
We cannot stop the train

Waking up with a girl on each side, and one on top riding Little Harry… I could get used to that. Until I noticed it was Tracey, with tears running down her eyes. Dammed, how do I react? Why on earth is she on top of me? Is it therapeutic? If I stop her, it can be more damaging than letting her go on, Daphne was next to me, she whispered.

Daphne: "Let it happen, my love, she needs to feel you inside, feel wanted, needed, loved."

I can do that, I searched with my magic around me, made contact with all sixteen, then I concentrated on Tracey, I enveloped her with my magic, pushing my emotions in it, letting her know how I feel about her, she started smiling, I tried to connect with her magic, she slowly reacted to my pulling and let her magic flow, after grabbing her magic, I pulled it inside with me.

Suddenly I felt her inside my head, it was a presence of pure magic, yet it felt like Tracey.

"Tracey, is this you? Can you hear me?"

Tracey: "Master? Is this you? I can't see anything but hear your voice, can you make some lights?"

I concentrated on lighting the place up, envisioning a room that was brightly lit. We appeared in a room, it was the bedroom of my mansion, both naked, she jumped in my arms.

Tracey: "Where are we, Master? I still can feel your dick in my pussy, it feels so good to be loved again, are we inside your head? How can that be? Is this a mindscape? Only powerful wizards can do this, I only heard stories of this happening."

"Well, first Tracey it is Harry, love, darling, or even my lord to you, the past year needs to be healed, so I am not a master to you for a couple of years, I think this is a mindscape, or is this our magic bonding? Do you feel what I feel or think? I can sense your magic, the hurt too, do you think I can pull Daphne here too?"

Tracey: "Darling, being here with you is already the best feeling in the world, pull everyone in, they need to feel this too."

Hugging me naked gave me a mental boner, lol. I started the process again, making contact one by one, pulling them inside, Daphne first, Hermione second, amazed they looked around. We settled on the bed when all the girls sat around me… We aged again until fifteen, not a major change, but still. I was pretty sure we went to bed with fifteen girls, somehow there is one more? Looking around to see who was added, I spotted one, half hiding. I concentrated to put clothes on everyone.

"Ginny? How did you end up in my bed? Were you in the bath with the others?"

Luna: "She needs to be here to husband, her presence in the secret chamber warrants it, we all agreed to it. When she took a turn in the bath, you had your eyes closed, you even came. She also claimed you there. She is just a bit shy to be naked among all of us."

Tonksie: "Never mind Ginny, wherein Morgana's tits are we? I am feeling myself in bed with everyone, and here in this room. I can connect with you Harry, is this how you feel about me? Is this real?"

Susan: "My guess is that this is a mindscape, one you can build with occlumency, but I never heard of someone pulled in, and you pulled sixteen in your mindscape. That is very powerful."

"Can it be my magic core? I pulled you in with my magic, I think we are sharing our magic now. Does that make sense? I never practiced occlumency, when Tracey and I came here it was dark and void, I had to imagine a room. This is the master bedroom of my mansion in Wales."

Peggy: "It can be both, you pulled us in here and created a mindscape in your core. Are we sharing our magic now? Or are we just merging our magic, I for one can't find where I stop and you all begin, it is as we are one person."

Astoria: "Can we share knowledge? Daddy said the best occlumency and legilimency practitioner can impart some knowledge to someone else. It is almost never done because when you impart the knowledge you can see the personality of the recipient. It is very private and invasive."

Daphne: "We can try that, we already see each other's personality and feelings. Whatever happened when we went to bed connected us together, I feel I not only married to Harry but to all of you too."

Luna: "Let us try with the magic courses, I think hubby is the main link, can we begin with charms? Tonksie, try to link with Harry and project the Charms knowledge to Harry, then the older girls too. I somehow know it is going to work." Tonks got closer to me, kissed me, and projected all her knowledge about charms to me, it went everywhere, I imagined a compartment to store it all in, it began to make sense, charms I never heard of, I now knew how to cast and defend against, it was a rush.

"Thank you Tonksie, I can go for my Newt for charms now."

