

In a completely different location that was a long bus ride away from the village that Azra was staying in, there was a family gathered around the table eating a meal together.

They chatted happily together as they ate and drank until they seemed to slowly display signs of fatigue and tiredness.

One of them had got up for a moment but their legs were too weak which had caused them to fall down.

It caused the others to wake up a little enough to show how started they were. "Daddy."


"Are you alright?"

The man that had fallen over hit his own leg which seemed to be very numb. "No problem. I probably just overworked myself. Yawn."

He did not suffer any kind of pain or injury from his fall so he told them that they did not need to worry about him.

He had been working in the village fields to grow enough crops to feed them and to cover the families expenses.

The family had recently gained an opportunity thanks to an unknown benefactor but what they had gained was not enough for them to survive on forever.

After squandering some of it on some more expensive things, they had to accept that without another handout from that benefactor then they had to go back to how they usually lived.

They were just a small family from a small village and there would be a limit to how much interest their benefactor would have towards them before they lost interest or no longer found a use for them.

No contact had been made for a long time and no extra money had been sent over so they had no choice to stop relying on that unknown benefactor.

Their bodied had slowly become weaker until they all saw each other falling asleep around the table.

By the time they had noticed something was strange, they barely had enough strength to lift a single finger or to cry out.

The last person that was struggling to keep themselves awake had seen a faint outline of a person that was blurry to them.

The footsteps got closer as each of them had fallen into a deep slumber not knowing that it would be the last time they would be able to enjoy their life.

Several hours before it had all happened, Azra had stepped off the bus and travelled towards a small village just like what she had been staying in.

It was a place where most people made a living from their own land or worked on another person's land to earn their keep.

From farming ordinary crops to animals was what kept them going so they had to live their lives diligently.

Each person was just caring for the animals on the farm or were busy in the fields so they had little time to pay attention to Azra.

She did not make herself stand out either and she had done her best to not show any suspicious behaviours.

It was just like she was visiting someone or was passing through the village so she did not stop to ask for directions or was standing around awkwardly as if she was lost.

A house came into her view but she had walked past it then disappeared out of sight before appearing near the back wall.

She jumped over without being seen by anyone then crept closer to the window which had shown that there were people inside.

There was someone coming to the back so she had hidden herself behind the shed where things were stored inside.

The sounds came from nearby as someone had opened the shed and took out some tools before leaving.

The door was opened and closed again which told her that they had gone back inside.

Azra sighed in relief and calmed her nerves then spotted an open window above her. 'I guess that this is the only way but I cannot possibly do it in broad daylight.'

The chances of herself being seen would be higher in the day and that would ruin everything so she had to be patient.

Memories of her past had been replayed by her within her mind several times over as she waited and tried to plan everything out.

There finally came a time when those inside the house had went out when it was darker so Azra attached her body to the nearby drain pipe and pulled herself up it.

Once she was level with the window that was slightly left open, she swung her body to the side so that her hands caught onto the ledge.

She stabilised herself and pulled herself up quickly while pushing the window further open.

Azra dropped inside a room then put the window back to how it was before going cautiously downstairs.

The house only had two floors which were the ground and first floors which were used by the family so the height that she had to climb up to was not difficult for her.

The distance she would have to fall down if she failed would not have been all that much but it could have caused her harm if she landed awkwardly.

Azra was able to use her body well enough to avoid failing her first attempt due to her past training and her efforts to recover her past abilities and body back to how they once were.

It may not have been back to how she when she was at her best but Azra was able to handle a small task of entering a small two floor house.

After quietly making her way through the house, Azra found that nobody was inside after confirming for herself. 'Finally.. now I just hope that they have not changed since the time that has passed.'

The bag on her back was searched and a packet containing a syringe was taken out.

Once she reached the fridge, it was opened to reveal the insides then her eyes fell onto a water filter sitting inside. 'Hah.. they really are the same.'

The syringe had been emptied into the water that was sitting inside the fridge then once she felt that there was enough, Azra found a part of the house that could be used to hide.

She seemed to be very familiar with the house and how the people who lived there lived their lives.

Once the noises started to grow louder inside the home, Azra knew that there would not be that much time left until everything would be successful.

All she needed to do was wait where she had hidden herself until that time.

The family that lived there would not enter where she had hidden herself since it was just somewhere that was an unused space that they would not even clear out to make use of it for storage.

Once the noises had started to disappear, Azra came out to see if it was successful and slowly approached the dining room where they had all been lying near the table or were fast asleep in their seats. 'Haha.. hahaha. This is too easy.'

She looked down towards her trembling hands and said to herself. "All of this has led me to here. I have no room to hesitate otherwise this opportunity may never come again."

Her eyes turned increasingly colder as she gazed towards the sleeping family. "This is where I discard everything."

The book was taken out from within her bag along with some vials that contained animal blood and a painting brush.

To see two advanced chapters, go to my ko-fi page and become a member. :)

dancematdancreators' thoughts
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