded to my assault.

However, there was one notable difference. Despite being really sturdy rocks, the sword now made a much deeper cut.

The spiders spew a net of traps towards me. Kicking the Mad Skull's shoulder, I dodged it and the net instead trapped the Mad Skull. Landing on my feet, I slashed at the group of spiders. With one swift movement, I managed to cut them all with a little force and augmentation from Battle Aura.

It was then when I realised it. The sword was getting sharper with every strike. The more I use it, the sharper it'll get. Although, I don't see the advantage. But I guess if I keep sharpening it, it will unlock an additional effect.

As I tried to break in their ranks once more, the Iron Crawlers rumbled closer, their tank-like forms betraying their unexpected swiftness. Each movement of their segmented bodies seemed to shake the very ground beneath me.

I dashed toward one, my sword a blur as I sought the chinks in its armored hide. A well-placed thrust into a vulnerable joint brought forth a metallic screech, and the creature crumbled like a fallen fortress.

Phew. Alright, I can do this. Or maybe not. It is too early to jump to conclusions. I haven't fought anything with this high of a ra---, oh wait, never mind.

As I was targeting another worm, my senses flared, and I swinged my sword back. The blade met a stone canon spell and sliced it into half. Without wasting a second, I held the hilt like a knife and stabbed the vital organ of the worm before jumping off it and avoiding another stone canon.

The spiders were now encircling me, weaving a new trap. I could hear the sound of other battalions marching closer.

I needed to end this.

[North God Style---Cross Chop]

Unsheathing my teal blade, I crossed my swords in the shape of an "X" and imbued them with a hefty amount of battle aura. Using them as an extension of the sword, I swung them. After that, I quickly stooped down to the ground and used a spell that Rudeus used a lot.


Once they lost their mobility, the attack caught them, and the rest is history.

With that, I ended up clearing this floor as well. The monsters are getting stronger and stronger.

I wonder if I can stay alive until the end.

There was another battalion that had arrived there before I could teleport. It was much stronger than the one that attacked me earlier. I adapted another strategy for this one. In this one I initiated the battle using [Long Sword of Light] first to break through the ranks. Then I used an inferior version of [Sword of Deprivation] to fend off and counterattack the worm and spiders and then used North God Style's [Cross Chop] to sever the head of the Mad Skull before it could fully hide inside its body.

Since they were only A ranked, I didn't need to unleash the full strength of these techniques.

I still had a little fuel left in my tank.

After discovering the magic circle to the fourth floor, I thoroughly searched around the third floor. However, I didn't find anything.


I arrived at the fourth floor. The instant I came out of the teleport magic circle, at a glance, the surroundings had undergone a complete change from previous floors. I had a recollection of those stone constructed walls.

As I thought, it's similar to the ruins where the teleport magic circle was. I wonder if the same type of ruin ended up becoming a labyrinth.

I strolled around mindlessly. This labyrinth was quite hard. I wonder if I would've survived here 2 years ago. Maybe not. I was just a Sword and North Saint at that time. If I was alone, I would've died, without the fraction of a doubt.

"Hm?" I looked up and saw a horde coming towards me. Once I narrowed my eyes, I tried to take in minor details of them. I recognised them from written descriptions. Animated suits of rusty armor with four arms, each holding a razor-sharp blade. Considered as undead monsters, they are weak against earth and [Divine Strike Magic], these were the [A-Ranked Monsters] called [Armoured Warriors].

"Hmmmm," I hummed as I cast a sidelong glance at them. Despite having the gait of a zombie, they were holding the sword a certain way. Are they able to use techniques from the 3 sword schools?

I pointed my finger at one of the [Armoured Warriors]. A small ball of fire manifested above it. Once they were in range, I fired the spell at them. However, in the blink of an eye the fireball was deflected back at me. Using my hand coated in [Battle Aura], I swatted it away. However, the one that had deflected it, was now in front of me. "Excelled counterattack." I mused as I watched it swing its sword at me.

I wonder if these are dead Water-God practitioners.

I flicked my finger, and a spike tore through the ground, impaling the [Armoured Warriors]. It let out a guttural shriek, making my eardrums vibrate before its body went limp and the struggled died out.

