
32. Private Knight

She wore a magnificent satin gown to impress Ji Sung and hoped she would seduce him. As far as she knew, men are easily flattered by this kind of thing. 

She brought a whole entourage and lawyers to flex her wealth. Every man would easily fall after that, but she was curious and hardly believed what had happened. 

Ha Un was rejected by merely a man of low status. That infuriated her. She ordered her man to force Ji Sung in. 

Even after he sat at her front, Ji Sung crossed his hand and remained on icy status, looking away from her.

Ha Un poured a bottle of white wine into two glasses. Ji Sung was a challenge for her, a girl that always had an easy way and almost had everything she wanted just by clicking her finger.

She wants Ji Sung under her thumb. 

"It looks like you love drinking white wine. Here, have some." She offered a glass of wine, and Ji Sung accepted it coldly.

Ji Sung ample bounced as he drank white wine. His clavicula was so sexy, and that long neck captured Ha Un's attention and made her heart thump fast, and she forgot how to blink. Such a beautiful man, such a waste if Rinoa had him. 

Ji Sung put an empty glass on the table and, grabbed a wine bottle, gulped it. HanUn smiled innocently as she could use this to her advantage.

"There is a lot of white wine here." Ha Un opened a shelf on the car door. 

"Thanks. It tastes better than a cheap beer I usually drink."

Ha Un kept her laugh low as elegantly as she could. "If you want, I could provide more every day. But it costs you around a hundred thousand won for each bottle. Here, have some for free." She passed a bottle of white wine and opened another one for herself. She drank it without glass.

Ji Sung laughed. "A high-class girl like you could drink like that? Fantastic."

"I am a traveler, remember. Just like you, I love wine." Her world changed Ji Sung's complexion.

Now he became serious but casually seated. He pushed his body onward. "So, what do you want to discuss?" 

"Contract." Ha Un put a paper on Ji Sung's lap as she moved beside him. "Come, join the Traveler Association. You could bring more gold coins and get rich soon."

She drank more wine. Her eyes peeked at how seriously Ji Sung read those papers. She put a bottle on her lap.

"You cause a lot of trouble at Terra." She explained. "As Traveler Associated, we were billed 500 gold coins for damage you had done."

"That is not my problem."

"It's your problem. Remember that Isekai Gate operated under Terra aristocrats and our supervisor. We could ban you at the front gate. Or banish you, deny your entry." She drinks her wine as she waits for Ji Sung's reaction.

"I wonder how banditariest could easily pass through Isekai Gate. Perhaps they had their own Isekai Gate that you failed to control." Ji Sung snatched Ha Un's wine bottle and emptied it. Sure, he was a heavy drinker. 

"Ji Sung, we just want to make everything right. Just sigh, and you can do anything under the law there. If you don't sign, then it is hard for you to have a quest, and the number of coins which you could bring home would be limited. Join us, and you will become rich. You already see how things work, right?"

Ji Sung rubbed his chin as his eyes moved to snipe on Ha Un. 

Ha un didn't budge, even though she felt hot blood surge as those eyes looked at her like a hungry wolf. Perhaps because the straps of her dress are down? All mem were same.

Ha Un said, "Money is not everything, but without it, you are nothing."

"I hate rich, smug people who always value things with money." 

Ha Un captured Ji Sung eyeing her new bottle. "But we live in this stupid society that values everything with money." She opened a new bottle and passed it on to Ji Sung. "You could be brilliant or come from a respected family, but without money, you are merely an empty shell. I am here to help you, allowing you to be rich and re-write your fate."

She twisted her head and faced Ji Sung directly, who was supporting his cheek beside him in amazement. 

Ji Sung commented,  "How such a small girl had a great mind like you. I am impressed."

"Then sign." Ha Un put a pen on Ji Sung's lap. "With money, you could buy everything, become anything, and perhaps, make your dreams come true."

"Ha Un, tell me, what consequences if I fail or am late on my quest." 

"Why not find out yourself." Ha Un wanted to sip her bottle, but Ji Sung stole it.

It looks like Ji Sung was serious. His eyes were sharpened, and he barely showed any smile on his perfect philtrum lips. Somehow, under that look, Ha Un's chest heavied. Especially after she realized she was alone with him as her chauffeur was on the other side of the car wall. 

"Well, uhm." Ha Un coughed. "It could be anything. First, an affiliation quest would affect your experience and drop your level. A secondary quest would cost you a coin. And for the main quest, you would lose something that you cherish most."

"And who made all of that quest?"

"Affiliation quest came from your affiliate. If you join us, that means we created a quest for you. A secondary quest came from anywhere, everywhere. Usually, People would create a quest and place it on a quest board. Then, the main quest, we still don't know who made that quest."

"Could we refuse or ignore the quest?" Ji Sung asked.

"Sure, you can. Affiliation quest, refusing without a clear reason, would diminish your experience. Same as the main quest, but the consequence would be more dire. Come on, Ji Sung, are you scared of it? There is no profit without risk. Sigh it, and prove you bravely."

She hoped Ji Sung would become her private knight that would accompany her every time and everywhere.

"I have one condition," said Ji Sung. "Before signing a contract."

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