
Don’t You Want To Get Rid Of Endeavor?

"This is what happens when you irritate me." I said while driving to my house.

I had to strap Shoto down to the seat with the seatbelt. He just wouldn't stay in the car. Which I can understand, but I haven't even done anything yet. So much for Mr. Nice Guy.

"Let me out this instant!" Shoto demanded while struggling to get out of the seat.

I parked into the driveway in front of my house. I banged my head on the steering wheel and mumbled to myself out of annoyance. I already knew Kisu was inside my house and Toga would bother the hell out of me.

"You want out?" I asked while untangling his seatbelt and gripping his shirt so he didn't try to run away. "You can run around in my house."


The mechanical arm in my bag came out and grabbed Shoto. It held onto his arm while dragging him inside my house. I made sure to lock all the doors before letting him roam around.

The mechanical arm started freezing, turning into an ice-blue color. Shoto was using his Quirk to try and get away. Fat chance. I wouldn't let him leave over my dead body.

"Ooh, ooh, Yuno-Chan!" Toga exclaimed, popping her head over the couch. "Who's that? Who's that?"

"Oh?" I heard Kisu, who was slumping down in a chair with her feet propped up on the table, browsing at her phone. "You actually brought him here? That's weird coming from you."

"Shut your gob before I shove something down it." I answered, knocking her chair over, causing her to fall down.

Shoto gave a dumbfounded look as I continued dragging him and plopped him in a chair. Obviously, he was confused that a bunch of villains were acting like buddy-buddy. In his mind, I could tell that he was thinking we would be a bit more…violent, I guess. Not as friendly with each other.

"Why am I handcuffed?" Shoto wiped the look off his face and gave a serious one instead.

I had handcuffed him in some new cuffs that I had made. The cuffs are made to block a person's Quirk, making them less dangerous. I use a special remote to block out the person's Quirk, just to mess with them sometimes.

"That way you won't do anything." I answered, pushing Toga away from so she wouldn't try and cuddle me.

"If I'm handcuffed, then why strap me to a chair?"

"What do you think? I know you're capable of so much. Which is also part of the reason I brought you here and lied to your mother."

Kisu stood up off the ground before dusting her shirt and walking over to Shoto. She bend over to his face and put a finger to her chin. She examined the red and white haired teen.

"Aha! I remember now!" She said while putting her hands together and smiling. "You're the guy who hates his father. I remember the relationship now. I'm such an idiot sometimes."

"Can't say I disagree." I answered with a monotone voice, sliding over in my chair.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"

"Nothing. Just saying you're a really big idiot."

"Well, I don't have an IQ of, like, 350! Jackass!"

"346. My IQ is 346."

Again, Shoto had the stupid look that showed he was clearly confused. And here I thought he was actually smart. Pretty sure that hot-headed kid that Kisu gets along with would understand better than this fire-ice guy. He shook his head, pushing the thought away and gave that serious face again.

"What do you know about my relationship with Endeavor?" Shoto asked while staring at Toga, watching her drink blood from a bottle. "And you," he then looked at me. "What do you want with me? How do you know about Toya? Where did you get all of this information? Why did you lie to my mother?"

"Would you, please, shut up?" I interrupted his series of questions. "I know you have many questions. But will you just shut up? My brain is scattered with these two…things in my house."

"Hey!" Kisu and Toga complained.

"It's true, you irritating beings of human kind. I'm not going to sit here and lie to your face, saying that you're both the sweetest things on earth. You're really not. And get the hell off of me."

Toga crawled onto my lap and started snuggling me like she had been doing for the past week or two. God, that annoyed the fuck out of me sometimes. Kisu started complaining about why I would let Toga cuddle me, but not her. Telling her to kick sand always worked. It's a nicer way of telling her to fuck off, I guess.

POV Todoroki

What was going on? Three weird and confusing people stood in front of me, arguing. They were arguing about dumb things, like why they couldn't cuddle each other?

"What is wrong with you people? Are you villains or low-life criminals?" I asked, interrupting their argument.

"Low-life?" The white haired girl known as Kisu glared at me. "Low-life?! What- where did you get that from? Huh?"

I gave an awkward look than shifted my eyes away, sweating bullets. I didn't think she'd get so mad if she really was a villain. Guess I was wrong and she's just like Katsuki, temperamental.

