
Vðlµmê 3, þår† 3: Èßßïñg - Food, the way to one's heart.

Julian ~ 7,630 words

Rudeus ~ 1,089 words


The weight of the teal sword in my hand felt familiar, and I knew that every strike could be my last. Adrenaline surged through my veins, heightening my senses and sharpening my focus.

Orsted's eyes gleamed with a predatory gleam, as he launched another assault. His sword whistled through the air, leaving a trail of charred marble in his wake. 

I side-stepped his initial strike, but he followed it up with a quick series of slashes, forcing me to parry with all my strength. 

The force of his attacks sent shockwaves through my arms, and I gritted my teeth, not letting it to affect my focus.

I saw an opening in Orsted's defense and lunged forward, attempting to counter with a thrust attack of my own. 

But he seemed to be one step ahead, gracefully evading my attack and launching a powerful kick towards my midsection. 

I managed to twist my body and almost avoid it, but the edge of his boot grazed my side, leaving a stinging sensation and a minor cut. 

His Holy Dragon Aura was a lethal weapon in itself. Just like how I could imbue the properties of Gravity Magic in my Battle Aura, he was doing the same.

Using the momentum from his kick, Orsted twirled in the air, bringing his sword down in a swift yet simple overhead strike. 

I barely managed to raise my blade in time to block, and the impact sent undulating tremors through the ground, creating a small crater beneath us. 

My arms juddered under the force of the blow, and I realized that I needed to be more creative in my approach. 

Orsted was knowledgeable in all techniques. If I wanted to beat him, I needed to do something that he couldn't. Or at least something he won't expect. 

I took a step back, adopting a defensive stance as I carefully observed Orsted's movements. He had mastered various sword styles, each with its own unique characteristics and challenges. 

The Sword God Style emphasized speed and precision, while the technique [Long Sword of Light] added an element of ranged attack, making it challenging to close the distance.

Drawing upon my own training and experiences from our bouts over the course of past 6 months, I decided to switch tactics. 

Instead of trying to match Orsted's speed, I focused on exploiting his predictable patterns. 

As he charged again, I sidestepped and swung my sword in an arc, aiming for his exposed flank. He managed to block the strike, but it forced him to momentarily shift his focus away from his offensive.

Seizing the opportunity, I gathered my energy and unleashed a shockwave of repulsion using my sword as the medium, creating a wave of force that pushed Orsted back. 

The impact disrupted his balance, and he stumbled for a split second, which I used to my advantage. I lunged forward with a quick thrust, aiming for his chest, but he managed to twist away just in time, and my attack only grazed his shoulder.

A thick stream of blood started to flow from there and stained his white clothes, causing him to scowl. "You shouldn't frown. You'll grow ol--, oh wait, you are old. Sorry." 

Orsted grunted, "You have quite a foul mouth for someone who likes staying silent." 

"Thanks, I guess?" I replied and used this little moment to heal the cut on my side. 

Orsted's eyes bore into mine, and I could sense his urge to end the battle. 

He took a deep breath, and suddenly, the air around him seemed to crackle with energy. He was preparing for a powerful technique, and I knew I had to act fast.

Drawing upon the teachings of the Water God Style, I focused on my inner calm and heightened my senses. 

Time seemed to slow down as I watched Orsted unleash the [Long Sword of Light] once again. This time, instead of trying to dodge or block the attack, I decided to redirect it. However, this time he wasn't holding back on the speed of his attack.

As the blade of light hurtled toward me, I matched its trajectory with a fluid movement of my own. With a precise swing, I deflected the sword by slightly tapping the curved tip of his sword with my own, sending it off-course and into the ground, where it created a deep fissure in the earth. 

Orsted's eyes widened in surprise, and before he could react, I closed the distance between us, my sword poised for a counterattack, because that was what [Water God Style] was all about --- deflect and counterattack. 

But Orsted was not so easily defeated. 

With a quick step back, he avoided my strike and countered with a rapid series of slashes, each one coming from a different angle. 

I deflected some with my own blade and managed to dodge a few, but three managed to graze my arm, thigh and cheek, drawing blood.

Pain flared through my arm, but I pushed it aside, refusing to let it distract me. 

With renewed focus, I executed a swift series of movements, employing the techniques by melding in [Sword God Style] and [North God Style] to enhance my speed and agility and to add a touch of unpredictability. 

I weaved around Orsted's attacks, getting in close and launching a barrage of strikes, each one aimed with precision.

Orsted's expression hardened, and he met my onslaught with equal ferocity. 

Our swords clashed repeatedly, creating a symphony of steel as sparks flew with each collision. 

We seemed evenly matched, each anticipating the other's moves, but I could feel the strain of the battle taking its toll on my body. 

Last time I was caught off guard, however, I could read the mana flow now. 

On a side note, I can maintain the [Mana Eyes] for a much longer duration of time. 

Sweat poured down my brow, and my breaths came in ragged gasps. Brushing the fatigue to the side, I drew upon my inner reserves of strength. I couldn't take it much longer. I was much better than before, but it was impossible for me to go on with the same stamina as before. My body was still recovering. 

With one final burst of energy, I executed a rather crude maneuver, flipping backward and creating distance between us.

As my feet touched the ground, I saw Orsted close the distance in the blink of an eye and was ready to swing the blade right at me. "You miscalculated." Orsted spoke with the usual calm demeanor. 

"Miscalculated indeed. But not me." As I spoke, his feet dug into [Quagmire], however, he countered it immediately by casting a platform and solidifying it. 

