
Shizuka Being Shizuka

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


December 14, x787.


Upon reaching his bedroom, Alfonzo could only smile at the sight before him. Lying in his bed, Shizuka, wearing a purple tank top and matching panties, had kicked nearly all the blankets off the bed. As a result, the only part of her body covered by the blankets was her right foot.


On top of that, Alfonzo could tell that Shizuka was hugging the pillow that he usually slept on to her chest while smiling sweetly, probably having a good dream.


Not wanting to disturb such a peaceful scene, Alfonzo quietly approached the bed. Then, when he arrived at the bedside, he carefully climbed into the bed and lay down next to Shizuka while watching her sleep. Then, when she smiled particularly brightly, he could not help himself, leaning forward to kiss her on the forehead.




Unfortunately, Shizuka's reaction in her sleep was to brush away whatever tickled her forehead. As a result, Alfonzo was lightly slapped in the face.


"Yeah, I guess that's what I get for disturbing such a peaceful scene." Alfonzo muttered to himself while shaking his head.


"Hmm..." Shizuka, having noticed that she just slapped something, hummed as her eyelashes began to flutter. "Did I get bit by a bug, or something?'


"Damn, did my kiss on the forehead just get compared to a bug bite?" Alfonzo grumbled.


"Hmm?" Shizuka, having heard Alfonzo's grumbling, slowly opened her eyes. And when they were open, the first thing she saw in her hazy state was Alfonzo.


"Good morning, Shizuka." Alfonzo said with a smile.


Although she immediately recognized Alfonzo's voice, despite the fact that she was still half asleep, Shizuka also knew that he should be on Tenrou Island because of the S-Class Promotion Exam, so she immediately closed her eyes again, threw away Alfonzo's pillow, and reached out before pulling his face into her bosom.


"I like this dream." Shizuka said with a smile of contentment spread across her face. "Dreaming about Fonzie always leads to a good day."


In response, Alfonzo tried to shake his head. However, with Shizuka's arms and breasts wrapped around his head, he could barely move.


"It's not a dream, Shizuka." Alfonzo said, his voice muffled by Shizuka's breasts. "Lici and I made a short trip back to see Amar'e."


"Ooh!" Shizuka yelped from the sensation of Alfonzo's lips and breath brushing against her chest. Then, she opened her eyes again as she looked down at Alfonzo. "Not… a dream?"


"That's right, I'm really here, Shizuka." Alfonzo said, still unable to lift his face from Shizuka's cleavage, not that he was trying all that hard, though.


In response, a bit of clarity shown in Shizuka's eyes. Then, she pulled Alfonzo away from her chest. A moment later, she started running her hands all over Alfonzo's face. And as time passed, she woke up more and more.


"Fonzie, it's really you…" Shizuka said in a dazed tone. Then, after everything clicked, she squealed excitedly. "Fonzie!"


In the next instant, Shizuka pressed her lips against Alfonzo's passionately. However, the kiss did not last very long, as Shizuka pulled away quickly.


"Oh, no! I didn't brush my teeth yet!" Shizuka said as she sat up in the bed. "Hold on, I'll be right--- Kya!"


As Shizuka spoke the last sentence, she tried to climb out of bed, straddling Alfonzo as she tried to climb over him and rush into his bathroom. However, before she could climb over him completely, Alfonzo wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down on top of him, gaining a yelp for his efforts.


Then, before Shizuka could react, Alfonzo restarted the kiss, pressing his lips against Shizuka's passionately. He even managed to snake his tongue into her mouth. As a result, Shizuka completely forgot about brushing her teeth as she melted into the kiss.


As the kiss deepened, both Alfonzo's and Shizuka's hands began to roam. While Shizuka's hands explored Alfonzo's chest, Alfonzo's wandered up and down Shizuka's back. However, they eventually slipped down onto her butt. But when he tried to sneak them between her legs, Shizuka broke the kiss immediately.


"Fonzie, not 'til we're married." Shizuka said as she sat up on Alfonzo's abdomen and pulled his hands away from her butt and crotch.


"*Sigh* I know." Alfonzo replied while smiling wryly. "Sorry, Shizuka. I got carried away."


