
Chapter 63: Shorts 15

Gotta Catch Em All

"Pokemon Club Unite!" Mina shouted.

Around her, sitting on cushions on the floor were the Pokemon Club.

This club consisted of her fellow classmates, such as Kaminari and Toru.

As well as kids from the house, such as Eri, Kei, Kiba, Shiruku, Netsu, and Fuku...over video call...she still wasn't used to being around a lot of people.

Kioku was also a big Pokemon fan but was busy taking care of Izuku.

"Alright, seeing as this is the first meeting of the pokemon club! I think we should all start with our favorite pokemon!" Mina said. "I'll go first! I think my personal favorite is Salazzle! They're so cool! And so vicious too! They're like a pokemon Xenomorph that can breathe fire!"

"Yeah, that seems pretty on-brand for you Mina." Toru giggled. "My favorite is Morpeko! They're the cutest Pikachu clone, and their other form is called Hangry mode! It's cute and relatable!"

"Why go for a rip-off when the original is the best!" Kaminari argued. "Pikachu is my favorite! A total classic."

"Yeah if you're basic." Toru and Mina snickered, gaining an irritated look from Kaminari.

"Oh! Oh me next!" Kei said excitedly. "My favorite is Arbok! It's a snake! And it's really big and has a big face on its chest!"

"My turn! My personal favorite pokemon is Giratina!" Kiba announced proudly. "It's a legendary and it rules a whole realm of shadows! It's super powerful and terrifying and cool!"

Of course, she would choose a legendary. Thought literally, everyone.

"Well, my favorite is Charizard! It's a cool dragon that has like a bazillion forms!" Netsu added.

"Look Kaminari, you fellow basicmen," Mina whispered to Kaminari teasingly.

"Says the girl who likes the furry bait Pokemon!" Kaminari whispered back.

"I'll have you know that Salazzle is a reptile, and therefore, scaly bait!" Mina argued with mock outrage.

"Well, my favorite pokemon is Milotic! It's so elegant and beautiful! I adore its design!" Shiruku gushed. "The fan-like tail is my absolutely favorite part! I hope I can make a dress that can mimic its beauty one day!"

"Oh! That sounds fun! We should all dress up in pokemon outfits!" Toru suggested.

"That sounds amazing!" Kei agreed with starry eyes.

"Agreed! Shiruku, can you make those?" Mina asked.

"Definitely!" Shiruku's head was filled with ideas, looking at everyone to see what kind of costumes she could make.

"Before we get sidetracked, Eri. Fuku. You two wanna share?" Mina asked, trying to make sure the quiet kids didn't go unheard.

"Oh um...I like Eevee." Eri said quietly. "It's really cute."

"Well, that's...simple," Mina said. "What's your favorite Eeveelution?"

"Umm...Sylveon. It has pretty ribbons." Eri explained.

"Nice! Best one!" Toru said, before moving on quickly so no one could argue. "Fuku what about you?"

"Um...I like Appletun." Fuku's face was super red under her hoodie, and she was so glad she didn't show up in person. "I'm sorry I know it's dumb but it's really cute, and it looks like apple pie! And I-I don't know! I just really like it."

"Aww don't be ashamed Fuku! Appletun's a fine choice!" Toru said. She didn't have any strong feelings about Appletun, but she didn't hate it either.

"Hey Kiba, I'm guessing that most of your favorite pokemon are legendaries?" Toru asked.

"Well since I'M legendary, why would my favorite pokemon not be as well!?" Kiba scoffed. "Although I am also quite fond of Hydreigon! Who is a pseudo legendary! Which is like a legendary but not."

Dark and dragon. As unpredictable as ever, Lady K. Mina giggled. "Well now then the next question! Favorite type! Mine is poison!"

"Electric all the way!" Kaminari said, giving the most predictable answer possible.

"Same here! Electric type if filled with cuties!" Toru said.

"I like poison because it has snakes!" Kei said, being just as predictable as Kaminari.

