
Not a chapter but a lore dump for yall

I honestly should have done this first to give a proper setting of nostramo and just how bad konrad had it on this dystopia planet of crime. I can never claim to know everything of the primarchs, but I do know quite a bit of my favorite primarchs being konrad, perturabo, ferrus, and dorn. If I could describe nostramo in one work, it is dark, both in a literal and figurative sense. It is a night world meaning no sunlight or vitamin d, which has led to mutation, mainly the large amount of albino people, along with pitch black eyes with no iris. it only has 5 hive cities along its equator because that is the only part of the planet that is habitable, the rest being a frigid stormy wasteland chock-full of polluted smog from the hive cities and to those who don't have much knowledge of 40k cities, each one could have trillions of people living in it so as a minimum nostramo could have 5 trillion people, which means no mater if they had indor farms they could never feed everyone and most of these fuck wouldnt share unless forced, so for everyone but the nobles had a very small menu of rats or humans. some may wonder why I call it a dystopia. Well, nostramo has only 3 social classes, being the workers, criminals, nobility in that order standing wise. bellow I'll describe these classes in detail of their role in nostraman life.


They are the miners, factory worker and the day to day menial. They are treated no more as slaves and to the people who are tired of starving to death, they are a food source. Some may ask why they don't rise up and overthrow their oppressors, the reason they don't is that trust is a hard thing to find and a severe lack of wealth to get any good weapons/armor so they were completely fucked over by the nobility and criminals. Some who could not work to try to get a living are eventually forced into crime to make a living and some even when they start crime begin to like it and whill a good 90% of the population are selfish assholes most become some form of criminals while that 10% that might be good would still commit crime when needed and tend to act as sheep and prefer to never get involved or look the other way by trying to live in their own little world.


Almost everyone on nostramo by our standards could fall under this category but as nostramo is the way it is you have to work a bit harder to earn such a title. These people are the gangster, murders, muggers, and all other sort of filth that thrives on nostramo. they are the people who do not try to earn anything but to take it. and they live by the saying of (might makes right). They are not just the street criminals but also the abusers of power and people. Here lies the factory bosses that would steal wages and put workers in danger to make a little more money. These are also the people that death would not be enough to scare straight.


the long stored criminals whether they be a syndicate or council, regardless they hold the most power on the plannet and they guard it jealously against both outsiders and internally. they own the factories and mines caring none for any safety of the worker. these bosses run everything both in the open and in the shadows, they only allow money to flow when fighting each other both through their enforcers or through subordinate gangs both are common. They believe themselves above all sense they had the money and the might to do water they wanted while organizing themselves into barons and counts and the leaders of the cities through election of their peers or through regular old military might..

now that the classes have been fleshed out I will explain the basic powers of a primarch. Most know this but they are fucking OP, a primarch could defeat a 20 space marines in nothing my their underwear with no weapons. they all have the ability to gain memories and skills through eating something. landing on a regular plannet they could eat a rabbit and use the memories to find more rabbits to eat and a primarch must eat alot to provide energy till they are fully grown where at most they could survive millennia without food, they would be weak but they could survive it and would only need to eat to eventually get back in top shape. They have minds so powerful they are practically super computers with ones like robute able to write a book about all possible things that can happen in war, it is how a primarch could have a great many skills and if they set their minds to something if even a little could surpass any human and ofcource they are engineered to be predisposed to a specific genre of knowledge meaning even if robute knew all thing that could happen in a war doesn't mean he is the best tactician or if konrad knew alot about stealth he could not sneak by corvus who was made for it to the point his power revolved around it. Each primarch could be said to have psker powers like konrad's future sight and saginuius charisma or vulkan's healing abilities. each could with time and effort train these powers like corvus being able to become a literal shadow or the shapshifting of magnus being able to control his hight and strength at will, but the fact is some don't train or try to use said powers like magnus being mainly a sorcerer and intellectual so he had no clue how to properly use said strength like the more martial primarchs. They also have ingrained in them ideas put there by the emperor like konrad's knowledge of law or vulkans ability to be a super blacksmith or dorns ability to make grand defenses.

Now that it's established how OP they are they are still at the core children moulded to fit a environment, now for konrad who was never adopted and who's only knowledge was a sense of justice and a need to punish those deemed criminals but being he was never adopted he never could understand humans making his justice is so ridged that there was no room for empathy if there was any to begin with. Even as a child he felt no connection to a moral compass outside of if they break the law they die and like a kid with a goal they would get frustrated if they can't complete said task, so when death would not stop the thieving or murdering he would drag it out and continue experimenting in making the planet that wasn't afraid of death by becoming worse than death and so he continued to get more and more creative with the deaths even for the most miniscule of crimes even suicide to him was a crime. Over time he broke nostramos will by ushering the "silence of the graveyard". but like a child with no upbringing he missed things like a government to keep his rule going when he left so the planet fell back into crime like a kid enjoying something he shouldn't be doing making him effective tool but only applying a tempory bandage to a fatal wound and expecting it to be fine with only one application and when he had to eventually go back and do it all over again he still wouldn't change his tactics while believing he rooted out all weeds while leaving nothing to make sure it stays that way. After all isn't the definition of insanity to do the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome.

As for the night lords themselves were originally a group of people who knew they were the needed monster to keep the dissenters in line but after being introduced to nostramon recruits they became just regular monster and people who prey on the weak, like a bully being give superpowers doesn't change them from being a bully so when they fought other legions or stronger beings the folded like wet paper and completely fall apart.

But I don't plan for them to be at all like the OG nightlords being this would essentially be a konrad that still lacks perfect morals but he won't be a ridged law enforcer with no empathy. If this has helped make a understanding of the setting, please comment if I should do this more to help explain other key settings/characters like rivals or major war zones I plan for later in the story.


Voting is over, and a new chapter will be posted at midnight US central timezone. I hope you all enjoy it as I'm introducing a plot point

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