"Yuno-Chan! Let me pluck his eyes out with a knife!" The blond girl known as Toga came lunging at me before Yuno, I think was his name, caught her.

"You're not plucking anyone's eyes out." Yuno sighed and threw Toga back onto the couch.

I pulled my hands apart, trying to get out of the handcuffs. If only I could find the key. Of course they wouldn't just leave it around, but it should've been simple enough to find. I'm not a dumb teenager like everyone else, I should have been able to predict where it might have been.

"If I let you out, will you stay in this house?" Yuno brought me back to the present.

"Will you tell me why you brought me here in the first place?" I questioned him back.

Yuno smirked and crossed his legs. That smug look made me a little mad. What was he being so smug about? Maybe he was just smiling at something unimportant. Not likely, I know.

"Why don't you just melt the cuffs?" That made me flinch when Kisu said that. "Y'know with that fire Quirk."

"You know what my Quirk is?"

"You used your ice on my machine while I was dragging you inside." Yuno said to me, rolling his eyes.

"I didn't even use my fire. How do you know about all of this? First you bring back Toya, you spout out all this information about my family, where did you get this information from?"

"Yuno-Chan is so smart! He was the one who got all the information! He's a genius!" Toga cheered while trying to hug Yuno.

"Shut up, Toga. And yes, I'm a smart person. That's what my Quirk is. High Intellect."

"You seem confident to be blurting out your Quirk just like that."

Kisu bursted out laughing. I don't know why she did, but she just started laughing and pointing fingers at me.

"Y- you think that we're weak? Ahahaha! Says the one who doesn't even give it his all when fighting! What does that make you, an overconfident asshole? Ahaha!"

"I'm no asshole. Don't call me that again. And I'm not overconfident." I snapped at Kisu.

"Really? You've never used your fire. I'd call that overconfident. Say we were to actually attack you, you think you could take all of us without your full power? Heh, yeah right."

"I will never use my father's Quirk. I will never be someone like him. He's an arrogant bastard who neglects his children."

POV Yuno

Listening to Todoroki say this, it pissed me off. He thinks he can take in a villain without his full power. Puh, he says that his father is arrogant? No wonder, it must be the genetics.

"You say it's your father's Quirk?" I asked Shoto while standing up and lifting his chin to look up at me. "It's your Quirk. Not his. The Quirk belongs to you. What makes you think it's his?"

Shoto was quiet for a few moments. What I had said shocked him. Of course it did, having a father like that would drive me crazy, even with the kind of parents I had.

Shoto pulled away from me, not wanting me to touch him. I smirked at him, then pulled the key out from my pocket. I'm surprised he was never able to find it, how stupid. I unlocked his cuffs. They fell off as he rubbed his wrists.

"This is part of the reason why I brought you here. Your weak and arrogant. I'd say that your pretty similar to your father."

Shoto glared, then lunged at me with a his hand curled into a fist. I dodged it and he ended up heading toward Kisu. She grabbed his fist and smirked at him.

"Ooh, I'm a target now? But I'm your classmate." Kisu teased as she bend his wrist down, causing a strain on his wrist. He pulled away and threw his hand out, sending a wave of ice at her.

Kisu was nowhere to be found. She then whispered into his ear from behind. "Something people don't know about me, I can steal Quirks for a certain amount of time. But someone like you wouldn't know that. Let's take that ice Quirk of yours. You'll be forced to use your fire here."

Shoto flinched, then reached behind him, trying to grab Kisu. She brought her arm up, that way he wouldn't grabbing her neck. He gripped her forearm and tried to use his ice on her.

"Ooh, I didn't know Kisu-Chan could take Quirks! That's so cool!" Toga cheered as she thrusted her knife at Shoto.

Shoto let go of Kisu and grabbed Toga's wrist before she could stab him. He used her momentum and turned around with her, then threw her at me. I moved to the side and tripped her over. I caught her with my arm and took her knife away.

"Dummy, we're not trying to kill him." I scolded Toga.

"Aw, I just wanted his blood! Why can't I have just a little bit of blood?"

"You had an entire bottle. Shut up and put the knife away. At least grab a dull one, idiot."