"Just be patient, okay." Shizuka said with a smile before leaning down to peck Alfonzo on the lips one more time. "I promise you won't regret it. Remember, I'm a trained healer. So, I am very well informed about the human body. So, trust me. It will definitely be worth the wait."


Hearing that, Alfonzo could only stare at Shizuka blankly while blinking his eyes in confusion. Although he did not think that Shizuka was completely ignorant about sex, he never expected her to say something like that. She never seemed to get it when the other ladies were talking about things of a sexual nature, after all.


Meanwhile, while Alfonzo was lost in his confusion, Shizuka sat up straight. Then, she placed her right index finger on her lips as she tilted her head left and right in contemplation. At the same time, she subconsciously shifted her butt side to side, giving Alfonzo a nice feeling while he watched her breasts sway from side to side from her movements.


"Hmm… How long did I sleep?" Shizuka asked herself curiously. "Is it already the seventeenth? You weren't supposed to get back until the sixteenth, right?"


After reaching that point, Shizuka's normally sleepy looking eyes opened wide in disbelief. Then, she jumped off of Alfonzo, landing at the bedside. After that, she turned towards the bathroom and started sprinting towards it in panic.


"Oh, no!" Shizuka shouted as she ran. "I slept for three days. I missed my shifts at the guild. I hope no one got hurt! And I missed if Rika became S-Class or not! OH, no!"


Meanwhile, Alfonzo could only look on helplessly as Shizuka disappeared into his bathroom.




Then, once the bathroom door was slammed shut, Alfonzo sat up and swung his feet over the side of the bed.


"*Sigh* If she had stopped to listen, or even looked at the clock hanging over my workshop, she would have known that today was the fourteenth." Alfonzo muttered to himself. "Oh well, I'll just tell her when she gets out of the bathroom."


At that moment, Elicia, with Amar'e in his arms, walked through the still open door of Alfonzo's bedroom.


"Hmm?" Elicia hummed in confusion. "I thought Shizuka would be here. Did she go to her room to get ready for work?"


As she spoke, Elicia approached Alfonzo's bed. Then, when she arrived, she took a seat next to him while Amar'e struggled to get Alfonzo's attention.


"Well, she is getting ready for work…" Alfonzo muttered as he picked up Amar'e and sat him on his lap. "But she's under a bit of a misunderstanding at the moment."


"What do you mean?" Elicia asked while tilting her head cutely. "What happened?"


In response, Alfonzo told Elicia what happened after Shizuka completely registered that he was home. And in response…


"Hahahahaha!" Elicia laughed uproariously. "Oh man, that's Shizuka for you. She does everything at her own pace."


Amar'e also began laughing happily like his mother. And seeing that, Alfonzo could not help but smile as he started bouncing Amar'e on his knee.


"Yeah, I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else from Shizuka." Alfonzo said with a smile on his face.


"Anyway, what are we gonna do until we go back, Fonzie?" Elicia asked once her laughter was under control.


"I wasn't gonna do anything at all." Alfonzo replied. "Playing with Amar'e is enough for me."


"Actually, that sounds nice." Elicia said with a smile. "I think I'll do that, too. But I should probably work on my custom orders, too. So…"


With that, Elicia made the hand sign for the [Shadow Clone Jutsu]. A moment later, three clones popped into existence from clouds of smoke.


"Alright, girls." Elicia said with a smile. "I hope you don't mind getting to work."


"Of course not." One of Elicia's clones said while shaking her head. "I'd rather be playing with Mar'e, though."


In response, the other two clones nodded in agreement. However, they did not argue. Instead, they all gathered around Alfonzo before giving both Amar'e and Alfonzo kisses on the cheek. Then, they all smiled at the amazed expression on Amar'e's face.


After that, Amar'e squealed in excitement, causing Alfonzo and the four Elicias to smile. Then, the three [Shadow Clones] left the room to get to work. Meanwhile, Amar'e reached for them, though he did not understand why there were more of his mothers present, he wanted them all to play with him.


Eventually, when Amar'e realized the three [Shadow Clones] were not coming back, his expression changed from a happy smile to a frown. Then, he started struggling to get out of Alfonzo's arms. And when he could not, he started to cry… loudly.


"Hmm… Maybe that wasn't such a good idea." Elicia muttered as she took Amar'e from Alfonzo's arms.


