
Joan of Arc is the way

A shout of thanks to Adalberto for giving 9 golden ticket thanks a lot


The men, who until two weeks prior had been tending to their farms and livestock, now lay slaughtered under the walls of Cosenza. The defenders' attempts to save their fellow soldiers had been in vain, with more than half of them lying dead on the ground. They witnessed the harsh reality that they were powerless to save their brothers; their dreams and hopes were crushed under the relentless gears of war. The cost of human lives seemed to be becoming more and more negligible, and the reality of the battlefield was becoming ever more brutal. A man, even with four arrows in his back, still attempted to scale the  ladder for salvation, but his dream was cut short halfway through when his force betrayed him. The betrayal left him defenseless, and he collapsed to the ground, joining the countless fallen soldiers. 


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