However, the momentary division of his attention was enough for me to land on my feet after the backflip and dash straight in towards him. The sudden change was enough to slow Orsted down for a little bit, disorienting his senses. 

Orsted swung his katana at me; however, I formed a small layer of water underneath his feet and dived, slipping between his feet. 

However, there was something about Orsted. 

He didn't adhere to just using a Sword. 

After dodging the swift sword-strike, as I was skidding between his legs, he brought his hand down in a vicious manner. 

I curled my body in a ball shape, narrowly avoiding my head being crushed into a plump. 

The moist beneath his boots was throwing him off-balance. 

Taking advantage of that, I quickly sprang up and twisted my body, landing a scorpion kick to the back of his head. Orsted stumbled a few steps forward and buckled on his knee. 

Well not exactly, since his knee stopped just before touching the ground, so technically it never touched, hence he never buckled to his knees. 

But more importantly, I finally landed a hit. 

After 6 months of arduous training and getting almost killed every time, I finally managed to land a hit. Although, I can complain that my body is still recovering the strength, the sheer raw technique of Orsted was enough to overwhelm me. 

It was a humbling experience. A reminder that there are many who are stronger than me. And I was just a speck of dust in this vast cosmos. 

This was something I somewhat yearned. To not hit a ceiling and learn more. 

As much as I could. The sword style did not end with an ultimate technique. There were different utilities, optimised versions and altered forms. There was so much to learn. So much to absorb. Orsted was like a hub of everything --- magic and sword alike. 

It almost made me feel giddy. 

"There's the face again." Orsted spoke, his features scrunched into his usual "mad" expression, however, I could sense a bit of amusement in it. 

"Hm? Face?" I asked, not entirely understanding what he meant. 

"Not a change in face, strictly speaking, you just seem excited the more I beat you up. You are one weird human." He remarked with a bit of.... disgust? 

Does he think I like getting beaten up? 

"It's not that I like getting almost killed. I am learning. That makes me happy." I replied with a shrug. 

"You don't look happy....." his voice trailed off before putting his sword up, "....never mind. Use that technique of yours. What do you call it?" 

"Hm, I haven't named it, yet." I replied and examined my sword. The more I fought with it, the better I felt. The sword was rather peculiar. It had veins running through it. 

For starters, I understood it could conduct mana. But over the course of my adventuring days, I also saw that it can suck the mana out of monsters once stabbed in their vulnerable organs. 

The understanding of mana for me was still vague, since until now I have thought of "mana" as the fuel that brings the scientific concepts into the physical plane of existence. 

"Just name it Infinity." Orsted replied, his face relaxed now. 

This man sure is soft on the inside. 

"Hm. It's not like I will be saying it out loud." I countered. The name sounded good enough. Although, I do not see the reason behind doing so. 

"The technique is too complicated for even me to replicate. Since I can't even do the basic parts of it, imbuing in Battle Aura is even harder. Name it for the sake of your heirs. They might have a talent for it." Orsted suggested. 

"Don't you just need more allies?" I spoke with a dead-pan.

"That would be good, yes, but I promised you and your family a safe haven. If I don't have your consent, I would not. Although it would be a shame for such technique to go down the dumps." 

"Why do you want me to use it right now?" I asked, ignoring his previous answer. 

"You're relying on it too much lately. You have the excuse of a weakened body, but you still do not know its flaws." He replied as a golden aura enveloped him. This was his Holy Dragon Aura. 


"Yes. Now activate it." 

"If you say so." 

I let out a deep breath and reached out for the neutral force of Gravity and started imbuing it in my battle aura that stuck like a second skin to my body. 

The hair on my body stood on the edge as I brought my sword up. 

However, it was too late.

The sword sliced right through my chest, sending a tremor of a scorching hot shiver throughout my body. Following right up, his punch landed on my cheek bone, almost crushing it while a kick directed at my sternum. 


However, the kick stopped midway, getting repulsed by an invisible barrier. 

I fell to my knees as blood gushed out of my mouth. Bile rose up and I felt the nasty after taste of the monster meat I had consumed an hour ago. 

The bitter, nauseating taste of the bile stuck to the back of throat as I coughed up more blood. 

"Your technique. It's not instantaneous. And unlike your other [Gravity Magic] spells like the ones you talked about; [Convergence] and [Divergence], this barrier doesn't have a property. It is neutral. Hence it can only act as defense." Orsted explained as he placed a hand on the surface of the barrier that separated him and me. 

"And even this barrier. The distortion in space cannot stop what is faster than i's mechanics of acticvation." He explained as he muttered; 

[Disturb Magic]

With a swift moment, his hand bypassed the Infinity between him and me as he held me by my throat and picked me up. 

"Do you get it?" 

"Thanks for the advice." I replied as I felt more blood gush out of me. At the same time, I imbued a little amount of [Divergence] in the neutral barrier, in one last attempt to cut his hand off. 

Needless to say, Orsted receded his hand before it could reach to him. However, the neutral barrier also crumbled. 

It seemed like the barrier needed to stay "neutral" for it to work and the forces couldn't be used in tandem with it. 

I crossed my arms in front of my chest and blocked another one of Orsted's kicks that sent me flying into a nearby wall. 

"Had enough?" Orsted spoke from the other side of the field. 

Removing the huge rock from my back as I rose up from the debris, I picked up my sword. 

[Saint Ranked Healing Magic]

The broken bones and torn muscles reattached and sew themselves back into place as I placed my sword above my head, "Not yet." 

This exhilarating feeling. 

Orsted was a being that was thousands of years old. All those techniques and experiences he carried....