Luna: "It is not finished yet. Let the other girls do the same to Harry." Peggy was next, followed by Hestia and Fleur. By now the textbooks were combined, what one neglected was studied by the next, so the combined knowledge of charms was enough to get ready for a mastery, especially with Tonksie and Hestia's Auror training, and Fleur with her training from France. It became complete. I motioned Hermione over and gave her the combined package. She had to lay down to process it all, after, she began a discussion with the four over Newt subjects. Everyone was convinced about the benefits, Hestia, Fleur, Tonksie and Peggy received the combined package and were amazed by the extras they got.

Fleur: "Mon amour, we do this for all the courses, we can graduate all this year, we can use this year to fill the little voids, and prepare for mastery, if we do this once a month, at the end of the year you can do your Owls in the ministry and at the end of the school year we can all take our Newts, and graduate. Now come here my love and take my transfiguration."

After transfiguration was defense, The combined knowledge was a big benefit for Fleur, we decided to do the rest tomorrow, best not fry our brain.

"Fleur, you realize you are fifteen years old now, is your magic reduced? Tonksie? Hestia? Peggy, do you feel weaker?"

Peggy: "I think we better leave your mind to find out."

Luna: "Husband, can you give it to us? You know what I mean, we need it, love." Luna is a magic junkie now. Well… It doesn't cost anything, so who am I to refuse, I embraced them all with my magic and gave them a magic happy ending, everyone left my mindscape, Tracey was last.

Tracey: "Thank you, darling, can you finish me outside to please?" and left.

Tracey was in the same position from before, I pulled her closer and took her nipple in my mouth, it was parseltongue time.

§Daphne help your love feel good, do the other nipple.§ It didn't take long for Tracey to finish with a long scream. Yes! Finally, I shagged without getting zapped.

"Dobby? What day is it? Did we miss much?"

Dobby: "Great Master Harry Potter sir, it is Thursday evening, All parents came looking for the Ladies. Some were very upset, but the beautiful birdie calmed them down. When Master Tonks talked to them they are very happy. Horse people are happy to, nasty spiders were getting hungry and hunt for horse people."

After a quick shower, we went to dinner, silence when we entered the hall, the changes were not big but noticeable. The rumor mill was working overtime these days, The Slytherin table had room for all of us, so I took place next to Millicent Bulstrode.

"Miss Bulstrode, I heard from Daphne and Tracey what you have done for them, you and your friends have my gratitude. You and your friends deserve a boon from us, whatever you want if it is in my power to do or give, it is yours. You and your friends will each receive twenty thousand galleons as a gift of gratitude, on top of my promise." Reward the good guys and kick ass at the bad ones, it is Harry's money anyway.

Millicent: "Is it too late to get a consort or concubine contract? They broke my contract when they heard I was a lesbian. I am happy they broke my contract, it was with Yaxley, rumors say he is a sadist." I looked at my wives, they whispered to each other what Milli did for Tracey, Hermione smiled and nodded.

Hermione: "We are happy to welcome you in our family Millicent, not many would do what you did for Tracey, we are proud to call you our sister." The crazy train is speeding up, number seventeen. Pansy Parkinson approached me.

Pansy: "Lord Malfoy, My father ordered me to inform you of the consort contract between House Malfoy and House Parkinson, it was supposed to activate at age seventeen, or if the Lordship was taken. The contract showed that it was activated. Personally, I want to thank you for squibbing Draco. He forced me to behave the way I did, the contract was written that way." Bloody fucking eighteen? Helpless I looked at Daphne and Tracey: "Any thoughts or advice? That is eighteen!"

Luna smiling: "Husband, welcome her, Your magic can handle up to thirty, there is room, and she tells the truth." Is there a bed that big? Do they need to work in shifts? How do those bloody sheiks handle that? Or do the women draw a number? The Pokemon theme was losing its appeal.

"To be honest I lost track with who is in who's House, so Miss Bulstrode I welcome you but can not yet say I which House you shall be, Miss Parkinson, welcome as Consort Malfoy. I need to visit Gringotts to sort things out."

Hermione: "We all come with you Harry, I need to activate my line, Milli can be a consort of Dagworth-Granger if she wants to." The Weasley twins came closer.

