
Chapter 21: Spirit Awakening part 2

Three Days passed, the day to carry out spirit awakening came quickly.

As usual, the Chapter will start from the morning. Currently me and Xiao San have just finished our training.

Grandpa Jack said he would pick us up in the morning, so I cleared my schedule for today.

"Come on quickly Xiao San, let's go home to eat first. I'm hungry."

"Brother Yang, wait. You are too fast."

Xiao San followed me far behind. The steps are fast and also long. It's just a shame, the one he's trying to chase is me….

Oh yes! I forgot to remind you guys, Xiao San has started to stop calling me Brother since a while ago.

Now that he calls me Brother Yang, he added my family name. Well, not that I care about nicknames.

After all we are not siblings that can be called brother directly.

We got home quickly, Xiao San went straight to the kitchen because he didn't want to make his father wait for breakfast.

As for me, I don't know what to do. Because usually I'm busy practicing all day. It's rare for me to have free time.

And right now, I have free time and I don't have to do anything. Deciding to kill some time, I went to the bathroom.

After all I just finished training, I have a lot of sweat.

As soon as I finished taking a shower, I went straight to Tang Hao. As usual I kicked his chair and woke him up.

"Brat, stop this habit of yours. I'm getting bored and this makes me angry."

"Oh! So the Clear Sky Douluo can get angry at a child? Afraid~~ I'll be eaten~."

"Brat… you…"

The instant Tang Hao was startled, he immediately recovered from his drunken stupor and stared at me.

What? You think I don't know?

Leaving Tang Hao shocked I walked towards the kitchen to help Xiao San.

After finishing cooking, Xiao San brought the dishes to the table. To be honest, it was just mush with a little spice and warmed up leftover meat from last night.

The three of us, in other words me, Xiao San, and Tang Hao ate together quietly and quietly.

One thing that was different from usual was Tang Hao waking up from his drunken stupor and looking at me with a look of shock and disbelief.

I ignored it, after all I intend to ask him directly.

"Xiao San, Yang Kai. Grandpa is here to pick you up, hurry up. The Spirit Awakening Ceremony will be held soon."

Grandpa Jack came at just the right time, we had just finished our breakfast.

I stood up and walked towards the front door. As for Xiao San, he faced Tang Hao first for permission.

"Hurry and go, don't delay lunch time."

This guy… his violent nature never changes huh. Even with his own child he remains like that.

I'm sure in the future Tang Hao will regret his violent behavior towards his son, Xiao San.

After getting permission from Tang Hao, Xiao San excitedly got up from his chair and walked after me.

Outside the house, I saw Grandpa Jack waiting impatiently. After all, the Spirit Awakening Ceremony only takes place once a year.

This Spirit Awakening Ceremony will also determine the future of the village's children. If only one of the village's children could become a Spirit Master.

It would also greatly help the village by increasing the village's popularity. Maybe that's why grandpa Jack looks so excited.

"Sorry for the wait, Grandpa Jack."

" No, no…"

Grandpa Jack looked behind me and made sure Xiao San followed.

"Then let's quickly depart. Lord Spirit GrandMaster is waiting."

Grandpa Jack took the lead while me and Xiao San followed behind.

Grandpa Jack said Spirit GrandMaster, so the emissary that came from Spirit Hall only had to be at least level 20.

Heh, I'm still stronger than him. Possible. If he was just a low level Spirit GrandMaster then I could beat him but if…

We arrived at the Spirit Hall branch in this village. After all it was just a large wooden hut, nothing special.

There, I saw several children already lining up. It's definitely not just me and Xiao San performing the Spirit Awakening Ceremony.

Apart from the children who were a total of 7 children, there was also one young man standing in front of the children. This person seemed to be over 20 years old, his stout brows slanted above starry eyes, his face was extremely bright and handsome.

He wore brilliant white clothes, a black robe slung across his back, and right in the center of his chest, above his heart, was a palm-sized 'spirit' character. This was the standard attire for staff directly under Spirit Hall.

(A/n: the character of the spirit in question is the writing of the spirit in Chinese)

"Greetings esteemed Spirit GrandMaster, this time we inconvenienced you."

"My time is scarce, let's do it quickly."

Arrogant young man, just a glance but I could tell right away if he was arrogant.

Perhaps it was because he was a Spirit Master, after all Spirit Masters were the most noble thing on this continent.

Even though he was only a Spirit GrandMaster, he already had arrogance. If fighting one on one with him, I believe I can still win.

Even if you have to use cunning tricks. But winning is still winning. If we were to actually fight, then it would be a desperate fight for me.

"Yes, children. This person is the Spirit GrandMaster of Nouding city. Next, he will guide you to awaken your Spirits. Grandfather hopes to see which of you has the ability to become a Spirit Master."

"You say so, but I've visited these seven villages this is the eighth. Out of those seven villages, not a single one has any hope of becoming a Spirit Master."

Hearing the young man's words, grandfather Jack sighed with a sad trace.

"Well… it's really hard for an ordinary person to become a Spirit Master after all."

The youth ignored grandpa Jack and looked at the nine kids including me and Xiao San.

The young man smiled, even though I could tell it was the same fake smile used by the nobles from my previous life.

"My name is Su Yuntao, Spirit GrandMaster level 26. I will help you awaken your Spirit. Now, please don't be afraid."

While talking, Su Yuntao opened a package on the table on one side, took out two things from inside. Six pitch-black stones and one sparkling blue crystal ball.

Su Yuntao placed the six black stones on the ground in a hexagon shape, then motioned the first child on the right to stand inside.

"Don't be afraid, close your eyes and feel carefully. "

While speaking, Su Yuntao's eyes suddenly lit up, and in front of the shocked children's eyes, he shouted in a deep voice,

"Lone Wolf Body Enhancement. "

His body began to emit a dazzling light. His hair which was originally black turned gray and became increasingly long. All over his body also began to grow hair the same color.

He practically looks like he's turned into a werewolf.

Two concentric halos shone brightly from under his feet, constantly moving from under his feet to the back of his body. Among them one is white, the other is yellow.

So it's a Spirit Ring huh… you can see it from the color. The white one must be ten years old and the yellow one is hundreds of years old.

Spirit GrandMaster with level 26. Spirit Ring is ten years old and hundreds of years old. He must be a mid-level Spirit GrandMaster.

In front of me, I saw Xiao San who seemed to have become interested after seeing Su Yuntao's changes.


The child standing in front of Su Yuntao immediately let out a terrified scream. Well, that's a natural thing. If you saw someone suddenly turn into a wolf in front of you, you would be shocked.

But still… the reactions of these children were exaggerated. Their screams were very loud.

"Don't move, I told you not to be afraid. This is my Spirit, Lone wolf."

As Su Yuntao clapped his hands, with the speed of lightning, six faint green lights shot down onto the black stones on the ground. At once, a layer of golden misty light was released from the rock and rose up.

For some reason, the child in front who was previously screaming and crying calmed down as a golden light enveloped him.

"hold out your right hand."

Si Yuntao looked at the child and ordered.

The child stretched out his hand in shock, and all the golden specks of light gathered into a sickle above his hand.

"It's a tool-type Spirit, can a sickle become a weapon? That would require great effort."

The golden light slowly faded away, the boy who was amazed to see the sickle in his hand became confused as the sickle disappeared.

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