

Nick pushed his power from his body, feeling the wave of whatever let his quirk work on reality shift the air itself around him, he felt it. Each breath he took, every vibration of the stone beneath him. He could feel his power flow through the floor and into the rock beneath his feet. He could feel the power that welled up inside his chest, that undeniable energy that washed from every fibre of his being.

Staring forward at Bakugo his eyes lit up, power igniting from his golden irises as the cracks beneath his eyes thickened and lit with golden sun-burnt fire. A glow that trailed into the air like ethereal flames.

He felt it, the tensing of Midnight's muscles as the air moved around her arm, the running of sweat down Bakugo's temple, the way that the air moved from the cries of the excited crowd.

The crack of the whip sounded throughout the stadium.

In an instant Bakugo used his explosions to throw himself in the air, a blast from his hands making his entire body start to spin as he pulled the air in from the movement strengthening his explosions with the added air. With that spinning movement, he dashed towards Nick yelling at the top of his lungs. "HOWITZER IMPACT!!"

As the blast grew and flew towards Nick he just sighed and raised his hands. In a single moment, the air in front of Nick and around Bakugo suddenly disassembled and reassembled away from the explosions sucking out their power and pulling the blasts away with the moved air.

Suddenly hanging in the air with no extra power Bakugo's eyes widened with shock but before he could react or even activate his quirk to push himself away he felt a foot kick him hard in the chest.

One moment Bakugo had been circled in flame driving himself like a fiery drill towards Nick with hell-fueled rage and the next he was suddenly just in the open as the flame and smoke were pulled to the side. Then he was soaring through the air with his eyes rolled back.

Just as he was about to leave the boundaries of the arena a wall appeared from the ground that Bakugo slammed into with enough force to crack it.

Dropping to the floor Bakugo shakily pushed himself back to his feet as Nick walked around looking at him with cold eyes.

"You know I hate bullies like you," Nick said with the added thought, 'and sometimes I hate the part of myself that never stopped you.' "You really piss me off, every single piece of anger you have makes me see red. You bully and belittle others, you curse and scream from the rooftops like you own the world just because you were born blessed."

Seeing Bakugo push himself to his feet as he grit his teeth. The crowd had gone silent, Nick had just stopped his opponent from losing. Cancelling a powerful move and countering in the same moment without any flashy use of his quirk.

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Bakugo screamed as he looked at Nick, spitting blood from his mouth.

"I'LL BE TAKING FIRST PLACE THROUGH FUCKING ANNIHILATION! FIGHT ME LIKE YOU FUCKING MEAN IT HENDRIX! I'LL KILL PIECES OF SHIT THAT MAKE LIGHT OF THEIR OPPONENTS!" Bakugo yelled with rage-fueled fire in his voice, sheer wrath forcing him onto his feet despite his ribs clearly being broken.

"You can't do shit Bakugo. You're nothing when compared to me, at least Todoroki deserved me to put in some effort, you? Your not even worth me using my quirk properly." Nick said as he looked down at the boy.

With an explosion, Bakugo dashed towards Nick with fire trailing behind him as he threw his hands forward and unleashed a blast that shook the stadium and made the crowd flinch.

Bakugo grinned as there was no way that Nick would go unharmed from that if he didn't take him seriously.

"Weak." Was all he heard from behind him as he felt a hand grab the back of his skull and throw him at the floor with enough force to be bounced from the stone. Coughing up more blood.

Using a blast to push himself away he tried to find Nick but the smoke and dust didn't let him see a thing, the blood in his left eye clouding his vision. Seeing Nick suddenly standing before him he tried to raise his hands but his wrists were being held.

Being yanked down he felt a knee driven into his stomach with enough force that he felt his broken flare with pain, bile being spat up and thrown onto the floor as he was sent falling to his knees. Struggling to stand he felt the foot against his back roll him over onto it, laying facing the sky as a wave passed through him.

Suddenly he felt his body heal back to peak condition… his sweat glands were more open as he was sweating almost twice as much as he normally did.

"Get up, I'm not done yet." Nick's voice sounded from above.