W one: "Lord Potter, we are in awe."

W two: "Lord Gryffindor, you did the impossible."

W one: "Lord Slytherin, to collect more Lordships."

W two: "Lord Black, than anyone in history."

W one: "Lord Malfoy, You better treat our."

W two: "Lord Not, Ginny good or else."

"Well… I suppose I will get to hear that a lot. How is the jealous git taking it? Did he throw a tantrum?"

W one: "Lord flint, We had to tie him up."

W two: "Lord Taylor, and drag him to the new nurse."

W one: "Lord Wright, Who is bloody beautiful."

W two: "Lord Gaunt, The poor sod was Potioned, charmed, cursed with"

W one: "Lord? Hey, we ran out. Dumbledore did a number on Ron.

W two: "Lord? They were surprised he still had almost all his marbles."

W one: "Lord? He is in St Mungo's now for at least a week."

W two: "Lord Potter, we were tasked to ask you."

W one: "Lord Gryffindor, to leave some girls for us."

"To be honest, I can't promise that, I just added two more girls just by sitting down here, and Angelina and Alicia are looking fine." I was smirking at their shocked faces.

"Drop the Lord act and I leave them be, deal?"

W two: "Harrikins you are a mean man. You almost stopped our hearts."

W one: "The lessons are ten times better now.

W two: "The potion Mistress is even better looking as the nurse. Married though."

"Guys, your joke shop will be sponsored by me, or you can get an original marauder sponsoring, I will introduce you both to Padfoot. You already met Mooney."

W one: "Thank you Harrikins we can't wait to meet Padfoot."

W two: "Who is Mooney? We like to meet him too."

"Guys, Mooney is Professor Lupin, Padfoot is my godfather Sirius Black. When things are less busy I will introduce you to them." They left very happily, their dream of a joke shop became reality.

"Miss Millicent, instead of consort or concubine, I think Yaxley does not have a family, and he is on a one-way trip to Askaban or getting kissed, How about Lady Yaxley? There are bound to be other death-eaters that are going to lose their Lordship to me.

Crabbe, Goyle, I heard what you did from Tracey, I am happy there are still decent men in Slytherin, your fathers are in trouble and bound for Askaban, but your family is safe, and the Lordship yours."

Both looked relieved, if I remember right they have sisters. We made small talk about the teachers and courses, the pressure that was always present in Hogwarts was gone.

After dinner I went to the headmasters' office, Gargoyle was hopping aside when he saw me coming, Myrtle is not that bad in my opinion, or he likes the prestige to guard the office.

Inside I began to explore the hidden compartments, for treasure, just like the previous plane, the goat had a Horcrux in a locket and the stone. If the Flamels only had one, they should be dead by now. There were a lot of books, well my office, my books, those awful clothes he liked to wear are for… Nah not a second-hand store, let us burn them, I think Fawkes would like to do the honors. I penned a letter to Croaker, asking that I could come over.

"Dobby? Can you come here please?" Dobby popped in with a happy smile on his face.

Dobby: "Great Master Harry Potter sir called for Dobby?" Dammed I forgot to set some rules.

"Dobby, first, Just call me Harry, or master harry in public, Lord Harry in official circumstances. Second, take all books from this office and put them in my quarters, all artifacts not belonging to Hogwarts are to be put in my mansion, we are going to sort them in Christmas break. Now how is my elf family feeling? Are they recuperated yet?"

Dobby: "Master Harry, everyone is better now, still a bit weak but we have begun to clean the mansion. Winky is helping Kreacher and Dogfather clean nasty house."

"That is good to hear, tell them to take it slow, they have time until Christmas to clean. Can you give this letter to Croaker? And wait for a response." Dobby took the letter and popped away, curious I did in the office as I did in Slytherins secret chamber, and hissed §open§ at every snake motive.

A few hidden compartments opened, one with a Grimoire from the four founders, with the spells they used for building, and warding the castle, they described the hidden corridors, secret passageways, private quarters, and the fun they had creating it. This needs to be kept safe for now. Another door lead to Slytherins' secret chamber. There were some one-way walls you could see through. Sall was a perv, he spelled the walls of the girls' showers… there were some seventh' years showering… Hey, don't judge me, I didn't spell the wall.