......I wanted to see more of it. Learn more. 

It was like there was an empty well inside me, yearning for more and more knowledge. 

"Very well." Orsted replied with a subtle nod and closed eyes, although I could tell he was amused as well. After all, a few moments later, he had a vile, disgusting grin over his face. 


I was finally in my room. The house was on the outskirts of Begaritt continent. 

From what I could remember, this is the general overview of this place; 

Begaritt Continent is a continent in the southwest that has a large number of labyrinths. There is high concentration of mana in this region. The strength of the monsters is equal to those of [Demon Continent]. Due to the harsh environment and the number of monsters that spawn the continent is said to be the second most dangerous in the world after the Demon Continent. There aren't any established countries in Begaritt, only towns or safe areas.

A bit more about it, in terms of localisation; 


The most prominent city of Bergaritt Continent that was built inside of an enormous rib cage of a Behemoth monster, which could easily contain an average-sized city, the buildings are mostly made of earth and monster materials.


The Continent has two ports, one that connects with the West Side of the Central Continent in the Asura Kingdom, and the other that connect with the South Side of the Central Continent in Dragon King Realm.


The currency is the Shinsa, but bartering products with monster material or food is more common.

With the conclusion of the introductory affairs of the city I presently resided in, it was time for me to indulge in a well-deserved bath. 

In this world, the concept of separate baths was uncommon, yet serendipitously, the house I was temporarily living in had this luxurious amenity. 

Amidst my adventures, I had never chanced upon a dwelling that housed a private bath, making this rare opportunity a welcomed respite - a sanctuary where I can bath in my privacy and not have others peek at me.

Exerting an effort to rouse my battered and bruised body from its fatigued state, I ambled languidly towards the bath that was just around the corner of the hall. 

As I Iooked at my reflection in the mirror, I noted the changes in my appearance due to my fight with Almanfi. 

My once golden hair now had a pure white hue, while the azure irises of my eyes had lost some of their former intensity, rendering a paler shade. 

According to Orsted, this transformation was an aftermath of depleting my mana reserves to their very last drop during my fight with the spirit of light.

However, the uncertainty lingered: were these alterations permanent or a transient consequence of my mana exhaustion? 

Even the erudite Orsted didn't know the answer.

While I do not care much about the colour of my hair, personally, I yearned for my hair to revert to its original color, for it was the sole reminder of my mother, whose fate eluded me still. 

My hair and the color of my eyes represented the last vestiges of her memory, cherished keepsakes that anchored me. 

Did I spend enough time with her? No. 

Did I miss her? I do not know. 

Still, I felt a tinge every time I remembered the time, I almost had her fingers touch mine. 

Or maybe its just this body. I might never know. 

A deep sigh escaped my lips, releasing the burden of contemplation, as I turned my attention to the bath. 

The water began to cascade into the tub, its liquid embrace screaming at me to submerge and embrace its comfort. 

Using fire magic, I deftly adjusted the temperature, ensuring it reached an optimal level of warmth. 

With a concoction of carefully blended components, I made a makeshift shampoo to cleanse and untangle my excessively long hair, now imbued with the pungent odors of sweat from the hours long intense sparring bouts with Orsted.

Just as I was about to dip myself in the soothing waters, a subtle sound reverberated through the air, catching my attention. 

The door behind me slid open, introducing an unanticipated intrusion into my "supposed" private reverie.

With an air of caution, I turned to ascertain the identity of the unexpected guest. 

I felt a shiver run down my spine. 

I felt it.......

......it was death.

As our gazes met, it was evident that she carried an air of disapproval, her brows knitted together in a deep frown, the towel firmly safeguarding her modesty while accentuating her endearing shyness.


I felt as if a compass would stab me out of nowhere. 

Maybe I have permanent PTSD from black haired girls. 

Instinctively, I shifted my gaze away, my own lack of emotional expression causing me to remain unperturbed by the situation. "Sorry," I stated in my usual composed manner, my voice devoid of any hint of embarrassment. "I did not know you would be coming as well."

Nanahoshi's cheeks flushed with a mix of indignation and embarrassment, evident in the way she retorted, "You should have at least announced before coming. Who takes a bath without announcing?"

Despite her bluster, I detected a faint tinge of vulnerability beneath her defensive facade. Her discomfort tugged at my otherwise indifferent heartstrings.

"Again, I apologise. It was an oversight on my part," I replied with a touch of sincerity. Although I still don't see how this is my mistake. I never heard about the unsaid rule of announcing the whole world about my bath. It was rather disorienting.

Nanahoshi seemed taken aback by my unexpected response, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of pink. "Well, um... Just be more careful next time!" she mumbled, averting her gaze, the towel clutched tightly around her.

The tension in the room gradually eased as I stepped back to give her the space she needed. "Of course," I assured, my voice steady, "I'll make sure to announce before entering from now on."

In the ensuing silence, Nanahoshi seemed to struggle with something unsaid. Finally, she looked up, "I am not mad. It's just... I value my privacy, you know?"


To my surprise, a faint smile graced Nanahoshi's lips, a subtle expression of gratitude. "Thank you," she murmured, her demeanor softening slightly.


After some time had passed since our initial banter, Nanahoshi broke the silence once again, her voice carrying a hint of impatience. "Why are you just standing there?" she inquired, seeking an explanation for my seemingly inert posture.

  "Merely waiting for you to depart," I responded simply. 

"Why? I'm about to take a bath, so you should leave," she retorted, her determination evident.

"I happened to arrive here first," I retorted.

"Doesn't matter. Ladies first," she asserted, clinging to the convention that seemed misplaced in this particular world.

