
Nice walk through the city!

[Ooh!, true I forgot to introduce myself, but my name is Ai, Hoshino Ai]Ai, he shows up extending his hand with a warm smile on his face.

[I see, it's nice to meet you again, Ai-chan] I answer by shaking hands.

[And then, what are you doing on this side?] I ask Ai trying to know what she's looking for.

[Nmm!, it's just that I just moved to this city and went for a walk a little, but don't expect that to happen] She says looking down with a slightly sad look, but from my point of view she looked super tender.

[Well, it's a little unfortunate that I find you with such a situation, the truth is that I'm also new to this city] I explain to her trying to encourage her a little.

[I see, Hinata-san is also new] She says with a smile on her face.

[Yes, the truth was walking around the city trying to look a little, so I would like to ask you if you would like to look at the city next to me, since we are both new and it would be interesting to share an opinion about the different places] Hinata tells him with a smile trying to take a little walk with her and help her, although he is also new to

[Mmmn!] Ai stays thinking for a few seconds, while Hinata sweats his face, since he waits for a rejection.

[Well, I can go with you for a while, but I can't last long outside since my parents would worry!] Ai responds with her beautiful smile.

[I see, that makes me happy to walk with me] Hinata tells Ai, laughing back.

(Mmmn, to think that Ai has a family here makes me a little happy since according to my memories she had no family and grew up alone worth it for herself since she was little, but well the strange thing here is because she is in this world, is this a thing of the goddess? Well, none of that matters since I feel happy to see such a pure and tender Angel in front of my eyes). Hinata thought that after seeing Hoshino Ai, who was in front of him with his incredible eyes shining like stars and his beautiful smile that purifies to the soul of being more marvado that can exist.

[It's also a pleasure] Answer Ai.

[Well, let's take a bath] I tell Ai as I start walking.

[Ok] She's following me.

After that we started walking around the city seeing different places, eating food in some stores since Ai wanted to try the food of this town, we also went into a karaoke because she wanted to sing a little after watching the karaoke in front of her eyes.

And as expected her voice was incredibly beautiful, listening to her voice in real life is as if they threw a charm directly into your soul, because the moment you listen to her you like it in an instant and adding her beautiful smile purifies your soul and makes you addicted to it. Also after leaving the karaoke I asked her if she is an idol or a singer, but she told me that she is not an idol but she aspires to be one.

Apparently she in this world is not yet an idol, but surely the moment she gets on a stage she will be famous in an instant surpassing the current idols, since the famous people of this world are boring in my opinion, they do not have that unique charm that attracts people.

But Ai is different since she tries to spread her love with her songs and give happiness to those who don't have it, she is like a light that shines in the dark, and good existence such a light a lot will try to steal or desecrate it, but that's where I enter since I will protect her from the shadow until she has more cofienza and we

Since if it is true that I like it, I do not dare to do something indecent to it, since the truth would be a dog trying to eat swan meat, in this case the swan is Ai and I the dog. If the truth is that I am going to fall in love with this woman without using any power or skill and if at any point she rejects me then I will be her friend, but if she accepts me as her boyfriend then I will protect her.

But well, that will happen in the future, better let's concentrate on the present.

Continuing with Ai, we are still in the middle of our walk and I see that Ai is happy since she is walking with a smile on her face, but thinking about it she always has that smile on her face.

*Ding* *Ding* *Phone sound*

While I walked happily with Ai, suddenly her cell phone began to ring to which she told me that she was going to answer to give her a moment, and I as a good boy that I am nodded giving her her moment and Ai answered the phone and began to talk for a few minutes.

After a few minutes I see Ai looking at me with a little sad face, and I'm curious to know what happened.

[What happened, Ai-chan? Any problems?] I ask Ai, since she has a slightly sad face and that worries me.

[No, it's just that for a moment it was my parents who called me to come home!] Ai✨ He says with a tender face, because he will have to go back to his house.

[I see, if they were your parents then it's better not to worry!] Hinata tells him understanding the situation.

[I'm sorry Hinata-san?] Ai✨ says tilting his head.

[Hahaha, why are you apologizing?] I ask her.

[It's just that you were so kind to invite me for a walk with you around the city and now I'll have to leave you alone!] Ai says a little sad.

[Hahaha, don't worry, I also had to leave soon, so we're the same and it's not like this was the last time we were going to see each other, right?] I tell her trying to get that sad face out of her beautiful face.

[True, this won't be the last time we'll see each other!] She says with a smile recovering her usual happy mood.

[Yes, so don't worry and go to your parents] I tell her with a small smile.

[Ok and thank you Hinata-san for helping me, I hope we see each other soon] She says saying goodbye to me to go back to her house.

[Hahaha, there are no problems and take care of yourself on the street] I tell him bye with my hand.

[Ok, bye] She says from afar happily, and so I end my comment with her.

[Well, I think it's time to go home] Murmura Hinata quietly starting to walk back home.

(Ooh true, I forgot to ask her for her number, what a mistake but it doesn't matter since if this is a matter of fate we will soon see each other again, and when that day comes I will take her home with dad). Hinata thinks with a smile as she walks down the street happily for the beautiful day she had.

After that I arrived at the house and practiced a little with his power since he couldn't when he was away from home, also after finishing practicing I spend the day with Maria, Mio and base talking about many things, and then at night fall asleep because tomorrow they already start school.


(N/A: Guys, I'm sorry for not uploading recent chapters, but lately I've had a problem which is that I have a lot of ideas for fanfi but when it comes to writing I forget them, and I also write things in a different way than what I had planned in my mind. So they would be so kind to help me with this problem 🥺).

(N/A: guys also sorry if the chapter is short, but I watched the anime a lot, and I also want to see it again, but since I started this fanfi I will be responsible and I will start watching it 😌😊).

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