
Code Name: Greedy One

(A Few Weeks After The Robbery)

(Justice League Watch Tower)

(3rd Person POV)

Today all heroes in the justice league have come together to have a meeting. This meeting is usually technical stuff and crime rate, boring stuff heroes talk about basically.

But this meeting was unique as today they were going to have another subject than usual. They were going to talk about a new criminal. It was about Greed, since he has shown to be a threat that can take down Heroes.

After a while of talking about boring stuff and whatever heroes talk about it was time for the main subject.

"Time for last subject. The new criminal thief know as Greed" Batman said

The room just decided to listen. They were interested after all. It not every day a criminal can catch their attention.

"Greed is a new criminal, that first appeared in Gotham and his last crime was committed in Starr City. I currently have a file on him and he is considered Omega threat level"Batman said

"So, do we know the identity of this person?" Asked Superman

"We do"Batman said

"Then why haven't you catch him yet?"flash asked

"Their is more to him then what it seems"Batman said

"What do you mean?"wonder women asked

"Well all attempts by me to capture him have failed, but his identity is that of a 13 year old boy" Batman said

The room was shocked. Someone Batman can't capture, was extremely rare and they were usually dangerous. Then he told them that he only 13. Now they had lots of questions.

"How has escaped even though he is a 13 year old kid?"asked Superman

"I have written it down in his file. If you look at the screen you will notice a file called "Code Name: Greedy One". In the file it is a summary of his abilities" Batman said

Then the league open the file up. There was a summary at the top, so that it wouldn't waste time reading the whole thing.



Code Name: Greedy One


'He is a 13 old male child. His abilities consist of High level Intelligence, Superhuman, and some sort of telekinesis ability. Currently known for robbery of unique item, that money can't buy. He has no confirm kills and is considered non hostile as long as he is left alone.

Using his high intelligence he creates advance tools and gadgets that are unique to him. He even has the ability to create temporary life with his technology. His most well known object is a gun he calls "Portal Gun" that he uses. It creates a green portal that teleports him anywhere.

He has also shown Meta Human abilities. Like his superhuman body and telekinesis. This was shown when he fought Batman. It is unknown how strong his is. His telekinesis seem to be on the low end.

He is also a master of combat. This was show when he beat Batman in a fight with ease.

It is currently unknown if he can shape shift. His battle with Green Arrow showed that he robbed him as a pickle. It was proven that he was in a pickle form as he used Green Portals unique to Greed.

With all estimation, it is calculated he can destroy cities in a few hours or less. His family history is also the reason he has been put on an Omega Level Threat. His family name is ******** and he currently goes by Ban ********.

He is a non threat currently. He has no known weaknesses except for his care taker that we currently have no knowledge of.

If treated right he can be turn into a top tier hero. If treated improperly, he could be the end of humanity or/and earth.'

[More Details]


"Hahahah, Green Arrow was defeated by him as a pickle" flashed laugh at Green Arrow as he read his whole file since he had super speed

"Batman, why is his family name censored?" Wonder women asked

"Yes, why is it censored"Superman asked

"That because I wanted to tell y'all in person" Batman said

"Tell us what?" Green Lantern asked

"His name is Ban Fushiguro and he is related to "that man""Batman said

The room just went silent. They all remembered the fear "that man" had given them. No, they wished they were only traumatized by "that man", everyone in this room had massive scars on their body's to remember "that man".

They were even so scared of him that they never spoke him name after they killed him. On that day, they all had an unspoken pact to never mention his name.

On that day, it was the only time they had wished they actually accepted his peace term. Thousands of metas and shoulders died in the battle. Even more had died after the battle. This doesn't include them tens of millions of innocent that were caught in the crossfire.

Some of the organizations that helped us fight had even been destroyed after the fight. Luckily, all the justice league survived but barely. The heroes had to take half of year to recover, some longer.

This was caused by a single man. Not an army, not a weapon, no just a man. Now Batman is telling us "that man" had a son.

"We should go capture him this instant!" Superman said

Everyone in the room agreed. There were only a few that opposed since he was still a child. Then Batman decided to say something.

"That would be an illogical choice, Superman" Batman said

"Why is that?" Superman asked impatient as he wanted to capture him

"He has ways of escaping, and it wouldn't be smart to fight him as we don't know allot about him. He also has Kryponite, which is your weakness" Batman said

"How!" Super said

"It came from one of his robberies" Batman said

Then Batman decided to calm the whole room down. The flash helped him as well. The flash read his file and believe that he was a good kid. As well as Green Arrow and Canary.

They fought him before but he only left bruises on them. He just wanted his arrows not anything else. So, even though Ban robbed Green Arrow, he didn't think he was a bad kid just misguided a little.

At last the room quiet down. They eventually agreed on something. If the kid agrees to be a hero or be monitored, then they will let him be.

The heroes that are going are Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman. They only agree since Batman had the idea of putting together a team of young heroes, that can work in the shadows.

They were currently limited as the justice league. So, with they young heroes working in the shadows it would give them experience and exposure to real hero work.

"So it is agreed that if Ban decides to join us, he will be left unbothered" Batman said

The room all nodded their heads.

"It is also agreed that if he refuses, we shall bring him in for the crimes he committed" Batman said

The room nodded their heads again.

"Wonder Women bring your lasso of truth. Superman please try to act calm around him" Batman said

The meeting ended and all heroes went back to there cities expect for three. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman. They were getting ready for Gotham. Then they left heading to Bans home.

What they didn't know was that Ban was in a middle of cooking some amazing BBQ. Well also an experiment and they were going to be in a shock.

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