
I don’t have a life insurance!

" My life is over! My life is freaking over!" Mo Qiang slumped on the toilet seat as she threw her hands over her face. A mafia lord's son, she could understand… a hypnotizer? Were they kidding her? 

" You are over-exaggerating! He never did anything to you or the previous owner, poor guy has a good heart," Xiao Jiao told Mo Qiang who dragged her hands down, which caused her skin to pull down slightly making her look even more scary.

" He has a good heart," Mo Qiang mimicked. " Let's be very honest that guy is a freaking bomb, all right? You look me in the eye and say that he is a good guy…that guy almost stabbed me in the chest. I could have died … I could have died many times! I just wanted a freaking normal life, a normal life!" 


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