
Chapter 38

Life was not fun when you were buried six feet underground… did I mention that?

I managed to unravel all of the treads connecting the fabric over head? Face? And, after I got all the cotton batten out of my mouth, I had full access to the wooden beam.

Here was the problem… well, besides being buried underground… I had no idea how to get out.

Yes, I have been buried before, but that was like two feet underground in a pine box that shattered if you hit it hard. Plus, you know… two feet.

The modern era has come out with all sorts of advancements; the internet, the cell phone, and frigging heavy coffins that Dracula couldn't even get out of.

I had read somewhere that the weight of soil on top of this thing was over 2,500lbs and these scientist guys showed that 1) a human cannot punch through a coffin (that sucks) 2) you can't dig out of six feet of dirt because even if you could get to it (which you can't) the dirt would come in the coffin suffocating you and 3) most people would die from a lack of oxygen within a matter of minutes.

Wasn't science great? In my day we just assumed that being buried was a bad thing… now they tell you exactly why it is a bad thing. Mind you, I was already firmly in the camp of 'don't be buried alive'.

And yet, here I was.

I guess it is my fault for not taking the Alpha werewolf seriously, but to me, it wasn't personal before. He screwed up, Viktor fixed it with me in tow, and the matter was over and done with.

But now that I am laying here, with nothing to do besides think about what happened, I can tell you that it was very personal right now.

I could not die.

Let me restate this for the wolves in the audience… I could not die.

Suffocation: won't kill me

Burning: won't kill me

Hanging, shooting, decapitation, ripping me limb from limb until there was nothing left of me but a puddle of blood: Won't. Kill. Me

So, I can stay here for days, years, decades, millennia. I can stay here until the soil on top of me has been washed away and the coffin is revealed. (Mind you, whoever opens the coffin after all that time for me to jump out might need therapy after…)

I can take this as a really good nap time, because I know that when I get out, Lucas will be dead… and I will make sure that, unlike me, he stayed dead.

I am human in every way. I have their strength, I have their speed, (both non-existent) and I have their profound need for vengeance.

Wait for me, Lucas. Feel free to again forget about my very existence, because when I come back, the world would burn.

After making a promise to myself and stroking the ribbons in my hands I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to overcome me.


Viktor was beginning to feel like he was going insane. He knew that after all these years it was a good possibility, but following a wiggling thread in the dark of night was a new… experience… for him.

"Left," he called out to Sasha as the thread pointed to the left. When the thread tapped his thumb in a 'good job' he let out a snort of exasperation.

"Sir, we might have run into a bit of a problem," said Sasha as he started to slow the car down. Standing in the middle of the road was Vlad, dressed in a blood-red shirt and black pants. He seemed to be smiling, but that was not necessarily a good sign. The man was psychopathic on a good day.

"You are trespassing, Van Helsing," said Vlad, walking slowly towards the lead vehicle.

"On a hunt, Vampyre," replied Viktor, not bothering to move.

"That doesn't excuse the fact that you are on Vampyre lands," came the reply as Vlad continued to move closer to where Viktor was sitting.

"According to the laws, as long as I am on a hunt, lands don't matter."

"Are you on a hunt?" Vlad asked as he opened the door to the back seat where Viktor was sitting.

"Apparently, I'm on your lands with no penalty, aren't I?

Vlad got into the seat beside Viktor and motioned for Sasha to continue driving.

Sasha looked at his Alpha to receive his nod before he restarted the SUV and continued down the road.

"Where are you going?" asked Vlad, looking at Viktor.

"No idea," replied Viktor. "Slight right," he said to Sasha.

"What?" asked Vlad confused. Without saying a word, Viktor held up the thread in his hand.

Vlad was impassive, not understanding what was happening until the thread gave him a little wave.

"Did that thing just wave at me?" he asked Van Helsing, stunned.

"Probably," came the reply. "What is out this way?"


"There has to be something."

"Nope, just fields, soil, and trees," came Vlad's unimpressed comment. "Maybe the occasional rock."

"Sir, there are fresh tracks here," said Sasha, interrupting the conversation between the two monsters.

"Impossible," snapped Vlad. "No one comes out this way."

"Well, apparently someone did," replied Viktor. He looked down at the thread in his hand that was now vibrating.

"Has anyone ever mentioned how creepy that thread is?" Vlad said, seemingly not caring about the tire tracks anymore.


"Cause it is… just saying," continued Vlad, staring at the thread, trying to figure out how it was possible. "Left," he called out before Viktor could.

For ten minutes the Head of the House Vampyre and the Head of the House Van Helsing followed the directions of a thread.


"I am going to assume that you normally don't have mounds of freshly dug dirt in this area," said Viktor as the thread pointed frantically to the mound. It had jumped to the door as if it could open it and run out, but Viktor picked it back up and put it back on his hand.

"Nope… last body I made disappear I dissolved in a batch of meat tenderizer," said Vlad as he opened his door and stepped out of the car.

"One of yours acting up?" Asked Van Helsing as he too got out of the car and made his way to the front.

"Yeah, I guess he wanted his own House, that I wasn't strong enough to control them. or something like that. He ticked me off and I haven't played in blood for so long. Modern society and all its cameras have made it so a man can't even go out and enjoy a hunt in peace anymore."

"Must be tough," agreed Viktor as the thread trembled harder and harder as they stood at the base of what was clearly a grave. "You sure none of yours had anything to do with this?"

"Nope. Since the meat tenderizer issue happened, my House has been in perfect order. Lucas could learn a thing or two from me, the sentimental mutt. He cares too much about his wolves and lets them run roughshod over him. Pathetic really."

Viktor hummed in agreement and signaled for a few of his Knights to start digging.

The thread jumped down onto the pile of dirt, but the first fling of the shovel sent it flying. Luckily Viktor managed to catch it in the dark.

"Any idea what could be down there?" Vlad asked as he leaned against a nearby tree. Viktor walked over to him as the Knights continued to work.

"No, but something tells me that whatever is down there is vitally important," Viktor replied, his eyes never leaving the grave.

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