Filled with unbridled unconstrained wrath Bakugo let out the biggest blast he could muster from his palms towards the sound of the voice, the blast was enough that the ground around him cracked as he was forced back into it but he didn't care about the crushing pain. His shoulders somehow handled what they couldn't before.

Turning his palms he blasted himself into the easily soaring 10 meters up from just the blast of his palms as he spun around to see Nick standing there unfazed by the blast before.

Diving down he pushed himself forward and released a blast from one hand as he swung it towards Nick.

Nick caught the hand feeling the explosion against his palm but as his arm started to explode apart he reassembled it as it was being torn and burnt. No damage was even visible apart from a faint ripple of the skin, the power healing his body as it was damaged.

Having used his other hand to blast himself forward with momentum so he could go over the top of Nick he used the momentum to try and throw the boy but instead felt his momentum halt as if he was tugging on a brick wall. His hand held firmly before a sudden yank almost pulled his shoulder from his socket.

Slamming into the ground he felt his back shatter as his eyes went black for a moment before he pulled a breath into healed lungs. Coughing out air that he felt he shouldn't be able to breathe.

"Get up." That was all he heard. Nick said and with rage Bakugo did.

Blasting himself in spinning motion he sent a kick towards Nick's chest but it was blocked by a hand.

Expecting that, Bakugo suddenly pointed his hands at Nick's chest and let off a point-blank blast that shrouded the boy with fire and smoke.

As Bakugo was thrown away. He spun and blew himself back towards Nick, he knew the boy would be fine but he wanted to make him burn. Each blast of his was stronger than the next. The fire was so intense it was blasting the stage to rubble as Nick blocked each and every attack and healed Bakugo.

He healed him over and over and over and over again. The smoke and the dust stopped the crowd from seeing what was happening. But the constant explosions of increasing intensity showed just how fierce the battle that was raging was.

Each blast shook the stadium. Echoing through the air the sound alone was enough to make some cover their ears. A final scream of such indigent raw rage filled the air that the crowd widened their eyes.

A blast large enough that it soared into the air high above the stadium, easily twice the size of the building with enough force that glass rattled and people were forced to shield their eyes.

Inside the smoke of the explosion Bakugo lay on his back, a foot pinning him to the stage as he watched in horror as Nick stood there, having faced the biggest blast he had ever made directly to his chest yet he showed no sign of damage, he had watched the boy blast apart. He had seen flesh tearing and burning but healing faster than the blast could damage. He had barely gotten past the first few layers of carbon black muscle. He was pinned trapped and exhausted.

He prided himself on his power, his endurance yet here he was, done in, he thought that eventually, Nick would no longer be able to heal himself, but he was wrong, so very wrong. Nick had taken everything that he had thrown at him and was standing there with the same cold uninterested eyes. Pinning him to the floor, Bakugo… had lost his will to fight. Laying there he looked up at Nick, his eyes brimmed with tears as he spoke one word, "Why?"

"Because I hate you, I know what it is like to suffer from the hands of someone who has had a silver spoon shoved up there ass. And you remind me of him, although not even he had your temper. Believe it or not Bakugo, you are strong, very strong. But your personality will never be that of a Hero, at least not unless you really rethink yourself. You train everyday, I have see and felt those results firsthand, I have felt your desire to be first with every blast that you shot from your palms. Every time my skin burnt I felt it."

"You are amazing, and yet that is holding you back. I leaned on someone else for the first time in a long time, and I felt a weight leave my shoulders. You are not alone, hell you have never been alone. But you hurt and bully everything that you think is mocking you. Why? Why are you so determined to be an asshole? Can you not reflect on your mistakes or are you just ashamed of who you are?"

"I would be ashamed to be you… you are worth nothing… with all your power, all your talent, all your effort. You are still worth nothing… because you treat others like nothing. And I am guilty of the same mistake. But I never hurt anyone. At least not intentionally."

As he finished saying this the smoke cleared, and the golden light shining from Nick's eyes radiated around the entire arena. Energy crackled from his skin. Just as Midnight was about to announce him the winner slowly Bakugo shakily started to rise to his feet.

