
Some friends

We walked back into the camp the moment we did so I started giving out orders again Joke unit step forward they did so And I heard J chuckle saying you called boss I nodded yes your unit will head out with some of the infantry that Slay has chosen your job is to set traps all around this camp but make sure to mark them on the map so nothing stupid happens he slammed a hand to his chest saying yes sir and with that him and a group of 300 left in vehicles I then looked to Owl saying your unit post up and watch there backs if they have to run away from anything you will provide suppressing fire and if you hit anyone on are side you will have to deal with me got it he nodded saying yes sir good and I looked to Harly saying your unit remain on stand by and rest have the mechanics do a system scan on your mechas cuz at the first sign of danger you will be coming with me got it Quin giggled rager that Boss I then looked to Huntress saying your unit will rotate with Owls wall you will repost to the command office shewolf  nodded saying yes sir and like that people started executing there orders but before J could leave I walked Drake up to him and gave him a warning if I see or hear you left any of your unit behind fuck the lay you will have a meeting with me where we go over the importance of teamwork and brotherhood this includes the infantry that will be with you got it I seen J gulp on the side screen but he nodded understood sir I nodded good and with that I walked away to Coppers former office I side and got out of Drake and took the hook down I seen Shewolf was already standing in front of the door at attention I simply walked by her saying come on in sir and she followed me in I side looking over the room and walked behind the desk and sat down where Copper sat she had left plunty of the tablets and stuff for me but I didn't need any of these things I pulled a small circle device from my belt and sat it down the moment I did a hallo map appeared over it this map was the hole planet it even shown what was happening in space currently I seen Hallow along side other ships fighting agiant not only the Draggion mother ships but the sun empire ships to the Draggion ships was 5 times the side of any of the ships we had they had superior shield wall are ships my be smaller but we had stronger fire power the best way for me to describe the Draggion mother ships would be green and black spiked circular ship that looked like 3 fins of a shark it was a strange decision but it worked I guess I seen hundreds of guns alone it that was another thing they had more then us there mother ships had more guns all though there weapons was mid at best that's y they had so many of them plus they had way more fighter ships which was thousands of the same ships that I just brow out of the air not to long ago I noticed a familiar triangle ship spinning and blasting the Draggion and sun empire fighter into pieces it would seem Star had to join the fight I mumbled as I looked at the sun empire ships there mother ships was white that had a smooth circular shape in the front and it want into two similar circular tails that connected in the back wall there fighter ships had two things and two tail finds the top and bottom of them was then so they could hold rockets and anything else they wanted in the center was the cock pit I chuckled seeing Star blast her way through space but I looked up to Shewolf who was standing at attention in front of the desk I chuckled saying at ease Shewolf and have a seat yes sir and she sat down and she looked over the hap I smiled saying do you know y I asked you here she shook her head no sir I side shrugging that's cuz your file said you want under strategy training and other such things I wish to us that brain of your she frowned but didn't say anything I stared at her asking is that a problem she side no sir I just prefer to be out there and not in here I rolled my eyes saying don't you think I wish for the same thing but here we are she nodded I sir I looked to the map and it zoomed in on the planet till it showed a above this camp i waved my hand and appearing on the map was marks on where we the Draggion came from and what detection any friendly was that map then moved to the side as the world map appeared again with a yellow arrow pointing to where we was at I looked to Shewolf saying here is here we was and this is where the Draggion crashed and red circle formed and we know there were operations going on here here and here and 3 more dots appeared on the map but since the Draggion attacked we have heard nothing from them plus we have sun empire bases in these locations and 7 more red dots appeared and this is where Copper was heading and gold dot appeared I wish to know your thoughts I asked Shewolf looked over the map for a few minutes then shrugged saying we need to be careful about any units coming in and out of this camp the sun empire has pretended to be us before but there mecha pilots can't operate are mecha well sense they don't have the system and the benefits that come with it they have to us nerve links in there mecha wall are mech's use both nerve links and physical controls so their movements will be clunky plus we need to prepare for night attacks the Draggion are night creatures sense there skin burns from direct sunlight so that is when they will probably strike the hardest plus they wish for