Back in the office, after closing the hidden doors, Dobby came back with the answer of Croaker.

Dobby: "Croaker be waiting at Dumbledore in ten minutes."

"Thank you Dobby, I will go there with Fawkes, he has some unfinished business with the old man."

I called Fawkes after ten minutes to me.

"Fawkes, you see this? This is a Horcrux the old goat made, we are going to pay a visit to Dumbledore, Croaker is there to can you bring us there?" With a happy song, Fawkes flamed us to Croaker.

"Hello Croaker, thank you for allowing us to visit. Can you diagnose this locket please?" Croaker began swearing after he analyzed the locket.

Croaker: "Just when you think it can't get any worse, you come with something new."

"Well, that's me, putting more wood on the fire. Now I like to have Fawkes here to destroy that thing in front of the old goat." Croaker led us to Dumbledore's cell, we entered, Fawkes on my shoulder.

"Albus, my old goat, we are happy to pay a visit here to the last room you will call home. You know there was so much rubbish in the office, I had to spend hours cleaning the mess you left behind. All those second-hand books I found. Well… I just put them in boxes and send them to my manor. Did you know an idiot was trying to drain my wards there? He almost killed my house-elves, if one of them would have died because of that drain, that person would have a faith worse than death.

Yes, there is such a thing as that. Anyway, Fawkes and I came to say hi. We are good friends now.

That stone that was destroyed in my first year? It repaired itself, I did not even know that was possible, and this locket here, somehow Fawkes is mad at it, here Fawkes, burn it, it is not even real gold just a cheap trinket." Fawkes burned the locket with a vengeance, Dumbledore screamed in horror, watching his Horcrux melt in phoenix flames.

Dumbledore: "How could you! Without me the wizarding world is lost you fools, Voldemort will return and without me to stop him, all will be lost. You don't know what you have done."

"Oh? Without you there would not be a Voldemort, Alby, you trained him didn't you? No doubt even gave him the knowledge to make Horcruxes, I am curious, how many did you make? Was this the only one? We can experiment it a bit, we throw you through the veil of death, and see if your wraith returns, too bad only half of you can go to the next adventure, I am certain mum and dad will have some words with you. By now all your crimes are known to the wizarding world, I would have you squibbed but then you die sooner, and I want you to enjoy your stay at Askaban.

Without you keeping me potioned and cursed I have wonderful ideas like for example the men sentenced to life in Askaban will get an exploding rune engraved on the back of their skull if they leave the wards of Askaban… Poof, no more Alby the Fraud, You know they are calling you the fraud now? Just as the prophecy told you.

Goodbye Alby the Fraud, I have to entertain my eighteen wives. Eighteen! Can you believe that? And last month I was just a lonely boy. With any luck, Gellert will be waiting for you upstairs. Fawkes? Any last words for this old goat?" With an angry cry, Fawkes burned the fur of the old goat. Meh… No harm was done, I put the fire out with a blast of cold water.

"Thank you Mr. Croaker, it was good to vent a few of my frustrations, now I have to burn the old rags of the goat, those colors are screaming to be burned."

Croaker: "Entertaining as always, Lord Potter, good that you found that locket, we will prepare a new round of questioning for him." I smiled at him and Fawkes flamed us back.

In my quarters the girls were browsing through the books Dobby brought in, especially the charms, transfiguration and defense ones.

Hestia: " It makes so much more sense now, Hubby this evening we go over the three courses again we learned so much more."

Peggy: "We each study a few books, and at the end of the week we merge them with Harry. We are going to be so smart, it will be scary." Milly and Pansy were already absorbed by the herd? Harem? Coven? My bitches! Yes, let's go with that one.

"Tomorrow the Goblins are going to cull the acromantula colony in the forbidden forest, to give their young ones the chance to get their first kill, the other kills will fill our vaults. Now, are there more loose ends? Dumbledore and Snape are done, Hogwarts, the teachers and Hagrid are recovering. The death-eaters are finished, sorry Flora and Fauna, but they have to go, taking pleasure by killing someone is crossing the line. Sirius is free, Umbitch and Fudge are done, what am I forgetting?"