"It doesn't apply in this world," I refuted, my logical approach failing to sway her conviction.

"It does!" she insisted, as if repeating the claim would make it more convincing.

"Would you employ the same logic in a combat situation? Or does it apply only where it is convenient for you?" I questioned, trying to expose the inconsistency in her reasoning.

"Misogyny!" she accused, her finger pointing at me, though her suppressed smile betrayed her true sentiments.

"Hmm? Do you know what that term technically means?" I asked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

"No," she admitted, her defensiveness giving way to honesty.

"Who could've guessed?" I stated, adding a nonchalant shrug.

Suddenly, her attention shifted to the concoction I had prepared earlier. "Wait... is that shampoo!?" she inquired as she walked past me, still draped in her towel.

"No, it's a smoothie," I replied, testing my sense of humour.

"Ha. Ha. Little Julian is so funne," she snorted. 

Guess not. 

Little? Me? That claim certainly merited a response. "I am four inches taller than you," I pointed out, defending my stature.

"Pipe down--whoa, wait, you really grew up again! What's with the people of this world and their heights?" she exclaimed, taken aback by my unexpected growth.

"Not everyone is tall here. I'd say people here are much shorter in fact." 

Curious about my family's stature, she asked, "How tall was your brother?"

Recalling the distant memory, I replied, "I last saw him when I was seven. There was about a nine-inch difference in height."

"No way," she retorted, seemingly unconvinced.

"Yes, it's true," I assured her.

"He's short as hell," she concluded, her frankness apparent.

"So are you. You're shorter than the global threshold for women," I retorted. She might've started acting like my friend but Rudy was my brother.

"Ughhhhhhh...." she groaned in mock annoyance.

I relented, "Well, you can take a bath first."

Her eyes sparkled with hope as she asked, "Can I use the shampoo too? Pretty please?"

"No," I replied, jokingly.

"I haven't washed my hair in a year! This damned place doesn't have anything." 

  "I was kidding. You can use it."

"You sure as hell didn't seem like you were kidding."

Ah, it seemed I still had some way to go in mastering the art of conveying emotions through facial expressions. 

After that, I went out and waited for an hour before she came out. And then I went on to take a bath. 

I was feeling rather hungry after the bath. 

Maybe I should cook something. 


So, it has been 6 months already. Let me debrief what happened to the noble me in this time. 

Eris and Ruijerd are becoming the most unexpected buddies. 

Who would've thought that this fearsome man would turn into a listener extraordinaire for Eris's tales of magic and swordplay from home? Maybe they're secretly running a bedtime story club!

Bedtime, huh? 

Ah, no, no. Bad Rudy!

At first, Ruijerd was as quiet as a library during exams, but now he's all "nodding dog" to whatever Eris says. 

Fear? What fear? 

That's so yesterday! 

Eris seems to have gone from "scaredy-cat" to "bold lioness" around this towering figure. 

She throws rude comments around like confetti at a party, but Ruijerd? He's like, "No worries, mate. I'm rubber, you're glue – whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!"

Whoever started those nasty rumors about the Superd race having a temper problem clearly missed the memo. 

Ruijerd's got patience for days, and Eris, she's got mood-reading of a brain-dead person. 

I suspect Edona --- her etiquette teacher got something to do with this. "Thou shalt not anger thy company" must be one of her wise teachings.

But let's keep an eye on this duo. 

Eris better be careful not to test Ruijerd's limits with her cheeky remarks. And Ruijerd, watch out for Eris's patience bar – it's shorter than a cat's whisker... 

As if on cue, I could hear Eris's voice getting louder.

"Is Rudeus your brother?"



Das ma girl! 

"But isn't Greyrat a family name?" 

"Even though it's his name, he's not my brother!"

"Half-sibling from the mother's side? Half-sibling from the father side?"

"He doesn't belong to either side!"

"Even though I'm not very clear about the Human race, but you should treasure your family member."

"I already said you're taking things the wrong way!"

"It's fine, just cherish him well."


Eris faltered and used a strong tone. "I- I'm cherishing him..."

No, you're not. Cherish me with passion, with love, with intensity. You get what I mean? Eris-chan? 

Well, even though we're not real siblings. Eris is older than me.

But cousin sister, huh? 

Sounds like my ideal fantasy!


Ok, so let me actually tell you what happened.

After Ruijerd became our guide, we went to Migurd Hamlet, Roxy's hometown. 

We stayed a few days there and I knew about a sacred information.

That's right. Roxy's age. She was my age, if I combine my age from previous world as well. 

Well, now I don't have to hold back. Roxy-shishou, here I cu- come.

Well after the meeting with father-in-law and mother-in-law, who refused to let me call them mother and father. The conversation went on something like this. 

"I understand. Then, let us meet again someday."

"Ah, but please excuse me from being your father-in-law?"

I said "sure" but eh, watch me get your daughter old man!

After that we somehow came to an agreement on Ruijerd being our guide for the rest of the time. 

Superd's Honour and protecting children. 

On our way to the nearest town, Ruijerd taught Eris the way of sword. She was able to pick things up quickly and hunted down a lot of Pack Coyotes. 

After 3 days we arrived at the city. We found out that Ruijerd was was a feared beast called dead-end. So, his access to cities was pretty much impossible. He was practically seen as Grim Reaper for the adults and Boogeyman for the kids. 

Poor lad.

Well, I ended up thinking something and changed his hair colour to blue while hiding the gem on his head. 

After that we joined Adventurer's Guild and became Adventurers. 

Why you ask? 

