

"We just moved from San Francisco since my dad got a contract and suggested we all move together to Beacon Hills." Allison gave a brief rundown of the reason why she found herself in Beacon Hills.

She had gotten quite the gist about them in a general sense. Malia was raw, in the most direct way possible. It was a surprise for her to see a girl with Malia's personality and unlike what most might think, she loved the headstrong attitude which could be attributed to the tough personality of her family. 

Tristan on the other hand, unlike her first impression of him, was quite the conversationalist but he preferred if it was kept short and concise. He was the harder one to understand. 

She wanted to chalk it up to edginess brought by puberty but it didn't seem forced or something he couldn't control. 

"You said you've moved around quite a few times in the past few years. What exactly does your dad do?" Tristan asked. 

"He sells guns to local law enforcement." She said casually as if it was the most normal thing for a parent to do. 

"The game's about to start." Malia's reminder brought back their focus to the reason why they were here in the first place. 

"Tristan?" Malia's nose twitched as she caught a whiff of one of the player's smell and tapped Tristan to see if he caught it too only to see him nod. 

It wasn't the fact that they met a werewolf that was surprising, since they've met a few, even those who weren't a part of their pack, but the fact that he didn't even have the basics down. It was apparent to anyone who paid a little observation that he was a newly turned werewolf. 

The reason they were able to pick up on his status was because of the basic lack of control of his heightened and erratic animalistic emotions that made him smell like an animal. 

And like the current scenario was foretelling, leaving a newly turned werewolf in a field of hyper teens to play a strenuous game was just goading him to lose control. 

For them though, it was that they were finally getting to see something fun to balance their quite average day. 

"Is that…" Allison pointed at a player with the number '37' emblazoned on his shirt. 

"Oh him? That's supposedly their captain, completely forgot what his name was." Malia just waved it off and watched as the werewolf was put in the goalie position which turned out to be the best option in order to prevent him from lashing out in the middle of the day, much to her chagrin. 

"The goalie's quite good." Allison remarked as she watched him save all the balls shot at the goal with a clean streak. 

The goalie managed to catch all the balls shot, including that of the team captain which made the audience erupt in a cheer. 

The day went by with Malia and Tristan leaving as soon as the bell rang while Allison waited for her dad to come pick her up. 


"What do you mean a body was found in the woods?" Tristan asked Jiang as the latter had called to keep him updated on what he had heard. 

The Sheriff station apparently got called when some dudes found a half body. I haven't heard anything else but I know they did a search yesterday but I don't think they found the other part. – 

"Got it. No going into the woods." Was Tristan's sarcastic reply. He didn't see the reason why he had to know about some poor person who got halved even if they knew it was most likely the work of a supernatural. 

Seriously man, you gotta watch your backs. Joanne even told me she heard an Alpha's howl yesterday so it can't be just a coincidence. People dying to animal attacks is already bad and adding a bloodthirsty Alpha is something that no one wants. – 

"Don't worry. We don't have any reason to seek out an Alpha for their sporadic killings."

Tristan wasn't that worried because he knew there were still some Alphas hiding in Beacon Hills and surely they'd interfere if one of them got too out of line. 

"Yeah. I'll tell the others the news if they haven't gotten it yet." Ending the call there, he turned to Malia who was sitting on the countertop listening to the call with legs swinging. 

"You don't think it's a coincidence, do you?" The meaning of his question was clear to her. 

"A new beta who probably doesn't know what's happening to him and then Joanne confirming that she heard an Alpha's call during the wolf moon yesterday? It's too aligned for it to be a coincidence." Malia voiced her thoughts. 

As far as they know, the very few Alpha's who were still in Beacon Hills had gone recluse since the Hale accident that they didn't even try and sire new Betas only for some killings to spring up and all of a sudden there's news of an Alpha and then the Beta in school. 

There had been no killings for the past few weeks so they thought that whatever beef was going on had been squashed but the recent body the cops found threw all that away. 

"Thought so too. I even tried sensing for any other werewolf around who could be keeping an eye on McCall but there were none." The reason they put in this much thought into the recent happenings in Beacon Hills was for the sole fact that they would be able to avoid any complicated situations that may arise in the occasion that they crossed path with another Alpha and their pack since their own Alpha was mostly a recluse and hardly ever in Beacon Hills. The last thing they needed was getting into a territorial war against any newly sprung up residing pack in Beacon County. 

