
Birthday Gift

Aiden finally began to speak in clear sentences. It still has the tone of a baby-talk but he was able to say more than five words in a fixed matter.

"What's this...?"

"Bunny! His name... Mr. Echo. And he is my friend!" Aiden answered cutely as he explained the toys that he had been building using the blocks that Millie gave him.

Apparently, all of the blocks and toys that he received from his past birthdays are being used to develop his own creation using his imagination. Mr. Echo—the bunny that he was talking about looked like some sort of mechanical or robotic hare and he plays with it all the time.

"How about this one?" Layla is currently accompanying him. It was her task to check Aiden's growth and play with him. Since Cian and Rena are working during the day, the Maids are the ones who will be taking care of him and that includes checking his progress and teaching him occasionally.

"Ah! Mr. Tec. Big, big, dragon!" Aiden grabbed the dragon-like toy and swoosh it around as though he is flying with it.

Layla seemed to have noticed that Aiden likes it when the toy is made out of mechanical parts not plastic.

Most of the toys that are sold online and outside are manufactured from the same factory that is using plastic to make it easier for the distributors to hand it over.

Toys that are built using these materials are often cheap and easier to afford for children so they stick with the plastic strategy to keep their earnings consistent. On the other hand, toys that have metallic or mechanical parts on them are expensive. This is natural because the material used is unique and hard to procure.

There are certain toys in the public market that utilizes these materials. One example is a toy robot that can transform into a truck just by screaming a voice line. The toy is voice-activated and it has a function of detecting the frequency of the audio so it can transmit them back and let the program do the work.

Then, we also have pellet guns that have evolved throughout the years. Pellet or BB guns are made out of plastic back then but now it became heavier for some reason.

Thinking about the possibility that Aiden has the potential to be an engineer, Layla asked him.

"Alrighty! Aiden, what would you like as a gift on your next birthday?"

"Birthday? Gift?" Aiden looked at her with curiosity.

"Mhmm, something that you would like to have. Do you want another toy like this or...?"

In truth, Layla and the other maids are secretly funding their own gift for Aiden. The short percentage of income that they receive from their daily household work is being pooled altogether so that they can buy a gift for Aiden.

Whatever answer Aiden will tell her would be a huge advantage and also a piece of important information.

"Hmm, let me think..." Aiden cutely pouted as he looked around. "Hmmmmmmmmmmmm... Ah!"

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"L-Lay..la! Come! Quick!"

As though something has struck his attention, Aiden swiftly dashed over across the room while dragging Layla through the hem of her maid dress.

(He's really cute when he says my name like that, hee hee~)

Apart from Aiden's speech, he also managed to memorize the name of the maids living with him, including the butlers and the chefs. At first, they thought that he could only remember Rena and Cian's names, addressing them as Mama or Papa but then when Aiden first called Layla by her name, she was so happy that she bragged it to the other maids.

Of course, this also incited some kind of cat fight and they all started pampering Aiden so that he could also call them by their names. Aiden didn't mind the bickering and found it funny that all of them are lively because of him.

And so because of that, he memorized their names including Millie and Sara.

Upon reaching the end of the hall, Aiden urged Layla to go down deeper near the cellar.

"Hmm? Isn't this Ma'am Rena's personal office? Why are we going here, Aiden?" She asked.

"Mama has something that I want!" He answered as he scuttled.

Layla thought for a while but she couldn't seem to remember anything inside Rena's workspace that would interest Aiden.

Aiden then asked her to open the door and when she did...

"H-Here! Lay-la! I want! I want that!"

Layla followed Aiden's gaze through the room. "T-This is..."

Layla approached the table and find out what Aiden wanted for his birthday gift.

It was a complete set of personal computers that Rena used for programming and developing software.

Since Rena is always at work, she hardly had time to clean up her personal office so Layla took care of it. This particular room has been desolated so all of the hardware is wasted including the old computer that Rena used when she was young.

"You want to have your own computer...?" Layla asked as she raised Aiden and carried him over the table.

"Mhmm! Mama use this but now she doesn't. I want to play with it... I want everything!" Aiden answered, sparkles can be seen in his eyes as he laid out everything that he wants.

(There's no doubt about it. Little Aiden wants the same job as Ma'am Rena.)

In short, Aiden wanted his own personal workspace or a computer laboratory that he can use for his own inventions. Something that Rena actually owns.

"I see..." Layla smiled, embracing Aiden. "Well, alright then! We'll make sure that you get everything."



"Ah! Sankyu, Lay-la!" Aiden hugs Layla back.

"Tee hee! You're welcome, Aiden."

On that exchange, Layla could feel two presence behind them.

After guiding Aiden back to his room, Layla called the other two and spoke with them.

"So you've heard..." Her eyes completely focused on the two as she confronted them.

"Well, this is... a bit of a surprise, isn't it?" Millie chuckled.

"Surprise? You should have expected that Aiden would like such things. I mean from the start, he already had the mind of a genius." Layla answered.

