
Reach for the Stars, Part Eight

Neve stood there, for a little bit. 

The horde of monsters that had placed her in this position had not left. 

[... Turning back's not something I can do,] Neve understood with a sigh. [Fine.] 

The first thing she did was jump up a few times. Once with barely any strength, a second time putting more effort into it, and then a third with all of her strength, just so she could get a feel for her own hops. 

To her left, she saw the chest. Up above, far away, was the exit. 

[Okay, I may as well go for it, since I'm closer to that thing than I am to the exit. Should be fine...] She leaned forward, trying to get a sense of the path to the chest. It was so dark that she could only just barely make out the positions of each of the blocks leading up to it. Darker by far than the path leading to the exit was. [I guess that's part of the challenge.] 

Neve readied herself, her breathing slowing steadily. 

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