
Star Quest

A galactic room that a Genius Inventor Ringo choose and design. Its hard to believe that she choose this room for just a mere curiosity.

I mean... It's really amazing and cool. She said, she just imagining what is the system room looks like.

And this is the result. A dozens of stars twinkle around and every corner of this room.

All of the stars are coordinate that lineup in the ground, walls, and ceiling. If a ordinary person that suddenly summon in this room... I'm sure, she or he will have a great confusion or they will think if they are dead and just a wondering soul that coincidently roaming around somewhere in the galaxies.

If you look in the corner of this room you will see a four moons in each corner. The room is also unexpectedly spacious. That is why, you will feel like you really in the Galaxy.

The monitor screen is right there... Forming like a planet. But instead of round. It's square.


I walk to the white stone that acting like a sun in this room. It place is in the middle. So, it is not really hard to find.

While my five Waifu are just waiting calmly of about what I will going to do.

When I touch the stone...

Dozens of Screen pop up in my eyes. And several "Ding!" Ringing in my ears.

[Ding! The System Is Starting The Update!]

[New System Will Be Install On Your Old System!]

[You receive skill: Recovery]


Level 101

Name: Ren

Age: 18

Class: Waifu Summoner, Time Spirit User, Alchemist, Ice King, Savior of the Stars

Skills: Appraisal, Zafkiel, Shadow manipulation, Intimidate alchemy, Ice magic, Ice manipulation, Ice crown, Communication, Hidden blade,

Summon Waifu: Summon your Waifu as long as you have enough of Mana to summon them! Even if is in another world.

Authority of the Multi-verse: Travel through the stars and stars freely... Without burdening your mind and being stop by the Guardian of the Galaxy.

Recovery: Recover your Mana, Life force, Stamina, and Health!

STR: 100,100




MANA: 1,000,000 (Currently mana: 50,000)

LF(TIME): 100,000

Waifu Points: 100

Waifu points: 1,000 for summoning a random waifu and 10,000 for picking a waifu by yourself, you can also see their name and pictures. 100,000 waifu points for summoning and picking a waifu that you can see their ranks and skills randomly.


Wow... I break through... I wonder, how many level I need to reach the Max level again?

And I got some sweet skills.


Let's skip this, show me the world I would Hop-in.

[Stars Quest!]

• Demon Slayer: Bad End (Difficulty: 8 Stars) 0/2 (Person that Needed on Quest: but randomly.)

• Jujutsu Kaisen: Bad End (Difficulty: 10 stars) 0/5

• Black Clover: Bad End (Difficulty: 9 Stars) 0/1

What the heck... I don't know what is the other two but the other one I watched it's first season.


That is the Demon Slayer... Should I pick it up? It is reasonable after all... I have a clue on his anime and the Difficulty is lower compared to the other two...

Then shall we?

I pressed the demon slayer quest to see the info.

Demon Slayer (Bad End) Descriptions: It is suppose to be have a good and heart warming ending and a peaceful future awaits to them but... After the demon slayer corps successfully slay and kill Kibutsuji Muzan. They didn't think that the other countries have failed to kill their own respective demon lord. That result of Extinction of Human kind.

- Slay all the demon lords in the world of demon slayer

- Slay all the demon in demon slayer world!

- Save the Humanity in the Demon slayer world!

- Attain the true peace and good ending in the world of demon slayer.

- Prevent the world from destruction(?)

Rewards: ???

"The fuck!?..." Then... The Demon slayer is supposed to have a good ending? I don't know, how the demon slayer end. Since I only watch the season 1... Then I died before I start watching the season 2.

" Should I go now...?" I said trying to have a permission on my waifu.

"If is what you want then we will support you..." Ginko said.

"But you are still weak Ren-san..." Kurumi said while looking at me.

"That's true." Kisara also support what Kurumi said.

I have also a linking feeling that I'm still weak and inexperience so...

"Then... Since, The world that we will save is a world where swordsman and demon are fighting... So, Kisara please train me hard." I said and bow my head in front of Kisara who is the only swordsman in this group.