Well, we need money, you silly willy. 

We registered our party as the name "Dead End." Why? To restore Ruijerd's reputation. He was escorting us so I could do at least this much. After all, I can relate to being misunderstood. 

After many initial difficulties, we finally managed to raise rank and started travelling south. 

Onward to the South,

And even farther to the South.

Thus our journey continued.


Of course, it wasn't just a smooth journey.

There were problems that happened many times.

Also Eris who came to understand the language became seriously pissed off and started a fight.

There were also some cases where Ruijerd's identity as someone of the Superd tribe was found out.

In addition to that there was a time I tried to peek at Eris bathing, however Ruijerd grabbed me by my neck and pulled me away.

Similar problems happened many times over.

First time around, I became worried over every little problem.

I thought I had to make sure it didn't happen again.

But, if you think about it.

Whenever Eris started a fight she never drew her sword.

Also whenever Ruijerd was found out it didn't turn into a mayhem like the first time.

And we were very friendly towards the guards saying "Sorry but since there are also a lot of scary guys in the Superd tribe we need be cautious."

Something like that.

In the end I couldn't peek at Eris taking a bath even once.

All of these were small problems.

They never developed into bigger problems.

That's why I stopped caring after a while.

Eris is violent, Ruijerd is from the Superd tribe, And I'm a pervert.

It was something decided from birth.

Now I believe it more than ever, it isn't something that can be changed.

Well, I'm doing whatever I can. But even if I fail I should just deal with situations.

Let's go at a relaxed pace, a relaxed pace.

Partway through I began to think like that. But I certainly won't treat failure lightly. However we should loosen our shoulders. I just became able to put the things I wanted to try into practice.


An year has passed since we started travelling.

And before we noticed we had already become A rank adventurers. 

Julian became S-Rank in one year. But well, part of the reason why we didn't become S-Rank was because S-Rank entails labyrinth dives and we didn't want to jump in such dangerous waters. At least not yet. Hence, we put our promotion on hold. 

And thus, we arrived at the southern end of the Magic continent or in this world terms, Demon Continent.

We reached the port town Windport.

This was my one-year report. I know I said 6 months but who's keeping tabs. It was short, I know, but eh, there was nothing much worth mentioning. 


If I were to succinctly describe the culinary experience on the Begaritt Continent, or in this world in general, a single word would effortlessly encapsulate my sentiment—

--it would be "repulsive."

Now, allow me to expound upon the intricate details of this gastronomic predicament.

It was not merely an issue of me particularly possessing finicky taste buds or a distaste for meager seasonings; rather, it is the insipidness of flavours that rendered the entire ordeal almost insurmountable. 

Presently, I was seated at an elongated table, sharing the company of Nanahoshi. 

Her countenance revealed a palpable disgust as she contorted her features in distaste. 

Instead of employing the fork in a conventional manner, she wielded it akin to a knife, forcefully impaling the piece of meat before deftly slicing a portion and ingesting it with a displeased expression on her face. 

With an air of mild admonishment, I interjected, pointing my finger at her, "That is not very lady-like." We had grown close enough to talk frankly. 

Her retort was laden with frustration, "Oh, cut me some slack. Your taste buds in this world might find this bile-inducing meat delicious, but it is actually repul--"

"Repulsive, I know," I interposed, lowering my gaze to my plate. 

Her unwavering eyes remained fixed upon me, her finger inadvertently tapping the edge of the table. After a moment of silence, she meekly apologised, allowing her lustrous raven tresses to cascade on either side of her face, shrouding her features behind a dark waterfall.

"It's alright. I understand the difficulty in consuming it, particularly after experiencing the delights of Earth," I pause, reminiscing, "though I didn't indulge in many exquisite meals myself so I can't completely relate."

"Did you not? Were your parents, perchance..." she trailed off, her voice laced with hesitation in case she mutters something that might come off as exceedingly rude. 

"Hm? No. I didn't have a mother. My father was rich, perhaps, but he always made me eat a strict diet. I only had a few good foods in high school."

"I am sorry to hear tha--" 

"Like I said before, I don't really care. So, you stop apologising." I interjected, engendering a stagnant silence that permeated the air like a static mist, lingering between us for an extended duration.

She broke the silence after a while, "But man, this food is making me vomit. It's so bland!" She complained, throwing her fists in the air while having a very annoyed look on her face. Hmm. It was alright with it being bland since it didn't seem like much of a nuisance to me, however, she seemed to be really taking it hard.


Raising up from my seat, I walked over to her side and extended my hand towards her. 

"What now?" she asked, her tone not betraying her palpable grumpiness.

  "Let's grab some ingredients from the nearby marketplace. I'll cook."

"Can you even cook?" She raised a brow at me. After all, she had been trying to replicate the dishes from our old world a lot, the lack of spices and sauces made it almost impossible to remake it.

"I can give it a try." I replied. However, there was a certain flaw in her approach. She was being too rigid with her demands. For example, instead of Soy Sauce, there were plants that could replicate the taste of it. Similarly, there were many spices, which after they are combined can be used to get one final end result.

"Are you sure about this?" She asked, still skeptical.

"Yeah. But are you sure you want to come? We might have to wander about for quite a while." 

"It's fine by me. I am tired of just sitting around the house anyways." She replied and placed both her hands on the table with a loud thud and rose up. Grabbing up her mask, she started wearing it. 

"You should leave that." 


"No reason." I replied with a shrug. "You can wear it if you want." I continued.

"Hmmmm." She hummed out loud, resting her chin on her index and thumb, "Fine, I'll not wear it. Just this while, okay?" 

