

Liam sighed, taking out his token and handing it to the shocked man.

Robert grabbed the token, then looked at Liam incredulously. 

'It'll be a long week, it seems like...' Liam let out an inward sigh.

"Sorry, it's just… I never expected the escort to be so young," Robert apologized, attempting to salvage their conversation before it died. "Please, come with me. I'll need to explain our… circumstances."

There were dozens of guards around the caravan, but they weren't stronger than Liam. 

'The Reilos are a small-sized family, not to mention, this is a weak branch of it… no wonder they need an escort,' Liam assessed. 

Not to mention, Robert wasn't a strong cultivator, but like Adrian, he had a good eye for business. In fact, that was the reason they needed to get to Erivol safely.

Robert led him inside one of the carriages, gesturing Liam to sit opposite him as he began to explain, bitterness and anger in his tone:

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