"Why would I ever care what you have to say bastard! I will be the number one, and I will crush you! I will kill you! I will turn you into ash and blood!" Bakugo said as he glared at Nick through tears.

"There is that fire, that fire that drives you to be the best… I admire that much at least. But even Midoriya now has that same fire. I have more respect for that shrimp than I do for you."

With weak fire crackling from his palm, he swung at Nick in a pathetically slow punch but was easily dodged as Nick stepped back.

"Your not worth my time. Not until you change. If you want to be number one so bad, there's actually a really good way. If you believe you can in the next world… you should just dive off the rooftop." Nick finished. Holding eyes with Bakugo as he felt the words sink into the other boy. The other boy now realized just what Nick said, and it hurt.

Nick hated Bakugo because of who he was, but he had seen him grow in canon, the kid really did want to be a hero in the end. Someone that was strong enough to rise above the rest. Even if it was just to be the strongest and just to be able to beat down villains. He still chose to be a hero instead of an underground fighter or something like that.

"Those words were to harsh, I apologize." Nick said but his tone held no sympathy. "I think I am done here. Enjoy winning something at least."

Turning Nick walked off the arena stunning the entire crowd, shocking even Present Mic who said nothing and Midnight who stood there in stunned silence for a moment before without even a crack of her whip said, "H-Hendrix has left the stage… Bakugo is the… winner."

There was no cheering, just confusion. They had seen the boys talk but what had been said, why had Nick left the stage?

He did it because he knew that would piss Bakugo off the most.


There was a small break as they fixed the stage again for the final match that was happening this time, Todoroki vs Tokoyami. Nick did hear that Ida has still been called away, he was also questioned by his friends and class about what had happened but said that was between him and the blonde-haired boy.

The final match was quick and decisive as Todoroki came away with another win scoring himself third place. There was a short break after that as the podium was prepared for the winners to be given their metals.

Having made his way to the stage Nick saw Bakugo was already standing there. Waiting in front of the podium as Todoroki climbed into third place. Walking past Bakugo he got into the second place position yet Bakugo didn't climb into the podium himself. Standing there for a bit with a silent sigh as he eventually climbed onto it.

"Now then, let's move on to the award ceremony!" Midnight called as the class talked about something from the stands.

"Time to confer the medals!!" Midnight yelled as the ground smashed beside her with a loud crash.

"IT IS I!! AND I AM HERE WITH THE MEDALS!" All Might yelled as he landed on the floor.

Standing up he stood in front of Todoroki, he said, "Todoroki my boy. Congratulations. You must have your reasons for suppressing your left side." All Might said as he stood in front of Todoroki.

"The fight with Midoriya triggered my confusion. And I lost grasp of what I should do." Todoroki started as he looked at his feet. "When I fought Ni- Hendrix I truly felt like I got a chance to prove myself, that it was my power not anyone elses. I wanted to be a hero like you. But… I thought If I tried to get over myself, that would be wrong. But it isn't is it. I can come to terms with what I need to, while being me."

Hugging the teen All Might said, "Your expression is comepletely different from before. I won't pry any deeper, but I know that now, you can come to whatever reckoning you need without a doubt."

Standing up All Might made his way to Nick and stood in front of him but just as he was about to put the second place medal on his neck Bakugo spoke up and went from the first place stand to stand beside Nick on the second place one. Looking up at the taller boy he started to speak.

"Wait, I didn't win, it was clear that you did even if you left the stage… get on your fucking podium shithead. This doesn't mean I surrender though. I will kick your ass and make you take back everything you said. I will still kill you. And when I do I'll tear that fucking first place medal from your neck myself got it!?" His voice rose as he spoke, the same aggressive tone returning despite all that Nick had said before.

Scoffing Nick looked at All Might and then at Midnight both of who just shrugged before Midnight looked up towards where the viewing stands for the other teachers were. After a moment she nodded her head and said, "The choice is up to you Hendrix."

With the crowd waiting Nick looked at Bakugo and saw that the kid was trying to contain his rage. Holding back from exploding like he normally did.