"Fire!" Netsu said, continuing the trend of predictability. "I mean! Come on! I AM fire!"

"Nothing to be ashamed of, little dude!" Kaminari told him. "High five!"

"I'm one fire! That would burn!" Netsu said with the same enthusiasm.

"Oh yeah," Kaminari said. "Opps."

Mina, Toru, and Shiruku facepalmed at this display of incompetence before moving on.

"I like fairy," Eri said.

"Umm. I like the grass type." Fuku said. "Plants are really cool."

"I like the grass type too. But I also really like the water type." Shiruku told them. "And the fire type. And the bug type…I think the only types I don't like too much are ground and rock."

"I too am having a difficult time choosing. But for me, it is between dragon and dark." Kiba said, wearing her adorable thinking expression. "On one hand, I am the queen of eternal DARKNESS, and I do adore dark types. But on the other hand, dragon is a very powerful type, and most legendaries are dragon type. Hmmm."

The two girls took their time, thinking over what their favorite types were.

"I think I will have to go with bug." Shiruku decided. "It has so many beautiful pokemon! Like Volcarona, Ribombee, Frostmoth, Leavanny. And all the butterfly pokemon."

"And Snom!" Toru added. "Don't forget about Snom!"

Everyone nodded, as they agreed that Snom was a great pokemon.

"Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmm. Hmmm." Kiba thought really hard about which type she preferred. You could see the cogs turning in her head, as her brain got some much-needed use. "Alright. Let's look at my favorite dragon types. Haxorus, Rayquaza, Garchomp, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Zygarde, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Hydragon which is also dark, Tyrantrum, and actually now that I think about it the answer is dragon.``

"Great now...uh...anyone wanna play pokemon showdown?" Mina suggested, having run out of other ideas.

Off to the races!

Outside on the tracks where the three of the fastest people around here.

In the first lane was Kiba. Looking confident as always.

In the second lane was Iida, looking far too serious as always.

And Nara as XLR8 with the helmet over her face.

All three of them had some strange armband on, colored differently for each person. Blue for Iida, Red for Kiba, and Pink for Nara.

"Alright! Today we will be seeing who can run the most laps!" Iida shouted, before looking over to a nearby device. "This machine will count each time we go around the track, reading our armbands! Now without further ado! Let us begin! Machine start!"

"Starting!" The machine said, before giving a countdown. "3.2.1. GO!"

And with that all three of them burst off into a sprint, using their quirks to their maximum capabilities.

Nara bolted immediately, going at stupid speeds.

Kiba was next, not going as fast as Nara, but still leaving Iida behind.

Iida was amazed at how fast the two of them were going.

It had only been thirty seconds, and Nara had scored 17 points. With Kiba scoring 6. While Iida had only scored 2.

Is this the future of heroes? Iida wondered. It was this thought that made him feel both a sense of amazement and inadequacy.

These were small children. And they were outspeeding him, easily.

Mind you this place was for exceptionally powerful children, but still. One couldn't help but feel bad when being outdone at the thing they were best at, by children who were not even in their teens.

However, Iida still had something up his sleeve.


Two minutes had passed.

Nara was keeping a strong lead with 103 laps. While Kiba was behind with 56 points.

Iida may have only had 37 points himself, which was far below the other two, but it was here that he confirmed his suspicions.

They didn't know how to pace themselves.

With Nara, it was less apparent, due to the blinding speeds she went at, but for Kiba, it was a very apparent issue.

Kiba's strength and speed would diminish the more she used her quirk, meaning that the pacing issue was showing twofold in her. And she was now struggling to keep up with Iida.

It was then Iida knew that the tables would turn, very quickly.


Seven more minutes had passed.

Kiba was lagging behind now. She had 77 points but she wouldn't be able to stay in the race for much longer.

Nara was at 267 points, but Iida had a feeling she was about to fall out right about-



In a flash of pink light, Nara was back in her normal form.

To her credit, she kept running. She was actually pacing herself now, it seems she was gonna wait until she could transform again, but Iida doubted she'd have enough stamina to continue.

