
U.A entrance exam

- Habaki POV -

Walking into the school grounds allowed you to truly see how big the school was. Standing there made you feel insignificant to the massive size of the school buildings. Also the amount of people that were there was crazy, I knew it was popular but this many, now the astronomically low acceptance rate made sense. Walking up the school doors I got a paper saying I should go to examination room C for my written exam. Sitting down I didn't see either Kirishima or Mina, I knew that those 2 would be here after all. Maybe they were in a different room. A paper had just been laid on my table, and before I could think about a voice said that the written exam had begun.

The questions were for the most part ok, but there was some of them, that almost no middle schooler would get correct. That also included me. I think I answered all the questions right besides 3. Those were brutal. Even having studied further than middle school I couldn't figure them out.

After a bell rang signaling the end of the exam our papers were collected and we were moved into an auditorium. As I was walking in was pricked on the shoulder. Looking behind me I saw the unmistakable jagged teeth smirking at me.

''Long time no see.'' I started while still walking.

''Yeah it is, ahhh you're still taller than me.'' Kirishima said in a jokingly sad expression. He had also grown a bit but it was not enough.

''It's only natural your big brother is taller than you.'' I said in a teasing tone. He had accidently called me big brother one time, because I was referred to as such in class. There had been a silence when he had said that, which had been ruined when I burst out laughing.

''You need to let it go.'' He said while looking a bit embarrassed.

We took 2 open seats in the auditorium. Not long after came Mina sitting her beside Kirishima.

''Did you guys do well in the written exam?'' She asked nervously. Both me and Kirishima knew she wasn't one for studying that much.

''Yeah I think I did pretty well, there were still some questions I couldn't answer.'' I told her. Kirishima just nodded in agreement. Before our conversation could continue all the light was turned of and a spotlight shone down on the middle of the stage. A person walked out from behind the scene. I knew the man to be Present Mic. Walking out to the podium on the stage he looked at us.

''Hello little listeners, welcome to the practical portion of the exams, now everybody say HEY!!''

A deafening silence reigned over the auditorium.

''Though crowd today, but that doesn't matter, I'm here to tell you what you are about to do.''

And then he went over the exam. The test consisted of 3 normal robots each giving respectively 1, 2 or 3 points. There was a last robot which I hadn't noticed until some guy stood up. He began berating the hero and U.A, and lastly pointed another student who had mumbled and said it was distracting. While I had to agree, it was more distracting that he stood up and ruined Present Mics presentation.

''Thank you little listener, the last robot is worth 0 points, so it just better to avoid it,'' he said with a smile. ''if there isn't anymore questions head out to the battle center you have been assigned.''

I looked towards my two former classmates. I had been assigned at battle center C, while Kirishima was in A and Mina in D.

''See you after the exam.'' I said walking towards a sign that said 'battle center C this way'.

Making my way there everyone in my group stood outside a massive pair of doors. As I stood there i tried to gauge the quirks of other people. Sometimes it was easy if they had a physical anomality. There was a guy with a big tail, maybe he had more but I doubted it.

''Start.'' It came suddenly, everyone looked confused including me until i noticed the doors opening. So that was their game.

''Real battles don't have a countdown now go.'' The voice said, and everyone began sprinting inside the battle center which resembled a city. I had been just a bit quicker understanding what was going on, but I didn't have much of a head start. I breathed in a took a big jump. In front of me was a 2 pointer. They had been bigger than expected but nothing I couldn't handle. Quickly unsheathing my sword I let out a big wind slice which cut through the neck of the robot beheading it.

Landing on the ground again I kept my momentum. It seemed that the robots worth more points were concentrated around the center of the fake city. It was a logical guess, since there were only 1 and 2 pointers here. After reaching the center i thought i had about 15 points and still 10 minutes to go. I had been right. In the middle of the city were at least 6 3 pointers. They were a little bigger than the 2 pointer but it was the amount of them that was troubling. Taking a moment to compose myself, I looked at them. They stood fairly close so this could work. I took of running and with a might leap i landed in the middle of them.

Before they could lock on to me and begin attacking I quickly spun around and instead of doing a large wind slice, I kept using small bursts of wind to create smaller wind slices. It seemed to be effective. The small wind burst only had a little less power than my normal, but the robots were riddled with cuts cutting their circuits and rendering them useless. Much of my time was used up like this, there wasn't anything I really needed to try hard to defeat. I saw people but didn't spare them my attention. However one time an examinee hadn't seen that part of a robot came flying from above towards him. Having put all my strength in my leg, I sped towards him and came just in time slice it in the middle, so the now 2 pieces fell to either side of us.

