
Chapter 12): Talk Ended

Chapter 12): Talk Ended

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


After choosing Ryan walked out the bathroom in a calm face, Paul and Sam watched him as he walked back over to them taking a cup to make a new cup of coffee since his had gone cold. "So what was it that you wanted again?" Ryan asked calmly as he looked at the two.

"How is Leah?" Sam asked calming down some from when he was previously talking.

Ryan sighed looking between the two of them, they had at least three inches on him, and that was saying something since he was already six foot two, though he was more scared of what they could be then how they were now. The two men stared at one another, Ryan because of the events that happened not to long ago didn't back down from the stare, knowing he would be an Alpha soon made him not that scared anymore.

"She was hurting....You know how she is, at the moment she is trying to be strong, and she would rather have her cousin then fight with her. So she is choosing to fight with you and forget, for now." Ryan said then took a sip of the terrible coffee.

Sam rubbed a hand down his face while letting out a deep breath, "I didn't want to hurt her... There are just things that were out of my control."

Ryan held up a hand while looking right into his eyes still, "You don't need to explain anything to me. I don't care about your reasons, we were never friends you made sure of that. I am just here to help my friend out and be here for her today."

Sam's features hardened as he looked Ryan over, Paul stepped closer to him being his second, though Ryan was sure that in the books there was someone else who was the Beta of the pack but he honestly couldn't remember that was so long ago, "Are you two dating? Cause if so then that only proves that I was right to act the way I did."

Shaking his head Ryan threw away the drink he had in his hands, he couldn't pretend to drink that nasty stuff anymore, "No we aren't together. Not that it should matter to you since you don't have the right to ask that anymore, you left her remember?"

Ryan could see Sam shaking in what he knew was anger, Paul wasn't really much better as he stood closer to his alpha, Ryan knew that he was the bigger problem though being the one with the shortest temper. Rolling his eyes he looked to the door when they opened and sighed, walking in was Esme and Rosalie, the two even stopped to look over what was happening, no doubt they had been listening in.

Their presence really wasn't helping though, besides Jacob, Sam and Paul had the biggest problems with vampires, even if the Cullens were vegetarians that didn't mean it would stop them from attacking them just because. Ryan could see the moment Paul sniffed the air and grimaced as he looked at the two women, Ryan wondered what it smelled like to them when a vampire walks near them, probably something not pleasant.

He could still remember that Alice in the movies would comment and say the Bella smelled like wet dog, but he couldn't remember if they had said the vampires smell like something or not.

"Hey Ryan, we were just about to head out. Do you want a ride?" Rosalie asked ignoring the looks she was getting from the wolves that were glaring at them.

Ryan rolled his eyes, after that message he got from the system he knew why Rosalie was so interested in him, that didn't mean he was going to take advantage of those feelings, it just didn't feel right. While Ryan always knew this was a possibility it was also another major reason that he didn't date anyone, he didn't want emotions to be messed up when something major happens.

Although he was sure with the mate thing that she would always be loyal, he didn't want stuff like that affecting their emotions, because that didn't feel real to him, he wanted to get to know someone before they got into a relationship.

Sighing he shook his head, "No I don't need one, and I am pretty sure you know that."

Rosalie didn't look ashamed, instead she just kept staring at him, "Alright. Well call me if you need anything, me and my mom are taking off."

Ryan just nodded.

"Are you close to them?" Sam asked as Rosalie and Esme left them taking the elevators down. He did not look happy and was staring at Ryan intensely, Paul looked no different as if he was holding himself back from wanting to hit something.

Ryan was kind of regretting choosing to be a wolf, he didn't know if he wanted his emotions effected this much, he could only hope that he wouldn't be someone like them who was controlled by their emotions. Even if he was he knew that he was going to have to up his weed intake, that could be something helpful to let his emotions stay in check, at least he wouldn't have to deal with the imprint thing, maybe.

"No I am not close to them, they are my new neighbors though. They have been annoying me as they keep trying to get close to me." Ryan said while rubbing his hand down his face.

Sam looked him over hearing that answer before nodding, it seemed he had ideas about Ryan being apart of or at least friendly with the Cullens, which is not something he wanted spread at all. Paul didn't look like he fully believed but since Sam wasn't saying anything he didn't say anything himself, he did keep a glare on Ryan the entire time though.

Rolling his eyes Ryan figured they talked enough and he began to walk back to the room, he didn't really have much else he needed to say to the two of them, Sam and Paul were right behind him though. As he crossed the threshold of the room Ryan paused and blinked, his gut suddenly lurched and he felt horrible, he tried to play it off though as he kept walking not minding the looks thrown at him.

"Is everything okay?" Leah asked looking away from her talk with Emily, who was in a better mood then when they arrived.

Ryan nodded as he went to stand against the wall, he knew that he was getting the fever or whatever they got before their change, he didn't know how long it would last for him though. Seeing as he was suppose to be changed in twenty four hours though it should be over in a night, he would just need to hang on though.

Leah looked as if she wanted to ask more seeing his facial features, but she held back whatever it was she was going to say and instead just threw a glare at Sam and Paul, who she thought caused it. Both of them had their eyes twitch as they literally did nothing but didn't say anything, they didn't know what was wrong with him either but heard his heartbeat speed up seconds ago, from what they didn't know.

"I am ready to go." Leah said standing moment later, she had had enough time talking to her cousin, seeing Ryan look as though he was in pain made her want to leave.

"Are you sure? We can stay longer." Ryan said giving her an easy smile.

She rolled her eyes while dragging him out the room, not caring for the looks she was getting, "Move your butt Ryan. You look like crap and my mom would kill me if you got sick and I did nothing."

He nodded his head, "Yeah, Sue sure does love me doesn't she, do you think that means I have a chance with her."

Leah slapped the back of his head as they left the room to the laughter of the others, "Stop trying to get with my mom already."

"You should take it as a compliment, it just means that you will become just as beautiful when you are her age." Ryan said with an easy smile as they got to his car and she took the driver seat.

All he got in return was an eye roll from her, he chuckled and closed his eyes his body heating up more then what he knew was normal, his breathing was coming out heavily as he leaned against the window. From the driver seat Leah was throwing him worried looks, she drove a little faster to get him back to his house, they would keep Meredith for the night to let him rest.

Pulling up to his house she saw he didn't move and went around to help him out the car, she flinched feeling his body temperature but quickly took him inside after feeling it, she moved around the house with ease. Taking him upstairs she threw him on his bed as he let out a moan, leaving him behind she went to look for some medicine.

"Weed!" He called after her as she left him.

"Shut up! You are sick and therefore are not getting any weed! Plus you still have your drug test tomorrow." She said huffing as she went to make him soup after finding some flu medicine.

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