
Chapter 47- Talia – An Unexpected Arrival (VOLUME 1)

*~*Talia's POV*~*

Things were a little tense at the moment. Mom and Dad knew what had happened at the campus, not like we would have been able to hide it from them. They wanted to take control of the investigation, but Reagan fought them on it. He said that it was their campus, their meeting, and their group, so it was their responsibility. I was inclined to agree with him.

No, I wasn't just wanting to be a part of the talks and the hunting for the bad guy. Nope, that wasn't it at all. No, I just felt that my parents needed a break. They had been through a lot lately, and I wanted them to have some peace in their lives. If Reagan and Rika, or even myself, could handle something like this, then they needed to let us take care of it.

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