They couldn't use [Battle Aura] but they were able to use the most basic techniques of Water God Style, namely; [Flow] and [Flowing Water]

Which means magic was a no-go. Sword God Style was basically useless against Water God Style. Water God Style was weak against North God Style. And North God Style was weak against Sword God Style. Kind of like Rock-Paper-Scissors.

Now I can use North God Style, but it is only effective against Water God style because of it contains an element of surprise. But the fastest way was to just brute force through them using Sword God Style.

And that is what I did.

[Long Sword of Light]

Like a blur of pure light, my crimson sword tore through the ranks, cleaving the monsters one after another in one straight line. Once the attack finished, I looked back and saw the majority of them had been cut down. It wasn't going to kill them. But it would take a lot of time to regenerate. I needed to incapacitate them and then kill them with one spell. I don't have the luxury to waste my mana.

WIth another blur, I vanished and appeared amidst them. Unsheathing both my sword, I spun like a tornado and delivered slashes in every direction. They tried to counter it but the swords I had were far superior, breaking them with my crimson sword and cutting them in half with my teal sword. After just a few seconds, all of them were down.

[Saint Ranked Earth Spell --- Lance Shower]

A huge array of earthen spikes formed behind me. I clicked my fingers and all of them rained down on their severed bodies like hail, impaling and gaffing each and every one of them. A series of cacophonous, ear-splitting shrieks reverberated throughout the cave. One by one, magic that supported their life waned away and they stopped struggling, succumbing to death.

"Well then, I hope next floor is easy." I spoke to myself as I searched for the teleportation cirlce and stepped on it.


I normally jinx myself, but this is one of the rare occasions where I didn't. The next floor was home to mainly an [A-Ranked Monster] called [Devouring Devil].

[Devouring Devil] were monsters with a large gaping mouth and razor-sharp fangs. It also had long limbs and pointed claws that enable them to scale the walls and ceiling, allowing them to penetrate the formation of an adventurer's party. They are quick and are capable of dishing out powerful attacks but have low defenses----kind of like glass canons.

Their eggs were dark, oblong-shaped and coated in liquid, resembling cockroach eggs. If it wasn't for the horrendous appearance and stench, I would've taken the eggs back to use them in a few dishes. The best countermeasure against them was to burn the roots of [Talfro tree] like incense. They hated the smell so much that they would descend from the ceiling and lay low on the floor, making them easy targets.

Once they were down, I killed them all with a single [Fireball].

After defeating the [Devouring Devil], I sat down for a while. The little wisp that was the [Fire Spirit] had already diminished because of how little magic power I had spent. I wonder if I use a lot of mana, I can summon something like Almanfi. Or rather, I can make someone like him. After all, making your familiars was possible. It just required a lot of skill. It usually didn't outweight its benefits since they would dissipate anyways.

Unless I may be able to regulate the magic energy inside them in a perpetual cycle. A mana core with 100% efficiency.

It's possible, but then again, I do not have the intelligence or the talent to do so.

But a man can dream.

I wonder what became of the Boreas Greyrats. I spotted Ghislaine before embarking on the journey with Philip. Maybe she was going back to the Boreas Estate too. Given her loyalty, the Boreas household would live in a more prosperous way with no threats of invasion from anywhere.

The first prince would not kill Sauros who supports him heavily. After all, if Sauros wants, he can go at war with all the other Greyrat households and still win. I hope Rudeus goes back to Boreas household. But then again, he might be searching for OUR family as well. I hope he is.

Then again, he's Rudeus. He might be getting intimate with that girl right now. There isn't much I should expect from him. Depending on someone is the most fatal mistake I can make. Therefore, I have to look for my family on my own, as Julian Greyrat.


A red magic circle. Until now, all I've seen were teleport magic circles that gave off a bluish-white light, but this one was red. Red---a colour usually associated with danger.

There are such words as Red Zone as well. That means, it will lead to a dangerous place. I am already scared. So scary.

Ehm, anyways, somehow, I felt something. Probably intuition about the guardian beast being beyond this point.

Past the point where I had exited the enchanted circle, an expanse of extraordinary breadth unfurled—a space akin to that of a colossal temple chamber. To encapsulate its size succinctly, it resembled nothing short of a titanic palace hall with a rectangular configuration that spanned a scope as expansive as a baseball field.

Along the periphery of this vast expanse, a series of substantial pillars stood sentinel, their imposing forms punctuating the landscape.