us to tire out so they can kill us easily plus those boomers of there's will probably cone every few hours so we might want to either keep the shield up all night or build a bunker I smiled and appearing in front of us on the side was a blueprint of this factory the walls was reinforced concrete wall the buildings was a mix of reinforced steel and concrete plus there was 4 levels below us that was basically a bunker already the only problem is the medium mecha wont be able to fight down into them but that's easily fixed we will just convert where the medics are at into a bunker for the mecha wall the doctors will go to the first floor below us where they are a hole lot safer I quickly sent that order out before going back to the map but I couldn't think of anything else I looked to Shewolf and she shook her head I nodded ok Shewolf report back to your unit thank you she stood up and slammed a hand to her chest saying yes sir and like that she walked out I side waving my hands and the map disappeared and I started monitoring the radio as I looked over my orders from higher ups Crush orders was simple to follow Copper orders to the letters and to prepare any mecha that comes through there but I seen a little note at the bottom it read you are only in command when no one higher ranking then you is there if anyone on the same rank as copper shows up they will take command till they leave but I easily changed that last orders slightly it simply said you are the commander of this camp period I smiled thinking about what Crush reaction will be when he realized his orders had been changed by him self sense I used his own data to change the orders the man had already tried to kill me ones it was obvious that he either new my identity or he knew I was part of the Draggy family and he simply hates my family but I was leaning more to the first option sense even if he did hate my family I didn't see a reason for him to try and kill me and not try to kill Heavy also but if he knows I am Fangs son that changes everything and makes everything makes sense my father said it best the day I met him and became his 2 son I would be painting a target on my back the moment people got word of my identity but this would mean we have a trader in are ranks which was very unlikely or Crush was a turncoat just we had killed many of the sleepers sells and traders in the moon empire I know a few are slipping through the cracks for one reason or another and the fact Crush was a ship caption he was in a damn good spot to have others do his dirty work so I must look through his ship combat history and see if there is anything fishy I side I could feel the headache coming already but I started my work as I kept tabs of everything the day quickly passed and the sub had just gone down the medics and doctors had moved to the 1 floor below us many of them grumbled about it till the first booming run came after that they had no complaints I was sitting in Drake looking over the Map J had given me that showed all of the traps I updated everyone's maps to show the traps but other then the booming runs it has been quite to quite I was sitting in drake reading over the Hallos battle records and it wasn't hard to find what I was looking for Crush flaunted his rank every chance he could get plus he held his rank over anyone he deemed lesser than him plus there was way to many suspicious reports that showed Crush miss using his authority and power but the most damning thing of all was all the traitors he had quote on quote cot on his ship when in reality these was his scapegoats the man might not be too smart but I must say he was damn good at saving his own ass but sadly he met me someone who holds grudges way worse then he does and unlike him when I strike back I strike back hard but the last reason I could find all of these things was do to my innate ability really my hacking abilities are broken I chuckled as I took a bite from a cheese stick I had told the man we was rationing are food we might have a lot of it but it had to last us till the next resupply drop which won't be here till 4 to 7 days if it comes at all seeing how crazy the battle was up there and not only did we have to feed are selves but anyone else that came to our base I didn't like this as much as the rest of them but that's what our orders are I just seen the Huntress unit be replaced with the Owl group again I also noticed the infantry doing the same a few minutes later Slay was on top of things I barely had to give any orders to her do to her experience she immediately understood what my plan was when I gave her my first order hell she took some initiative and had 3 swivel guns be built on the wall what is a swivel gun you may ask and its pretty simple there was 4 barrels one laser and one plasma on bother sides of this chair that swivels around it was mainly used to take out ships but it could also be used as a regular machine gun it was just a bit of a lot more powerful and if we wanted we could attack thunder gun warheads to it and it can shoot those also but right now they simply had the normal guns I love it when people take initiative to do something smart this saved us on ammo for the mecha sense the swivel guns only needed rechargeable battery packs to fire all though to make the guns practical to us the guns needed at least 10 battery packs attached to each 15 for maximum effect and we was using 