
18: Cuddling in caves and wooden tents

"Because I love you...." Jungkook whispered underneath his breathe so soft that Jimin couldn't hear him, "What was that?"

"I said 'because I don't want to be responsible for you getting hurt." Jungkook answered finally looking up to stare into Jimin's beautiful brown eyes.

"A-are you sure?" Jimin asked finding it strange that the sentence Jungkook had spoken was so much longer then the one he didn't hear, of course Jungkook lied and just said, "Yes. I don't want to be responsible for your injuries."

"If I trip and fall and break an arm that's on me." Jimin said with an unbelievably adorable grin.

"But if it's on my watch then-"

"Then you can come to my rescue like the Prince Charming you are," Jimin interrupted giving Jungkook butterflies, "Are you blushing?...." Jimin asked softly stepping even closer to Jungkook's body.

"No! Why would I be blushing?" Jungkook scoffed once again avoiding Jimin's eyes, "You are!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly at the very clear streak of pink covering Jungkook's cheeks along with his red ears that were slightly more hidden by his longish dyed silver hair.

"No I'm not!" Jungkook almost raised his voice getting so shy, "Why are you flustered? Jagiya?" Jimin teased making Jungkook even more pink, this time adding a boner.

"D-dont call me that." Jungkook almost stuttered turning away from Jimin, causing him to get back hugged.

"Why are you shy? No one ever called you Prince Charming?" Jimin asked with a proud grin, "C-come on, h-hyung. L-let go..." Jungkook stuttered trying to rid himself of Jimin's grip.

"You should be told how handsome you are more often if you're going to get this shy every time." Jimin didn't put up a fight to stay in the hug hoping Jungkook would cuddle him again once it started raining.

Which came sooner then expected, there wasn't much rain yet but it could be felt on their skin.

Jungkook told Jimin to get inside with the blankets while he went back to the beach to try and drag the boat a little more in land in case the sea water raised.

Of course Jimin was stubborn and forced Jungkook to let him help too.

It wasn't much of a struggle, all they really had to do was drag it a few feet. Getting it out of the water was harder probably because of how tired they were.

Jimin wasn't much help, he wasnt very strong and didn't put much of a dent in the struggle. But Jungkook of course pretended like he was helping him a lot, and Jimin was proud of himself. Since they were doing it at the same time it was hard to tell if you were actually doing anything.

But while struggling Jimin fell and Jungkook could move it just the same, so he just pretended to struggle more after Jimin let go.

Anything for his favourite hyung.

(In the forest a little bit earlier)

"Taehyung, will you please stop ignoring me?" Hoseok begged angrily after so long period of Taehyung just pretending he wasn't there. Of course, no response.

"If you keep this up I might just try again." Hoseok scoffed frustratedly, Taehyung dropped his potential staff-looking stick along with four somewhat short vines he found on a tree.

After a few seconds of silence and regret Taehyung turned to Hoseok and slapped him once again, "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE LEAVE ME!!!" He shouted cheeks already stained with tears.

"Taehyungie, I didnt mean to-" Hoseok tried to calm Taehyung and his rapid mood swings but he just got another slap.

"I DONT CARE!!! HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY IT UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND?!!! I CANT LOOSE YOU I CANT I JUST CANT!!!" Taehyung cried burying his face into Hoseok's chest while he hit him continuously, of course Hoseok hugged him tightly.

"I can loose you Hoseok.... I love you too much...." Taehyung's screaming outbreak stopped rather quickly and now he was just crying while softly sobbing into Hoseok's chest.

"I wont leave you Taehyungie, I promise I won't." Hoseok swore holding Taehyung's head with his right hand and waist with his left, it was a real kdrama hug.

"Please don't cry over me.... I promise I won't ever leave you...."

"What about the baby?" Taehyung asked after a sniffle still huddling into Hoseok's arms.

"If it survived.... I know I have no right to ask this, but I really want to be part of its life. When we find out if it.... you know. Then, I'll be there for you, and if it's still alive. I hope you'll allow me to raise it along side with you." Hoseok said lifting Taehyung's chin to force him to look at him.

Instead of saying anything else Hoseok leaned down to press a soft kiss onto his lips, only after he pulled out of the kiss along with the warm hug he said, "But I can't, can I?" He asked turning away from Taehyung.

"What do you mean?" Taehyung asked taking Hoseok's hand in his still being faced away, "You were so mad at me when I....did that too you, but did you even consider my feelings?" Hoseok asked turning to Taehyung again, he wanted so badly to just let shout all his feelings. But how could he?

"Nevermind, like you said. It probably died, so you don't have to worry anymore."

"Dont just say 'nevermind'! If there's something on your mind then say it." Taehyung said cupping Hoseok's cheeks, however his hands were pulled away.

"It's nothing Taehyung, just forget it." Hoseok smiled bitterly then picked a flower off of it's tree, "But-" Taehyung tried to say but was interrupted by Hoseok saying "Just. Leave it. Okey? Dont start, because I doubt you'll be able to stop me afterwards." Hoseok warned putting the flower into Taehyung's hair.

"Now come, can't you feel it raining? Let's find some shelter, actually. I found a narrow cave earlier, let's go there. Its not far." Hoseok said leading Taehyung to, like he said, a small narrow cavish dent in the rocks.

This island was full of rocks, put together it could fill a mountain.

