Mo Qiang slammed the giant tic on the ground before turning to catch hold of the young Violet Mountain calf. She immediately tucked him in the protective case before turning to look at the chaos that the giant tics were causing.
Even though she saved one of the calves, Mo Qiang couldn't save each one of them as the amount of giant tics was simply immeasurable. She could only watch helplessly as the giant tics ate, tore and chomped on the herd of the Violet mountain cows causing the scent of blood to fill the inside of the cave dwellings.
What was more, these parasites were simply curated for mass murders which was why the more they smelled the scent of blood, the more excited they became. It did not take long for the giant tics to turn the entire place into a blood bath even the rating of the live streaming room turned from general audience to rated 18 automatically.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: