
Chapter 14- Reagan – Worried About Her (VOLUME 1)

*~*Reagan's POV*~*

There has been a lot happening with my sister lately, aside from us moving. For starters, there was the fact that she and I had argued about her wolf. I knew that she hadn't told our parents about it before we moved. I didn't mention anything though, because I was hoping that by getting away from the castle, into her own space, she might be able to reconnect with her wolf and that things would be better. I wanted things to be good for her, and that didn't limit things to just how she looked to everyone else.

Her and I were twins, and no matter what anyone would say to the contrary, I knew when she was feeling down. I could tell when she was upset. I could feel it myself. It was like an echo in my soul. We hadn't come from the same egg, because we were fraternal twins, but we were still closer to each other than we were to any other member of our family. And I was worried about her lately.

After the move, even with her not in the room right next door to me, I could tell that she was still sad. I think she was upset even more often now, or at least it felt like it. In truth though, I think that she was just letting herself feel her emotions more. I think that she was letting it out and letting herself process it more.

She might need to make it through this stage before she was able to move on and make her connection with the beast inside of her. I was hoping for that anyway. It was the most that I could hope for.

I also wished that I could tell when she was happy. She went long stretches of time without me feeling that sorrow that radiated from her soul to mine, but that didn't mean that she was happy. She could have been hiding things and pushing it down at those other times.

"Why are you just staring at the wall?" Luka asked as he came closer to me. "Elias and the others are coming over for games, you can't be moping so much."

"Yeah, I know." I smiled and concentrated on the room around me. "I was just thinking."

"About your sister again?"

"You could tell?" I don't know why I had to ask. He was the one that was able to feel the emotions, or the energy, of people that were around him. If there was something wrong with Rika, he would know.

"Yeah, she's been off for a while now. Months really. I knew that she was trying to work on it by herself, so I didn't really feel the need to do or say anything about it. She's old enough to handle her own things. If I am needed, or someone asks me to step in, then I will. Until then though, I will let her be."

"It's nice that you are thinking about her at the very least." I looked up at him where he was standing next to the chair that I was in. "Still, I'm worried about her."

"I think that you have a better understanding of her emotions than I do." Luka said as he went to sit down across from me. "I know how it is with a twin. I have it two times over. I share that soul connection with Levi because of the fact that we were supposed to be twins, but I share it with Lyssa as well, because we grew together."

"Yeah, you would know, wouldn't you?" I laughed at the thought, trying to get my mind onto other things. "So, Elias is almost here, huh. And Beech, Cypress, and Rowan."

"Yeah, they stopped to get the pizzas." I almost groaned. I liked pizza, don't get me wrong, but we had had it almost everyday since we moved. It was that or burgers on the way home from the campus, or some other delivery that we got some days. We hadn't had an actual home cooked meal since we left our parents' houses. We needed to learn how to cook, and fast. Because I didn't know how much longer I could survive on junk food and snacks. I never thought that this would be something that I would admit, but it was the truth.

I tried to let myself settle down and relax when our friends arrived. We had all been raised like cousins, and Elias was really my cousin, the result of the way that we had been raised was that we were quite close. We were always hanging out with each other and calling on each other when we needed someone. I am sure that was what our parents and fate had in mind when we were all born. Otherwise, why would we have all been born so close to each other?

"Whoa! Nice place!" Elias said as he came into the condo for the first time. This was even the first time that Beech and Cypress were seeing the new place, which they seemed to be thoroughly impressed with. "I need to get out and into my own place." He sighed as he thought about it. "I am older than you after all."

"Yeah, by like five months." I shook my head. "Come on, it's not like you're that much older than us." We all laughed at that.

"Maybe not chronologically, but mentally, I am miles ahead of you." He ribbed me back.

"Yeah, but you were born as an old man, so that means that you had an advantage over the rest of us."

"Oh hardy har har, very funny." Elias rolled his eyes at me. "Hey, did you guys start picking out your internships yet?" He changed the topic to school, which was a no-no at the moment.

"Come on, E, we're not supposed to talk about school today. It's Saturday and we're supposed to be having fun."

"I know. I was just curious. I picked out mine." He looked excited.

"See, old man." I laughed at him and pulled a box of pizza toward me. I might be tired of it, but I was still hungry.

"I am not an old man. I just do not procrastinate, that is different. Anyway, I am going to be working at a law office. I figured that it would be the best thing for me. With my career prospects and all that." We didn't know a lot about what Elias wanted to do with his future, none of us talked about it all that much yet. It was sort of just our own thing when we were going to be working on it.

"Yeah, so you want to go into law like my mom?" I munched on a slice of pizza, and before I knew it, the box was already half gone. Good thing there was a lot of pizza.

"Yeah, sort of." He nodded as he ate a little more civilized than I did.

"That's good. I am glad that you have your internship already set up. When do you start?"

"Next week. They were in need of more student aids, so I am going to start right away. It would be good if I could move into the city as well. It would definitely save me travel time, that's for sure."

"Yeah, I know what you mean, man." Beech sighed. "I want my own place too. We should all work it out. I am sure that there are more places that we can move into."

"Hell, this building has more openings." I told them with a smile. "Big ones like this, and smaller ones too. All of you should get your own places too."

"Yeah, I could live here with you all." Cypress nodded enthusiastically.

"Not me. I want to be a little more separated. No offense guys, but that would just feel like an extension of home to me." Elias didn't look angry when he said that, just like he wanted to have some space.

"Yeah, I think that Rika was thinking the same thing. She didn't want to be in the same building as us either. She wanted to be more independent." I told him as I thought about it. And it made me start to think about her again. At that moment, I got a sudden pang in my chest that I knew was her pain. Damn! What was the matter with her now? What was happening this time? I would have to go and see her soon, to find out what was going on with her.

I tried not to focus on her at the moment though. The guys had come over for us to hang out, and I meant for it to be a good weekend. We were playing video games, nothing so extravagant, but it was the first time having this kind of party in our own place. We didn't have to be polite for family's sake. We didn't have to stop our crude jokes. Nothing at all that would be considered the proper way. Hell, even Elias let loose and acted a little more crazy than usual. If you could consider him joking around as crazy. Trust me though, it was.

Still, no amount of fun with the guys was enough to make me forget about that pain from Rika. I knew that I shouldn't worry too much, but I just couldn't help it. She was my sister, my twin, and that meant that I would always worry about her, until the day that I died.

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