
The Revelation

Shocked by Jiten's words, both Alex and Emily couldn't help but ask, "Who is it?" Jiten looked around cautiously and responded, "Not here. Let's go back to the park."

The trio quickly made their way back to the park and found a secluded spot where they could speak freely. As they settled down, Alex couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. He urged Jiten, "Please, tell us who is behind all of this."

Jiten took a deep breath and met their gazes. "It's Jordan Kingsley," he revealed. Emily's face contorted in disbelief, and she exclaimed, "Impossible!" Alex, who was still unfamiliar with the name, furrowed his brow and asked, "Who the hell is Jordan Kingsley?"

Jiten smiled at Alex's confusion and said, "Sorry, Alex, I forgot you didn't know. Jordan Kingsley is also known as Black Lightning." As the words sank in, Alex's face contorted in shock. Memories of Oswin showing him his shoulder came rushing back, and he felt a chill run down his spine.

Emily, recovering from her initial shock, questioned Jiten further. "Why would Black Lightning keep live teras inside the city?" She continued, "And if Black Lightning was here, there's no way we would survive. He would find us in less than a second."

Jiten clarified, "I didn't say that he was physically present here. What I meant is that he is the mastermind behind all of this." Emily pressed on, asking, "How do you know?"

Jiten locked eyes with his friends and explained, "The guy who followed us was wearing the Ashen Blades uniform with their emblem." Alex, now catching up with the conversation, voiced his confusion, "And what does that have to do with Black Lightning?"

Emily patiently clarified, "The Ashen Blades are a criminal organization created by Jordan Kingsley after he was expelled from all human cities. He's responsible for the murder of Arnold Frey's younger sister and many others from the church." Alex turned to Jiten, seeking more information. "How do you know about their uniforms?"

Alex gazed up at the sky, desperately seeking a solution. "So what do we do now that we have all this knowledge and evidence?" he asked, determination resonating in his voice.

Emily took a moment to ponder before suggesting, "We must alert the church." Jiten nodded in agreement, but a question lingered in his mind. "Yes, but whom can we truly trust within the church?"

Emily considered her options before responding, "What about Olana? She stands apart from the rest. She will understand and believe us, unlike those who merely see Alex and me as heirs." Alex nodded, concurring with Emily, but he added, "I agree, but we mustn't inform Olana just yet. We don't want to make her a target for the Ashen Blades. I don't want her burdened because of me."

Both Jiten and Emily agreed to withhold the information from Olana for the time being. However, this left them facing the same predicament once again. Jiten and Alex had no connections with influential figures in the church, and Emily had reservations about trusting anyone she already knew with such sensitive information.

Suddenly, Alex's face lit up with an idea. "Guys, what if we reach out to Max?" Jiten immediately dismissed the idea, saying, "That's a bad idea." Alex implored him, "Let's put our differences aside and think about this, Jiten. Max could potentially approach Bishop Marley, who wields significant power within the church."

Jiten looked back at Alex and responded, "And that's precisely why it's a risky proposition. I've never seen Bishop Marley act for the greater good without an audience." Alex persisted, "But he could utilize his influence within the church to take action."

"I also agree with Alex, and I believe Max will have faith in us," said Emily, her voice filled with determination.

Jiten let out a frustrated sigh and facepalmed. "Maybe he'll believe in you, but you forget about me and Alex," he responded, his tone tinged with skepticism.

Alex looked down, unable to deny the truth in Jiten's words. Since waking up from his coma, the Max he once knew had changed. It was difficult to predict how he would react to their revelations.

"Alright, no problem. Let me take the lead in speaking with him. If he agrees, we can show him the recorded roar," Emily suggested, stepping up to the challenge.

With their plan set, the trio dispersed and returned to their respective homes. Alex spent the weekend diligently working on his homework and, more importantly, training with his sword. He knew he needed to prepare himself for a potential confrontation with Max, who far surpassed him in terms of skill and ability in the sword competition 3 months from now.

