
Chapter 32: Warmer

Spring was here, and with it, training. Kannin again began splitting himself to speed up his progress when he wasn't on missions. His wind release was improving steadily, and his chains were approaching a monstrous length. He had already reached two full chains, and was working on a third, after which he would try to focus on lengthening the chains he had already created.

One day, however, he was summoned to the training ground by Shin for a routine training day. When the four of them had gathered, they all realized how different the others looked with their warmer wardrobe on. Tetsu was wearing a light green t-shirt with cargo shorts and sandals, Warai was wearing a pinkish tank-top with black shorts. Kannin was wearing his normal outfit for the most part, thin black pants and a blue undershirt, but he had replaced his green flak-jacket for a tan one which was thinner for the heat. Shin had on her usual awful color combos, today was a bright yellow shirt with brown pants, which had the kids snickering when she wasn't paying attention.

They did an introductory spar to get their blood flowing and their brains working. Each fight was a draw. Tetsu's taijutsu was faster and more powerful, but Warai could read it and predict it, and Kannin's wind release allowed him to keep up.

After they cooled down, Shin stood in front of them and asked, "Have any of you tried to learn jutsu's with nature's not of your affinities?"

They all shook their heads, as they thought it would be pointless to try and learn anything so far outside of their strengths. Shin shook her head and sighed.

"You do realize that even if you aren't proficient with a chakra nature from birth, you can still acquire it from practice, right?"

The three kids sat there with their mouths hanging open. It seems like no one told them you could acquire chakra affinities.

"I showed you my lightning affinity that day because that was the one I was born with, but I'm actually proficient with wind, fire, yang, and lightning releases. You seriously didn't know?"

The kids had a hilariously guilty look on their faces, each one muttering something about tunnel vision or not having enough time.

Shin chuckled and said, "I will say it takes time to gain an affinity, but it's something you should definitely work on. Relying on one chakra nature alone will get you killed out there. You most likely won't gain them any time soon, maybe in a few years, but the sooner you start practicing, the sooner you'll get them. Also it's a general rule that in order to become a jonin you have to be proficient in at least 2 nature releases." She paused before clapping her hands and said, "Well, today will be your first day. Kannin, you work on this lightning technique, Warai, this earth technique, and Tetsu, this wind technique." She handed each of them a scroll.

They spent the rest of the day attempting the jutsu to about as much success as if they were trying to land on the moon, which didn't surprise Shin, she just wanted to get them started down a road that would bear many fruits a while later. All Warai managed to do was upturn a little dirt, Tetsu couldn't tell if he was succeeding with the wind release or if it was just the breeze, and Kannin only managed to make a little static between the layers of his clothing.

They, like so many times before, collapsed on the ground in exhaustion after the session ended, chests heaving. After catching their breath, Kannin suggested they go to Ichiraku Ramen for dinner, since they hadn't gone out in a while, and they agreed.

As they approached the bar, Kannin heard two familiar voices emanating from Ichiraku Ramen. Seeing the now familiar yellow and red hair of Minato and Kushina enjoying their dinner, he smiled to see their romance blooming, and he and his friends sat down to their left.

When they ordered their bowls, Minato peeked over at the sound of a familiar voice. Seeing the grey haired kid he met in the woods, he smiled and said

"Hey! If it isn't the little Uzumaki kid! Why is it that we keep meeting at Ichiraku?"

Kushina leaned over and said, "I told you, there's no way he's an Uzumaki, it's just not possible!"

Kannin disregarded Kushina's insistence, and responded to Minato, "We keep meeting at Ichiraku because it seems like it's the only restaurant you eat at, Namikaze-san."

Minato laughed and said, "That may be true Kannin. By the way, I know I might be a jonin, but you can just call me Minato. Speaking of, is this your team behind you? You should introduce us!"

Kushina didn't seem too happy that Kannin was again interrupting one of their dates, but she also couldn't help but appreciate Minato's warmth. Kannin told Minato,

"This is Sarutobi Tetsu and Uchiha Warai, my teammates on Team 4."

He smiled and said, "Wonderful! You know I just got assigned my own team just a few weeks ago. We even have an Uchiha too."

Warai asked, "Who is it?"

"Uchiha Obito!"

Warai's face fell, "That idiot...I apologize for his behavior on behalf of all Uchihas."

Minato chuckled and said, "He's a good kid, Warai, just a little excitable."

Kannin asked him, "Who else is on your team, Minato?"

"Hatake Kakashi and Nohara Rin"

Just then, Team 4's ramen was put on the bar, and a sullen silence fell over the table as soon as Kakashi was mentioned. Kushina grabbed Minato's arm and whispered for him to get back to his meal. He got one last thing out before obliging his date,

"I should introduce you three to my team, we both have an Uchiha and Kakashi has your same hair, Kannin."

"Sure thing."

And all five of them returned to their respective meals. Kushina couldn't resist making another comment on how Kannin couldn't be an Uzumaki, but other than that the night went on without much incident.

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