He wasn't the only one I helped, but it hadn't been many. After hearing Present Mics voice saying there was 2 minute left, I quickly ran to find more robots but before I could reach any, people came running past me. It didn't take too long to notice why, the 0-pointer. It was absolutely massive, looking down on us from over the buildings. Its glowing eyes made it seem extremely ominous. I really wanted to run away from it, but a thought held me back, I could go all out on this giant machine. Quickly checking that there weren't people around that could get hurt if I missed an attack, I steadied my breath and looked towards the giant.

I stood still letting my heartbeat rise, I could feel the oxygen inside me flowing into my muscles. I tensed all of my muscles and took a strong grip on my katana. Holding my sword above my head i concentrated all the air I had in into my sword. A white glow could be seen coming from my sword, and if one looked closely you could also see the wind extending my sword. Using all the power I had let I took a powerful step forwards, even cracking the ground around, both from my own power and the pressure in my sword. At the same time I pulled my sword behind my head and then swung forward.

The power from both my step forward and my swing created a big wind beam. The beam headed straight towards the 0-pointer cutting up the ground on the way. When it hit it had moved upwards hitting the 0-pointer right in its stomach area. A big boom could be heard when the air beam hit the robot. I tried looking if I had gotten it but the blast had kicked up a lot of dust from the previous battles. When it cleared down a big hole in the robot could be seen. However most of the beam hadn't gone completely through. Only a small hole on the other side could be seen, but it had stopped moving. After sitting down to get some energy back another big boom could be heard from one of the other fake cities. I wondered if the one who did it also had battled the 0-pointer.

- Scence change -

- 3rd person POV -

In a small room with a lot of screens multiple people sat watching them with all their attention.

''That was quite powerful wasn't it.'' Said the smallest of them all with a smile. The one who had spoken looked like a mouse or a rat with human features.

''It was careless, he didn't know if it would even work. I saw he checked for other people around and came to the conclusion there was none, so there was no reason to attack it.'' A tired looking man said while looking at the screen where an examinee had sat down to recharge his energy. ''Imagine if it hadn't worked. He would be in serious trouble with no one around to help him with the state he is in.''

''Well that's why they come here, so they can learn how to correctly asses and tackle a battle.'' The small animal hybrid said. He only got some grumbling in return. Pulling up the file of the examinee they were discussing, all of the people in the room looked towards it.

''Habaki Takahasi, 15 year old coming out from Mustafa Private Middle School. Quiet interesting, in all of his middle school has never gotten less than 100% in anything other than written Japanese. That explains how he got a 93% on our test. He has also done reasonably well in our practical exam, don't you think so.'' The mouse said his haze locking on to a thin person with yellow hair. The man in question fidgeted a bit under the gaze of the mouse.

''Yes he did, it is a shame he doesn't get any points for that, truly.'' He said with a sincere voice, while looking over to another screen where a green haired boy had just saved someone from the 0-pointer.

''Yes it is, but that's the rules, and as Shota said he did run an unnecessary risk of taking it on.''

That now named Shota didn't give any form of acknowledgement that he had heard the talking mouse. ''Well that concludes this years exams, I do think we have some gems that if polished correctly can turn out to be amazing heroes.'' At this the mouse looked directly at Shota, who knew what it meant. He just nodded, sighing about not being able to get enough sleep.

- Scene change -

- Habaki POV -

After the exam had ended I made my way out of the fake city. I wasn't sure if anybody had seen me take on the 0-pointer, but if someone did they didn't make moves to say something about it. Making my way outside I met up with Kirishima. Mina had already left. Together we went to the train, and told each other what had happened. After recounting what I did, he looked at me with wide eyes. He wiped his eyes for fake tears while saying how manly I was. I just sighed at his behaviour. By the sound of it he had helped more people than me. After getting of the train we had to go our separate ways.

''I'll text you when I get a letter saying I got in.'' Kirishima said to me with a grin.

''Yeah, I'll see you in U.A.'' I replied with a confident smile.

Then we walked two different ways, knowing we would see each other at U.A.


And so ends the chapter with the entrance exam. I had a bit of trouble on how to write the robot scenes, but I hope you've enjoyed them.

I'm not sure when the next chapter will come out but I'm hoping for Wednesday or Thursday.

And with that have a good day, evening, night or whenever you are seeing this.

- Nokia turns off -

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