

Chapter 2

Still Lost

Following the river it led us to the streambed of the river which unfortunately didn't lead me to civilization. Okay so that leaves plan b what is plan b you may ask. Well I'm not even that sure myself we would just figure it out myself. So I'm lost with a rowlet that loves to sleep all day in a forest where I could be eaten at any moment. Far away from any civilization as far as I could tell. No food, no water but a river right next to me so i guess i have water but not for long if i feel like searching for civilization later maybe i could find some bag to help me out. I mean I was transported here by some out worldly power. More thoughts on that later. As I was saying with this new ecosystem and world the berries here could be poisonous to humans but not pokemon as far as i know. Most likely because it would make sense so add limited food options on the list of things to fuck me over. Okay that's enough negatives let's look at the positives 1.one i have a pokemon one of my favorites with me. 2. I could have been placed in some world like dragon ball z where I had no chance in hell to survive. 3.

I could have been dropped in a desert where little to none water would be there add on the scorching heat and I lucked out. With that tidbit of inspiritain i push forward moving away from the river and deeper into the forest not knowing what I would find. Before i leave this place i should try checking the water there might be a magikarp if there as dumb as the show showed them as it would be easy to kidnap or capture whatever you would like to call it i walk over to the water pulling in breath i dunk my head in the water and look around the water was cold bitting cold turning to my left i see nothing looking to my right still nothing.

Disappointed i pull my head out of the water and look over to rowlet seeing the avian picking at the dirt gave me an idea maybe if i can't find anything to eat i could eat worms but that will be a last minute situation since worms are more safe than me trying my luck with the nearby berrys. Calling over rowlet rowlet ignores me walking forward. If the rowlets head the bird then heeding my call turns up and stares at me. As much as I wish deep down I know Rowlet is a wild animal, a smart wild animal but an animal still. Now thinking about it most pokemon would probably not stay so loyal to humans like animals back on earth.

But since the invention of the pokeball and its weird effects is Stockholm syndrome and pausing the pokemon from conscious thought or that's what myself and a few friends believed. Not only that but the poke ball can shrink matter to the point that it could fit inside a ball. And also release that matter in less than 20 seconds with the target in tack. I may not be not a man of matter but i'm sure that shouldn't be possible for that reason alone the pokemon verse or pokeverse for short would be advanced but for some reason from the most recent anime pokemon journeys isn't as advanced as it should be if my old world would have that form of technology. Coming out of my train of thought deciding to go back to that train of thought at the end of the day. Looking up at the rowlet I implored the rowlet to keep on traveling with me with the promise of food and eventually free health care and training.

To sweeten the deal I told the rowlet he or she could evolve to decidueye with enough dedication to myself and the training I give. Hook Line and Sinker. The rowlet now focuses on me with interest in its black round eyes. I could tell that I had it's trust for now but I will have to reinforce our future bond with the promises I gave the bird. "But i'm not doing this for free so your part of the deal would be 1.protect me in this forest till we get to civilization, 2. Allow me to capture you when we get to the city or town 3. Follow and assist me with any future goals of mine till my death. The rowlet looking a little concerned hesitantly shakes my hand with its wing. Smiling "Well glad we could agree on something let us leave this forest". With rowlets loyalty now mine it's time to start exploring the forest. "First call as team leader we will be leaving tomorrow morning. It's time to make a camp rowlet collecting stones and tree barks and small branches return in 5 minutes".

With that, the rowlet started to leave to fulfill my command. I started to leave to collect wood i never learned how to start a fire but i remember at the nearby library they had a event to have kids go around and pick up objects outside to start a fire and me and one other kid and i grabbed stones to make a circle and sticks for the fire and then some grass to just in case.

10 minutes later

Rowlet was obediently waiting with the stones I bent down and dropped the kindle and wood. Picking up the rocks and lining them up in a neat circle. Placing the sticks and kindle, keeping one stick and stone, I try to rub them together for dear life.

Few minutes later

After trial and error I finally was able to get a spark and then a fire with the fruits of my labor now In front of me I bid Rowlet goodnight. I told Rowlet he could lay down with me if he wants. Rowlet lets me know with a hoot that roughly translates as okay to me. If i am correct then the time is 8pm and i hope that when morning comes i'll be energized to explore.

4:30 am eastern time

My eyes open up and look around. It's still dark. We could leave before dark and enjoy traveling for the whole time the sun is up. Looking over I stomp on the ashes of the fire left like author Morgan from red dead. With the camp packed up the last thing to finish is to wake up the bird. Waking up, Rowlet the bird's eyes flutter open. "It's time to leave Rowlet". We started moving forward immediately leaving the camp going north because of a pretty easy reason. The northstar it may be a guess but it's a clue in the right direction as I have no clue where to go.

10 minutes later

Walking through the forest was a quiet endeavor since neither me or Rowlet are much talkers. Even in my past life I was much more interested in staying alone in solitude than talking to random people. Suddenly the rowlet started to hoot wildly in the distance. It's still dark so I can't see far. Looking to my left I grabbed the nearest stick that was of decent length and thickness. A bush ahead of us was rustling, not sure what it was. Me and Rowlet start pushing forward with the stick in hand. We reach the bush moving the bush, a pig looking thing. It had small brown shaggy fur, its eyes were nowhere in sight, under the eyes was a big pink nose. It looks like a fat boar with no legs. Suddenly I just remembered it's that ground ice boar thing. Swinub I believe its name is. Unsure what to do, the pig flopped on its back. Poking the unmoving animal. Nothing, absolutely nothing, it didn't even move an inch. Bored, I call Rowlet to follow along. Returning to the path we were taking we encountered one more pokemon species. The first thing were small ears then a body covered with fur. Walking out of the bush was a deer but something was wrong. Very wrong. It looked like a regular deer but something was wrong. First of all it had a yellow flower thing on its ear. Secondly it had yellow dots as well.

"Oh it's a deerling" I admired the fawn in front of me.

"So where's your momma" looking past where the deer came from and there it was. A massive deer slowly approached us as a Sawsbuck. It was the winter variant of one of the many deer-like species. Thinking clearly the wise choice would be to back off to not gain the ire of the mother. Back on the path towards the north star leads to nothing. But trees, trees, trees if i wasn't walking in a straight line id be annoyed. Pushing forward I call it quits.

After making a makeshift campfire

AN: I'm sure you don't want to hear me write about gathering resources

Laying down on the ground with rowlet on a tree.

Thinking back on the past events, things are going to shit. I'm lost in a forest with no help, food or consistent water and food. There is no sign of civilization. Even worse, the area I'm in right now has no good trees for me and the rowlet. To hide in. We're now more vulnerable staying on the ground. Thinking back on today I have yet named rowlet. I should give him or her a name. Then again I never named my own starter in my first play through of ultra sun and moon. So I'll have to think of a name to give to the bird. But that could wait for later, mainly after I'm out of this forest and danger of dying of dehydration and hunger. Even Though i'm going through a forest that is supposed to be filled with pokemon I only encountered a few pokemon a swinub playing statue game hoping the human would leave it alone or i assumed so. Final pokemon I saw on my adventure would be a stantler herd that seemed to be friendly enough but they made it clear not to come closer to their child. But other than those events it's a quiet forest it would be almost calming to walk through if i wasn't lost. I might come back to this forest maybe in a year .

still in the reupload stage sorry

Aftodelsecreators' thoughts
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