

The room was full of the excited chatter of classmates getting their stuff packed, at his own desk Nick packed the school items he would need to study with while he was there. Slinging his bag over his shoulder he looked towards Mezo who had approached him, "Yo, how you doing?" Nick greeted the teen as he made his way over to the far wall and grabbed his hero suitcase.

Mezo doing the same, grabbing his costume said, "Well. I am eager to learn, I think that Shishido will be an excellent teacher for me. After all I need to work on my martial arts instead of relying on brute force."

Nodding his head Nick made his way to the door, trailing behind the rest of the class as he and Mezo talked. Everyone was making their way to the train station. "I agree, I need to figure out a martial art myself, I don't so much rely on brute force but I also don't really have a proper style I follow…"

With mindless talk following the two chatted about how they could improve, Eijiro soon came and joined in their talk with Sero. It didn't take long before they were at the station.

"You all brought your costumes right? Normally you're strictly prohibited from wearing them in public areas, so don't drop them." Aizawa said over his shoulder dismissively as if it was something he was required to say. Turning around he faced the class as they responded in affirmation.

After a short correction of Ashido's language and how they needed to show respect, he told them to get a move on.

Making his way over to the train that he was meant to be boarding he looked over as Midoriya and Ida were talking. Uraraku piping into the conversation sometimes. It seems that Ida was still holding resentment despite his brother being healed.

Getting onto the same train as Shoto and Ida he ended up sitting next to the half-and-half boy.

Looking out the window he didn't attempt to engage in conversation with his classmates, he wasn't against it, he just felt there was nothing to talk about. Ida didn't want to talk anyway and he was normally the one that started the conversation.

Watching the windows and buildings pass by it was soon that Ida got off at Hosu city, with a quick goodbye from Ida they watched as he walked off towards Manuals Hero agency.

"I assume your working for your father?" Nick said as the train started to move again, they were just one stop past Hosu.

"Yes. Are you also working at Endeavors agency?" The teen responded as he kept on looking forward, both their eyes were already set on the enormous agency building. They could see it from here. Towering over the other buildings as they made their way towards it.

"Yeah, I honestly didn't expect to get an internship from him after what I said to him back at the festival, either he want's to teach me a lesson or he is actually interested in my strength. Although from what I know about him it is probably the former." Nick responded also staring at the building.

"Yeah…" That was all Todoroki replied with.

Sitting in silence once more they both waited for the train to arrive. The reason he had chosen Endeavor's agency was because he wanted to fight Endeavor. He was fairly sure he was going to be able to make it happen as 'training.' After all, Endeavor was one of the few Heroes that was Nick's weakness. The heat of his flames was also no joke. And Nick doubted that he could win without brute forcing it and almost dying in the process.

Smiling a bit to himself he waited for a few more minutes before the train finally arrived at the station.


The entrance was extravagant, the large clean room open and spacious with glass walls letting the natural light of the sun wash into the room. Seeing the front desk managed by about 6 people, papers shuffling and keyboards tapping away with the influx of work. The clear and precise management let the entire building flow as it needed to.

Approaching the desk with Todoroki Nick looked at the assistant that they approached as she looked up from what she was doing, giving her full attention to the two of them. "Good afternoon sirs, are you here for the workplace experience?" Her words were crisp and sharp.

"Yeah," Nick responded as Todoroki just nodded his head, it was clear that from her lingering gaze, she recognized the both of them. Todoroki even more so.

Motioning to her right she said, "take the elevator to the top floor. Endeavor wants to see you himself personally. Thank you." Finishing what she had to say she got back to her work.

Making his way to the elevator they both waited for it to arrive. Nothing was said as they both felt no reason to talk.

Arriving at the office they walked to the door and Nick let Todoroki knock. The familiar voice of Endeavor came through the door, a low voice filled with certainty and authority. Walking into the office a few steps behind Todoroki he saw Endeavor look at them both for a moment, but his eyes held Nick's as his gaze flared. The fire around him became hotter by a fraction.

Smiling Nick tilted his head, showing that he wasn't scared. He had come despite being dared not to.

"Hendrix, wait outside while I talk to my son."

Nodding Nick did a small bow, it was almost mocking how lightly he did it before he left the room. The door shut behind him. Leaning against the wall he looked a the ceiling as he wondered what was going to happen.