She smile and just nodded her head.

"Of course my life is always indebted to you so starting tomorrow we will do our training so... Prepare yourself Ren..." She said and her face is saying leave everything to me.

"O-ohhh I will do my best..." I said


"I... I will also create a facility for your training..." Ringo said in a tiny voice, she is in my side while doing her hobbit gestures.

"Thank you Ringo." I said.

3 months passed

" Haa... Haa... Haa..."


What the hell!

This is not a training anymore!

This is a torture!

Climbing the 10,000 meters Mountain 10x and you need to finish it in 3 days because if you don't you will taste the true hell!!!


Who the hell will run a 100 Kilometers and you need to finish before the morning comes!


She is the only monster that I know of...

"Kisara... Are you perhaps a sadist?" I asked while finished the 100 km marathon.

And there is also Marin that her body is drop dead. She also forcibly do the training things to accompany me.

"Of course I'm not..." Kisara said calmly.

"N-no she is sadist in nature!" Marin said while still catching her breath.

"Hm? Did I heard it right Marin?" Kisara said while looking at Marin with deadly gaze.

"I'm not saying anything..." Marin said and look around.

Apparently, she have more harsher training than I have.

And they also going to sparring each other on the training room that Ringo build.

But it always broken because all of them are slowly turning into a Monster.

No. All of them are monsters to begin with.

Well... Ringo will just build it easily.

4 Months of doing a hellish training.

Even though I have no talent of sword. I still learn how to do the basics.

If all of you wondering why I can't learn the swordsmanship even how much tried I had... Simple, I simply don't have a class on it. No, I have a class on it... The problem is locked. I need to meet the conditions.

And this months my relationships of my other waifu are going on a next stage.

Well... It is still not on that level yet. Since all of us are busy in the training ourselves in order to save the world.


I go to the Star room now. It is the room that we name after many turn and that. Just thinking of the name of this room. Take us a few more weeks before we decide.

I slowly walk through the White stone that acting like a sun in the star room.

And place my right hand on it.

And look carefully on the quest. Of course my lovely waifu are also in my back, supporting of anything that I would do.

[Do you want to Save the world of Demon Slayer?]

I look at my five and beautiful waifu and smile and pressed the word [Yes] that floating infront of me.

And my whole body turn into a light particles.

====Bonus Chappu====

(How they name the Star Room)

In one of the tallest building in unknown island...

There's a six people sitting in a comfortable chair.

Their eyes held a serious glint.

One is smiling gently but her smile and red and Golden clock eyes are looking to them with confidence that, she will win.

The other one possess a violet eyes and her dark hair smoothly flowing like a falls, her expression are looking at them that saying... She will not lose!!!

On the other sit... A girl with crystal blue hair and eyes looking at them coldly and her cold and competitive aura are not wavering!

The girl with red hat and the inventor or owner of this high tech building looking at her sister with a confusion in her chestnuts eyes.

And the gilr name Marin... Have a playful smile that if you look at her, you will think that she already win.

"Alright... Let's start the third "Meeting" of that room..." (Ren)

"Me! Me! Me!" Marin energetically raise her hand.

"Alright... What name you want to suggest?" (Ren)

She smirk and put her hand in her face covering her right eyes then she comb her hair like a chuuni... "Name it... A dark stars of the Uni..."


"Hey! It is still not end!" Marin said while she pouting at me.

All the other waifu also agreed...

Kurumi is the next one who raise her hand...

"How about... Star-feline?" (Kurumi)

"Too obvious, that you based it in the other words of cat... Rejects." I said kurumi just drop her head down.

The third one who raise her hand is Ginko.

"Neither Frost..." Ginko said simple as that.

It actually a good name but...

"Rejected..." It is a hood name if the room is frosty but it is in space so... It is obvious, My other waifu also think so too.

Ringo is the next one who raise her hand...

"How about... Star Room?" She suggests.

All of us look at Ringo.


The six of us decides to name that room a "Star Room"

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