15 on each this used quite a bit of our batteries but it was for a good cause I side glancing over the battle report of what was happening in space the moment I seen those numbers I shook my head the Draggion had lost over 450000 troops wall the sun empire was sitting at 150000 as for us we was at 130000 and almost all of our casualties was clones and these numbers was just an rush guess and this didn't count the countless lives being lost on the planet I side again shaking my head this was war I thought I felt a pain in my heart seeing are numbers I didn't care about the enemies but most of are casualties came from people who's whole life revealed around fighting and dying for the moon empire it felt wrong but there was nothing I could do except treat the clones with respect but this is when I seen ace appear on the side screen he quickly spoke saying sir we are picking up movement to the north I nodded saying be there momentarily and like that Drake activated and moved to the north part of the wall I climbed onto it and looked at where one of Aces man pointed Drakes zoomed in and that's when I seen mecha moving in the trees they was running towards us they looked like moon empires mecha and chasing after them was Draggion who was shooting at the running mecha I reached out to are mecha saying in coming Moon empire mecha unit state your units name and number but I got no response I repeated my words moon empire mecha state your units name and number but still no replay Owl walked next to me as he raised his rifle saying what do you want us to do sir I looked closer at these mecha and noticed they was pristine no dirt or damage from combat also they wasnt shooting back at the Draggion which was pursuing them hell not one shot of the Draggion shots have hit ones it was almost like they was precisely missing my predator senses also picked nothing but enemies up then it hit me I snarled yelling moon empire mecha state your units name and number or we will open fire but still nothing my thunder gun moved onto my shoulder as I yelled kill them they are Draggion mecha and like that the mecha got lit the fuck up when the moon empires got hit is when there cloaking ability disappeared to show Draggion mecha all got destroyed just before they hit any of are traps I looked to Owl saying mark that area we will pick up the parts in the morning he nodded and shot a 3 hole into a tree stacked right on top of each other I jumped off the wall and want back to my previous location the night slowly passed with attacks every few hours it was currently 1 am and I was sleeping in my pink hammock I was fully clothed and armored when a load beeping noise want off at my piloting chair it kept on going off I slowly sat up yawning I moved to my piloting chair as I stretched my arms I answered the call and appearing on the side screen was shewolf I looked to her saying this better be good shewolf I have only been asleep for maybe a hour she bowed her head slightly sorry sir but we have move mecha movement this time from the west they are taking the road in and its more moon empire mecha I side nodding heading that way and with that Drake activated and I climbed into the wall and looked to the west at the road and she was right there was 20 medium mecha and about 50 and 200 infantry in trucks moving are way everyone lowered there weapons as I stepped forward reaching out to them on the radio saying incoming moon empire soldiers this is Pilot Drake the commanding officer of this camp please state your units and number or we will open fire luckily I got a response this time rager that Drake this is pilot Crimson commander of the unit named the Crimson deployment number is CN19 please don't shot it was a male voice that had spoke I side confirming they were who they said they were as I responded sorry about that sir Crimson  we got attacked at the beginning of the night by a group of Draggion who was disguised as moon empire mecha the leader of this group a dark red mecha with dual blades on his hips and two machine-gun on its back it was pretty nightly in appearance and his visor was glowing blue it nodded as I heard that same man speak that's understandable I would have done the same if I was in your shoes I nodded indeed I am sending you a map so you don't hit any of see traps ones you get in we will talk move o right and we are unit name Copper deployment number CR56 he nodded yes we know we was told about this camp and who was defending it but we can talk more about that ones we get inside but I hope you got doctors cuz a lot of my man are emerged I nodded we do I will make sure they are on standby for ones you get here if the Draggion attack walk you're making your way towards us just follow the path we will take care of them rager that sir Drake see you soon and with that he hanged up the call I immediately started giving out orders getting everyone prepared for there arrive hell I even made sure we had a hot meal for them but sense they was getting a hot meal I made sure I made it big enough for everyone in my unit to the mechanics and medics was on stand by and soon the south gate opened and the Crimson unit walked through and I got to see how bad they had got his not a one of there mecha wasn't damaged some was missing arms, hands, armor hell one head was hanging from its wires that sparked every time the head moved crazily commander Crismon mecha had it