
Martial Warrior Realm Raging Blood Halberd Technique

Dante frowned. "Why am I being told this now?"

[Through years of research, it has been found that warning sentients beforehand about the danger does not change their fate. In fact, many have cowered from entering hyperspace for the first time or even tried to close their eyes, which does prevent one from falling into the trance but does not make them immune later on.]

[The AI chip of each sentient is tasked with waking them up. I barely had time to even jolt your brain before your two special powers brought you back up to speed.] 

Dante nodded and accepted it, mostly because he trusted his AI chip. Almost every denizen of the Eternal Universe did, even the most paranoid fellow who thought the government was made of lizards.

Even though the AI chips were technically made by the government and given to residents, the AI chips did not answer to the government but the user. This was because its life and death were tied to you.

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