"But Layla, you know how expensive that is, right?" Sarra joined in. "Even if we earn for a year, we wouldn't be able to buy everything. Gadgets and technologies these days are advanced."

"Yeah, that's a problem."

The generation today was different from when they first introduced gaming PCs back then. Computers have evolved through the years and even buying a simple set without the video cards or minimum standard processors would cost you a lot.

Programmers or software engineers are a bit selfish when it comes to buying their own PC for work. If your device is slow, you wouldn't be able to work on something advanced. Hence, which is why it is now recommended to use brand new sets so that new software is compatible with them.

The old ways of thinking are gone. If you want to code something, you must have a powerful unit to compile it so that you won't get bogged down. Slow components are technically not viable for an uprising genius like Aiden.

Even Android phones are evolving quite fast. Back then it was just a gadget that you would need for messaging or calls. But now everyone wants to have a gaming phone to play various triple AAA games which require heavy and fast components as well.

And he said he wants everything so that includes the room, the hardware, the miscellaneous, electricity, etc.

"S-Should we just get something cheap and doable for now? Like maybe a phone or something...?" Millie asked.

"Or maybe a tablet? I mean our earnings are enough to buy it so..." Sarra suggested.

"What should we do, Layla?"

Layla promised that she would give everything to Aiden. If all they could afford right now is a cheap gadget then that would be pretty disappointing.

But Aiden is not selfish. He would understand that it is hard to procure all of the stuff that he wants and he's not really forcing them to. He just answered Layla's question so it is okay even if they couldn't anything for now.

That kind of thought has crossed her mind over and over again. The pooled earnings of the maids could barely even buy the computer that Aiden wants.

"Hah..." Layla heaved a sigh as she frowned in sadness. She was worried that it is impossible but she really wanted to make him happy no matter what. "What should we do, indeed...?"

Birthday gifts are not exactly mandatory. It is not an obligation and you can circumvent nothingness with something that you can do without raising any budget. The same applies to every other special occasion.

And Aiden still doesn't understand how gifting works. He didn't demand what from her.

As they exhaust themselves into thinking, Cian suddenly showed up. "I heard what you guys talked about..."


"S-Sir Cian. Good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon."

The maids straightened their posture and bowed down as they greeted him. Layla took the initiative and fixed their lineup while giving Cian space.

"I didn't know that you're all doing this... just for my son?" He asked.

"Y-Yes, Sir. We wanted to give Aiden a gift that he will remember but it seems like we're quite in a predicament over deciding what to give him for now." Layla answered.

"I appreciate the kindness but um... You don't really have to give him something expensive, you know?"

"""Unacceptable, Sir!""" The trio refused.


"We will give him a special gift no matter what. We want him to be happy and not let him experience not getting anything throughout his childhood." Millie's tone changed.

"We might not be fitted for it but we will make sure that he will receive what he wants! I refuse to back down on this challenge." And so is Sarra.

"I am the one who started this, I should be the one to end it as well. I want to make Aiden happy, Sir Cian." Layla bowed down.

It was then that he realized the deep foundation that led them to do this.

(Ah, that's right... these girls are...)

Cian recalled what happened in the past, back when they were hiring maids to serve them.

Not having any parents whatsoever, Layla, Millie, and Sarra grew up in the slums and also in the orphanage.

They spent their childhood days living randomly and not being able to experience being loved or taken care of by their biological parents. Although the orphanage is somewhat peaceful and reliable, the number of children being sent to it has affected the balance of care inside.

Which then leads to them taking care of themselves and maturing very early.

Countless Birthdays have passed and they could only provide a simple meal for themselves while celebrating it alone.

Countless dreams have been laid upon and they could only pray in the night, hoping that they could achieve or get something they wished for.

There was... nothing for them. They didn't have any relatives or anyone to give them something. They just lived their lives confronting reality and trying their best to survive.

And that was until Rena and Cian hired them for work. The couple took care of them and gave them what they need. They ignited the motivation and dreams of these maids and provided a home—a special place only for them.

They're very grateful for the things they've done which is why they are so loyal to them.

And when it comes to Aiden's situation, just remembering what happened in the past is making them decide quickly. It's some sort of instinct, telling them that they shouldn't let that happen.

It might be ridiculous or overexaggerated because Aiden is always pampered and getting what he wants ever since he was a baby but they still couldn't let that feeling of void alone.

"I see..." Cian closed his eyes and smiled.


"You three have really grown, I'm glad that we took all of you."

Layla, Millie, and Sara blushed as they heard his compliment.

"Well, if that's going to be the plan then how about this...?"

Sensing something from his tone, the trio listened to Cian's suggestion and carefully memorized his instructions.

"Layla! We can do this! I bet this will work!" Millie pumped her chest in excitement.

"A-Are you really sure about this, Sir?" Layla was having doubts about the plan because it was too good to be true.

