
Enter Corvak

"Celestial dragons...Slaves..Human shops..hah". A man with red hair said.

"Look its captain kid from South blue". someone said

"Compared to the callowness of the greedy authority figures, The criminals of the world have much more humanity. It's because scum rules the world that new scum is born, Don't they even understand such a simple thing".

"We are as endearing as we are mean, Right Killer?!".

"That's true". Killer said.

"Boss look that's Trafalgar Law, 200 million berries, heard some bad rumours about him".

Law looked at him and ignored Kid.

"Ho he has a bad attitude as well!".


"No i don't wanna be sold, let me go.!" Camie yelled.

She was in the basement where the slaves were kept and they were going to attach a collar to her.

"Oi oi don't treat her roughly, she is a valuable product".


"it's her hah, How truly rare she really is lively, who brought her in?".

"It was Peterman".

"Hmm that's great, Meanwhile the flying fish riders didn't submit anything this time... well in any case we will make money this time".

"Bleehhh" Camie said Sticking her tongue.


Disco slapped her hard making her hot the ground. "What's with that look you damn fish". he said as he tried to hit her but was held back by others.

"Don't hurt her me disco, she is merchandise.".

"Oi give me the Collor".

"No..Hachi help me". Camie yelled

Disco put the Collor on her and was instantly knocked out.

In the cage....

"Oi Oldman, don't play dumb..that haki it was you wasn't it, who are you?". A giant turned and asked.

"Just an Oldman who does coating work,.i just have a soft spot for young girls". He said drinking from a silver bottle.

Meanwhile in Marine Hq

"Dark king Rayleigh?".

"Yes. Vice admaril Garp-san, my men aren't hundred percent sure but apparently he is being sold as an old man in the human shop".

"Hahaha, selling the Dark king at an auction".

"Should we report to Fleet admaril Sengoku?.".

"No need if we mess it up we will have war on two fronts..i will handle it".

"Sir yes sir".


"Sorry for making you wait everyone, Shortly the Great auction of Grove 1 shall begin!, of course your emcee today is the walking super bazarre Mr Disco.".

"Ohhhhhh" Everyone cheered.

Disco walked up to the stage and yelled. "Let the auction begin!".

The Strawhats entered the room and stood near a wall at the back together with Wu, hachi and Papagu.

"Boss that's the Strawhats crew". Heat said to Kid.

"Ho i heard that they are all a bunch of crazy bastards but they don't look like much..The captain looks scrawny". Kid laughed.

Law also glanced at them for a minute before focusing on the auction.

The auction started.

"Entry no 1 A proud pirate from a long line of musicians, give him an instrument, and he'll play any background music you request!, human music box, along with a wine creator".

Let the betting begin.




"Ah 600,000". The first buyer yelled.

"This is revolting". Franky said.

"They are using by-buyers to increase the auction price".

"Human-scum" Chopper said in distaste.

"Entry no 2.."

The auction went on and each time a person came and was sold, a vein in the Strawhats head popped.

"Is Camie going to be sold to bastards like this". Chopper asked scared.

"Never! i won't let them". Nami said.

"Alright now entry no 14, is a human woman, Housework and cleaning of course, she is an expert in Trump and chess as well, the bidding starts at 600,000 berries.

"Oh such a bargain". A woman said.

"Oh i spent my money on the other one, i should have waited".

"Too bad but i shall win the auction here, 620,000."



"1.2 million".

"1.5 million".

"3 million".

"Ohh" everyone cheered.

"Person no 51 Bids 3 million berries, anyone else".

"No...Then sold".

"These bastards..." Franky said.

"We must wait patiently, it's for a friend Franky". Robin said bitterly.

Luffy just looked down,Wu seeing this said. "Luffy stay put, we have to get Camie".

"Ah" Luffy answered with a single yes.

Another lady came and was sold, whe had tears in her eyes and sanji was angry however contained himself.

"Sold for 7.2 million berries".

Suddenly the door opened and another Celestial dragon walked in.

"Oh great, they are still going at it i am lucky i made it".

"A Celestial dragon Nami said".

He then started to kick his slave almost killing him.

"Take me to my seat he said".

"Charlos ne-sama" Sharia called and he was taken to the vip seat.

"Bunch of Bastards scums". Franky said.

"I agree". Sanji seconded.

"You- gara,He plans to buy a mermaid. We must do whatever to stop him".

Luffy just glanced at him and went back to looking at the stage with his eyes shadowed by his straw hat.

"Entry no 16 is none other than the captain of a pirate ship, feast your eyes on the man with 17 million berry bounty Lacuba, with a tactical brain and a well trained body, Starting at..".

Suddenly the man kneeled and blood came out of him as he fell to the ground. The Curtains closed as a women screamed.

"What just happened?" nami asked.

"He bit his own toungue, he would rather die than be a slave, depending on the people he is being sold to that might have been a smart choice".

"Che.. isn't the mermaid out yet, I don't wanna watch this anymore". Franky said.

"No 16 Lacuba nas become nervous and collapsed due to a nosebleed please excuse him".

"Hahaha" everyone laughed.

"A nosebleed,what shit.." sanji said.