"Fine by me. You should go out and associate with people more though." I advised.

  "I don't plan on mingling with people here. So no, thanks."

"At least do some workout." I pressed.

She suddenly looked at me with a grin, "Do you really want my company so bad?"

"Maybe?" I tried to tease but it somehow embarrassed her. She appeared endearingly flustered, her fingers deftly twirling a strand of her ebony hair around her ring finger, a subtle gesture betraying her emotions.


What have I done........?


After an hour, we finally reached the city of Rapan. 

My memory was slightly hazy, drawing from the fragments of knowledge I had gathered from the book titled "Wandering the World." 

Rapan was a vast metropolis with an earth-toned facade. 

It was nestled amid its iconic twelve ivory pillars, constructed from mud and materials procured from indigenous creatures.

As we neared the city's perimeter, it dawned upon me that Rapan shared a certain aesthetic resemblance with the cities of the Demon Continen, or so I heard. 

The reasoning behind this became evident when I recalled that Demon Continent held the unenviable distinction of ranking as the world's most perilous place, with Begaritt Continent close behind in second place. 

However, in a peculiar contrast, the city exuded an unexpected verdancy, possibly due to the presence of an oasis near the bone pillars. 

From a distance, a line of palm trees came into view, casting an enchanting aura upon the atmosphere. Yet, there lingered a crude scent in the air, reminiscent of crowded slave markets, subtly reminding us of the less savoury aspects of the continent.

As I looked to my side, I saw Nanahoshi, without her mask and dressed in her usual robes. She was looking up at the pillars, her eyes carrying a certain degree of fascination. 

"Surprised? Those pillars are actually a behemoth's ribs." Matching her gaze, I explained it to her. 

We were still walking along as I surveyed the area. Nanahoshi turned to me with stars in her eyes, carrying a giddy look on her face. "Behemoth!?" 

"I am not sure if it is true but from what I heard, when the great hero, second-generation North God Kalman, visited this land, he and his companions defeated a behemoth that was rampaging through the desert. They feasted on some of its meat and left the rest of its remains to rot, leaving what you see now-bones that refuse to decay, standing testament to the passage of time." 

"North-God? Isn't that the sword style you are practicing?" 

"One of the sword styles I am practicing, yes." I replied, correcting her. 

However, she just punched me in the arm, "Show-off." She then turned her attention back to the pillars made out of the Behemoth's carcass. "Wow. Wait, can you defeat a behemoth?"

"Hm? No. I'd die rather quickly."

"Owww, what a let-down." 

"I can kill a few small critters though." 

"How cruel of you to attack small monsters!" 

"So, I should let them feast on me?" 

"Probably, you should." 

"That's mean. I feel hurt." 

"You ain't feelin' nothing." She snorted and looked away. However, she soon turned her face to me, "But how did so much flesh decomposed? This city isn't old enough for this much to be rot away."

"Ants were among the numerous monsters that feasted on the fallen behemoth's flesh, and they are the cause of the city's numerous labyrinths. When monsters devour other monsters that are stronger than they are, they give birth to powerful offspring in turn. Those mutant ants dug countless nests, and the nests all turned into labyrinths." I explained. 

"Ooh, you sure did your homework." She spoke in a mocking tone. However, I knew she didn't intend to do it. She was desperate to go back, but Orsted told her that she can go back only when she has done her task, which isn't going to happen any time soon. In the meantime, she is supposed to work on her research about bringing objects from another world into this one. 

"Thanks." I simply understood what she meant. No need to dig too much into it. 


After a brisk walk, we arrived in the massive marketplace. 

The myriad scents of exotic spices and freshly picked herbs tantalized my senses. A glimmer of determination and hope gleamed in Nanahoshi's eyes as she eagerly sought alternative ingredients for soy sauce, a challenge I welcomed with fervor.


Because although it didn't bother me, I still wanted to taste delicious food. 

As we approached the first stall, an array of colorful jars containing unfamiliar condiments greeted us. 

The stallholder presented us a warm greeting and then started to show-off a variety of unique seasonings native to the Begaritt Continent. 

Each jar possessed an intensity of flavor vastly different from the milder nuances of soy sauce, posing a puzzle. 

Undaunted, I sampled each condiment, my discerning palate deciphering their intricate tastes, attempting to connect the unfamiliar with the familiar.

I tried to offer some of it to Nanahoshi, but she refused. Quoting her exactly, she said, "I'd rather die than have these abhorrent condiments on my tongue directly." 

Needless to say, she said it in Japanese. She was considerate enough to not hurt anyone. 

However, there was nothing that tingled my palette the way it should have. I was looking for something tangy, but not bitter or too acidic in nature. Something with a tinge of mellowness in it. 

The main objective was to replicate the taste. If there was a condiment with somewhat similar taste, I could dilute or concentrate it, or just add it in hot oil as a finish touch. The possibilities were endless, but as of now, the objective was rather straight-forward. 

Advancing to the next stall, a jovial merchant showcased an assortment of exotic fruits, their vibrant colors teasing the senses. 

Nanahoshi's eyes widened with curiosity upon spotting a fruit that bore a striking resemblance to one from our world. A dragon fruit to be exact. 

Tasting it, we both discovered a delightful amalgamation of sweet and tangy notes, distinct from any taste I had encountered before. Yet, a subtle hint of umami lingered in the fruit's aftertaste, an observation that ignited my imagination, envisioning its potential as a foundation for our sauce.

However, it wasn't supposed to taste like this.

