
The Annihilator


A sensation of warmth trickled down my thigh, seeping all the way to my calf. The burning feeling quickly set in, sending shivers coursing through my entire body. Despite my injury, I remain resolute in my determination to exact revenge upon Willy. Tonight, I will demonstrate unequivocally that he was mistaken to cross me, for I will utterly annihilate him. He cowered, his weight leaning heavily on the rail as he applied pressure to his injured shin, the same spot where I had shot him before. With a swift motion, I seized the collar of his ghastly shirt and delivered a powerful blow to his countenance. The impact was so intense that it caused him to see stars.

I stole a quick glance and observed that the men with whom Lou had been grappling were now lying motionless on the ground. The glossy floor was marred by the sight of blood pooling on its surface. The rain came down, washing away the blood that had been trickling down my skin, cleansing any trace of coagulation. 

"Boss! "

Lou approached me with a limp, clearly injured. Meanwhile, Rio remained on the wall, leaning and holding his shoulder. In a sudden and unexpected turn of events, a man descended from the upper deck, suspended from the ceiling, and launched a swift kick towards my chest. The impact of the kick against the bulletproof attire was immense, and the resulting force was enough to send me tumbling to the ground.  With lightning-fast reflexes, Lou brandished his firearm and aimed it at his assailant. In a matter of seconds, the weapon discharged, striking his foe causing him to stumbled backwards, colliding with the railing and plummeting into the water below.

Willy's groan echoed through the room as he slowly regained consciousness, only to be met with the cold, hard barrel of a gun staring him down with unwavering intensity. His gaze met mine, and then slowly drifted down to my legs.

With a hearty laugh, he mention of the annihilator seemed to suggest that both of us parties were in for a rough night. Blood coated his lips as he spoke.With a swift blow, I shattered several of his crooked teeth, causing a crimson celebration to erupt in his gums.

Summoning reinforcements and a team to tidy up the mess was not part of my original plan. Nevertheless, detaining Willy in my dungeon will prove advantageous as I intend to make an example of him before his cohorts.

As Lou and I reached a mutual understanding, I struggled to maintain my composure, my eyesight gradually becoming hazy. As I struggled to maintain my balance, a searing ache shot through my body, originating from the vicinity of my left leg. With a quick glance downwards, I confirmed my suspicion - a bullet had found its mark, causing my legs to wobble and sending a numbing sensation up my spine.

"FUCK!!! Not my left leg."

That was the moment of my stumble, my back colliding with the rail. Like the man before me, I plummeted into the water. The last sound to reach my ears were the screams of Lou and Rio, calling out for me.

Rush cascades down my skin, sending shivers down my spine. As the liquid coursed through my veins, I was acutely aware of its life-giving properties. Though the world beckoned, I knew that departing from it was not yet an option. Tonight was not the night. My primal instinct for survival jolted my mind into action as I sank into the water. With a focused effort, I calmed my breathing and allowed myself to float, conserving my limited energy before I could begin the arduous swim back to the safety of the ship. Despite my weakened state, I summoned the strength to ascend the ship and make my way towards the emergency staircase that would lead me to the terrace. As the rain gradually subsided, it seemed to be in accordance with the forecasted weather patterns. The chill in the air had penetrated my bones, causing my lips to tremble uncontrollably.

Ascending the stairs on all fours has been a habitual practice of mine, and fortunately, I have not sustained any injuries in quite some time. However, the current situation proves to be the most challenging one yet. As I ascended the ladder leading to the suite, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me on the other side. Upon entering, I was greeted by no sight of Lou and Rio, seemingly lost in the passage of time. My own perception of time had been distorted by my recent dip in the water, leaving me uncertain of how long I had been submerged. As I plunged into the water, my mind was already in a state of delirium. After a while, exhaustion set in, and I began to feel as though I was caught in an endless cycle of circular swimming.

As I reached for the sliding door, a sudden realization dawned upon me - Willy was nowhere to be seen. Could it be that my diligent clean up crew and trusty backup had already arrived? Only time would tell. As I felt the dampness of the gun against my ankle, my hand instinctively reached down to retrieve it, just in case. As I stepped into the suite, a sudden feeling of disorientation washed over me. Perhaps my mind had played a trick on me once again. The room appeared different, and my gaze fell upon a pile of luggage and clothes haphazardly scattered on the floor.

Disarray is all that meets my eyes, and the whereabouts of Lou remain unknown. Exhausted and unable to take another step, I collapsed onto all fours and crawled towards the bed. With a heavy heart, I resigned myself to lying there and waiting for someone to come to my aid. The labored rhythm of my breaths seems to be inextricably linked to the sharp, throbbing sensation caused by the pinching of a nerve.

As the door creaked open from the outside, a terrible singing voice assaulted my ears, exacerbating the pounding headache that had already taken hold. The onset of nausea was swift and unrelenting. Blood loss is significant.

Scream…A piercing scream reached my ears...The sound of a woman's scream pierced through the air, though it was muffled and difficult to discern.

Reflex With a steady hand, I raised the firearm towards her. Before me stood a woman, frozen in fear yet still radiating a striking beauty. She maintained an unmoved demeanor as she covered her mouth and observed me. As she prepared to depart, I swiftly aimed the firearm in her direction, causing her to take a step back.

"DON'T…" The figure before me could only be Dorothy Wyatt.

Instead of heading north, I find myself situated in the charming Southwing region.


"Are you alone?" I manage to muster the strength to inquire.

She gave a nod.

With a cautious gait, she approached me, her palms raised in a gesture of peace, as if to assure me that she posed no threat. "You appear to be injured," she observed softly. With measured steps, she approached the bed, now stained a deep crimson hue from the intermingling of water and my own blood.

I shook my head and uttered, "Don't come near me." The sensation of vulnerability that I am currently experiencing is unlike anything I have ever felt before, even in the wake of my father's passing. My fate rests in her hands; a mere shout for help from her would seal my doom.


As she drew nearer, a gentle offer escaped her lips, "Let me help you." My fatigue had reached a point where I could no longer muster the strength to venture to the north wing and retrieve Lou myself. As the darkness enveloped me, I suddenly became aware of a sharp tearing sensation, followed by a chilling and burning pain that rendered me unconscious.

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