"But everyone, the next super item is something that will blow away all such troubles, Look at this silhouette".

"Ohh is that a mermaid".

"it's Camie-chan, alright we will buy her at 200,000 if that's not enough then we increase it". Nami said.

"Hm since there are by-buyers it's the best". Robin agreed.

"From the depths of the ocean, the young mermaid Camie-chan" Disco yelled.

"let the auction start at-".

"500 Million!". Charlos yelled and everyone fell silent.

"I'll buy it for 500, million berries".

"Hm that's how the world works" Kid said as he lost his interest but suddenly something caught his interest.

"Wu we will-"

"You-gara do it".

"900 million berries!".Nami.said as Disco was about to say sold.

Everyone's eyes popped as they looked at who it was that called it.

"No 23, we will buy her for 900,000 million".

"isn't that the Strawhat pirates".

"Do they have that kind of money?".

Even Kid and law looked at them.

"Ho Mugiwara-ya and crew really are a crazy bunch". Law said.

"9-900 million? Just to be sure how will you be paying-".

"In cash up front". Wu said.

"Oi..are you trying to out bid me, you filthy commoner.". Charlos yelled.

"It's an auction, isn't that the point?". Franky asked.

"Hahh you dare lecture me a celestial dragon". He said as he took out his gun.

"She is going to be mine from now on, the auction is over". charlos yelled.

Luffy just looked at him while Wu sighed. "I hoped We could solve it peacefully but it seems that a fight is unavoidable".

"Luffy and Wu started to walk towards the auction stage ignoring charlos".

"Wait Mugiwara, Wu you can't, she still has her collar around her neck". Hachi jumped in trying to stop them as he did however his six arms where exposed and suddenly everyone started to freak out.

"Ah a Fishman".

"Get him out".

"Get out" some said as they threw stuff at them.

*Bang*.. suddenly a shot rang out and hachi dropped to the ground.

Wu and Luffy looked back as they heard the shot and where stunned.

"Haha i hit it, it's mine now, look father i have captured a Fishmen".

Luffy's eyes went dark as he walked towards Charlos but Hachi stopped him.

"w-Wait... Strawhat.. Don't.. Don't get mad..i am the one who messed up, y-you promised that even if someone dies you won't go against a celestial dragon!, I am a pirate i did some bad things and this is karma, sorry i didn't intend for this, i just wanted to make Amends with Nami, But i am a screw up. So sorry i caused so many problems


"You damn fish how dare you speak even after i shot you". Charlos said as he pointed his gun at Hachi but Luffy got in between them".

"You damn commoner are you trying to get in the way".

Luffy started to walk up to him.

"Stop Mugi.. you won't get out of this" Papagu said.


"Is he serious".

Luffy walked as Charlos shot at him but missed all the shots.

*BAM* Luffy punched him with all his might sending Charlos flying and crashing into the back of the auction.

"So sorry you guys, i hurt him, an admiral will come".

"Well if you-gara hadn't punched him then i would have killed him".

"You bastards what did you do to saint Charlos". The gaurds said

Wu just activated his Conqueror's Haki and knocked out everyone including Roswald and sharlia.

"That's". Kid said.

"Conqueror's Haki". Law completed.

"Oi Wu what did you do?".

"I used haki...An Admaril will come, this place is surrounded by Marines for some reason. I need to call Corvak..i f*cked up the plan".

He then took out a Small Denden mushi and dialed a number again.


"Let me guess an admaril is coming and you messed up the plan" Corvak Said.

"We punched a celestial dragon..and yes." Wu answered.

Everyone's attention was on the Denden mushi.

"Hmm i am coming..wait a minute, Oi Old man something came up i will be back, here hold on to this....I will be there Wu, just a moment". Corvak said.


Suddenly the wall broke and a giant and an old man came out.

"Hora Kyojin-kun everyone is Unconscious, like i said someone used haki".

"Hm" The giant answered.

"Rayleigh!". Hachi yelled.

"Ho Hachi...What happened to you..wait". The old man looked at everyone and sighed.

"Got yourself in big trouble, let me guess you guys must have saved him...That straw hat looks great on a daunting man such as you, i wanted to meet and talk with you Monkey D Luffy".

"Yes dark king Rayleigh that's the coating guy Captain wanted me to meet".

"Everyone looked at him wide eyed".

"Now i go by the name Ray the coating craftsman, don't go using that name..i am an Oldman and i wanna retire".

"Besides why is someone as strong as you Here.!.. hmm".

Suddenly a bright light came from Wu's shadow and a chocolate skinned man appeared out of it.

"Corvak you are here about this i-". Wu said but was cutoff.

"Don't worry you did exactly as i wanted... punching the celestial dragon was part of the plan".

Corvak then walked towards the celestial dragons. "D Room..Store". All the celestial dragon where transported to a pocket demension due to Corvak's fruit powers and fell into time stasis.

He then looked at Law and spoke."Comewith me.'Trafalgar D Water Law'".

Law was shocked and held his blade.

He then proceeded to walk outside and waved to the strawhats and Rayleigh. "Oi what are y'all waiting for let's go to Shakky's bar we all need to have a Talk".

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