Suddenly I realized I forgot Neville, the poor sod with a faulty wand and a nasty gran. Then I need to secure the finances of Harry, but most of all I need to have my way with the wives before I get zapped again. I started to take notes of the firms that were getting big in the coming years and the reasons for the changes, the rises and falls of the big companies. Now I have to con the Goblins.

"Girls, I have to go to Gringotts, anyone wants to come along?" Wrong question, who wants to stay was answered faster, we were glad that the Hogwarts elves were happy to pop us.

"Blooddagger, I am running out of enemies and am here to fill my vaults. But first personal business, every girl needs a personal vault with one million Galleons in it, and can you call granny? I have a favor to ask of her. My godbrother needs a check-up, I think his grandmother is keeping him under her thumb." While the girls were being processed I asked Dobby to bring Neville here. Dobby popped a bewildered Neville in.

Neville: "Harry? What is going on? Why am I here? I am not allowed to be here without my gran."

"Well, Nev, I was not the only one that got shafted by our elders. I brought you here so granny here can check you out. You are my godbrother so I have to take care of you. Granny, can you diagnose him please?" Granny took her dagger, Neville almost shit himself with the sight of her and started to wave all over Neville.

Granny: "Hmm, almost as bad as you basiliskslayer, are the wizards getting crazier with the years? Core bound for 50%, Loyalty potioned to the gills and a wand that has different magic than him."

Neville: "It is my dad's wand, Gran said it will help me become as good as him."

Granny: "Than your gran is incredibly stupid or a criminal." I guess both.

"Fix him, Granny, you can even bill me Sunday tariffs." Granny grinned at me,

Granny: "I am starting to like you again basiliskslayer." and started working on Neville.

Blooddagger was prepared for the vaults, he only needed to ad Milli and Pansy, for the others the paperwork was ready, it only needs a few drops of blood and a signature and there were eighteen more millionaires. They all went to visit their vaults, just to look at a mountain of galleons. Would they try to swim in it?.

"Blooddagger, I have a business proposal, that will fill our vaults so fast we need to open some more. But first I need an agreement with the Nation that I get 50% of the profits with the information I have of the normal world, that will earn us billions." Blooddagger raised his eyebrow at my statement.

Blooddagger: "Billions Lord Potter? Are you a seer now?"

"Oh is that sarcasm? Well, my friend, how do you think I got all of this done in less than a week? And mind you I was sleeping for three days in that week." Blooddagger smiled at me.

Blooddagger: "So a time traveler he? And it took you less than a week to come to us. We can work with that."

"Hey I slept for three of those days, anyway 50% of the profits, from the nation and any Goblin that makes a profit from my information, on a magic contract, you get 5% of the fifty percent, and only need to give 25% of your profits. I have information for the next twenty years, mind you with us interfering, the information will be more and more unreliable later on. But the trends will remain the same."

Blooddagger: "We had dealings with time travelers before basiliskslayer, although you are better with wording your demands. Tomorrow you have our answer."

"Blooddagger, you are the only one who knows this, I put a lot of trust in you. But together we are going to be so rich, those purebloods will shit bricks of envy."

The girls were getting back from their vaults with stars in their eyes, I am so getting lucky tonight… Better not jinx it, avoid Hermione, maybe she is a trigger for the zappers. Avoid the Peverell vault, in the other plane it was a clue for a crossover for SG1, if it is in here to then we are screwed, in 94 the movie happened. They killed the big baddy and started the series a few years later, with my luck it will be a clue for the fucking game of thrones or worse that song of fire and ice.

Those books were a nightmare, the moment you started to like a character in the book, next he was killed off, then that blond bimbo with her dragons got screwed sideways from all sides. So many things that can get you killed.

Better stay here for a few more rounds. The stranger can go and fuck himself.

Fleur: "Mon amour tonight you will be loved by the four mature girls, then by the less mature. We are so going to reward you mon Cheri, the night will last forever." Is that a promise or a treat?

Neville: "Harry? Thank you for your help, I am in your debt."

"No worries, Nev, Saturday I'll take you to a wandmaker for a new wand."

