
Is This A Competition?

The guys crowded around Levi's cell phone, and he pointed to what looked to be a blueprint.


"There is a whole floor under the basement that doesn't appear in any of the newer blueprints of the hospital," he explained, enlarging the image so that everyone could see the extra floor.


"Huh," grunted Sasha, quickly texting on his phone. "And I thought basements were creepy enough; now they have to add a whole other level to it."


Mathew rolled his eyes as he studied the image. "We need to take the elevator to the basement morgue," he said. Reaching around Levi, he moved the blueprint until he could see the entrance better. "It must be why no one has really noticed the level. I don't imagine many people lounging around in the morgue."


"Well, except for the dead," smirked Sasha. "I bet they have a hole lot of time to kill."


Levi and Greyson shared a look before turning their attention to the Knight. "Wait… are the dead… not dead?" asked Levi as he tried to make sense of what Sasha was saying.


"No. We don't have a House Zombie, I can assure you. The dead, no matter what they were while they were alive, are very much dead after death. Sasha just has a weird sense of humor. Ignore him. We all do," grunted Dom as the eight men made their way to the staircase just off to the side of the elevators.


It was the quickest way down and was the least likely way of coming into contact with other people.


They moved down the stairs almost silently, and impressive feat considering how big they were. Viktor, the first one in line, opened the door marked 'morgue', and the rest of the men filed into the room.


The room itself was massive with at least ten metal tables and wall after wall of compartments, housing the dead bodies.


However, that wasn't what made the guys pause.


"What are you doing here? This place is restricted to hospital staff only," grunted an orderly leaning against one of the far walls. That wall didn't have any cupboards on it, only three army green filing cabinets that stood almost as tall as the man did.


"Ah, sorry about that!" smiled Dom as he took a step forward. He had an easy going smile on his face as he looked the man up and down. "We're just looking for someone."


"Well, unless they are dead, you aren't going to be finding them here. And even if that was the case, you still need to be escorted," replied the orderly, clearly not impressed by Dom's friendly attitude.


Well, if the good cop routine didn't work… there was always Nicholas.


Striding forward the demon gripped the human man's throat and lifted him off the ground, allowing the wall behind the man to take some of his weight.


"And why do you have an organ transplant box?" he growled, his eyes flashing blue for a second before returning back to normal. "And don't lie. I will know if you do."


"This is where we harvest the organs," sputtered the orderly, looking around as if trying to find help. Unfortunately for him, he was shit out of luck.


"I doubt that," grunted Viktor as he adjusted the cuff of his dress shirt. "And even if it were, wouldn't there be a body on the table?"


The other six men looked around the room, and Michael walked up to the man pinned against the wall and shook his head. "You know, it's considered a sin to lie," he smirked, the corner of his mouth coming up in a twisted way.


"Look, I don't know what to tell you! This is where we get the organs from!" responded the orderly, starting to panic more. The stench of urine quickly filled the room.


"Ugh, I would take the antiseptic smell over that any day of the week," whined Mathew as he wrinkled his nose. Dom grunted his agreement while Sasha only smirked.


"At least he only pissed himself. Viktor has been known to make someone shit themselves from fear."


"Oh? Are we making it a competition?" asked Nicholas, turning his attention away from the human and to the monsters behind him.


"Nope, absolutely not," snapped Levi. While he wasn't above making someone piss themselves, he had much better things to do. Like find Natalia. "We are here for a reason."


"As if I could forget," sneered Nicholas, his eyes once again turning a bright blue color that in no way was natural.


Just as the orderly was about to speak, one of the cabinets beside him shifted and a man came out, holding yet another organ transfer box.


"Take this one to operating room 3502. The recipient is already on the table, so you need to move fast," grunted the newcomer, clearly not looking around. His coworker only whimpered, trying to get his attention.


"I guess you weren't lying when you said that this is where you get the organs," smiled Mathew, drawing the new man's attention to him. "But I somehow don't think that this is very legal."


"Uh, guys? If that's you. Could you get my heart back from him?" came a female voice from the opening.


There was a pause as if even time stood still.


Then, everyone moved into action.


Nicholas flicked his wrist, and the man he had pinned against the wall slumped to the side; his neck snapped.


Seeing that he was vastly outnumbered, the newcomer threw the organ transplant box to Michael before quickly turning around, trying to escape into the room behind him.


But no matter how fast he was, he wasn't fast enough for the monsters.


Throwing the box to Nicholas, Michael lunged forward, putting his foot into the doorway and his hand around the man's neck.


"Now, that wasn't very nice of you. I thought someone needed that organ," he hissed softly, his mouth pressed right beside the human's ear.


Once again, the smell of urine became overwhelming in the room.


"Humans," growled Michael in disgust as he pushed forward, forcing the man into the room he was trying to hide in.


And then he stopped.


"Natalia?" he said… ever so slowly as he looked at he sight before him. He didn't even notice the rest of the guys filing into the room or their gasps at what they were seeing.


It looked like something out of a horror film.


"Hey!" smiled the girl on the table, trying to lift her head up so she could see everyone. "Thanks for coming! Did you happen to find my heart while you were out there?"

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