Dragon Fruit is supposed to taste something like a mixture of pear and kiwi. Its appearance was exactly like one, but its taste was way off the mark. But well, never mind. It tasted something like umami soy sauce. Guess I have to make it work. 

Umami is one of the five basic tastes. Theoretically, it has been described as savory and is characteristic of broths and cooked meats.

Usually, people taste umami through taste receptors that typically respond to glutamates and nucleotides, which are widely present in meat broths and fermented products. 

Glutamates are commonly added to some foods in the form of monosodium glutamate (MSG), and nucleotides are commonly added in the form of disodium guanylate, inosine monophosphate or guanosine monophosphate. 

Since umami has its own receptors rather than arising out of a combination of the traditionally recognized taste receptors, it is now considered to be a distinct taste.

This solves almost everything.

I do not need to combine many things. Since it is not a formation or saturation of many other tastes blended in, I just needed to extract the sauce from it.....


"I think we'll take 100 of these fruits." I spoke up as Nanahoshi spat the bite of the dragon fruit she had in her mouth. 

"What are you saying? It tastes horrible." She hissed in Japanese. 

"Let me cook." I replied in a reassuring tone. 

"O-one h-hu-hundred?" The man stuttered. 

"Is there a problem?" I asked, tilting my head. 

"Uh, no. Are you sure you want so much?" 

"Yes." I replied, my tone sharp. The man flinched and started storing everything in a huge box. 

"Why so many?" Nanahoshi continued talking in Japanese. 

"How much coconuts you need to fill one glass with coco-milk?" I asked. 

"Uhhh, one?" She replied with an annoyed look. 

"Generally speaking, a large ripe coconut will yield about 1 pound of coconut meat, which produces about 5 cups grated coconut. This makes about 1/2 cup of undiluted coconut milk." I answered. 

"And?" She crossed her arms. 

"This fruit isn't juicy. Even if I were able to make something out of it, each one of them would be resulting in much less yield. So, I need at least 100." I finished my explanation as she suddenly stroked her hands together. 

"Oh, naruhodo, naruhodo." 

"Took you some time."

"I wouldn't, if it wasn't for the foul taste in my mouth." 

"Sure." I replied and she snorted. 

She sure had a rather hot temper. 

"But you do admit, it was foul as hell." 

"I agree. I wanted to throw it out too."

"See? So, you do agree. I guess at least we both have impeccable tastes."

"Yeah, I suppose we do."

"How much is it?" I asked the man. 

"That would be 3 golden Shinsa." He replied, rubbing his hands. 

"3 gold? Are you serio--"

Before Nanahoshi could talk, I handed the man the amount he asked for. 


"The big order alone is gathering attention. If we argue, more people will look here." I murmured in her ear. 

"Hmm, ok." 

Surprisingly, she immediately agreed. 

After that, we stared hunting for a few vegetables and greens. 

After a while of venturing deeper into the market, we stumbled upon a treasure trove of fresh herbs and vegetables. 

The aroma of basil and mint wafted through the air, enveloping us in a fragrant embrace. At a stall piled high with plump, juicy onions, a playful twinkle in Nanahoshi's eyes mirrored my own curiosity. 

As we both reached for the same onion, our hands touched. She recoiled as if she was hit by an electrifying jolt. Immediately after, a blush tinted her cheeks. 

"I guess we both REALLY have the same good taste. G-good thing you noticed it as well." She stammered. 

I let out a satisfied hum, "I guess." 

Further exploration led us to the discovery of a mysterious root vegetable with a rather intriguing rough exterior. 

The knowledgeable stallholder unveiled its savory essence when prepared in a certain manner, a revelation that piqued my intrigue. 

This vegetable, I surmised, could be the key ingredient that would bind our creation together, elevating it to a flavor reminiscent of soy sauce. 

Maybe I could even prepare some off shoots of the sauce. 

Amidst my musings, I noticed Nanahoshi leisurely standing by my side, her black hair cascading over one side of her face. She appeared oddly content, prompting her to remark, "You look kind of happy."

"I ''kind of'' am," I replied, completing my purchase. 

As I paid and left some tip to the man, he waved us goodbye, "Thanks a lot. Please come again. Bring your kids next time as well." 


"H-He's not my husband!" She immediately turned back and screamed at the man. 


So much for remaining discreet. 

I held her by her hand and started walking away. "You're not? You definitely should though." I heard the man talk. 

He really wants me dead by ending up with this girl. She'd kill me in no time. 

The thought alone is too scary. 

Being friends alone is scary enough. I'd stay at that. 


Gently, I sliced the fruit open, revealing the luscious interior. 

Its aroma was enticing, but I knew that the extraction process would be critical in preserving and concentrating its umami essence. 

With a gentle and meticulous touch, I scooped out the fleshy pulp, savoring its intriguing flavor on my tongue. This fruit held the potential to elevate our sauce to extraordinary heights, and I was determined to unleash its full potential.

Carefully, I crushed the pulp in a mortar and pestle, the mixture releasing a heady aroma that hinted at the depth of flavors hidden within. 

Using a specialized straining cloth, I separated the liquid from the solid bits, ensuring that only the pure essence of umami remained—an ethereal elixir brimming with potential.

I could already feel myself drool over it. 

Nanahoshi changed clothes and was now dressed in much more easy clothing as compared to before. She sat on a small, elevated bench beside the fire. She placed her head against the wall, already disappointed in what I was doing. 

Ignoring her for the time being, I concentrated on my work. 

With the essence now at my disposal, I began to contemplate the elements that would complement and enhance its unique taste. 