"Well, his favorite person in the world just multiplied, gave him a kiss, and then, most of them left." Alfonzo said with a shrug. "What did you expect to happen."


"*Sigh* I guess you're right." Elicia said while trying to calm her son. "I guess I should wait until he's older before I let him see my [Shadow Clones] again, huh?"


"By the way, why are you still using the hand signs?" Alfonzo asked curiously. "I mean, your magic power control should be good enough that you don't need the hand signs to knead your magic power, right?"


In response, Elicia simply rolled her eyes while rocking Amar'e in an attempt to calm him down.


"It's a woman's romance." Elicia said with a smirk. "A man like you would never understand."


This time, it was Alfonzo's turn to roll his eyes. However, he decided not to argue. Like that, the two continued to chat while trying to calm Amar'e down. And when they eventually succeeded, Shizuka opened the door to the bathroom, wearing only a bathrobe.


"I thought I heard Amar'e crying!" Shizuka said in a panic while not bothering to dry her hair. Then, her sight landed on Amar'e in Elicia's arms. "Amar'e, what happened? Come let auntie Shizuka give you a hug!"


With that, Shizuka dashed forward. Then, she took Amar'e from Elicia's arms and held him tenderly against her chest. Meanwhile, once Amar'e was in her arms, he began happily patting on her breasts, fascinated by how her breasts changed shape before returning to their usual shape after he moved his hand away.


"*Sigh* Is it wrong that I'm kinda jealous of my son right now?" Alfonzo asked with a smile.


"Only if it's wrong that I'm jealous, too." Elicia said with a pout. "I mean, she won't even let me touch them. And we've taken like a hundred bath's together since she got here from Takanosu."


"Not until we're married." Shizuka said sternly while glancing up at the married couple in the room. Then, her expression turned inquisitive a she asked a question. "So, who got promoted? Was it Rika? I hope it was Rika."


Hearing that, Alfonzo and Elicia both smiled helplessly. Then, they explained that they were only here because they missed Amar'e. On top of that, they let Shizuka know that it was still only the fourteenth of December. So, the S-Class Promotion Exam had not even happened yet.


"So that means I didn't miss any shifts." Shizuka said in a relieved tone after hearing that she did not sleep for three days. "Wait! My shift! I'm gonna be late if I don't' hurry.


With that, Shizuka gave Amar'e back to Elicia. Then, she rushed out of the room so that she could get dressed in her own room, leaving Alfonzo and Elicia to watch her run down the hall through the open door.


"Well then, let's get some breakfast." Alfonzo said as he stood up. "After flying across Fiore twice, I'm hungry. Really hungry."


"Yeah, I'm hungry, too." Elicia said as she stood up as well. Then, I'll feed Amar'e and we can have some fun today."


Leaving the room a moment later, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Amar'e eventually reached the dining room where Grayfia, Mey-Rin, Ai, and Miyuki had just finished setting the table. Then, Alfonzo and Elicia took their seats while Elicia handed Amar'e to Grayfia, who would keep him entertained, while she and Alfonzo ate.


Not long later, dressed in casual clothes with a white lab coat over her outfit, Shizuka entered the dining room, as well, before rushing to take a seat and start eating.


Like that, the trio of Alfonzo, Elicia, and Shizuka ate breakfast. Though, Shizuka was eating noticeably faster than Alfonzo and Elicia. Then, Shizuka, after she finished eating, then got up and rushed to leave the house, not before kissing both Alfonzo and Amari on the cheek, though.


About ten minutes later, Alfonzo and Elicia also finished eating. Then, Elicia fed Amar'e before the two parents and Ai spent the next couple of hours playing with Amar'e. However, Amar'e eventually had to be put down for a nap. Then, Alfonzo and Elicia had lunch while waiting for their son to wake up again. And after Amar'e finally woke up, they began playing with him again.


When Amar'e eventually got tired again, Alfonzo and Elicia finally decided it was time to go back to Tenrou Island, Alfonzo would have to take Sixth Sense to pick up the S-Class Candidates and Ur the next morning, after all.

So, I started a new fic. It's a Dimensional Chat fic called Songs in the Void. The first chapter is up on WN. Please check it out if you[re interested.

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.

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