The altitude of the ceiling soared to such towering dimensions that gazing upward demanded a pronounced craning of the neck. The terrain beneath my feet underwent a transformation reminiscent of intricately crafted tiles, each bearing the weight of intricate bas-reliefs and etched tableaus.

These images, projected onto the surface of every tile, bestowed an aura of breathtaking artistry upon the chamber's floor.

Nestled within the innermost sanctum of that pallid palace lurked a solitary behemoth, a sight both awe-inspiring and daunting. Its proportions were nothing short of colossal; Confronting a monstrosity of such magnitude made my previous encounters with monsters paled in comparison.

Its sheer enormity eclipsed that of even a Red Dragon, even though it was a baby, it was supposed to be pretty big. And seeing this monster made it feel like an ant.

I felt a tremor down my spine. The adrenaline in my veins spiked as I understood what I was looking at. A Hydra. They were supposedly wiped out.

Even at this distance, I could see the serrated scales adorning its form, a resplendent shade of emerald, green, possessing an uncanny ability to annul the very essence of magical assaults, simultaneously lacerating any soul that dares to come into contact.

This living titan wielded the remarkable knack to mend itself, mending even the most grievous injuries inflicted upon its many heads. It could regenerate. There were a lot of myth revolving around it. But not everything could be taken at its face value.

I counted its head. 9 in total. Each head, an autonomous engine of destruction, seemed to possess its own mastery of combat, akin to separate entities unified in a symphony of menace. These dread appendages were not merely instruments of melee, but also conduits of elemental havoc; their incendiary breath, a torrent of inferno, could reduce anything to cinders.

But where my eyes stopped weren't at the Hydra. Beyond the Hydra, in the innermost room behind the protecting Hydra...

There was a visible magic crystal. It was an emerald-green magic crystal of tremendous size. A magic crystal in the shape of a crystal about two meters (6 and 1/2 feet) in size. I had never seen a magic crystal of this size until now. However, that wasn't what mattered as well.

Size doesn't matter at all. Rather than something like that, it's the inside of the magic crystal. Inside the magic crystal,

She was there.


Zenith was trapped inside the magic crystal.

"Mom?" The word surged from my throat, an unwitting outcry. My hand quivered uncontrollably, and my gaze widened involuntarily as I saw her before me, ensnared and immobile. A rush of icy sweat traced paths down my face, mingling with the sudden intensity of the moment. Once more, my voice quivered as I summoned her name. "Mom?"

Suddenly all 9 of hydra's heads looked in my direction.

I extended my hand, trying to reach out for her. Suddenly, a huge tornado of flames brushed towards me and pulled me in. The flames were searing hot.

[Advanced Ranked Water Magic]

[Advanced Ranked Wind Magic]

Conjuring a tornado raging with an opposite spin with swirls of water all around it, the raging tornado sizzled, and smoke formed due to the intermingling of water and fire. Landing on my feet, I extended my hand towards it.

[Saint Ranked Fire Spell --- Flash Fire]

A huge ball of flames spread everywhere as it surrounded it and ultimately made its scalding claws towards it. I made a run for Zenith but looking back, I saw my spell flicker out of life before it could even reach it. I stopped midway and got into a lower stance.

The next instant one of its maws came crashing down at me.

[Water God Style --- Celestial Mirage]

The hydra's head came crashing down at a rapid rate and cleaved my body in half.

Instead, it was just a mirage. Side stepping, I kept an eye on Zenith and moved my sword down at its neck. A place where the bone was thinnest, and the flesh didn't have many scales covering it. Twisting my body mid-air, I executed the round cut, severing its head. The huge head rolled over and landed a few steps away.

Before I could land, the other head came crashing down with its maw and swallowed me. Using the tip of my sword, I made a hole in the upper side of its snout and twisted my sword, making the protrusion even bigger. When there was enough space, I blasted out using an advanced rank fire spell.

I was about to sever the second head as well, but three more launched a combined [Flamethrower] at me.

[Advanced Rank Water Spell----Blizzard]

The scorching flames melted the ice in a near instant and a deep mist covered the whole cave. Using it to my advantage, I boxed in quickly, targeting the head that seemed to be the most sluggish.