"We'll need to squeeze in a little bit but it'll keep us dry." Hoseok explained getting inside first, and Taehyung followed.

"Why don't we just go back?" Taehyung asked sitting down, "There's no cover from the rain there, and I'm not about to have you get sick." Hoseok explained sitting down next to Taehyung.

"Do you mind?" Taehyung asked holding out his arms to indicate he wanted to cuddle, it wasn't uncommon for them to huddle together during rain or thunder storms. But he had to make sure it was okey now.

"Yeah, come here." Hoseok said hesitantly, Taehyung threw his legs over Hoseok's lap and cuddled into his chest.

They were generally the same height, Hoseok being only a few inches taller. But comparing size, Hoseok was definitely a lot more buff and the size difference always made Taehyung feel so small and insignificant.

It's something he loved about cuddling with Hoseok, he's always been a bit if not a lot bigger then the rest of his friends who were rarely alpha's. So hugging and being close to Hoseok made him feel a lot safer and protected. It made him feel submissive.

"Are you cold? You want my hoodie?" Hoseok asked after a while of silence only to be ignored, "This again?" Hoseok asked thinking Taehyung was doing it on purpose.

But when he looked over at Taehyung he found that he was just asleep, "So peaceful and calm, can't you be this way always?" Hoseok asked stroking the back of Taehyung's neck softly, something he knew Taehyung likes even though whenever he did it while Taehyung was awake he'd get scolded at.

But when Taehyung was sleeping this action would often eliminate any nightmares or other demons he stored up in there.

"Please don't die...." Taehyung mumbled gripping onto Hoseok's hoodie, "I wonder if you would've wanted the baby to live?" Hoseok asked kissing Taehyung's forehead curious if Taehyung actually wanted to raise a baby.

"Boom!" The lightning said interrupting Hoseok and waking Taehyung up with a hell of a jump scare.

"Shh, it's just some lightning...." Hoseok whispered into Taehyung's ear and calmed him down immediately, "I hate thunder storms!" Taehyung yelled rapping his arms around Hoseok's neck, a habit.

"Dont.... not right now." Hoseok begged in his head not having the heart to push Taehyung away just because it was arousing, he never had the heart to push him away.

"Its okey, it's just a little thunder. It can't hurt you." Hoseok said instead holding Taehyung's waist already feeling his member begin to bulge.

"I'm still scared...." Taehyung whispered into Hoseok's ear desperately clinging onto him.

"It's Okey...." Hoseok siad not believing his words I'm the slightest bit.

(With Jimin and Jungkook)

"H-hey Jungkook-ah?...." Jimin asked after he settled down underneath the wooden tent, he was getting scared of the lightning.

"Yes?" Jungkook asked sitting quite far away from him, he was afraid that Jimin might get mad if he got too close.

"C-can you come here please?" Jimin almost stuttered spreading his arms open, "Aww, is my baby afraid of the lightning?" Jungkook asked already coming in to cuddle with Jimin. He would very happily hold his favourite person ever.

"Does my Jiminssi need daddy's comfort from the big bad scary lightning?" Jungkook teased as Jimin made himself comfortable in Jungkook's lap, "Just hold me you jerk." Jimin complained cuddling into Jungkook's chest.

Jungkook was now sitting with his legs partly spread open while Jimin laid sideways on his lap, laying down on his chest while Jungkook held his waist protectively.

"You can't be serious," Jimin almost whispered feeling Jungkook start to become harder, "Don't do that!" Jimin said annoyed feeling his cheeks burn up in blush.

"I can't control it." Jungkook chuckled almost shyly, however nothing in the world could stop him from being proud of his....um....manhood.

"Well keep it to yourself!" Jimin said scutching closer to Jungkook's neck, "Excuse you, who's pressing their ass onto my cock? Not me!" Jungkook defended himself unconsciously pulling Jimin's body even closer.

"It's not my fault!" Jimin exclaimed annoyed gladly letting Jungkook pull him in.

"Well I ain't gonna turn myself on." Jungkook scoffed and in return he got an eye roll from the older.

"Just hold me! I'm scared." Jimin complained burying his face into the crook of Jungkook's neck.

"You know, you're the one who's annoyingly attractive." Jungkook scoffed struggling hard to not release his alpha pheromones, he thought it would hurt his Jiminssi.

Jimin giggled evilly raising his head to very seductively lick the skin of Jungkook's neck, making him inhale sharply almost moaning.

To his dismay, Jimin only did it once before settling down and becoming quiet.

(An Hour later)

"Jiminssi, I'm gonna go try to find Tae and Hobi hyungs. I'm getting really worried." Jungkook said but Jimin just groaned loudly, "Noooooo, I'm so comfortable." He said still in the sane position, he was basically asleep.

"Would you really trade your friends safety just to be comfy hyung?" Jungkook chuckled trying to get Jimin off of himself.

"Nooo! They're fine, it started raining just a little bit after they left so they're probably hiding in a cave or underneath a tree to keep from the rain. Just stay with me Ggukk-ah!" Jimin complained desperately clinging onto him without using any honorifics and using a nickname only he has ever been allowed to use and one only he used when he was overly tired.

"But I'm worried hyung."

"They're fineeeeee!" Jimin whined not wanting to get up, and he won over Jungkook. Of course Taehyung and Hoseok was fine and deep down he knew that, but what was he gonna do if not worry?

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