{The Abra show}
"Welcome back my junior siblings, to the best show 'Are you courting Death!, it is your favorite senior sister and her gang here with someone new!" Abra said
Alakazam drank some coffee, "Seriously another new member, I thought with these 2 it was enough,"
"I came back because she promised me some books to read," Drowzee said as his legs were swinging on the chair.
"Psyduck was taken, and just when Psyduck finally got a girlfriend," Psyduck said
Alakazam looked at him, "Seriously, dude we said your hand doesn't count,"
Psyduck waved his hands, "No Psyduck is serious, Psyduck got a girlfriend"
Drowzee chuckled, "And I'm sure we don't know here, she goes to another daycare,"
"Noooo, Psyduck has a real girlfriend, and her name is Clément!"
"Well whatever we can talk about Psyduck's imaginary girlfriend later, but for now what poor soul did you drag into doing this," Alakazam said.
Abra put her hands to her sides, "Hohoho, well you see I was cultivating and I thought who could match my grace, my skill, and my beauty, and I realized no one but me could,"
"That's an understatement," Alakazam said looking tired
"So I decided who better to match me than…" Abra said as she extended her hand to the empty chair and there Abratwo appeared, "A second senior sister,"
Alakazam, Drowzee, Psyduck: "... no, no no no, nononono!"
Alakazam threw his mug to the ground, "No my mental health can't handle 2 of you, I already had a mental breakdown with just you!"
Abratwo waved her hand, "Relax senior brother, only good things can come of this,"
Drowzee looked at this and sunk into his chair, "I feel like I need an adult,"
"Psyduck agrees, Psyduck thinks there are laws against this,"
"Don't be ridiculous junior brothers," Abra said, "But today we need to get to the real topic!"
Abratwo nodded and pulled out a paper, "The Indigo League, we will bring you all the great details that you expect along with our analysis all coming here,"
Alakazam sighed, "Well at least this can't be that bad,"
"And we will then discuss which mortal realm the competitors are in and who has the qualifications to become transcended," Abra added.
"Arceus help me," Alakazam brought the coffee pot, pulled out another cup, and started drinking from the entire pot.
When Ash came back he immediately went over to Oak to go and tell him he was done, and to get the reward he was promised, a Rotom.
When Oak gave him the Pokeball he was confused, to say the least as to why Ash wanted one, but he had a few lying around so it wasn't that big of a deal.
When Ash got it he went out and bought an actual phone, with that he did the only logical thing, he put the Rotom in the phone getting him his very own Rotom Phone, but then he took the chip from the Pokedex and put it into the Rotom Phone.
As soon as he did the Rotom Phone looked like it went into reboot for a second as it began analysing all the information, after a moment it sprung back to life and looked at him, "Bzz, all data is in order, how can I serve you, sir!"
Ash smiled, he finally had his own Rotom Phone which had a lot of other uses, "Nothing right now, but can I get the chip back?"
"Of course Bzzz," Rotom Phone spat out the chip as he put it back in his dex and then the Rotom Phone went in too.
After that Ash went off to find his friends, to probably go watch the first few rounds of the League since they get to skip those beginning rounds.
"Welcome, valiant Trainers, to this year's Indigo Conference. Being here means you have proven yourself to the Kanto Gym Leaders and overcome your own struggles and challenges to get here. However, I assure you that there are still more challenges to come. This is a truth not only of life but also of this very tournament!"
The Indigo League Conference started and Green, Ash, and Gary mainly just hung out as they watched the preliminaries from the TV in Gary's house, from what it looks like around 2000 maybe 2500 people came this year to participate.
"Now, I am sure that you have noticed that there are many of you here. In fact, there are many more participants this year than usual!" the announcer on TV said
"That's an understatement," Gary said leaning on the couch, "Usually there isn't more than 1000, heck last year there were only 1024,"
"Oh yeah, who ended up winning that one?" Green asked petting her Ditto
Ash was scrolling through his new phone, "I think it was the former Fuchsia City Gym leader Koga,"
"Yeah I always forget gym leaders can just choose to participate, you think there will be any this year with us?" Green asked
"Probably not, the only reason one would try is to get a position on the Elite 4, and they would also make a big deal about it online," Gary responded
Due to how they did their badges Green would be going in in the top 64, while Ash and Gary got to skip to the top 32, which also meant they had like almost 2 weeks of extra training with each other.