[Sword God Style --- Long Sword of Silence]

With an eerie silence, my sword made a crimson arc and the head tumbled down with a loud thud. As soon as I landed on my feet, I executed the same move again.

[Sword God Style --- Long Sword of Silence]

And then again.

[Sword God Style --- Long Sword of Silence]

And again.

[Sword God Style --- Long Sword of Silence]

Two more heads fell this time. My sword was getting sharper and sharper.

I used it again and amped my speed this time.

[Sword God Style --- Long Sword of Light]

Three heads tumbled to the ground this time.

Just one more. I'll save Zenith.

However, much to my own surprise, the mist was cleared with a highly lethal flamethrower. Looking up, I saw the hydra, all 9 heads looking at me with a renewed rage. Their regeneration was faster than I had anticipated.

I took a step back and glanced over in Zenith's direction. She was trapped inside, her expressions muddled as if it was being interrupted by a slimy sludge. Before I could look back, the tail of the hydra caught me in the side of my guts, propelling me towards a nearby wall. 

The impact made my head collide against the rocky wall behind, doubling my vision. The 9 heads multiplied, seeming like 18 engines on flames, ready to explode at me. I jerked my head sideways. I can't activate Infinity on time. I have to dodge and attack without it. 

The Hydra moved 6 of its heads, almost like a snake and attacked me from all angles. Sheathing my blade, I tip-toed, narrowly avoiding each and every crunch from them with minimal movements, dancing and weaving around their heads. 

The next instant, my surroundings blurred away. Stepping on platforms made with [Wind Mana], I moved in a curve and arrived right behind it. Using [Wind Mana] behind me, I increased my speed even more and one of the stationary heads of the Hydra started spraying blood.

I swung the teal sword in my left hand, slicing. Since the off-hand sword was being held in a dagger like way, it wasn't enough to completely sever its head. Rotating my body midair and, making use of my centrifugal force, I slashed again with the sword in my right hand.

The head of the Hydra that was hanging loosely before, fell down. 

Now, before he can regenerate it.....

[Fire Magic - Flamethrower]

Using a huge stream of flames, I cauterised the wound in an instant, stopping it from healing. 

It let out an ear-splitting bellow, shaking the foundations of the cave. The Hydra used one head after another and enclosed, surrounding, and attacking me from every direction. I tried to perform some quick back-steps to put some distance between us, but maybe because of the size of the step, I wasn't able to escape from the attack range of the Hydra.

I sheathed my sword once again, readying myself for a counterattack. I couldn't dodge it. I had to parry it. 

[Water God Style ---- Flowing Water]

The flat edge of my sword collided against its scales as I deflected it. Suddenly, my sword started to glow. It was charging up with magic power. But there was no drain on my own reserves. 



I get it. 

The hydra's scales are actually magic stones. That would describe how it is nullifying my magic. 

"Well then..." Performing a front flip over the hydra's incoming head-attack, I avoided the huge maw and landed on another head. Using the tip of my sword, I dipped it inside it. Twisting my sword, it started to absorb the magical power of its scales. 

Leaving the sword implanted there, I jumped off and took out my crimson sword. 

Time to sharpen it. 

[Sword God Style]

Using the initial stage of [Long Sword of Light], I prolled myself forward. As I reached midway, I twisted my body violently and arrived atop the middle head. It was a dangerous maneuver. This was a vantage point for all heads. And the same happened. All heads attacked the place at the same time. 

Using the momentum from before, I simply stepped over a head and got out of the way, making the 7 other heads bite on the middle head simultaneously. It let out a shriek and others soon receded their maws from it, but the damage was done. 

My sword was still stabbed inside its head. With another Long Sword of Light, I reached atop of it and plucked my sword away. The crystals over this head had lost their power.....almost. I can use my magic now. 

My sword got caught on flames as I spun above its head. Spinning and twisting my upper body in a circular motion, I released a 360° slash. The raging crimson flames severed the head and cauterised the wound then and there as I got rid of another head. 

Landing a few steps away from it, I looked back at Zenith. I felt haste take over me. Seeing her like this incited something inside me. 

They attacked again. I performed a singular slash utilising a spiraling motion which extended in front of me, to defend from imminent frontal attacks and to sever the head in one fell swoop. The strategy was simple now. Use the teal sword that had mana absorption properties into the head I am targeting and once it was weak enough, I can attack with the burning crimson sword. 

