

The difficulty of Symbolic Weapons lies in refining, not in control. Anyone who obtains the Five Elements Warrior Talisman can easily manipulate them as long as they get some basic methods to control them.

Suddenly, Su Jing threw the yellow silk handkerchief in his hand into the air while chanting some words. The handkerchief transformed and a huge muscular man appeared out of nowhere.

This brawny man who suddenly appeared out of thin air is simply a Giant and was about 4-5 meters tall, with bulging muscles and a violent aesthetic. Even the world-renowned fitness and muscle madmen would look weak compared to him.

"Damn." Despite being mentally prepared, Su Jing was still startled by the sight of this giant who looked like a hill standing in front of him. He was breathing heavily, but quickly regained his composure and said, "Show me your strength."

The Giant was released by Su Jing so he listened to Su Jing's words and commands. The Giant walked to the truck parked in the yard not far away, bent down, and lifted one side of the effortlessly.

If an outsider saw this scene, their jaws will definitely drop in shock. How heavy is such a large truck, and how much effort would it take to lift one side so easily?

This truck must weigh a lot, yet this Giant lifted it so easily. This monster was unbelievable.

"Wow, you're not just all talk. This is quite impressive," Su Jing complimented, but he knew that in The Immortal Gourd Universe, this was not considered much, so he wasn't too surprised.

He continued to test the giant's abilities and even compared their strengths in the end. The monster was indeed powerful, but compared to Su Jing, it was slightly weaker. Moreover, it was slow and had relatively clumsy movements.

Apart from its great strength, it does not have any other special abilities.

"This should be the Yellow Turban Strongman talisman, and it must be the lowest Level One Yellow Turban Strongman talisman," Su Jing judged after he finished testing the Giant.

The warrior summoned by the Yellow Turban Strongman talisman only had great strength without any special abilities and was generally used for heavy labor rather than combat. If used in a battle, it would be considered extremely weak.

Of course, using this Yellow Turban Strongman talisman in battle means using it in The Immortal Gourd Universe, it would be a completely different story if this is placed on any of the Earth's battles. Such a powerful monster, how could it be weak in battle?

Of course, Su Jing would never let this Yellow Turban Strongman go out and start attacking people unless it was absolutely necessary. Otherwise, it would cause a huge commotion and his existence would be discovered.

"This Yellow Turban Strongman talisman is really good," Su Jing was very satisfied with this Yellow Turban Strongman talisman and with a wave of his hand, the giant suddenly disappeared and turned into a yellow silk handkerchief, which fell into Su Jing's hand. He casually put it into his storage bag for safekeeping.

The organization of the garbage was finally finished, and Su Jing decided to take a good rest for two days without doing anything.

However, at three or four o'clock in the morning, he was suddenly awakened by Qingyun's voice: "Master, the garbage has arrived."

Su Jing got up with a grunt without feeling annoyed by the interruption in his well-deserved sleep.

His eyes lit up with excitement because the garbage had come again which means new treasures. He rushed downstairs and entered the Super Universe Garbage Station.

As usual, he saw a spherical vortex appear in the sky, and a large amount of garbage was being dumped down from it.

Looking around, most of the garbage was rusty iron sheets, mechanical parts, and other waste gases, which surprised Su Jing a little. These seemed to be modern universe garbage.

Su Jing experienced a feeling of disappointment on a subconscious level because it had been demonstrated that the potential for transforming waste into treasure was directly proportional to the difference between universes.

In other words, the more dissimilar the two universes were, the greater the possibility of finding value in something that might otherwise be considered useless or unimportant.

On the other hand, the closer two universes were to each other in terms of their characteristics, the smaller the likelihood of being able to turn waste into treasure.

This means that if two universes were very similar, then the chances of discovering something valuable in one that was not present in the other would be relatively low.

For example, a piece of garbage from a universe such as Xianxia, Fantasy, and other universes similar to it, maybe a treasure on the Earth, but if the garbage came from a universe that was almost identical to Earth then it would be almost impossible to find any treasures in it no matter how hard anyone would look into it.

This was because the garbage was not misplaced, and it really was really just garbage and that would be true on Su Jing's earth also.

Looking at it from another perspective, even if you throw the garbage of the earth into a fairy tale or fantasy universe, there is a major possibility that it can still be a treasure there, depending on the type of universe it is sent to.

Any kind of metal smelting method, any kind of chemical equation, or any kind of scientific theory, as long as it was researched properly, it could be greatly beneficial and even change the entire world.

After all, even in Xianxia and fantasy universes, most of the people were ordinary and their technological productivity was far behind modern Earth. This was the importance of differences.

However, Su Jing's initial disappointment quickly turned to surprise as he examined the so-called garbage more closely.

He discovered that despite its outward appearance of being similar to modern Earth garbage, Su Jing noticed several peculiarities in the humanoid metal remains on it, like many strange and unseen parts, and many other peculiarities, all of which told Su Jing that this garbage came from a very different universe then earth.

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Read my other translated works:-

Galactic Garbage Station

Endless Plunder In High School DxD

Illimitable Until Death

I am in Marvel With Unlimited Cards

Heroes of Marvel

One Piece Thundergod Marine

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