Ash let his Rotom Phone fly into his pocket, "Well you know what they say, imagine being in that pile fighting to get into the main show, could not be me,"
Gary smirked, "And do you know what's almost as bad as that, only getting to skip into the top 64, seriously could you imagine,"
"I know what you're doing, and I want you to know…. It's working," Green said punching the boys on the shoulder, "It's not my fault I'm not a masochist,"
"Well your track record would say otherwise," Gary said waving his arms as Ash chuckled behind him.
"I will murder you both!" Green yelled out
And like that the last few weeks of relaxation before the League starts, Green obviously left first to go into the top 64 and Gary decided to go as well just to watch, Oak as a previous winner also got a free pass to all of them.
Ash however went ahead to meet up with everyone else in the place they agreed on.
{Kanto Squad Group chat}
(Forgottensister) - Yo where you guys at I'm already here,
(Pokemonenjoyer) - why is that still your username?
(Rockhard) - I'm on my way my siblings just had me do some stuff
(Amarillo) - Well I'm on my way, Dody is taking me.
(Pokemonenjoyer) - Don't ignore my questions @Forgottensister
(Rockhard) - just let it go, it's better if you don't
(Pokemonenjoyer) - fine ʕ•̫͡•ʔ, I'm just waiting on you guys I'm still at home, Abra is all ready.
(Forgottensister)- how'd you do that
(Pokemonenjoyer) - ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʕ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡•ʔ•̫͡• Oh now you pay attention to me, well I'm not telling you.
Eventually, they all met up on the path on Route 22 and Ash just appeared with Abra before she left again.
"Yo, soooo, anything you guys wanna say to little old me~," Ash said.
Brock was holding an incubator with a familiar green Egg, "Yeah thanks Ash, I didn't think I'd get to take care of an Egg this soon!"
Yellow nodded happily, "Yeah, the gift you gave was great! I'm just sad I didn't get you anything,"
"Hey it's fine, at least you're not ungrateful like soommmmee people," Ash said, overly dramatic looking over to Misty.
Misty sighed, "OK I guess the gift was fine, it did help,"
Ash smiled, "I'm glad you like the pants,"
"I am talking about the Lapras treats!" Misty yelled out before releasing she fell into Ash's trap, "Ugg, fine I admit it, it helped out a lot,"
So they started catching up as they started walking, their main goal at the moment was to get to the Pokemon League Village which became a tourist spot during the Conference.
By the time they got there the place already looked like a Festival with people selling things in stands and other trinkets.
Ash looked at his friends, "How about you guys enjoy the festive and I'll go register real quick," they all nodded without much convincing as they went separate paths.
So Ash went over to the central building along the way he saw tons of trainers either laughing with each other from their loss and some looking dejected, but in the end, they weren't his problem.
As he walked into a building where he saw a girl scrolling on her phone, clearly not a lot of people come here to register at this time, but she has to stay here for cases like Ash.
Ash walked up and got her attention by putting his badges on the table, "Hello, I'm here to register for my spot,"
"Pika," Pikachu nodded.
The girl scanned Ash's ID getting ready to tell him he was too late but when she pulled up his identification she took a double take, "Goodness me, you're the second person today to have this, ok, yeah...give me a sec"
She hurriedly started typing something on her computer, "OK, Ash Ketchum is it, yes your already in the top 32 contenders, so after tomorrow those brackets will be announced,"
"Alright, thanks a bunch!" Ash said
"Pika pi!" Pikachu said happily as they both walked out.
She then pulled out a card and handed it to him, "And here with this card you and anyone you are with can enjoy all the luxuries of the festival for free,"
Ash took it and walked out of the center he stretched his arms and looked at the festival going on, it really looked like a lot of people came here in the hopes of winning, and even though most of them lost it looked like they stayed for the festival.
