
Origins of The skeletons part 1


POV Rei:

We lived in an Empire civilization in the mountainous regions, I wasn't living in the main city, but more in one of the neighboring villages, that were part of the empire, there were still many soldiers who guarded the villages due to our communities, however, my family was impoverished, and our income was not all that great, however, I had a plan that could really help them, I wanted to train and become a soldier, you can earn a ton of money, but it wasn't just the money situation being the reason to fight for the empire, it had been my dream to become a soldier and defend my home with dauntless bravery ever since I was a little kid, and though it might sound like a little much to ask for, I hope I could be stationed in my home village so I can defend my family and friends. I felt like I had my work cut out for me, I might have my weaknesses, but I was especially skilled with the bow, and I never missed my targets, many of my friends and neighbors were amazed and they thought I had what it takes to become a first-class soldier.

I walked out of my house that morning and stretched, I saw my parents and brother working in the fields, and I walked over to the stables and pet my horse, Cash, I brushed him and we rode to the forest, I set up some targets and practiced my archery while riding Cash's back, I was improving every day, but I guess I should probably increase the difficulty so I can improve even more.

when my training was over I put Cash back in his stable and checked up on the family, they weren't able to get much money from today's harvest today, and to make matters worst, half of it had to go to the tax collector, I wanted to help them more than anything, but they said no to my full work on the fields, my family was still supportive of my wish and still encouraged me to prepare for my goal of becoming a soldier, so to show them I was serious, I continued to train, and study for I needed to learn.

Many months later, it was finally time to attempt to be recruited, I bid my family goodbye, got on my horse cash, and made my way to the capital, to join the academy and the ranks. It took months of hard work and determination, but I was overjoyed when I finally graduated from the academy, and they recruited me as a marksman, days later and I was honestly pretty anxious, I have finally completed one of my main goals, but the journey was only starting, I had long ways to go from here, I had doubts but I won't give up, and I will be able to tackle whatever comes my way.


A few years passed, and things were going great for me, I was rising up in the ranks as we speak, and I ranked to archer-specialist, using my bow to take down enemies, rebels, bandits, monsters, you name it. I was also able to move my family to a greater home near the capital, thanks to the perks of my new ranks. I was happy, I made good friends in the army, my parents were proud, and I made a great impression on my family name, yep, this was definitely the best call I could make.

One day we kept getting reports of a strange man spectating our empire, reports show him somehow being able to float in mid-air and could manipulate lightning at will. The only cosmetic details we have is that he had glowing eyes, and looked like Brian, the leader of the explorer group called "the end seekers". I always thought they were a strange group, but they never had a reputation for pillaging towns, and I definitely found it weird that Brian is here all of a sudden with some sort of power.

That's when the unimaginable happened, the infamous explorer Brian flew down and summoned these strange green mutant creatures that exploded from the ground, we fought back, somehow keeping the monsters at bay we looked up and saw him looking somewhat... impressed? He flew to the capital's city castle, he halted the mutants nicknamed "creepers" and proceeded to make a message loud enough that even the neighboring villages could hear.

"Listen up!" he shouted "I find great potential in these soldiers, luckily for you, I have been testing many tribes, and every single one of them failed against the creepers, and so their result was death! However, think this capital has some impressive fighters who could take part in my army for the upcoming war."

Everyone was confused and scared, I had no idea what was going on, how did Brian get so unstoppable all of a sudden, and why did he need us to fight for him, what war is he trying to start!?!?

Brian said one last thing before he flew away. "I will give you 3 days max to plan on my proposal, will you either fight with me? or against me? It is all up to you, I hope you make the right decision, I WILL BE BACK!!!!"

Just like that, Brian vanished, and everyone was sent into a state of panic, the higher-ups were anguished, and the soldiers were in shock.

On day 2 since the message, the chief made a speech to us, we had no idea what to expect, so we decided to just weather the storm no matter what the decision might be.

"Listen, everyone, I know you may be terrified of what trials have approached us recently, about the unknown entity who attacked us, and now wants us to do his bidding. But we are a proud and humble empire, we don't want our army to commit any war crimes that monster will probably force us to fight for, we are not going to just give in and give up!!! We will fight, we will take him down, and make him nothing more but history! We may have no idea what to expect, but if it means going down with honor, so be it, we can overcome the impossible! WE WILL PREVAIL!!!!"