It didn't take long before Todoroki emerged from the room and with the doors shutting behind him he said, "he said that he only brought you along because he wanted me to surpass you… we are going to Hosu."

Chuckling lightly Nick walked to the doors and put his hand against them ready to open them as he said. "You have a long way to go if you want to do that, remember Todoroki, you are your own person not your fathers dreams. If you are going to surpass me then do it because you want to, it doesn't matter what he wants."

Walking into the room he saw Endeavor at the desk, doing papers as Nick was forced to stand there just waiting. It was clear that Endeavor was just doing this because he had the authority over Nick right now to make him wait. Nick didn't care however, yes, Endeavor had authority over him right now. But that didn't matter. He didn't feel the need to be in control.

Nick waited, he wasn't bothered. Endeavor was a busy man. He had places to be and things to do so he would have to do them soon enough.

"Hendrix," the broad man finally spoke.

"Endeavor." Nick responded.

"Do you know why I let you work at my agency… so you could see the difference between you and me. So that you can see how much you have to learn." Putting his pen down Endeavor spoke as he looked up at Nick. "You are simply here so that Todoroki has someone that he can surpass. No other reason, do not think that I will be training you or anything like that. You will be coming out into the field with me and my team. We are departing for Hosu. Get suited up."

Standing up Endeavor left the room, watching the man leave Nick just smiled a tiny bit, it seems that despite his issues Endeavor was still a smart and insightful man. He saw no reason to engage with Nick so he wouldn't. Now that bothered Nick… how hard would it be to get in a fight with that man?

It wasn't long after that both Todoroki and Nick were suited up and in the briefing hall as Endeavor explained that they were aiming for the Hero killer, they would be going to Hosu and patrolling there for the next week or until the hero killer was found and subjugated.

Smiling Nick listened in, all he cared about was going to Hosu, the rest was something that he didn't care about much. He would have a chance to challenge Endeavor later.


The trip to Hosu was a short one, they soon arrived and accommodations were sorted out. They would be patrolling in shifts rotating so that there was always someone from Endeavors agency in the city at all times. Endeavor would be taking care of the interns himself.

The first day went smoothly, there were no encounters apart from a few petty thieves.

The first night nothing happened either.

On the Second day. Nick didn't know when things were meant to happen exactly he just knew they would. As they patrolled neither Nick nor Shoto did anything, Endeavor took care of everything that was happening. It was honestly kind of boring.

Endeavor actually was a good teacher. He only really taught his son, however, he would point out what was happening and what to look for. How he planned the rosters and the ways that he would go around stopping certain attacks.

Even some of the things that Nick was able to listen in on the found very informative. About the experience that Endeavor only had because he had been a hero for so many years.

Getting back to the accommodations they rested for the night.

On the third day, he was pretty sure this was meant to be the day things happened. And they did.

It was getting fairly late. It was almost time for Endeavor to go and swap with the night shift, looking at the time It was almost 6:00PM. Looking up at the sky he scanned the distance rooftops of the buildings, looking for one with a small water holder. Although he couldn't see any.

Within a few moments, however, Nick heard an explosion. As the ground quaked a bit Endeavor took off in a sprint quickly being followed by both Todoroki and Endeavor. As they ran through the streets something crashed in front of them, a thin Nomu quickly followed by a small yellow blur.

Grinning at the old-time Endeavor sent a wave of fire towards the Nomu that just appeared. With a yell of warning from Gran a wave of fire washed back out of the Nomu.

Standing behind Endeavor both Todoroki and Nick didn't have to do anything but Nick did start gathering mass in his legs.

As it leapt towards Endeavor, its tongue splitting and forming a net Nick waited a moment, As Gran impacted the creature and kicked it into the floor Nick dashed forward and putting his hand on the floor wrapped the creature in countless cables of steel before putting his hand on its head.

Taking a small sample he confirmed that it had what he wanted before he stood up.

"That should keep it down." He said as Endeavor glared at him.

"Boy you should stay back unless I tell you to engage! Do not engage unless I say so. Do you understand." Endeavor said as he walked towards Nick.

Smiling politely Nick said, "Yes sir." Of course, he wasn't going to do that, he needed to get samples. He would engage as he pleased and deal with the consequences later. He also wanted to make sure Endeavor wanted to keep an eye on him, if he was sent with Todoroki that would be a pain in the ass, of course, he would ignore it but.