He could see a bunch of People with some Pokemon not native in Kanto, which just made him wonder who he was supposed to fight coming up, but he also shrugged since worrying would literally do nothing.
As he walked he felt a hand grab his shoulder as he looked back he saw A.J., Samurai, and Jeanette standing there.
"Yo, Ash it's good to see you, good to see you actually made it to the league, I was almost worried when I didn't see you around," A.J. said happily.
"Yeah I got to skip a bunch of stuff but I'm here now,"
"That is swell," Samurai said, "Afterall it would be most unfortunate if you lost before I could get my revenge,"
"Hey, I'm the one that's going to get my revenge!" A.J. yelled back as they crashed heads looking at each other.
"You wanna go, wannabe Samurai," A.J. said pulling out a Pokeball
"Let us settle this once more," Samurai said, pulling out his Pokeball as well.
Then they ran to an open area to battle, leaving Ash and Jeanette, "So how often does that happen?"
Jeanette sighed, "At the slightest inconvenience, it gets embarrassing sometimes having to explain to people."
"I can imagine, I'm still surprised you a rich girl chose to travel with them, no offense,"
"None taken, and I don't know I guess it was nice talking to people who didn't treat me as the heir to my clan, just as me," Jeanette said before turning away, "Even if it's painfully obvious they both have a crush on me,"
"Huh, honestly not what I expected, I thought this would be one of those moments where you act oblivious and I have to teach you about love,"
Jeanette rolled her eyes, "Please save me that mushy stuff, I'm not stupid, and they're good guys, I'll admit I wasn't attracted to them before, but after their training with the Lieutenant I can admit they became attractive,"
"But what? That's it, sure there nice to me and all but I never really considered them as people I'd date,"
"Wow, that's so brutal I feel bad for them, and they don't know they just got friend-zoned, boy I don't want to see that talk," Ash said as both he and Pikachu waved their hands at their necks.
"Yes well I suppose it's my problem to deal with," Jeanette said, "Farewell it was nice to have a chat, but if we face each other I won't hold back,"
Ash turned around and waved as he walked, "I wouldn't want it any other way, anyway good luck shattering their hearts,"
With that Ash kept walking leaving Jeanette to deal with that problem and for him to find everyone else.
Along the way, he saw a few people that he recognized from the League but no one he was particularly on a first-name basis with, but then he came across 2 familiar people he didn't expect to be together.
The 2 people were Ritchie and surprisingly enough Joe, Ash blinked seeing him, 'Huh, I guess he actually ended up making it, good for him.'
They both noticed him and Joe in particular waved, "Oh, Ash! I'm glad to see you made it,"
Ash walked over, "Yeah wouldn't miss this for the world, anyway I'm more surprised your here, you know since you literally said you wouldn't,"
Joe scratched his head, "Yeah still kinda hard to believe I'm here too, I'll be honest I've been getting really lucky facing people, a lot of people use weaker Pokemon since they think I'll be an easy opponent."
That made sense, in the League you were not allowed to do any research on your opponent otherwise you would get disqualified, the only thing you could see is their previous battles, which as Joe put it is a double-bladed sword.
Especially because despite what you may think from their sizes, Joe is 12, despite the fact that he looks like he's 9.
Sure the element of surprise is nice, but if your opponent isn't weak or doing the same thing as you then you'll just crash out, even if they bring out their strongest a 3 v 1 ain't good odds.
Ritchie then walked up too, "Hey good to see you, I'm glad to see your ok since the whole S.S. Anne thing, I was worried when I didn't see you on the lifeboats."
"Wait you were on that too!" Joe yelled.
"Yeah, I'm even the one who won that little tournament, got an Egg from it too," Ash scratched his nose.
"Yeah, well listen I'd love to talk again but we actually have to go meet some friends we came here with, so talk tomorrow?" Ritchie said, looking apologetically.
"Oh sure, but who are these 'friends' of yours, don't tell me they go to another League," Ash joked, getting a chuckle from the two boys.
"No, we met 2 girls actually from the S.S. Anne too, they were called Assunta and Melissa,"
Ash blinked twice as it looked like his background became yellow, "...huh, small world."