"So what are we gonna do? We could maybe tell that guy in class…"


"Whatever his name is, to schedule or maybe pass a message to his Alpha?" Malia suggested. If Satomi was here then none of them would have bothered with any of this as she would have taken care of it like the mama hen she was, but unfortunately she wasn't. 

Tristan frowned as he pondered on Malia's words. "I don't think that's such a good idea."

At Tristan's words, Malia spread her arms wide not understanding why he would say that. "And why not? We'll just nip everything in the bud once we get our message across and if they are the ones doing the killings then we might be able to figure out their motive and also know whether more packs are migrating to Beacon Hills. That's one…two…three. Three stones with one bird."

Releasing a sigh at her reasoning which was understandable and normally would be the ideal action to take, he nevertheless made his point. "First of all, that analogy is flipped. Secondly would be us stepping out of our line by a few margin steps, just hear me out." He paused her before she could interrupt his words. 

"Despite whatever initial impressions we might leave on others, never forget that we are a Buddhist pack, and as such we don't strike until violence is our only way out. Compared to Beacon Hills in general, Beacon County is quite small which means that territorial supernaturals are less likely to get actively involved and we haven't heard anything about them hunting other supernaturals so like everyone else, we'll play the ignorant role and observe from the sidelines. After all, it must be quite serious if even the Alpha is getting involved."

The reason he pressed down on the option of not involving themselves was because he was sure that Satomi was already aware of what was happening here in Beacon County and since she hasn't said anything or given any directives, it was expected of them to continue as they were doing, which was refraining themselves from everything happening as much as they could. It would be an entirely different thing if they were the ones being approached. 

"Ugh! This is the most interesting thing that's ever happened in my life, but I guess you're right." What was she to do when everyone's advice was the same? 


In a tinted frame SUV, a man and a teenage girl could be seen having a normal discussion with each other as the man drove. 

"Well, it was an interesting first day all things given, maybe except for some slight hiccups." Allison told her father as he drove her home. 

"Hiccups?" He asked. 

"Well, it's one of those unavoidable things between teenagers. I wasn't the only new student so it wasn't that hard trying to blend in and I made some friends." She expertly avoided talking about the incident between Malia and Lydia that would have most likely gotten them called to the Principal's office on the first day. 

Christopher Argent, Allison's father, had a public image of a legal weapons dealer and while he was every bit as strict as he looked, the tenderness he showed to his daughter was obvious to everyone who observed their relationship, making him come across as overprotective. 

Hearing his daughter's recap of what happened on the first day at her new school, he nodded his head, glad that at least she wasn't as depressed as she was when he had informed her of their relocation to Beacon Hills. 

"Well I'm happy you made friends on your first day. Remember that you can talk to either me or your mother if you are facing any problems adapting." He reminded her since he more than anyone was fully aware of how closed off she was to new people since they always seem to be moving around every time. 

"I know dad. Besides, who would want to mess with the new girl whose dad sells weapons?" She chuckled at the image that formed in her head which her father also seemed to get as he too chuckled. 

He pulled over to the front of their house and let her get out. "I have a few errands to run so tell your mom I probably won't be back until dinner. You can go pick your car up later or have it be brought to the house if you want." Saying that, he drove off to attend to one of the business reasons that brought him back to Beacon Hills. 

Allison entered her house and was greeted by her mother who was in the middle of unboxing a few packages. "Allison dear. How was your first day?" 

"It was great, mom." She replied. "Better than I honestly expected."

Hearing that, her mother smiled in relief. "That's good to hear. So?"


"Did you at least make a friend on your first day?" She asked, not minding the eye roll her daughter made as she sauntered to the fridge to dehydrate. 

Allison grabbed a bottle of water and drank it halfway before answering her mother. "Yes, I did. They are also like me, new students. Oh dad said my car arrived and I can go pick it up later, and also to tell you that he'll probably be running a little late." Applying the same tactic as she did with her father, she successfully diverted her mother's attention from further inquiring how her first day went. 

"I'll go freshen up before going to pick up the car." She headed straight to her room before her mother started another round of questioning. 

Today was a very good day for her, at least she had company throughout the day and since she already had some semblance of acquaintance with Malia and Tristan, it prevented the whole repeating scenario of moving along with the flow when other girls started talking to her and she had to tell them why she moved and all those other little stuffs that girls were interested in. 

Speaking of Malia and Tristan, she wondered what kind of relationship they had. It was hard to figure out as she first thought they were siblings only to find out their different names and then she thought maybe they were dating given how close they were, but then they lived together so it couldn't be that. 

Well, she'll just ask tomorrow. 





Read up to 20 chapters ahead on my patreøn


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