And while those two slowed down Iida sped up. As he reached beyond first gear.

He may only have had 72 points, but things were about to change and fast.


Yet another five minutes and Kiba had fallen out, finishing with 87 points.

She had overexerted herself, and now she needed to stop and drink more blood.

That left only Iida and Nara, and it was not even close.

Nara had only gained one point, putting her at 268, while Iida was now at 142 points.

He was still far behind, and now he was starting to feel a bit of fatigue, but this was nothing compared to Nara who was struggling to continue.

He applauded her for not just giving up once she reached her time limit, but he doubted it would matter much.

But they would see in another five minutes.


Yet another five minutes had passed, and Nara had transformed back into XLR8.

But it was clear that the fatigue was taking its course.

Firstly she was almost constantly tripping, as her legs wanted her to just stop already. Her speed was less than half of what it was before, and there would be constant lulls in her already decreased speed, and her helmet was opened up because she constantly needed to catch her breath.

She didn't stay in the race much longer, before she stopped from exhaustion, ending at an even 300.

Iida was now the only one left in the race, and he was going much faster than when he first started.

He'd gathered up a total of 217 points, and while he was a bit tired, he was more than able to keep going.


"Whew." Iida finally came to a stop, standing next to the machine, and pressing the button to make it stop counting.

Twenty minutes later.

He'd manage to collect a total of 653 points.

So safe to say he'd won.

Kiba looked like she was on the verge of tears with how badly she lost, while Nara didn't look all too phased.

"Curses! To have such an embarrassing loss!" Kiba shouted into the sky.

"Well, he is a U.A. student and the younger brother of a pro hero. It's expected that we'd lose." Nara said. "Still, how on earth did you manage to last that long? I feel like I would have died if I just went on for another minute."

"Simple. The answer is pacing." Iida told them, after taking a swig of orange juice. "While there is a time for going at max speed, doing so will quickly exhaust you, and leave you moving much slower, or simply render you unable to move at all. Racing can be a contest of endurance as much as it is speed. Especially for you Kiba. The more you exert yourself, the faster your body weakens. And Nara, while I admire your tenacity to continue even after your transformation timer ran out, it would likely have been smarter to go much slower and regain your stamina a bit. Until you could transform again."

"I see. Thank you for the advice, I'll try to take it, heart." Nara gave him a polite bow.

Kiba had an absolutely adorable teary eye pout, as she tried really, really hard not to seem bitter about her loss. "I'll do better next time. Just you wait."

The vampire girl had never been more glad in her life, that she wasn't streaming this.

A Special Guest.

It was a relaxing day for Izuku, he had finished his smaller workload early, and he was left with not much to do that day, other than watch T.V.

And so Izuku was just chilling in his bed, watching the news, when suddenly there was an urgent knocking on his door.

"Come in," Izuku said.

Momo came in, with a Seer floating next to her. There was a worried expression on her face, that made Izuku feel uneasy.

"Um, Midoriya. There is...someone here to see you." Momo explained.

"Is it more reporters? Or Kiba stans?" Izuku asked, nervously optimistic that it was just the usual menaces.

"Um, I don't think so...I think you should take a look for yourself," Momo said.

The Seer floated towards Izuku, and once it got closed it showed Izuku what Momo was so concerned about.

And it made him freeze.

Somewhere in the forest, was a woman surrounded by Beowulfs.

What made Izuku freeze was the woman's appearance.

She looked just like an older, hornless, Eri.

Now, Izuku didn't know for sure who this was, but he had a strong feeling.

After taking a few moments to get over his shock, he spoke into the Seer.

"Hello. You are currently trespassing on my property." Izuku said, his voice only showing a bit of restrained anger. "Please state your business."

The women looked curiously at the Seer, shocked that it had spoken, but after a moment to regain her composure, and taking a deep breath, she spoke.

"My name is Tsuma Dorama." The woman introduced with a determined look in her eyes. "I'm looking for my daughter...I think she ended up here. Her name is Eri."

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