Blooddagger: "There are some more death-eaters that you can claim their houses from basiliskslayer, you can cancel Bellatrix Lestrange her marriage, she breached it multiple times for attacking Sirius during the war, also the children clause was not fulfilled, You can squib the Lestrange brothers for the same reasons, they betrayed House Black by swearing fealty to heir Slytherin. House Gibbon, Yaxley and Rowle don't have a male of spring and are on the run, Gibbon and Rowle are leaving a wife and daughter behind, Serafina Gibbon eleven years old and Morgana Rowle ten years. Bound to start Hogwarts next year, I suggest to claim the lordships and take the girls as wards of Lord Slytherin. You can employ the mothers, either way, they are knut less and the only other options are concubine for you or whore in knock turn ally." I looked at the pure-bloods in my family.

"Any suggestions?" Daphne and Tracey went to Milli, Pansy, Peggy, Hannah and Susan, the Carrow twins were just listening in.

Susan: "Squib the males, claim the lordships and employ the mothers, the girls though, I think you need to blood adopt them, if you don't, they will be No Names and that is a stigma you can not get rid of."

Flora: "We know Serafina and Morgana, they are good girls, even their mothers were always nice to us, they were mistreated by their husbands, they deserve something good in their lives." Thinking fast, I want to avoid adding the number of females. An idea struck me.

"Sirius Black is alone in his home, recovering from Askaban, I will ask Sirius to blood adopt the girls, and take the women as concubines or consorts. How does that sound?" Yes! A double leash on the dog.

Hermione: "That will solve a lot of problems."

Peggy: "House Black has still a lot of prestige, the girls will have a family that cares for them."

"Let's ask him. Winky can you come here please?" Winky: "Master calls for Winky?"

"Yes Winky, can you ask Sirius to dress properly and take him here please, say it is urgent." Winky popped away. After a few minutes Sirius was brought in, he looked better now, I am sure it was Winky's doing.

Sirius: "Urgent pup? What are all these girls doing here? Starting a harem?" that got giggles all around.

"How did you know that? Is it in The Daily Garbage? Yes, these are my sixteen wives and two fiancees. But it is not the reason for calling you.

I can squib six death-eaters, Yaxley, Gibbon and Rowle and your lovely Bellatrix and the Lestrange brothers, how do you like that?" I have to trick him into it.

Sirius: "What are you waiting for? Do it already! I know Gibbon and Rowle, they are four years younger than me, and even in school they were animals, they were the ones that pulled Regulus in."

"Well their daughters will be No Names when they start Hogwarts next term we were thinking of blood adopting them, but I am too young for that and they are too young to marry me, they need a new home too. So we thought of you to do a blood adoption, bring some life back in your home." Sirius was thinking it through, considering his options, when school starts they will be gone for months.

Sirius: "Alright Harry, I will blood adopt them, being a No Name in school is hard."

"You are the best Sirius, we will notify the girls that they have to move to your house, while we kick their mothers on the street, they end up as whores probably." Luna saw my play and helped.

Luna: "Husband! If you do that the girls will hate Uncle Sirius for the rest of their lives, can we do something else?" Uncle Sirius? Nice touch honey.

"Yeah I did not think about that, and the rumors of me putting young girls with a bachelor can go ugly pretty bad, Sirius can you take the mothers in to? They need a place to stay, and will be grateful you took them in. they were severely mistreated by those death-eaters, so a nice man in the house will be a blessing for them." Tonksie was smiling at our play, she decided to help too.

Tonksie: "Cousin Sirius, you should form a sort of contract with the women so they feel secure, their daughters will love you for taking care of their mothers, and you will have a family that cares for you, after years in Askaban you deserve some happiness."

Sirius: "I guess you have a point here. OK let's do this." We can't let this go cold so we summoned the girls and women. They were even happy with the solution, after finding out their husbands left them without a knut, the mothers explained to their daughters the blood adoption and the new home they are going to live in, it was a memorable ceremony. The girls got some Black treats and hugged him, asking him if they could call him dad. One more push and we are home.