We shouted back with a battle cry, we were scared sure, but the chief had a point, this is the greater option, who knows what we would have to go through being commanded by Brian, we all agreed to fight for our empire, it may not be about winning or losing, but it doesn't matter when you are making a great stand!

We spent the rest of the day preparing for the possible war we will have to fight on day 3 when Brian will return, we built barricades and walls, set up cannons, and created archer towers for the war. Some civilians left the city and abandoned ship, and others stayed to help in the cause, as we all stood there all night, knowing about the inevitable, we knew we had each other, and prayed for the best.

On day 3 Brian made his return to the capital, he saw us all in battle formation, but it's clear he was in denial, and flew over to the chief.

"Now then, have you made your decision?" Brian asked.

"What does it look like you fool? We aren't going to join you, no! we will fight! we will kil-" The chief yelled but was cut off when Brian beheaded him with his sword.

Brian looked furious, but for some reason, he couldn't stop laughing, "suit yourselves then!"

we all tried to attack Brian, but it was no use, it seemed as if our arrows and projectiles had no use on him, our sword fighters couldn't weave a scratch on him, he was too fast. we lost by a landslide and Brian was only fighting alone! He didn't summon a single monster, we were screwed from the start, and we tried to surrender.

"no no it's too late for that now is it? I gave you idiots more than enough time to consider joining me, but no, I guess I will just have to find someone else." Brian said

Everyone in the empire was encircled by a wall of obsidian, there was no escape.

"what are you going to do, kill us?" The emperor asked

Brian grinned deviously and said, "not really, I have something far worst for this pathetic empire." "I must say, it will leave your bones rattling..."

Everyone was sent into a spiral, terrified, begging, sent into a state of panic

"SILENCE!!!" Brian shouted so loud that our ears bled.

He then started to fly up into the sky and make the sky turn dark, he was then encircled by an aura of strange blue lightning, and with a blinding light, we were all ensnared by it.

It was excruciating, and all I could hear is distant screaming by everyone, I could hardly hear myself, it lasted for what felt like an eternity, and everything went black.


When I finally awoke, all I could hear was a constant commotion, I tried to collect myself, but I was just treated with instant shock, everyone who lived in the empire, INCLUDING the neighboring villages, was turned into SKELETONS, even all our animals were living skeletons.

We had to hide from the sunlight every day to not get burned to death, we couldn't communicate or talk, we could only make bone-rattling sounds. it was impossible to almost do anything, many people became lost, and even I started to forget who I was, and where I was, I couldn't tell who or where my family was, because everyone practically looked the same, the only minor differences were the heights of the certain skeleton, and that wasn't enough for me to find them.

Weeks have passed since the incident, and many have died from sunlight, I don't even know if my family and friends were still around, I practically lost all hope.

However we had a theory, if Brian was able to turn us into skeleton monsters, he could turn us back. we all split into platoons to search for him, I got my horse Cash who was now a skeleton horse, to make my journey easier, luckily my platoon also had skeleton horses, so we put on iron helmets and ventured on as a group of 5.

However, we had no luck, as we were too far from our city. During our endless travels, our group ran into a group of humans, they were scared of us and tried to attack us, we tried to show we weren't trying to hurt them, but our hands were forced, and we ended up having to fight, killing the group of humans.

Every night past that has all been the same, people wanting to kill us, and we could only be victorious so many times, every other battle we lost a member of our platoon, and all of the skeleton horses too were killed because people thought the horses were also hostile. One after another my team was slayed, until eventually, I was the last one that remained, my armor broke, and I was by myself with nothing but my horse Cash who hardly showed any emotion once he was transformed into a skeleton, and for weeks, I was hiding in caves during the day, and just trying to survive the night.

I was distraught, "how could things go wayward so fast!?!?" I wanted to cry, but I couldn't due to my condition, I lost my home, my family, my identity, and everything except the bow on my back.

I had no other choice but to march forward, because although all is lost, I had one goal at the back of my mind, I wanted to try and find that monster Brian, and kill him myself! But that goal seemed almost impossible, for I have been searching for almost a year.


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