
Arriving on Yardrat...

~ Omni Pov, A couple of weeks later... ~





"Finally I've arrived!" Daiko shouted to himself. He then quickly opened the entrance of his ship to exit it...

'So this is the infamous planet Yardrat... Not bad if I say so myself, just a little too quiet for my liking.' Daiko thought to himself.

He then looked around his surroundings.

"I should have landed a little closer to civilization... But it's better to be safe than sorry." Daiko stated shrugging to himself.

Though, as he was admiring the view of the planet, a new visitor made their way a few meters behind him...

However, this didn't go unnoticed of course.

'Now who's the little bugger that's trying to sneak up on me? Should I spook them? Nah... That's a bit much, let's be edgy about it' Daiko quickly thought...




"You can stop trying to sneak up on me, it isn't working"

In an instant the moving figure halted, freezing in their place.

Daiko then simply turned around to see the person in question...

A rather short figure was seen, with a dark pink skin color, a height of around 4 feet 5 inches tall, a somewhat lanky build under his attire, and eyes that held a surprising amount of wisdom...

'... Not a bad look for a Yardratian, but it's clear he/she isn't a fighter.' Daiko noted mentally.

"... That tail... A saiyan?..." The yardratian interrupted and mumbled, backing up a little.

Picking up what the Yardrat said with his sharp senses, Daiko turned around.

"Yes, I'm a saiyan... And one who doesn't want to cause harm either, well... Not unless provoked" Daiko added, folding his arms.

The figure said nothing for a second but then responded.

"Forgive me for trying to sneak up on you earlier... My name is Okuma..." The yardratian said.

"Well hello Okuma, my name is Daiko..." He said.

An awkward silence loomed over, but the Okuma broke the silence...

"... Why have you come here, sir Daiko?" Okuma asked.

Daiko raised his eyebrow.

'Straight to the point huh? I know we're dangerous, but we aren't that bad, siayans here don't mindlessly take over planets for resources... 90% of the time' Daiko thought, a drop of sweat forming on his head.

"Well, since you are getting to the point, I should do so as well... I came here for lessons. I heard your people are knowledgeable in the arts of the spirit/ki, I wish to learn from you all" Daiko stated truthfully.

As if studying his face, Okuma simply shrugged mentally. He couldn't sense malice from the being in front of him...

"... Hold onto me please..." Okuma said.

Daiko understanding what he wanted to do, did so Quickly.

In an instant, both were transported to a large castle-like structure...

"Follow my lead sir Daiko..." Okuma asked, walking ahead.

Daiko followed the small yardratian, whilst getting some stares from, others...

But he paid them no mind, he didn't come necessarily change their minds, that would take a little too long, though he did somewhat understand why they would act like this...

Daiko knew siayans of this reality, although not nearly as bloodthirsty because of their increased strength. That didn't mean they didn't have the classic saiyan traits of being bloodthirsty and battle-hungry...

So instead of worrying about the people around him, he made a mental map of his surroundings.

But he had other thoughts too...

'So that's what instant transmission feels like...' Daiko said in his mind. The instantaneous movement was a little off-putting, but nothing he couldn't get used to...

Then, as he entered the castle, he saw an extremely large Yardratian on what he assumed to be a throne...

"... So you're the Saiyan that has entered our home..." The large Yardratian stated.

'So this is their king?... It's good if I show respect, for first-time impressions or course...' Daiko thought, he then quickly bowed, lowering his head to what he assumed to be the king of the planet...

Seeing this, the large yardratian looked a little unnerved...

'Is this truly a saiyan? The king didn't do such a thing when we met...' The large yardratian thought incredulously.

However, Daiko spoke himself...

"Indeed I am... Given the way you spoke earlier, it seems that you have heard about me" Daiko said, glancing towards Okuma, who was sweating visibly.

He then continued...

"And... Extending that realization, I'm betting that Okuma here has also told you about my motives, yes?" Daiko added.


'He inferred that based on what I said alone... He's extremely sharp-minded...' The large yardratian thought...

"Yes... My friend has told me about you... Forgive me for my rather 'hasty' introduction earlier... My name is Pybara, the king and ruler of planet Yardrat" The Large Yardrat named Pybara stated.

"It is an honor to meet you, King... As you've most likely heard, my name is Daiko, a saiyan from planet Vegeta..." Daiko reintroduced himself.

Pybara seemed pleased at the showing of respect he had received.

"The same for you Daiko, but tell me... What do you want to learn our techniques?..."




"... Does one need a reason to pursue knowledge? It is a good thing to know, King." Daiko said...

The king said nothing. He then stood up from his throne...

"No... I suppose not... Who am I to stop one from pursuing knowledge... BUT."

The king walked closer to Daiko.

"That's not the only reason why you came to learn from us, is it?" Pybara responded.

Daiko hearing this simply smiled.

"No. It isn't..." He responded.

The king looked a little distressed.

"*sighs* Alright, stand and follow me, Daiko... Okuma, you may leave." Pybara commanded.

Daiko then followed...




'What is this?...' He thought...

Daiko found himself fascinated at the sight of what he was seeing...

It was a cave of some sort, filled with stalactites and stalagmites that glowed brilliantly.

With wisps of light wandering about...

"...It's, ethereal..." He said under his breath.

The king smiled at the remark.

"It is... And it is also the place where you will be tutored from this day onwards... Of course, that is, if you wish to do so..." Pybara said.

Daiko smirked.

"I would be honored to do so, master..." Daiko said, humbling himself.

"Good. Now we need to get to the true matter at hand..." Pybara said, dropping his smile.

Daiko simply heard the shift in the king's tone. He could tell it was serious...

"How long has your power affected you?..." Pybara said.

Hearing the question. Daiko understood what the king meant, then he sighed.

"For all my life." He stated truthfully. He then continued. "My ki. I have always struggled to control it... Even now." Daiko finished.

Pybara then walked towards Daiko. Placing a hand on his shoulder, saying...

"That's because... Your ki has a will of its own."










Training arc officially begins next chapter, peace my brothers and sisters

PettiaMius_6689creators' thoughts
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