pretty bad it was missing half of its right arm and half of its left was so badly damaged that I am surprised it could move its chest armor was melted so was half of its helmet and its left leg was hobbling I stood in front of them saying all mecha report to the north garage wall all wounded being them to the garage door closest to you and I pointed ones you get your mecha situated we got a hot meal waiting for you and maybe a shower if you ask nicely Crimson laughed saying rager that Drake you hear that yall we best be on are best behavior and Fleesha make sure to ask him real nicely that's when the mecha with the head hanging pilot spoke it was a female she yelled sir your embarrassing me plus y are you just singling me out when Carla is standing right over there she is much more of a slut then me and way more kinky that's when a mecha that was missing a arm flipped Fleesha off with there other hand saying fuck you Fleesha your just jealous that the boys like me more then you damn red head Fleesha shrugged saying I maybe a red head but at least I am a good girl and can take it anywhere the two mecha continued, to go back and forth as they walked in the longer it want on the more dirty and descriptive it got the rest of there squad mates stayed out of it and probably for the best Crimson walked next to me and I looked over to him asking coffee in my office he nodded sure but let me park Crimson I nodded and walked Drake over to my office and got out by the time commander crimson walked in I already had a cup in front of me and I was looking over the battle reports that kept on updating every minute next to this report was the world map that was showing a live image of the reports all though it could only remake 80% or so of what was happening sense these reports was from first person and I didn't have access to the other parties' data but I made up for it with using this planets network data and cameras if there were satellites still left from this planet I would us thoughts which would bring it up to 99% with a bit of a time buffer holy hell is this a live battle map commander Crimson asked and walked in front of the table and leaned against it looking it over I nodded picking up my cup and moving to the side taking a drink from it but I only moved my helmet just enough up so I could drink I had practically mastered how to drink with my helmet on before I spoke yep it is a program that I made sadly it's only 80% accurate if I had access to the other parties data or some satellites it would be 99% with some time buffer hell if I had access to the ships detection system it would probably be 100%  or at least 99% with no time buffer but I stood up holding out my hand saying Drake pilots to the mecha Drake Crimson smiked and took my hand shaking it saying commander Red pilot to the mecha Crimson I nodded sitting back down saying if you wish for some coffee its behind you he nodded and got a cup and sat down so I asked you heard about this camp already he nodded indeed I got a update from up top they told us about this camp and what it was going to be and who was its commanding officer and I was a bit surprised when I heard Copper left a young pup still wet behind the ears to command over a very important camp but seeing you in person I can tell my first option of you was wrong I hope you don't hold it to hard against me I chuckled na man your all good I thought the same thing when I was put in charge but here I am so Red laughed nodding as he took a sip of coffee before saying yep here you are in command of a hole camp that will pay a vital role in the battles to come as long as this base stands we will have a foothole which is good sense probably all the other units around us has been told about your location and quite a few of them ant going to like taking orders from a kid who isn't a commander I chuckled I ant that worried Red you do know who my elder brother is right and I leaned to the side and took a drink of coffee yea you're talking about the golem right, of course, I know him who doesn't his skills and fearlessness is legendary I nodded and looked this man over he was light tan skin his commander uniform was a crimson camo uniform black boots and his bright red hair was cut short and his eyes were bright blue but I saw a scar that wants down his neck if that's my elder brother then how do you think I will handle any trouble makers he gulped noddeding far enough that's actually y I am here I was given orders to reinforce your numbers I chuckled and let me guess also if needed you are to tar command from me right his face want a but pail as he shook his head saying no of course not and he took a long drink from his coffee uhh yea right I thought chuckling but this reminds me you should ask for more supplies wall you can I nodded already an plus I have been scavenging Draggion mecha parts for materials he nodded a good idea I also guess you plan on putting more traps out right but I shook my head saying no if I do there is a great chance of are allies setting them off besides with how it is now it will be easy to replace and keep up Red nodded that's fine with me and he finished his coffee as he stood up saying ok Drake I am going to go get some shut-eye you should do the same I nodded standing up picking up my circular devices the map disappearing and walked out to Drake.

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