And like that, another head fell. 

Was it anxiety that I felt? This bubbling feeling that continued to constrict my chest. Was it worry? Worry for Zenith? 

Maybe. Maybe not. The chances using a probability analysis were 50-50. Still, how? 

I can't understand. 

I can't comprehend. When did I started feeling things? 

No, I could always feel. The subtle excitement when I first had something sweet in the WR. The taste of victory after getting defeated by Shiro. Things meant something back then. With time, I stopped feeling them because they started to grow exceedingly boring and repetitive. Winning became a second nature. There was no defeat. No one to look up to. No one to be afraid of. 

But now that I have something to lose........someone to lose. Lose to a creature from myths. 

It makes the adrenaline in my veins pump even faster. 

I backflipped into the air before performing a singular horizontal slash which aimed exactly at the middle section of the neck----a place where it couldn't provide backup in the nick of time.

My sword was still caught on flames. The vermillion shade was now an even bright crimson. 

I performed a singular thrust utilizing the tip of my blade to strike the eye and then spiraled into the air whilst performing a swirling slash upwards.

The hydra was now spraying and squirting blood everywhere. Only one head remained, yet the ferocity in its eyes never waned away. After all, it was a Demonic Dragon, [Manatite Hydra]

I walked over to it, slowly, letting the tip of my sword rustle against the ground, producing a harrowing echo in the cave. 

"Grrrrrrrr......" It growled at me. Its voice low, suppressed, almost as if it knew what was about to happen. 

I pointed my finger at it. The space around it repulsed outwards, forming a swirling vortex of negative gravity. 


Due to how much mana was sucked out of it, the sphere of [Divergence] that was about the size of a golf ball, pierced through its neck, leaving a small hole in its wake. But it stopped right there and stated to grow bigger. 

This was the true nature of [Divergence] and [Convergence]

The more they destroyed, the bigger they got. Just like how one gets fatter and fatter, the more they eat. 

The giant ball of negative energy shredded the weakened monster to pieces, throwing pieces of its flesh and magic scales everywhere. 

I fell down to my knees, my strength sapped. The next moment, I fell on my chest. 

I was hyperventilating. 

My breath came out in ragged gasps. However, I stayed calm. Firstly, I used wind mana to regulate the air inside me and then used healing and detoxification magic on myself to cure the wounds and remove any residual poison inside my body. 

I had a few serious gashes on my body, all of which were bleeding a lot but a single [King Ranked Healing Spell] was enough to completely heal me. Healing Magic was a lot similar to medical knowledge on earth. After all, the anatomy of humans there and here are almost the same. Aside the "mana induction" part. 

"Oh......mom!" I looked back in her direction, but she was no longer there. The crystal was broken. She wasn't there. I picked both my swords up and dashed straight for the room. As I arrived inside, I saw a woman sitting on a piece of rock with molten lava flowing beside her. 

Golden blond hair tied in a bun, blue eyes that lacked the warmth they once carrier, plump red lips that lacked the smile that once always graced them. Despite the lack of vitality and emotions on her face, there was a sad look on her face. She was wearing a simple red shirt tucked into her pants with a small skirt over it. 

"J........" A single sound emerged from her throat, quaking. ".......ian...j..........an"

She wasn't able to talk. But her hands were outstretched to me. 

Her eyes were vacant, yet they seemed to peer right into me----filling in the blanks. It was as if the words that she couldn't talk out loud were being conveyed on to me via some uncanny connection-----tampering with my brain.

".....u.....an" She spoke again as I felt my hands ball into fists while I looked down at her. 

Stooping down on one knee, I placed my hands behind her back and hugged her tightly. 

She felt cold. Her clothes seemed slightly damp, and her skin felt like it had a layer of ice over it. Her hair too smelled of the shampoo I made for her long ago. The day when I was about to leave for Milbots----the faint smell of lavender. Unbeknownst to me, my arms were unconsciously pressing her closer. 

Her frail arms wrapped around my head and placed it over her shoulder. She spoke something but it came out as subtle hums. I couldn't understand it completely. Yet, as she patted my head, it felt like she had come to my rescue and not the other way around. 

There it was again. 

The warm feeling in my chest.

What's wrong with me? 

Am I really changing? 


Aaaaand, CUT!

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