"Sirius, let us do the right thing, you have Black daughters, but the mothers are not in the Black family, I suggest a concubine contract for them, even if it is just for the public opinion, but I do care more about the girls' feelings when the mothers are outside of House Black while they have all benefits."

Sirius looked strange at me, sighed and nodded.

"Great move from you harry, but you are right, the girls are adorable and their mothers beautiful and friendly. I can use some happy times in my life, do we use a standard concubine contract?"

Daphne: "Scrap the clause of obedience and service. I hate that clause, it degrades them to whores. Write something of mutual care for the family members as a guiding line not as a rule." The girls all gave their input and soon a fair to both sides concubine contract was signed by Sirius and me, as the Head of the Vassals has the right to sign the contracts.

Both mothers hugged and thanked Daphne, her contribution made their life less stressful. We said goodbye to the newlyweds and returned to Hogwarts.

Hermione: "That was sneaky Harry, do you think he would have done it if you asked it to him straight?"

"I don't know love, honestly, I could not take the risk to ask it directly. If the future of four females depends on what you do or say, taking risks is irresponsible then. I think they will be happy together."

Fleur: "Not as happy as we are mon amour, we are going to bath, we all need a good cleaning, Milly and Pansy need a claiming to." We filled the tub with females, I never thought we need a bigger one, but it was close.

Fleur: "We did the blow-job the other day, for Milli and Pansy I will demonstrate it one more time before the next lesson. Mon amour, on the side please." B-J remedial 101 was a blast. Milli was a big girl, but far from ugly, and had a nice set of boobs, Pansy was the opposite, small and fragile but enthusiastic.

Fleur: "Now the opposite, Harry in the tub and can we have a volunteer on the side? Peggy, Hestia, or Tonksie, so they can guide to. Now Harry, after getting a blow-job it is not more than just to return the favor. Unlike men Girls like to be warmed up, so straight diving to the pussy is a turn-of. Now go in front of Peggy and hug her, she is sitting so stand between her legs, she wants to feel your erection, its a sign you are aroused by her, and you can use it to warm her up.

Start kissing her lips, go for the ears and neck, not if she is ticklish, work your way slowly to the shoulders and breasts, pay attention to both, with your lips and tongue only. While you do her boobs you can grind against her pussy with your dick.

Now, kiss your way down, start using your hands to caress her legs, slowly go to her pussy, open the lips a bit with your fingers so the clit shows, it is a sensitive spot, use your tongue to gently lick it and start to suck it, take your time for it, put your finger in her pussy, exploring her folds on the inside is a sensitive spot it feels a slightly ribbed, start rubbing it and suck on her clit…"

Peggy came with a scream to Morgana.

Peggy: "Fleur I love you, you are the best. Harry, that was fantastic." Tonksie was next.

Tonksie: "Honey, go straight to my pussy, watching you do Peggy got me steaming hot and I want your tongue inside me."

Fleur: "That is the next step, the tongue in the pussy when your fingers go for the clit. The more daring and experienced can tease the but thole, even when nothing gets in, it can get you over the edge…"

Tonksie was hotter than I imagined when she came within four minutes, Hestia followed with the same results. The girls were grouping together, silently commenting on style and effort.

Now I was getting in my groove and started to use parseltongue on Fleur, which was a big hit, she came with a high note and something in french that I think was something positive.

We got out of the tub, no use to get wrinkly, so we moved to the bed, then thinking if I had to do them one by one, my tongue would cramp up, so I was spreading my magic, and let it do exactly what I was doing to Daphne at everyone, it got gasps from them all, soon they began moaning, I took my time with Daphne, when she was on the edge I backed a bit down until she pulled my hair and kept it in place.

Daphne: §Harry, don't stop now or I will explode. Suck my cunt until I come, my husband.§

Timing the girls together with Daphne gave a group orgasm. I let the magic linger on so they had one for a minute. Is this cheating? Nah, a man can only do a maximum of five on a good day, so they could only get some once every four days. While poor me had to shag every day. Again, how do those bloody sheiks do that? Now I can get every girl a happy ending without feeling like a jackhammer.

Luna: "Husband you are the best."

Hermione: "Yes you are, Harry how do you do that? It was like I was feeling you all over and inside my body." All girls were agreeing with Hermione.

