
Chapter 6: Questions

After we were done talking to the lady at the desk, I was sat down on a chair by the lady who looked to be about 20.

"Alright. My name's Aliyah, but people usually call me Ali. What is your name?" said the woman who looked to be 20- I meant Ali.

I stayed silent because I didn't still trust these people.

Aliyah looked slightly annoyed by the fact that I didn't talk to her.

'Hey Gem? Am I able to see other people's stats like I can see mine?' I said to Gem in my mind.

[You are able to look at other people's stats. But, due to your level being too low, you cannot see the full description. But if you learn their name or watch them fight for a specific time period, more of the status will appear when checked.]

I was happy that I would be able to check other people's status' but I was also annoyed that I would need to level it up higher to use it fully.

'Thank you for the description and example, Gem.' I said in my mind. [No problem.] Hold on...

'You sound like a person behind a screen of whom is watching me...' I said in my mind towards Gem.

[I cannot disclose any information about my creation. You could say that I am a version of you that is simply smarter.] Huh? That asshole...

Whatever, I need to do other things anyway. I want to talk to Aliyah and get some information about the religion here and simply even more on Rybim and the adventurer's guild.

But there is one problem; my voice is super childish. Well, I mean I am now a child again.

But it's really embarrassing to me. This reminds me of a novel I read...I think it was about a guy who reincarnated as a cat girl?

I remember he had to learn a language in that world and it was similar to Greek...

What was the name of it again? I can't remember. You know what? It's time I man up in this world a bit!

"Ah. Uhm, this is Rybim, r-right?" I said nervously. 'Ah! Dammit I messed up. I fricking stuttered! How embarrassing...' I thought.

I felt my face get slightly redder after that. Aliyah turned to me and said, "Yes. This is the city of Rybim. Is this your first time here?"

I nodded as an answer. "Well then, you mustn't know anything about this place. And even if you do, it must be only a little." said Aliyah.

I nodded once again signifying that she was correct.

"Well, I will tell you anything that you ask! As long I have the authority to answer or even the knowledge of it." Aliyah continued.

I hesitated for a moment and then asked, "I heard about a religion that is widely known and practiced around this country? May I inquire to know about it?" I asked this first because I was still suspicious of her still.

If she answers with an actual answer, I will ask her about a possible adventurer's guild. Let's see if she stays true to what she said earlier.


(Aliyah POV)

Someone knocked on the door so I got up from my desk and opened the door. It was Mark who was on identification duty today.

He turned to me and said, "Hey Aliyah? There is a little beast child at the gate and they seem like they might be lost. They had a confused look when I asked about their I.D. card. Can you take her in and see if there is a lost child application with Denise?"

I whispered back, "Oh. Yeah, I can do that! I'm not that much of a useless person, unlike the nobles of this city."

Ah shoot. I accidentally let that last bit slip out. Good thing it's only me and Mark right here.

Or else, I would be in some trouble with higher ups for talking about the nobles like that...I'm not wrong though.

They absolutely hate beastmen and they want to 'exterminate' them from our world. Me, on the other hand, loves beastmen.

I mean come on! They have those big ol' fluffy ears and tails! I want to pet them so badly... Ah! I got to get that child to Denise.

I brought the little child inside. They look female? I mean they have long black hair, and well, black fox ears and a black tail as well. I want to hug them...

WHY AM I LIKE THIS? Ah. I need to focus. I kept walking with the kid and we made it to Denise's desk in about a minute.

I leaned over to her and whispered, "Hey Denise? I got a beastman child here. Could you check if her physical description sounds like any of the children that have disappeared lately?"

Denise nodded and opened a drawer containing the files of the children that have gone missing.

If I remember correctly, there should be 8 beastmen children, and 2 human children.

Talk about racist kidnappings or whatever. Anyways, while Denise goes through the papers, I will ask the kid about where she came from and other general information.

-[5 minutes after this]-

So it seems that she is very shy. And her voice...it's so damn cute! I'm going to die from cuteness!! *Ahem*.

I found out that she doesn't know much about the city but she does have a rather mature way of speaking. It makes her seem like royalty...but that is impossible.

The nearest beastmen kingdom is in the next country over!

Back to the task at hand, her name is Pearl and she is apparently just five years old.

That is way too young to be out on her own, that is of course if she isn't one of the missing kids here.

She could also be an escaped slave? No, her robe is way too clean for an escapee.

She might've taken it from the master's supplies? Or stole it? But I don't think that is likely. I'll ask her to make sure of this.

"Hey? You okay there, Pearl? I have another thing to ask of you if you do not mind." I said to Pearl. She nodded her head so I interpreted it as, "I can answer it."

I took a deep breath in and then exhaled. "Do you remember who your parents are? What they look like? And sorry if this is rude, but were you previously with a man or woman that wasn't your parent? And if you say yes, did they hurt you in any way?"

Pearl looked at me and slowly she started to say, "I do not recall my parents or anyone who took care of me. And by what you said after that, do you possibly mean to imply that I might be an escapee slave?"

I was surprised that she was able to comprehend the meaning of what I said about her being a slave previously.

I then said, "Yes. That is what I meant. More so, you cannot remember your parents or anyone else? Oh no, maybe you have amnesia..."

I slowly got quieter and quieter as I went on talking. It got to a point where I made no sound but in my head, it continued.

Pearl got off of the chair and came up to me. She grabbed my sleeve and said, "I think I may have amnesia as well..."

I got down onto my knees and said to her, "Yeah. You might. But more so-" "Oh??" I was interrupted by Denise who was holding a file.

I got up and moved over to her to see what she was reading.

"What is it? Did you find a description that fits Pearl?" I said. Denise nodded slowly. I took the file that she had and read the description.

"Hmm. While the description fits, there is only one thing about it that seems off. It says that the child has been missing for the last 113 days. That, by my standards, is way too long for a child to be gone. They could be dead or enslaved or something. So it most likely isn't her." I said to Denise.

Pearl came up to me. She looked slightly sad to me.

I set the paper down and said, "Denise, I will find the people who sent the application. I will find their living space and let them know that we found a child that fits the description."

Denise nodded and proceeded to pull out the giant book that shows all of the residents of the city and their home's address.

She found the man's name who sent the application and told me the address. I got Pearl and we left to find them.

This chapter had a reference to the web novel "I reincarnated as a Cat Girl" by Space_Kitten on m.webnovel.com. Also, another good novel that I've read is by Shoomoon. I suggest that you should read the novels made by them both it if you find this pending novel interesting or intruiging! Leave a comment for any ideas or constructive criticism you have! Bye now!

Your trusty new friend,


Magueyecreators' thoughts
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