"A number one like this isn't worth shit. And I know you did it just to piss me off, see I am not mad! So there is no point continuing this fraud bastard!" Bakugo said, his rage was clear in his eyes but he was clenching his hands to stop the sparks from going off.

Chuckling drying Nick patted him on the shoulder. "Fine then, when you tear that medal off my neck leave nothing but ash and blood behind got it. I still think you are the worse kind of trash… your personality is worse than a burning garbage truck."

With that Nick walked passed and got onto the first-place stand. Sharing a nod with Todoroki as he did so.

Looking back down at Bakugo he couldn't help but scowl a little. What the fuck was this? Why was Bakugo not losing his shit, had he hit him in the head too hard? No, he had healed the kid properly, at least he was pretty sure that he did.

Speaking up all Might put the second place Medal on Bakugo as he said, "Bakugo my boy! What an increadible display of sportsma-"

"IT WASN'T A DISPLAY OF JACK SHIT!" Bakugo yelled, "I Just don't want a first place worth squat so give me the fucking medal that I earned!"

"Well than take this and bear it as a 'wound' so that you shall not forget! Strive to become better! TO BE NUMBER 1!!" All Might responded with a pump of his fist in the air that caused the crowd to go wild.

Moving so that he was standing in front of Nick All Might took out the last medal and put it around the boy's neck despite All Might's massive towering height he still had to get Nick to bend down because of the podium's added height.

"And lastly, Hendrix my boy!" All might said, A small real smile on his face. "Someone who even I think I can learn from. You've given me a lot to think about my boy."

All Might said showing zero tact as both Todoroki and Bakugo who could hear were confused. Patting Nick on the shoulder rapidly he said. "You are very strong but you could be stronger! Never stop striving for perfection, but don't let your strength blind your emotions. Heroes have to have empathy, even if it hurts."

Stepping back All Might said in a loud voice. "AND THERE YOU HAVE IT FOLKS! THIS YEAR, IT'S THIS THREE!! HOWEVER, TAKE HEED!" All Might continue to bellow. "There was a possibility for everyone in this arena to stand there!! It's just as you saw with your very own eyes, Ladies and Gentlemen! They competed and boosted each other up! Everyone climbing to even higher heights, advancing even farther!! The next generation of heroes will surely sprout from the seeds planted this day!! And to that sentiment, I'll add one more thing! EVERYBODY SAY IT WITH NOW!!! AAAAAAND!" All Might started to holler riling the crowd up before a mighty roar from both All Might, the students and the crowd shook the stadium.

"""PLUS ULTRA!!!!!"""


When they all got back to class at the end of the day they were informed that they would have the next day and tomorrow off. It would take a while for all the nominations from the pros to be organized. They would be presented with them after the break.

After being told to get in some rest they were all dismissed, Nick however was called to the principal's office. Wondering if this was about either All for One and One for All or him beating the shit out of Bakugo, smoke and dust had covered that though so it was probably the former.

Getting to the office he saw Nezu already sitting there with a pot of calming and relaxing tea. Honestly, the mood was fantastic, the steam gently drifting from the cups on the table caught in the rays of warm orange sun that washed through the window he felt that it was a fitting end to the events of today. From his encounter with Endeavor to his yell at All Might and Midoriya and his outpouring of hate towards Bakugo. The latter seemed to have changed somewhat… hopefully for the better.

Sitting down he looked at Nezu with a small smile and the mouse looked back at him. A small smile of his own as he said in amusement. "Recovery Girl told me you got to re-priming the two fools before she could? Do you want to hear all this? Because it might drag you into some things that you don't want to be a part of?" The mouse's tone was serious.

"Yeah, I am already in it since I healed All Might…" Nick responded as he picked up his cup.

"Very well then, it's time that we have a talk Nicklaus Hendrix, about more than just All Might and his Arch enemy."


Finally got the chapter done! Please let me know what you think about it, I think that Bakugo was beaten badly enough for him to rethink some things with his life.

Reviews and comments are always welcome! Let me know what you think!

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