

However, as they compared the details between the two, their expressions turned more and more astonished and they became more and more shocked as they saw that the mice in the photo matched the mice that were in front of them.

Qin Xulan, Zhou Lan, Shen Hong, Shen Jiayao, Zhu Jianhua, Liu Yin, and others also found information online and began to compare it, and the more they looked, the more excited they became.

"Oh my, these really are White-footed Rabbit Rats," Qin Xulan suddenly exclaimed with a flushed look on her face.

"This can't be possible. Even if it's Su Jing, he can't bring back extinct animals," Zhou Lan couldn't believe it. At this moment, she couldn't pretend to be indifferent anymore.

"It may be impossible for others, but Brother Jing can do the impossible," Qin Xulan said, both excited and thrilled. Due to her blind admiration for Su Jing, she easily accepted the idea of Su Jing bringing back an extinct species to life.

"Oh no, this is going to be huge," Zhu Jianhua exclaimed.

"It's not just huge, it will definitely shock the world," Shen Hong said. Species extinction is easy and often caused by human industrial pollution, hunting, and other reasons.

Many life forms unknowingly go extinct due to human activities. When humans realize the problem and want to save them, it's often too late.

Extinct species are gone forever, and with current genetic cloning technology, it's still not enough to resurrect these extinct species. Therefore, humans have countless regrets about the species that went extinct because of them.

Now, a species that was considered extinct suddenly reappears before human eyes. How exciting is that?

Finally, everyone understood why these animals weren't classified as protected species anymore.

They were extinct, so what's the point of protecting them and putting them on the protected list?

However, once they appear, they will quickly be listed as a First Level protected species because they are even rarer than Giant Pandas. These mice might be the only White-footed Rabbit Rats in the entire world.

"Another group of mice emerged from the bushes."

"The way they walk is so strange."

While everyone was still excited about the White-footed Rabbit Rats, they saw a group of mice emerge from the bushes.

They were similar in size to house mice, with large ears, short forelimbs, and long and powerful hind limbs. Instead of crawling, they moved by jumping with their hind limbs, just like kangaroos.

"Quick, check what kind of mice they are."

"Oh my, they look like Big-Eared Hopping Mouse (Notomys Macrotis)."

This time, everyone learned their lesson and didn't underestimate them just because they were mice.

They immediately searched for information, and to their surprise, these mice were identical to the legendary Big-Eared Hopping Mouse (Notomys Macrotis). They went extinct over two hundred years ago in. They were confirmed to be extinct in 1843.

The big-eared hopping mouse (Notomys macrotis) is an extinct species of mouse, which lived in the Moore River area of south-western Australia. The big-eared hopping mouse was a small, rat-sized animal resembling a tiny kangaroo.

It had large eyes and ears with a brush-tipped tail. These mice were relatively famous due to their uniqueness, and people gave them the nickname "kangaroo mice" based on their size which made them look like tiny kangaroos.

"Oh my, another extinct species. This is unbelievable."

"What's happening to the world? It feels like I'm dreaming."

"I feel like my common sense and worldview are in chaos."

"I can't believe it. Su Jing is truly incredible. First the Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle, and now even extinct species? How did he manage to do this?"

These two mice may not be as spectacular as the White Peacock and Yangtze Giant Softshell Turtle, but with the added identity of being extinct species, no one could underestimate them.

It was obvious that they would be highly regarded in the future. They may not be as cute and popular as giant pandas, but they were even rarer.

Carrying the title of a once-extinct species, countless people would be curious to come and see them. And the only place to see them would be here. Apart from this place, nowhere else in the world would have them.

"Old Fan, what's going on here? Are these two groups really the White-footed Rabbit Rat and the Big-Eared Hopping Mouse (Notomys Macrotis)? Where did they come from?" The old man asked with an astonished expression on his face.

"That's right, they are indeed the White-footed Rabbit Rat and the Big-Eared Hopping Mouse (Notomys Macrotis). Otherwise, how could Su Jing be interested in them? As for where they came from, we don't know anything about that. Only Su Jing would know," Fan Weishen explained.

"Is it okay to keep these two species together in one garden? What if they fight and some of them die or even go extinct? That would be a huge tragedy, considering they were once extinct species," a middle-aged man asked.

"Because time was running out on us and the available space is limited so we could only keep them together for now and separate them later. Su Jing said it should be fine for the time being, so it should be. Also, there is another specie in this garden," Fan Weishen smiled as he replied.

"There's another specie?" Everyone was surprised when they heard Fan Weishen's words and began to look around them.

Fan Weishen looked at Xue Zhonghong and gave him a signal. At that moment, Xue Zhonghong walked to the other side of the garden and stopped beside a dense thicket next to a pond.

He threw some food on the ground, and after a while, the thicket rustled, and a giant tortoise crawled out.

It was over one meter long and should have weighed at least a few hundred Jin (1Jin=0.5 kg). Its head was pale yellow with symmetrical large scales. Its carapace was prominent, resembling an elephant's back, with a large black patch in the center of the dorsal scutes.

The front edge of the plastron was thick, and the rear notch was deep. Its limbs were cylindrical, without webbing between the toes, and the scales on its legs resembled those of an elephant.

"Oh My God, such a huge turtle."

"This time it's a turtle, not a terrapin, right?"

"It looks like a turtle."

"We can be more specific; this is an elephant tortoise," Shen Hong said as he observed the tortoise.

He pondered for a moment, then took out his phone, searched the internet, and his pupils suddenly contracted as he exclaimed, "Oh my, this looks like the Seychelles Giant Tortoise!"

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