"Shouldn't there be a bunch of Heroes gathered over there?" Endeavor said as he looked towards the pillar of smoke and fire. That was the one that Nick was most interested in, the black skin Nomu that should be relatively the same as the one from the U.S.J

As Gran responded, saying he was going to make sure that people came to pick up the one they just defeated Shoto suddenly pulled his phone out. Looking at the teen he made sure that he was on the other side of Endeavor.

"Stop looking at your phone! Look at me Shoto!" Endeavor suddenly said as he looked back at his son.

Then Shoto turned and started to run, "Where are you going Shoto!" Endeavor yelled after him.

Having gotten far enough away as he helped Gran he didn't have to worry about listening to that conversation. By the way that Endeavor reacted, he let Shoto run off as he made his way over to Gran and said, "Just leave that to my sidekicks. Go towards the address I am about to tell you for me." As he walked past Gran.

"Hendrix, you are coming with me. We will be all the assistance that the Heroes over there need." Endeavor said. Despite hating Nick it seemed that he was still logical. Nick was very good at dealing with things that he wouldn't be able to. Worst case he could work with the boy, despite his arrogance he had the strength to back it up. With both of them, they would easily be able to quickly deal with the situation.

Nodding Nick and Endeavor dashed towards where the other Nomu was.

Shoto had dashed off to deal with the hero killer and meet with his friends. Gran had gone there as well, although he was going to be delayed by something.

It wasn't long before he and Endeavor arrived at the scene.

Seeing the giant black Nomu raise his fist to bring it down on a Hero Endeavor grit his teeth, he would have a hard time dealing with the Nomu and not hurting the hero. Just as he was about to launch a controlled blast of fire the ground around the Hero vanished causing him to fall out of the attack's range. The Nomu suddenly was stabbed by multiple rock pillars that did little more than push him away from the fallen Hero.

Bulking his legs up Nick dashed towards the Nomu, the ground shattering around his feet as he flew through the air and impacted the Nomu's chest with enough force to turn a normal person to little more than paste. But he felt it, the shock of his strike being absorbed through the creature's skin.

But that wasn't what he wanted.

As his feet impacted the creature he pushed his quirk through it and suddenly it moved and morphed until the arms and legs of the creature combined with its body. It could regenerate its limbs… so Nick combined them with its body. With nothing broken, it didn't regenerate. Crouching down he kept a hand on the creature's chest as he removed its muscles from its bones so it couldn't move. Finding its nervous system he just disconnected it from its brain as the wriggling creature just flopped still.

As he examined the creature and took a sample he suddenly heard yelling as the winged Nomu dashed off, disappearing as Endeavor tried to blast it down but he wove out of the way.

Dashing after it, Nick chased at full speed leaving Endeavor behind as he saw the winged Nomu approaching the group of students, sidekicks and Gran. Seeing it hook its feet around Midoriya, Nick suddenly crashed into the Nomu and forcing his quirk through it the wings exploded off its back. As it crashed into the floor Nick pinned it to the ground. Sliding a distance away from the dropped Midoriya. Looking back up to where Stain had used the sudden distraction to dash away.

Having made some distance he stood over Midoriya. Nick was a bit further down the street as he looked at the Hero killer stand up slowly.

Nick crouched down with caution ready to react. He hadn't expected Stain to be able to move that fast, it was shocking.

"The phonies that have overrun society. The criminals who aimlessly flaunt there 'power.' Those are the targets of my purge." Stain said as he slowly stood up, his legs shaking as his gravely voiced echoed down the street.

"All of this, is for the sake of a just world!" The killer screamed as he turned to look at the Heroes, his eyes glazed over with a feverish madness, although the level of clarity was concerning. Despite the emotions, despite the madness. There was a clear clarity, a goal, a striving demand for a purpose. Desire and the will to die for it.

Just as people were yelling and scrambling to figure out the situation Nick looked down the street, he was the furthest down the street with the winged Nomu. Midoriya and Stain between him and the heroes.

As Nick was getting ready to move Endeavor burst into the street, his fire lighting up the walls as he saw the Hero Killer.

Nick finally understood what this scene meant, he had seen it on paper but to feel it, it was different. There was a weight in the air, bloodlust so strong it must have been a side effect of his quirk.

As Endeavor charged his movement was halted by just a look from Stain.