"I don't see any problem with it. If we follow Sir Cian's words, we should be able to give everything Aiden wished." Sarra said.

"Well, after hearing that you guys are dishing out a percentage of your income, I just couldn't let that slide by. So I will help out and guide you three in what to do, is that alright?" Cian asked.

"""Yes, Sir!""" Cian received a confident response, full of hope and positivity.

"Well then, let's all do our best and make my son happy!"

And so the three followed exactly Cian's advice and shared it with every household member. All of them are fond of the plan and started preparing for Aiden's next birthday.

Cian also shared the plan with Rena. She was surprised at first when she learned the that Maids are planning something but then she smiled and told him that she will also help.

With the groundwork laid down, all they need to do is wait for the day and surprise Aiden with the gift that he wanted the most.


Several months later...

September 14, 2034.

Aiden was currently in his room playing with his mechanical toys when someone knocked on the door.


"Hmm? Lay-la?"

"Yes. Your Mama and Papa are calling for you downstairs. They told me they have something important to tell you." Layla replied.

"Oh... Okay, I will be there!"


Fixing all of his stuff, Aiden sorted his toys on the side while he cleans the floor with a small broom. He then placed the remaining blocks and parts on the box and fixed himself in the mirror.

"Okay, let's go..."

Layla opened the door for him and started walking alongside Aiden.

She has been waiting for this day—No, they have been waiting for this day. Ever since Cian proposed the idea of a surprise gift, everyone worked hard together to make this special occasion the best gift that Aiden would ever experience.

For a three-year-old child to gain something unique and special, it was a tremendous blessing. But then again, not everyone could receive the same thing. It was a matter of life differences and the circumstances that we are placed in.

"Layla, did I do something wrong?" Aiden asked as he shifted his gaze upward to look at the head maid.

"Hmm? Of course not, sweetie. We have something very special to give you..." She chuckled.

"Special? Is it another toy?" Aiden's expression brightened.

"It is! But this toy is different than any other toy that you have."

"Woah... I can't wait to have it!"

"Mhmm, let's go downstairs then."

The presentation was already set up. All of the things that Aiden wanted were delivered last night and the maids and butlers have worked hard to prepare for it.

Cian had to do most of the work because Rena is currently pregnant with her 2nd child. Of course, news of it circulated quickly and they finally found the answer to why he's always exhausted every morning.

Her belly is currently big and she couldn't move that much to help. Having to do physical work could increase the chances of miscarriage or injury so Cian had to make sure that he has everything on track so that she wouldn't worry.

Right now, all of them are situated inside the room that specifically catered for Aiden.

A fair amount of money was dished out to make all of this happen.

The Maids' earnings, the butlers' incomes, Cian and Rena's earnings, everything.

They fused everything together and made it one large gift that would render a beautiful celebration. A symbol of Aiden reaching the age of reason.

A gift, that would somehow start his path toward a convoluted future.

It was a "Gift" of destruction.

Upon reaching the hall downstairs, Layla slowly opened the door for the new large room and then—


Countless party poppers burst at the same time, filling the room with strips of plastic paper and colorful glitters. A cheer can be heard on the edge of the room as they all greet Aiden with Happy Birthday.


"Come, my son! This day is a special day for you, so let's get right into it. You said in the past that you wanted to have Mama's stuff right?" Cian led the birthday boy to the stage.

"Mama's stuff? Oh, the computer!" Aiden nodded as he answered him.

"That's right! Listen carefully, my beloved son. Layla, Millie, Sara, and the others have spoken to me about what you want as a gift..." As Cian pointed to them, Aiden widened his eyes and turned to the three embarrassed maids in the corner of the room.

"The three of them worked really hard to achieve this. Mama and I have also been doing our best to support you in your career, that is why..." Cian walked right next to Rena and gave the continuation to her.


"Aiden, sweetie. To celebrate your fourth birthday, all of us here dedicate this gift to you..."

Cian supported Rena's body as they walked near the table. She then moved to the side while Cian is on the opposite. The table that are handling right now has a huge white sheet covering what seems to be components of hardware.

"Layla, Millie, Sarra..." With Cian's signal, the maid trio joined them at the table.

"Allow us to greet you again, Sir Aiden."

"""Happy Birthday!"""

When the white sheet was removed, Aiden finally saw the hard-earned gift that they have been preparing for the past month.

A brand new computer with a triple monitor. All of which came from a known company that is prominent in releasing fast and durable units.

But it's not just the computer. The table, chair, mouse, speakers, keyboard, pads, tools, etc. Everything was present. The things that he'd seen in Rena's personal workspace are now displayed in front of him and all of them are brand new and up to date.

"Sir Aiden, this is our gift to you. I hope you like it!" Layla winked.

"Layla, Millie, Sarra... Mama... Papa... Everyone..." Aiden turned to everyone individually.

Each of them was smiling. Before he knew it, tears have already been flowing down from his cute little eyes.

And the only words he can express right at this moment were...

"Thank you..."

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