Days turned into nights as Alex honed his swordsmanship, pushing himself to his limits. The clash of metal against metal echoed through the training grounds, a testament to his unwavering determination. Each swing, each parry, was a step closer to bridging the gap between himself and the others.

As the sun set on Sunday evening, Alex wiped the sweat from his brow and sheathed his sword. Though he was physically exhausted, a flicker of hope burned within him. He knew that with enough practice and dedication, he could stand his ground against the other students.

The upcoming meeting with Max loomed in the distance, a crucial turning point in their quest for justice. Alex couldn't help but feel a mix of apprehension. Would Max believe their story?

Finally, Monday arrived, signaling the beginning of another week at the institute. For Alex, the initial struggle of adapting to the new routine had subsided, and now his main challenge was mentally preparing himself for Professor Harrow's class. As he slipped into his crisp white EIL uniform, he couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and nerves coursing through his veins. It was crucial to make the most of each lesson, especially with the upcoming sword competition just three months away.

Upon entering the classroom, Alex's eyes immediately sought out Emily, who stood at the front engaged in an animated conversation with two other girls. Her face lit up as she caught sight of him, and she quickly made her way over. "Good morning, Alex. How was your weekend?" she greeted him with genuine warmth.

"Good morning, Emily," Alex replied, his tired smile revealing the traces of his busy weekend. "It was quite busy, to be honest. I spent most of my time training with my sword, trying to improve my skills for the competition." His gaze shifted to the two girls standing beside Emily. "By the way, who are your friends?"

Emily beamed proudly as she introduced her classmates. "This is Lily and Sarah. They're in the same combat training class as me." Lily and Sarah nodded cordially, acknowledging Alex's presence. Their friendly gestures indicated that they were a close-knit group.

As the conversation continued, Lily and Sarah shared an interesting tidbit about the end-of-year ceremony organized by the church of elements for the students. Emily's expression quickly shifted from curiosity to a mixture of fear and cuteness as she revealed a superstition associated with the event. "They say that whoever attends the ceremony without a partner will be cursed and destined to die alone," she confessed, her voice laced with a hint of trepidation.

Amused by Emily's adorable fear, Alex chuckled softly, seeking to assuage her concerns. "Come on, Emily. It's just a harmless tradition, meant to bring everyone together and have some fun. I'm sure the curse part is just a myth." He glanced at Lily and Sarah, who nodded in agreement, affirming that it was all in good spirit.

Lily added, her voice brimming with reassurance, "Absolutely! Don't let superstitions get to you, Emily. The ceremony is more about fostering camaraderie and celebrating our achievements."

Sarah chimed in, her voice soothing, "Exactly! It's a chance for all of us to enjoy each other's company and create lasting memories. So, don't worry too much about it."

Emily visibly relaxed, her fears dissipating like mist in the morning sun. Grateful for their supportive words, she turned to Alex, her eyes reflecting a newfound calmness. "So, are you ready for Professor Harrow's class today?" she inquired, her voice filled with genuine interest.

Alex's face contorted in mock anguish, conveying his apprehension. "Ready as I'll ever be," he replied with a hint of a sigh. Then, leaning closer to Emily to ensure their privacy, he whispered, "Before we begin, can we talk in private for a moment?"

Noticing the change in his demeanor, Emily's cheeks flushed slightly, but she nodded in agreement. Aware of their surroundings, Sarah and Lily graciously gave them some space, stepping aside to engage in their own conversation.

As they distanced themselves from the others, Alex's voice remained low as he broached the topic that had been weighing on his mind. "Did you manage to talk to Max yet?" he inquired, his tone a mixture of curiosity and concern.

Emily's blush intensified, but her voice exuded a sense of accomplishment. "Yes, before you arrived, I asked him if we could have lunch together, and he agreed. I thought it would be a good opportunity for all of us to talk." Her eyes met Alex's, seeking his approval.

A genuine smile spread across Alex's face, pride shimmering in his eyes. "Good job, Emily. I knew we could count on you!" he exclaimed softly, appreciating her proactive approach to the situation.

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