Pansy: "Now I understand what Luna was saying that Harry could handle up to thirty girls. I thought she was only bragging."

Milli: "I never came this hard and long in my life. Then again I do not have that much experience."

Hestia: "Harry you are the best, I have not a moment regret that I married you. Can you explain how you did this?"

"I think it is wandless magic, it started when I tried to project my magic outside my body, I imagined my magic like tentacles reaching out and searching my surroundings. What I do right now is a variation, it is like a blanket that I spread around me, I feel everybody in that blanket, it is like a membrane covering your bodies. The next step is feeling with the magic, now I am giving all a back rub, for the fun parts, I imagine my magic is my hands or Little Harry and do all sexy stuff as I was doing it for real. Feel it on your nipples? Not only on the skin but also the nerve ends inside your nipples, then your pussy, I can go inside and work on the inside walls, at the same time give your clit…"

Well… maybe I overdid it a bit.

Hannah: "You can explain it to me everyday love, that blew my mind. I felt like you were sucking and fucking me at the same time." most girls were riding the buzz a bit longer.

Tracey: "Darling, can you pull us back inside your mindscape? That feeling was to die for too."

Peggy: "Oh I want that too, you were shagging him when he pulled us in Tracey, will you shag him now or do we get a chance too?"

Tracey: "I don't want to hog him all for myself, but he fucks like he does his magic, like a god."

Fleur: "Go for it Peggy, cowgirl style. Mon amour, do your thing and pull us inside your mind.

Peggy made Little Harry happy and began to move, Ginny and Astoria were closely watching it happen. Tracey whispered to them.

Tracey: "sit beside them and work on both their nipples, Harry's and Peggy's, suck on them, show your pussy to Harry, he will love it." Crap, it is hard to focus on your magic when this is happening to you. I started with Astoria and Ginny. Both came inside at the same time, they smiled and jumped me. Meh, I kept them naked, if they want some clothes they have to imagine themselves some. Peggy was next, the main distraction was gone now, the others came in one by one.

Milli and Pansy were last and looked around in wonder.

Pansy: "How is this possible? This is a mindscape that I never heard of." I approached her and gave the charms course to them both. Followed by transfiguration and defense.

"Tonksie, I like runes, arithmancy and apparition now please." I was feeling time closing in, and need those if I end up in that bloody plane.

Tonksie, Hestia, Peggy and Fleur delivered the knowledge, I combined it and gave it back to them.

Peggy: "Fuck, Harry, this is amazing, this is so much more than I could dream of, even apparition will go smoother now." Everyone got the new knowledge except Milli and Pansy.

"Milli and Pansy, I will give it tomorrow morning, try to digest those three courses first. We will take our Owls between Christmas and new year, and our Newts in June or July."

Pansy: "If word gets out you can do this… I don't know what would happen." Everyone looked surprised at her, they didn't think that far.

Megan: "I think this is a two-way deal, Harry needs to want to pull us in and we need to want it to, or it won't work."

Fauna: "I can not see it happen with McGonagall. On the other hand, maybe you have to find a healer, that is always a good skill to have, and potions too."

"No way in hell will I let McGonagall and Snape in here!" that got everyone laughing.

Hestia: "Our oldest sister is a healer, she just got her permit to heal, she starts in St Mungos next month. I bet an equal exchange between the both of you will benefit all of us. I will ask her tomorrow."

Susan: "That is great, now Harry, can you actually fuck in here? Or is it just the magic?" I took her in my arms and told her to find it out. Inspiration struck me, and the only good thing from Naruto came to mind. Shadow clones for the win! Seventeen shadow clones appeared, every girl got one and the next three hours was party time, the older girls got shagged like there was no tomorrow, the youngest got kisses and hugs, the girls from my year had their first experiences. After three hours we left the mindscape, Peggy was still impaled on Little Harry, while Astoria and Ginny gave me a nice view of the goods. Multitasking is fun that way, fucking Peggy and fingering Astoria and Ginny at the same time. I closed off with a big magic burst. Hah! One versus eighteen, and Harry wins!

We did the claiming and closed another productive day.

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