I kept scolding Toga while Kisu was currently sitting right on top of Shoto. Don't worry, she wasn't doing anything weird, if you know what I mean. Shoto was simply put onto his stomach and she was sitting on top of him so he wouldn't get away.

"Get off of me, I'm asking nicely and I will not ask again." Shoto demanded of Kisu.

"Hah! Make me, buddy!" Kisu answered in his face. "You can't do anything without that ice Quirk of yours. I personally think it's hilarious."

Shoto growled. Who wouldn't be upset with an irritating woman sitting on them? I for one, hate it when girls sit on me, I don't care how thick the ass is. It's just disgusting. If a girl ever sat on me, I would tell them to get the hell off and go fuck their self.

"No choice but to use that fire!" Toga jumped up and down. "So, go ahead and use it! Go, go, go!"

I covered Toga's mouth. Some times her voice was really annoying. Shutting her up was the best thing I've done today. Jesus.

"Kisu, get off of him." I said. "I'm going to bring him somewhere."

"Hah?! Why? If he won't do it willingly, we'll make him do it forcefully. What's wrong with that?"

"Just get off." I sighed and crossed my arms, shaking my head at Kisu's habit of not listening. The mechanical arm came out of my bag again and picked up Kisu, then threw her onto the couch. I then offered a hand to Shoto to help him up. "You'll find that we're not all bad. Just bored, you'll see."

Shoto looked at me for a few seconds, but soon enough he took my hand and I pulled him up. I walked toward my room and opened the door. I pointed inside and looked at Shoto, telling him to get inside. He hesitated for a few minutes before I had to grab his wrist and bring him in myself. Kisu rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone and started playing games as she followed inside as well. Toga simply did her annoying bounce and hopped inside my room.

"Pft, can't believe you didn't want to just force him and then explain." Kisu complained as she plopped on my gaming chair.

"Shut up. It's better then whatever you were doing. Fucking sitting on top of him like it's normal. What are you, his boyfriend?"

"Does that mean you're my boyfriend Yuno-Chan?" Toga asked me with a finger to her chin. "You let me sit in and cuddle you all the time."

"You're an exception." I answered, a small bit of pink appeared in my cheek. I had just realized that Toga always sat in me. How stupid of me. "I'm not able to stop you from sitting on me."

"Cut to the chase." Shoto interrupted us. "What do you want? You still haven't told me anything among your petty arguments."

I grabbed a remote that sat on my table while Kisu slid over in my chair and turned the light off. I pushed a button on the remote in my hand and a hologram sat in front of Shoto. A hologram of Endeavor. Shoto flinched as his hair flailed from the sudden shift.

"Let's try that introduction again." I said, crossing my arms and looking at Shoto. "Yuno Tsumuyuki, at your service. My Quirk is High Intellect, I'm practically the smartest person you'll meet."

"Kisuma Aoni, you better fucking call me Kisu. Quirk is Steal, which allows me to steal things swiftly and fast. That includes Quirks, pretty boy."

"I'm Toga Himiko! My Quirk is Transformation! If I drink someone's blood, then I can turn into that person, use their Quirk and even copy their voice!"

We surrounded Shoto so he couldn't get away. He stared at each of us. "Why are you giving me information about yourselves? I could report you for kidnapping me like this."

"Oh?" I smirked. "Don't you want him gone?" I clicked another button on my remote and pointed it at the hologram. The hologram of Endeavor changed from him standing in his prideful pose, to a despairing human being on his hands and knees, regretting everything he's done in his life.

"What does my father have to do with all this?" Shoto asked while staring at the pitiful hologram in front of him.

"You hate him, don't you? We can get rid of him together!" Toga smiled. "You hate him so much for driving your mommy insane! You've always wanted him gone!"

"Want him gone?" Kisu smiled and gave a thumbs down. "Just say the word."

"This is why you're here now." I threw a candle at Shoto, which he caught. "You know who Kisu is, since she's your classmate. That should carry enough trust in us. You've never used your fire. We can get rid of Endeavor. It'll be simple. But you have to use your fire."

Shoto held the candle. He dropped his hands to his side and looked at us with trusting eyes. "I'll trust you, but if you make any sudden moves, then I'll report you. I'll…train with you, to get rid of Endeavor."

Endeavor…I hate him so much…

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