"ANOTHER PHONY…" The mad voice rang throughout the air. "The fake must be rectified, someone… someone must stain himself in blood… The work 'Hero' must be restored!!" Standing up straight, holding nothing but a knife the pressure washed off him and flowed into the street, the air almost tasted of blood, and the smell of iron from injuries filled the air.


Nick felt it, the pressure he. He felt the weight… but it was nothing, it was nothing compared to the miasma of death. The sinking feeling of nothingness, the emptiness of existence.

And the feeling of whatever being given him his wish.

Dashing forward Nick ducked beneath the swipe that Stain made, it was sloppy and slow for Stain but it was still faster than most. Putting his hand on the injured man's chest he knocked him unconscious with his quirk. Lowering the man to the ground he took a sample of his quirk factor as he laid him on the ground.

"Rest Stain, we have seen your conviction and it is not lacking…" Nick said, not loud enough for anyone else to hear, however. Standing up he sighed, looking at the night sky filled with reds and oranges from the flickering flame. A blanket of smoke hid the clouds.


Events after that were more of a blur than the fighting. It had all happened so quickly in the end. Compared to the previous days it felt far longer though.

Nick was questioned by the police about some events but mostly Endeavor took all the fire, answering questions and getting his sidekicks to jot down notes for reports. The fires were put out and the Nomu were taken captive to be questioned.

With Stain in custody, Nick was standing to the side. Walking through the rubble and disassembling it just to reassemble it back into its original building.

It was a mindless task. He already had one of his minds examining the Nomu's quirk factors and body samples. But his active one… it thought of nothing.

"Hendrix," A voice said pulling him from his thoughts. Looking behind him he saw Endeavor standing there glaring at him.

"What? Here to complain about how I broke the rules and acted without permission…" Nick responded clearly not in the mood.

Endeavor stood there, head tilting to the side not even flinching at the boy's clear annoyance and attitude. "Yes, you acted out of turn and rushed into combat not once, but three times. For both the Nomu and Stain. You were reckless."

"I knew what I was doing, I knew that I could defeat them…" Nick said as he kept on repairing buildings and helping clear damage.

"As your supervisor, it is my responsibility to report your misconduct." Endeavor started but before Nick could respond he continued. "But, you made my job a lot easier and helped out the situation on your own. I don't know how you are so strong for your age… but be careful boy. Arrogance can get you killed, but you already learned that lesson didn't you." Endeavor said with a scoff as he turned to walk away.

Looking at the back of the man Nick didn't know if he was lording possibly authority or being nice. He knew which one he wanted it to be since he didn't the like the man but who knows. Sighing he looked at the sky again… It was getting really late… he just wanted to sleep for now.

He didn't know why he was so tired, but he felt like a weight was resting on his shoulders… it was the bloodlust of Stain, the conviction the man showed… it was… horrifying yet stunning. Shaking his head he pushed those thoughts aside, it had been a long day.


The next day was smooth sailing, Todoroki had gone to the hospital so Nick gathered his stuff from their accommodations and promised to bring them back to school over messenger. It didn't take long for him to be making his way back to Endeavors Agency. The rest of the week was filled with nothing. Patrolling and sometimes practicing with the sidekicks but Endeavor never met with him again.

The Next day soon came, back at U.A. Nick was one of the first to arrive in class. Bakugo wasn't long after with the stupid hairstyle that Best Jeanist had given him. Smirking at the boy Bakugo just scoffed and stormed over to his desk.

The room soon became lively as everyone was talking about their workplace practice, Nick just watching the teasing that Bakugo was going through at the hands of Eijiro and his mate Sero.

Ida soon was giving his talk about wanting to be a Hero renewed and Nick could do nothing but sigh, every time these kids got in trouble they came out with even firmer goals. What were his goals? Become the perfect being? But why? To protect those he loved and the world that he had been given for a second chance… surely there was more to it than that.

He didn't know why he was questioning his goals. He guessed they just felt so… hollow now. Whatever, he had them and before he wanted to do anything more he would achieve them. He had finally gotten the pieces to start making a new body. And finally, he was ready to make it.

He had spent the rest of his internship time examining the pieces inside him. And he believed that he had figured out how to do what he wanted.

He would do so tonight after today's rescue training… tonight he would start making his new body.


Thanks for all the support so far! Finally will be making his new body next chapter. Real excited for that! Let me know what you think!

Reviews and comments are always welcome, I do love hearing your thoughts and opinions!

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