The stallholders' array of condiments and spices played in my mind, and one rare spice, native to the Begaritt Continent, stood out—an ingredient known for its deep and robust flavor, reminiscent of umami.

Although, upon tasting it, it was too strong and would definitely overpower the subtle mellowness in the fruit. Hence, I took out 2 whole scoops of it and mixed in approximately 100 ml of water in it. 

Eager to see how the spice would interact with the umami essence, I retrieved a vial of it from my assortment of ingredients. 

With precision, I blended the two components together, carefully calibrating the proportions to achieve the perfect balance. 

The scents intermingled, forming an enticing bouquet that promised a harmonious symphony of flavors.

But I yearned for more than just taste; I aimed to create a sauce with the texture and consistency of soy sauce. 

Consistency was the key.

A binder was necessary—an element that would unite the flavors while adding body to the sauce. My mind wandered through the variety of plants native to the region, searching for the perfect ingredient. 

And then, like a revelation, it came to me—a viscous substance derived from a specific plant, known for its mild flavor profile, which would enrich the umami essence without overpowering it.

Luckily, I had it with me. 

With each ingredient in place, I stood on the precipice of our experiment—a sauce that could rival the complexity of soy sauce. However, my work was not yet complete. I needed to allow the flavors to deepen and develop further, and for this, fermentation was required.

However, first, I heated it and stirred it until it got thick enough in volume to feel like Soy sauce. 

Next, transferring the mixture into a sealed container, I stored it in a cool, dark place. 

A day passed, and I watched with eager anticipation as the sauce underwent its transformation. I had to increase the fermentation speed. 

Nanahoshi, despite being hopeless, sat with me regardless. 

I told her that she didn't need to force herself, but she did so regardless. Maybe she has no faith in me. 

I took the jar out and tasted it. 


Maybe my reaction was underwhelming, Nanahoshi bolted out and went inside her room. 

I wonder what happened.

Looking back, I picked up a few garlic, chilli and ginger and finely chopped them. Next, I added the homemade soy sauce and violently mixed them. 

Picking the slab of beef next, I formed a criss-cross pattern on it. It would later help the marinade reach into its depths and would form a rather different type of crust. I tried it once with monster meat, and surprisingly, the usually tough piece of meat felt rather tender. 

Placing the beef in a dish and smearing over the marinade, I placed it in a bag with low temperature due to my magic.

After a while, I took it out. 

The fire was raging, and the coals were already smearing hot. 

As the coals started to glow, I laid the fat side down and charred for about 5 mins to get fat sizzling. Flipping it over and cooking for 40 mins for medium rare, I kept turning occasionally until all sides were charred. 

I placed a lid over it for a smokier flavour. A few mins before taking the beef off, I drizzleed over some alcohol to flambe the meat. Although, bourbon would've been better, but this world didn't have it. 

Letting it rest for 10 minutes, I sliced it. 

And then, it was finally time to serve it to Nanahoshi and eat it myself. 


We were currently in the dining hall. 

Orsted was still not home. 

"Guess, I'll give it a try." With a sullen expression on her face, she gingerly picked up the knife and fork, the utensils seeming highly familiar in her grip. Her reaction was natural since she as able to replicate the exact appearance as well, but never the taste. 

Doubt gnawed at her. It wasn't merely about the food; her hesitance mirrored the skepticism she held in regard to my ability. When she first met me, she witnessed me getting killed in a matter of seconds. She didn't have a high opinion of me.

Yet, curiosity and a hint of longing drove her forward, compelling her to take that first bite. 

The knife glided through the tender meat with the ease of warm butter, eliciting a glimmer of hope. 

My eyes locked onto her face, trying to gauge her reaction. 

For a few suspenseful seconds, her expression remained unchanged, the veil of uncertainty keeping the outcome shrouded. 

Did I fail? 

Suddenly her head slumped down. 

The stillness was abruptly shattered when she darted towards me with a fork in her hand. 

The sudden movement sent a shiver down my spine. 

She had a fork in her hand. 

Is she going to stab me......

I hope not. 

However, instead of aggression, she bent down, and her arms enveloped me in an unexpected embrace. The warmth of her touch surprised me, partly because how sudden it was, and I could feel the tension slowly ebb away. 

Her voice, tinged with a hint of longing, broke the silence, "It's been so long since I ate something like this. Two years. Two whole damned years!" She cried, her voice muffled, probably because she was biting her lip from crying out loud. 

I could still hear the sniffles since she was right next to my ear. 

Her words painted a picture of deprivation and longing. 

It was strange how humans found happiness in such subtle, minor things. Sure, I like the flavour as well, but the idea of crying over your deprivation from good food was new. 

It was refreshing to see it happen, in all honesty. 

Unsure of how to respond, I hesitated for a moment before reciprocating the embrace. She seemed to melt away, her breath quickening with every passing second. Placing a hand on her head, I gently patted it. 

I didn't speak. Maybe I am bad with words.

And a person doesn't always need words. Sometimes, a quietude is enough to sooth one's nerves. 

"Don't treat me so well. I might fall in love." She spoke as she tightened her hug around my neck.

"Please don't." I replied, , still holding her close.

She giggled, letting out a lighthearted chuckle, "Hehe. Of course not." She spoke as she wiped her tears and broke the hug. 

She wasn't flustered at all. 

Maybe she really wanted something good to eat to get rid of her grumpiness. 

She hungrily devoured her share of steak. 

I ended up offering her my own and she ate that as well. After that she flew back to flew back t other room and slept. She was going on a journey with Orsted as soon as he came back here. 

I ended up making another one for myself. 

It was heavenly. 


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